After enrolling at a Bible college, Sallman turned his understanding of his audience as a commercial artist, toward religious imagery. A decade after Sallman painted his Head of Christ, the Korean artist Kim Ki-chang created a picture cycle of the life of Christ in traditional Korean clothing and settings, featuring figures from Korean folk religion. But it was the Head people wanted. Sales catalogs and promotional literature advertised Sallmans principal paintings each year. . The painting was done in one of the large meeting rooms on the campus of North Park College (now University) in Chicago and shipped in two large rolls to Iron Mountain where it was installed by the men of the church on the wall above the choir loft. But it was inside a Chicago Salvation Army thrift store in February 2016 when he stumbled across the Stallman artworks. Warner Sallman, Head of Christ, 1941, oil on canvas, 28 1/4 x 22 1/8 In the Introduction (Part 1) of this series, I explained the project I am undertaking with this series. The following comments and images were a part of a two-year research project conducted by a group of scholars seeking to explore the production and reception of Sallman's art among its primary constituency: Protestant Christians in North America . Make Him rugged, Often art captures both at once. Sallman came to Iron Mountain to put finishing touches on the painting and attend the dedication at First Covenant Church in May, 1952. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. //

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