Save your own comments for future use. Needs encouragement to use more language skills during. ___ is dependable and trustworthy, follows instructions well, and keeps his or her promises to himself and others. Have them use the learning app for 15 minutes prior to playing games or watch videos. Consistently follows class rules. ______ is a diligent student who should do well in the ____ grade. These are the skills that develop before fine motor skills. In her work, ______ employs (complicated, simple) sentences. Is often fidgety and distracted when spoken to. All of _______'s basic skills are at grade level, but he is not working to the best of his ability. Is always the first person to put their hand up to volunteer for a task. Is effective at using the written word to express herself. Has shown great strides in written communication skills in recent months. _____ takes responsibility well and has a pleasant demeanour. Perseveres through difficulties to achieve her goals. Always shares and thinks about others during play scenarios. Gross Vs. Responds with kindness. Takes pride in keeping her work neat, clean and tidy for every submission. Making report card comments easier. In class, _____ should take an active role in the discussion. As a parent, and a kindergarten teacher for 17 years, I learned a childs development is worth much more than a passing grade on recognizing numbers and letters. Has reached many achievements this year, which is reflected in her budding confidence. This REPORT CARD COMMENTS book is a massive, 181 page collection of report card comments/remarks for ALL teachers who teach and report in subjects such as, English (Writing, Reading, Comprehension, Spelling, Proofreading and Editing, Oral Communication, Listening Skills etc.,), Math (variety of . _______ is a good student who appears to be a deep thinker. - has good (poor) fine-motor skills; is able to print on the lines; spaces letters and words correctly; some printing is . When printing, _______ often reverses letters, such as __, __, etc. _____ contributes significantly in class. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Loves to soak up all the information around her. knows how to differentiate between living and non-living things. Directions are tough for _____ to follow. Here's a list of skills your Preschooler should work on: runs (with good stamina) skips hops (on both feet and one foot) gallops leaps jumps We need to encourage him to take his work much more seriously. ____ is a classmate who is eager about learning and willing to try new things. Comments 1st: This quarter, the preschool program is piloting a revised report card that is aligned with Ohio's Early Learning and Development Standards and the current grade level reports. ______'s actions are still inconsistent. recognizes the use of. The following are report cards that physical education teachers have submitted that allow them to show how their students are being graded and making progress towards becoming skilled movers for the rest of their lives. Helped me sooooooo much! (ShabbyinSecond), Very useful. March is Women's History Month! _______ has failed to turn in makeup work. Comes to class with a huge willingness to participate. _____ frequently completes work ahead of schedule. Gross Motor Ability Is a Critical Life Skill Gross motor skills are important for major body movement such as walking, maintaining balance, coordination, and reaching. She is still having difficulty following the school rules and respecting the other students. Her homework is often brought to class incomplete and rushed. Grady's gross and fine motor skills seem to be developing fine. Has done an excellent job of navigating new technology and troubleshooting technical issues. As I have stated in my reports, _______ does not manage his time effectively in class. I do hope this comment bank for report card comments has come in handy for you. Has shown the ability to empathize with classmates and show great compassion. The handwriting of ______ needs to be improved. Although ____________'s social maturity is increasing, it is inconsistent. I would like to see her working on setting aside more time for homework in the coming months. ___ participates enthusiastically in online group activities, but finds it difficult to work independently. Is great at identifying small and nuanced mistakes in her own work. he/she is gaining greater control of fine motor movements. This reporting period, _____ has made significant progress. $2.50. In his or her daily labour, ____ makes a willing and conscientious effort. I sincerely hope that this work will continue. Is open, honest and upfront about her thoughts and beliefs. _____is progressing well in strengthening her fine motor skills. If ______ is to succeed in the _____ grade, he must improve his reading speed and comprehension. Download a copy of our report card comments, is articulate and thoughtful when writing, consistently follows detailed instructions. Teaching your child to toss, catch, and . Is a great helper, always giving people a hand when she sees they are in need. _______ is a great listener and participates often. _____ is prone to making careless mistakes. _____ is fascinated by the nature of learning and always puts in his or her best effort to find the greatest available solutions. Uses her body and hand movements to express herself artistically. The sounds ____ and ____ are mixed up by _____ . ______ is adhering to grade-level standards. Is always willing to listen to instructions. The parents will greatly appreciate your effort to recognize their childs academic and social development. ___ excels at transferring classroom knowledge to real-world and real-life circumstances. Likes to come to school and learn with her friends. Is a fiercely independent person who knows what she wants and goes out to get it. _____ appears unable to complete the required work. Gross motor skills and your child. This comprehensive report card for 2-3 year olds includes specific skills in the areas of reading readiness and language arts, math, fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, and social/emotional. Sitting (initially with support). ______ uses entire sentences when speaking. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'brighthubeducation_com-leader-2','ezslot_14',142,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-brighthubeducation_com-leader-2-0');In this section, include things such as Uses conventional counting numbers up to 5, Can count up to 5 objects without error, and Can classify objects based on one attribute. Never wants to waste a day in the classroom. This themed resourc St. Patrick's Day Choice Board, Activities, and Puzzles Packet, Report Card CommentsAcademic Achievement & Improvement. He is able to string beads, which demonstrates eye-hand coordination. She has a tendency to work too rapidly, which leads to a lot of unintentional mistakes. Before you go, here are some blog posts you may enjoy: 33 Amazon Must Haves for Kindergarten Teachers, When I read, I tend to let my thoughts wander, but this article kept me focused. This reporting quarter reflects ______'s attitude toward our school rules, other students, and myself. can offer answers when questions are asked during daily French routines, has developed a good understanding of operational sense and problem-solving using a ten-frame as a tool, has been consistent in her overall progress in, interactsrespectfullywithpeersandadults, sometimesworkscooperativelytocreateagroupproject, demonstrates teamwork skills by collaborating with others in a group, understands how exercise impacts the body (ie:heart rate increases during physical exercise and then goes back to normal after cooling down), is aware of God's presence in the world around us. How do you celebrate Women's History Month in your classroom? There are lots of fun and simple activities you can do with your child to help develop gross motor skills. Numbers to 6 BROWN BEAR Task Cards. Please explain to him that we study in class and play only at particular times during the school day. How to create student report cards online using excel? _______ is a polite and alert _____ grader. An area for improvement is speaking up in class discussions. Turns in incomplete work or no homework on a regular basis. As previously stated, _______ needs extra support at home to catch up with his/her classmates. Gross motor skills are movements such as running, crawling, swimming or hopping. Has a great deal of respect for all visitors to the classroom. Abstract. Use these cards altogether or one at a time to strengthen gross motor skills. Is a thoughtful and kind student who plays well with others. The Kindergarten Report Card Comments is a helpful resource that will save you time writing a couple dozen report cards each grading period. _______ is very eager to do her work, yet she can be a nuisance to the other pupils. Two speed tasks and one precision task from the manual dexterity sub-scale from the M-ABC-2 ( Petermann, 2009) were carried out according to the test manual. Women's History Month Choice Board for Elementary Grades. _______ has adjusted nicely to her new school environment. ___ was an active participant in online learning sessions, but she needed to be reminded from time to time to allow other students to share their work and ideas as well. Is excited to tackle her tasks every day. Has great self-reflection skills, being able to identify her own strengths and weaknesses. As this is often the area parents are most concerned with, put it at the end of your report card. __ demonstrates positive character . Throughout the rest of the school year, he will require consistent guidance from both home and school. Is always very well behaved during class time. ______ does not devote enough time to his or her homework. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. Can always be trusted with tasks assigned to her. ______ does a fantastic job in everything he does. This is easy enough to do for a full class of 30ish students. This was one of the best purchases Ive ever made! (Katharina R.), Loved these! Works well below her capabilities due to lack of motivation to do her best. Can be talkative during quiet times and individual tasks. Comments If ______ will continue to put forth the effort he h Report Card Comments & PhrasesEnd of Year. When given instructions, ____ takes responsibility and follows them. ______ enjoys reading and is passionate about literature. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'brighthubeducation_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-brighthubeducation_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');Break the motor skills section of the report card into two distinct sections: fine motor skills and gross motor skills. Is not afraid to go against the majority if she is certain of her beliefs and thoughts. 1. Although some of ______'s printing is excellent, it is frequently clumsy in daily assignments. It would be beneficial to talk about the classroom routine at home. Needs to dig deep and find greater motivation to learn in coming months. Encouraging ____ to complete his or her work on time and according to the timetable and timeline set, so enhancing his or her organisational skills. Every teacher will agree that writing unique report card comments is important as it helps the parents to understand their child's progress, they can take necessary action by understanding the report card comments. She has a long way to go, but if she works hard enough, she will see results soon. Crawling on belly. Has picked a great extracurricular hobby of _____. ______ is a bright student who appears to ponder deeply. This comprehensive report card for 3-4 year olds includes specific skills in the areas of reading readiness and language arts, math, fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, and social/emotional. Please continue with _____ review and as many reading experiences as possible over the summer. Has visibly developed fine and gross motor skills during class sessions. _____ appears to be eager to learn more. ______ is a very pleasant and willing worker who takes a keen interest in all of her work. The quality of _____'s work reflects her positive attitude. _____ creates vibrant and intriguing artwork. Thanks (Andrea), Great ideas! ___ is encouraged to make good use of his or her time in order to finish things on schedule. In all of the fundamental subjects, _____ is performing admirably. For each student, Ill copy four or five of the most suitable statements. I hope this effort will continue. On assignments, _____ works autonomously. ___ is constantly looking for ways to assist in the classroom. These are the building blocks of a successful individual in a classroom that is supportive and nurturing. Shares appropriate and relevant information to enhance class discussions. ______ continues to mix up words that appear to be the same. Will always work through struggles and come out the other end more confident and skilled. Occasionally presents work that is messy and difficult to read. Sometimes struggles to engage in class discussions. Report cards help track a child's progress and let both the teacher and parents know what the child is excelling in and what they need to work on. _____ participates actively in discussions about ____. When speaking, ______ utilises a lot of colourful words. Struggles to take turns when playing with others. Copyright 2023 Helpful Professor. As the year progressed, ______ continued to bloom. Academically, _____ is making steady progress. Get your students moving! consistently uses thematic vocabulary taught in class when reading his/her booklets. Shows great self-control. Youll also find a Kindergarten Report Card Writing product throughout to help you write comments with little effort. ______ is now aware of and proficient in the use of ____ consonant and vowel sounds. ___ is having trouble grasping concepts. Occasionally needs special assistance to stay on task. _____ is motivated to do well in physical education class. _______ has done some excellent work, but it hasn't been consistent. This report card goes hand in hand with my Curriculum Scope and Sequence with State Standards. Within the productive speech section of the report card, you should include skills such as Uses words to communicate needs and Spoken language is understood by other students. For children ages., What do Portuguese People Look Like? Is it possible for us to meet to discuss some useful strategies? ______ has a tendency of reversing letters in words. To help you save hours of time, and build parent-teacher communication,I have put together easy comments inside this Report Card Comments resource just for you. Unique has amazing fine and gross motor skills, which is having a better control over her hand and finger movements; also having ability to control her arm and leg movements more. This year, ______ has matured nicely. Has had some trouble paying attention to others during class discussions. When ______ is able to relax, she produces considerably better results. Subjects: Classroom Management Grades: K - 3rd Types: Here are some great comments specifically for children in the early years of their development. Does not actively participate in group activities; therefore, is encouraged to put forth effort in order to improve communication skills as well as attention and confidence. Consider assessing children twice each year in order to show a progression in development and to highlight a childs strengths as well as the milestones he will be expected to reach in the coming months. Has shown remarkable growth in confidence this year. Likes to come to school and learn with her friends. The purpose of this study is to describe gross motor skills among US children aged 3-5 years using the Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD-2). Report Card Comments. Then, we will look at ways you can compile these comments into well-written paragraphs for the parents. Has shown remarkable strides in communication skills at preschool. Is often seen completing homework tasks the morning before they are due. Willing to help others. AddThis Utility Frame. He/she follows directions, completes his/her work, and is always willing to help out. _________ must continue to improve his work habits, as we mentioned in earlier meetings. Listens thoughtfully to other peoples ideas and contributes her own thoughtful ideas. These abilities share connections with other physical functions. Parents do like to see that you have provided specific and thoughtful statements so dont forget to use the students name and specific anecdotes as much as possible. __ is respectful and considerate. Her written work, on the other hand, could be much better. The reading of ______ is.. (smooth, jerky, hesitant, rapid, irregular, or fluent). Is a flexible learner and adapts easily to change in the learning environment. ______ should devote more time to his or her allotted job. Continue to collaborate with her on this matter. he/she is developing / gross motor skills. Please keep working on these abilities over the summer. Will respond well to rewards but struggles to use initiative. Just copy and paste the comment, insert the student's name and you are good to go! _______ has done some good work, but it hasn't been consistent. _______'s school work has shown improvement over the past quarter. Is a very respectful and responsible classmate. This resource includes detailed, differentiated comments related to Health and Physical Education, as well as more general comments to make report writing quick and efficient. Paste (ctrl+v) into: Copy&Paste box, Import /export comments page. Great communicator. Cite this Article in your Essay (APA Style), Privacy PolicyTerms and ConditionsDisclaimerAccessibility StatementVideo Transcripts. Between ages four and five, your child s. Its a good idea to recognize their childs strengths while also give suggestions to help them improve. _____ is working on improving her listening skills. Regularly forgets to bring homework to school. Please continue to read with her every night. You may complete them annually, semi-annually or quarterly depending on your program's policy and state . Since the beginning of the school year, ______'s spelling scores have significantly improved. was $3.00. uses reading strategies successfully. ___ is a person who takes responsibility and accountability seriously. _______ performs well in everything he undertakes. _____ is a cheerful, well-adjusted child, but_____. ), developmental progress forms. Is enthusiastic and engaged when given developmentally appropriate resources to play with. ____ makes a conscious effort to study new things and improve his or her knowledge. However, I am concerned about how much time she spends painting when she has other responsibilities. *Enter discount code LEARNING when checking out. Copyright 2022 Bright Hub Education. It is possible for _______ to exceed grade expectations.

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