She asked me as part of a few questions that she had about the. However, I do know that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve the use of nuclear weapons. Pope Francis time as Holy Father is coming to an end. just like I do and believe, and if you could only know how the Crusade Prayers that you all are reciting are working, it would literally make you cry. Later Jakov explained that the Virgin Mary had shown him the visible results of one of the secrets. Sadly, My daughter, the Church tends to ignore the authentic seers because they must show responsibility in these matters. Basically, it was a letter of instruction by Jesus as to how the prophecy website was to be arranged, with Holy Family Refuge to be placed first on the site, then Children of the Renewal second. And while Gods Eternal Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice will always exist, as it is His Divine Nature, on the 8th Day of Creation, the Eternal Kingdom will subsist solely and abide in His Divine Love. You and (name withheld) are connected. Through Your Mercy allow them to be the first to enter the New Era of Peace on Earth. Also in the 1980's the Bishop of Mostar, citing testimonies of the visionaries in the Medjugorje apparitions, wrote to the Pope as follows: "The ninth and tenth secrets (reveaed to some of the six visionaires at that time) are grave matters. Her devotees have averted many earthquakes, floods and tsunamis because of their prayers. Thus, when Eve was created out of the rib of Adam, it is similar to saying that Eve was created out of Adams heart. Why? I do not know who this unknown person issatans instrument. YOUR LOVING SAVIOUR If we say that the Virgin did not mention this war right in the secrets, then, what are we waiting for? I love you dearly and with the utmost affection. This will be the new Babylon, the centre of all power, from which the worlds elite and rich will trade. I felt the love of Mary and God in my heart and began to cry. And those we tried to help with this info (warning this fall, get ready etc..), some of whom treated us as delusional or simply disbelieved, may seem to be justified if delayed beyond this fall and might even delay preparation further. RE:Preparation for The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) Wrath of God Instructions for Children Seven (7) Years Old and Younger MaryRefugeOfSouls Jesus describes the Renewal period in the first message and it is very beautiful, peaceful, and joyful. The Vatican Deception Worldwide Online Release October 13, 2018 2-Day Rental U.S.$4.99 The Miracles I speak of will include great Acts of God, which will involve tragedies which will be averted and seem to have been impossible from a scientific point of view. Failed Prophecy Economic Collapse Believing In Locutions To The World Later, the Flame of Love prayer became a part of the Hail Mary prayer and the Rosary, as a means of blinding satan and saving more souls. ), Mary, Our Lady of Medjugorje Monthly Message To The World (Marija) July 25, 2021 Little children, you be generous and be the love of my love, so that pagans can feel that you are mine and convert to my Immaculate Heart, MUST-SEE VIDEO PART TWO What Happens Next? It will be presented by the false prophet as part of his global plan to unite all religions in the world. Having received this confirmation from Vicka, Fr. In late 2015, I was introduced to the messages of Holy Family Refuge by a friend. Meanwhile, the great time span (7,000 years) of Gods Redemptive Suffering for all of mankinds sins will be concluded. Many more will peel back their layers of power and share with their brothers and sisters the bread that comes from God the Father. Therefore, all will anticipate a great event, but they will not know the time, the hour or the date. To those in power I say this. I understand that to begin with, our dialogue was for you alone. God can do anything given our free-will permission, but we meaning the entire world has got to pray for a MIRACLE that the U.S. Supreme Court will decide in favor of President Donald Trump for re-election. That is how great our free-will influences the outcome of the Divine Plan. In the early 1980's, 17 year old Vicka Ivankovic-Mijatovic and 10 year old Jakov Colo, visionaries from the village of Medjugorje in what is now Bosnia-Herzegovina, had such an opportunity. I must share with you all, though, that I do not believe that the Warning has been postponed for a long duration. There will be a nuclear war, which will be stopped by the antichrist who will gain worldwide fame and notoriety as the peacemaker. Mother of Salvation: They will present a new red book, with the head of a goat embedded within its cover Meanwhile, after The Warning, the Two Witnesses of Revelation and 144,000 Firstfruits will be present on earth to help guide and evangelize the masses of people seeking God. I understood from St. Gabriel that only the substance of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal) could be revealed by all the visionaries and not the actual date of the Great Chastisement. I have even written in a few recent commentaries how the Great Miracle of Garabandal has the potential to save the Catholic Churchthat is how great my hope has been for the future of mankind. The Highest Heaven: The Sixth Chamber of Holiness. Immaculate Mary is truly the Most Blessed Mother of the Divine Son, Jesus, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. During this time, there will be no demons or devils on earth they will all be temporarily locked up in hell, including satan. What I found fascinating about the Great Chastisement announced by Our Lady at La Salette, is in particular, the footnote of Melanies commentary about it. Enough prayer can, and will, avert much of the horror these sinners will try to inflict on the world. This holy priest-son will assume the role of vicar of the Christian Church on earth and will complete the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The Blessed Mother began to speak to me and she began giving me a message on July 13, 2021. By their cruel martyrdom, the grip of the antichrist and satan over the Muslim people and Jerusalem will be destroyed, because people will witness the Truth of the Gospel and the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus by their selfless sacrifice. Now, let me finally address the question of a fellow blog follower. Furthermore, at the conclusion of WWII, Russia emerged as a superpower in the world, as mankind awakened to a new reality of nuclear weapons and a Cold War fear of usage of such horrible weapons between political state foes. I call you My little lamb for that is what you are. In ancient Jewish tradition, the ribs of a person is the same as a persons spiritual heart. The ten secrets of Medjugorje are not unique. Those poor souls, who will remain in My Church when it has been seized by the new doctrine, will not know where to turn. The time when the faithful will be separated from those who will be led into grave error is almost upon you. Although I love the Blessed Mother very much, I still have a hard time praying Her Most Holy Rosary, as I usually spend my prayer-time singing songs off-key to God. So, Jesus is subject to revelation from His Heavenly Father that is why He does not know the date for His Second Coming and other matters, etc. In conclusion, I hope that this answer helps you and many other blog followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls in understanding how the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) is both the Greatest Act of Divine Mercy for mankind today, as well as the Greatest Act of Gods Holy Wrath. Now, due to events last week the intervention by the Blessed Mother really at the very last-possible moment on December 1st I know this, because on Monday night, November 30th, Heaven shared the need to pray with me, because satan and hell were battling the holy angels who were positioning the Crosses in the sky (for the 7 days and 7 nights of preceding signs). If they knew where this the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways? Also, as explained to me by St. Gabriel the Archangel in January 2017, the Three Days of Darkness is the same as the Great Chastisement mentioned at Garabandal, as well as the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (See After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje, This book proposes that the dates and events of these 13 secrets can be known from a . So, if God desires you know something important, all those living at the refuge will hear about it through the chosen messenger. We work together for the rest and we go forward as a team to carry out the mission and the plans for which you and your husband were created. He will be smothered by the breath of the Archangel Saint Michael. Hence, most of the prophesies found in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), the prophesies of Garabandal and Medjugorje, etc., are not mentioned in the Holy Bible. So, let me outline a few of the major steps of the Divine Plan, so people can grasp what Heaven and Our Lady are trying to accomplish. However, it is the hope of Our Heavenly Father that the subsequent Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, which will happen within a year of the Warning in the Springtime, will help mankind to understand the desires of Heaven. Now, I have never claimed perfect discernment. More importantly, the antichrist will be the peacemaker who negotiates to stop the nuclear war., After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje Pray, pray, pray that the world can and will be saved and that the Great Tribulation can be averted. That these shepherds would be called out into the world and would help all nations of the world to become fully Christianized. Because the more one knows about Gods Plans and future events, the less fearful the future will seem and the more prepared and trusting of God, people can be. Yes. God expects all seven visionaries to testify to the world about the Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness) so it can be hopefully mitigated and most ideally, averted by conversion of the entire world. I know that many of you have been diligently following this blog for the latest updates from Heaven, especially, for this Fall Season 2020, as my blog in particular, has stressed that the Warning would be happening soon. Janko were confirmed by a group of pilgrims who were present when the visionary Marija Pavlovic received her penultimate secret: Marija received the ninth secret before our eyes in the Apparition Chapel. Medjugorje (Serbo-Croatian: Meugorje / , pronounced [mduorje]) is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km (16 mi) southwest of Mostar and 20 km (12 mi) east of the border with Croatia.The town is part of the itluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina.Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to . The reason that the Blessed Virgin Mary was created to love God so much greater than all the angels and mankind, is because firstly and chiefly, God needed a humble servant whom would not disappoint Him for the Annunciation of Jesus to be made possible and to take place in the fullness of time. . I actually believe that the tilting of the earths axis, as well as the other chastisement mentioned in the Book of Truthfire upon 1/3 of the earthare two separate Secrets of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. These are personal thoughts of mine, as I believe the First Secret of Medjugorje is a combination of eventsboth man-made and natural phenomena, although I do not base this conjecture on any specific heavenly revelation. While this suffering will be hard to endure, have no fear, children, for it will be short. The Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. . Then, God will multiply the books at their refuge, and then, through the refuge network, the books will spread until eventually every person at each refuge in the world has their own free physical copy from God by prayer. Yes, so Russia has had a hand to play in the tragedy of abortion, too, and the almost 2 billion lives of unborn children lost in the world. For Love of Your Family and Friends, Please Consider Reading This Book The Hell Conspiracy By Laurie Ditto The words, End Times, means that this is the designated period of time when satan is at the height of his powers and when evil has matured on earth. Jesus wants to explain the cause of his sadness. Because the messages posted on the website were later messages in 2015 and I had no familiarity with the earlier messages in 2014 and 2013 that were posted on a different website. However, the prophecies of evils agenda for the End Times are written in the Holy Bible, as an universal warning to Gods children, so mankind could stay alert to satan and hells agenda throughout the centuries. Then, in the subsequent Chambers, the person his soul ventures deeper into unity with Jesus in His Most Sacred Heart, all the while becoming closer to Papa God and His Divine Love. That is why I wrote my special commentary along with the message that Jesus gave at Direction For Our Times, because I know that many of you follow the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, just like I do and believe, and if you could only know how the Crusade Prayers that you all are reciting are working, it would literally make you cry. And finally, I want to reveal that I am working on a third book with a couple of co-collaborators. And in particular to this commentary, the description of the Great Chastisement at La Salette seems to perfectly align with other messages by chosen messengers of today. At Her last daily apparition on May 7, 1985, Our Lady confided to Ivanka the 10th secret and told her that she would have an apparition once a year on the anniversary of the apparitions. This means that St Joseph has a pivotal role in helping people souls in gaining entry into the Immaculate Heart of his beloved spouse, Mary, and in persevering within this spiritual journey in earthly life. As blog followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove know, I have been writing a lot lately about the Secret of La Salette and the Secrets of Fatima. So, in order to fully understand what is taking place today, people need to be open to God speaking to them and to others about His Divine Plans. Now, for the past couple of months, I have asking God in my heart, saying, Lord, You have shown me how awful satans apocalypse is, especially, the Battle of Armageddon and the Three Days of Darkness (Great Chastisement) is for mankind. Thank you for simply being a true joy to Jesus Heart. One of the Two Witnesses of Revelation is the prophesied Catholic priest-son (holy father) who will die as a martyr according to the Third Secret of Fatima. All the signs have been given to My visionaries throughout the last century, yet they are ignored and shoved aside as they bury their heads in the sand. It shall be as it is now, Children of the Renewal. It is something complex; and yet, something very simple. Only Papa God knows the exact day and circumstances of His Sons Return to earth. Remember that. This IS the UNIVERSAL TRIUMPH of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Grasp My Mercy now while you can. Important Commentary (Covid) Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast By a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls The Blessed Virgin revealed to Mirjana some aspects . Accept your sins for what they are, a human weakness. This is relevant to the Wedding Feast of The Lamb, which will take place at the Second Coming of Jesus. And to guarantee that the Woman would freely say, Yes, God created the Woman to be absolutely Perfect in all manners and ways. Without God humanity would cease to exist. However, knowing all the different heightened ways that I was being attacked spiritually both during the encounter and in the subsequent months before I finally revealed these insights publicly on my blog. The hearts of these people are so totally aligned with evil that no matter how much intervention by Heaven takes place, the hearts of these evil people will never change. This is how it all ended. It fits Gods character and His nature as a loving father. Thanks be to God! around every place that commits abortion or euthanasia. Is this the direction you will for the prayers, Lord? Now, the reason I bring these facts up, is because during the six and a half week period after The Warning, both Conchita of Garabandal and all six visionaries of Medjugorje will be testifying about the prophesied Great Chastisement / 10th Secret of Medjugorje / 3 Days of Darkness. Vicka claimed, " Our bodies disappeared from Jakov's house. After the events of Jerusalem and the unifying of the Church with Israel, I will call all the nations into the Valley of Decision., Thank you very much for your prayers for this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the special project This is one of those situations where I pray for the best outcome, but have to remind myself to prepare for the worse just in case. Firstly, the Sun will be very luminous, becoming brighter every day until the Second Coming of Jesus. An event that also meant the end of his daily appearances. I looked the altar and saw priests surrounding the altar with their backs to the altar, not in disrespect, but to defend the Eucharist. Now, at the time that I discovered the Holy Family Refuge messages, I was also made aware of the messages for the Children of the Renewal, which are also featured on the same prophecy website. It will be so beautiful and complete that everything needed to sustain the life of My Children will be restored, in all its original beauty. At Fatima, Portugal, on July 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary promised through prayer of the Rosary and Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church to Her Immaculate Heart, She would help to prevent an annihilation of nations and help to usher in a great Era of Peace for the entire world. Contact the Apostolate for more information ( I call on My sacred servants now. Then, in the Book of Truth, I read something important in a 2014 message. You will continue to allow these to be on a site that is accessible to all of My children throughout the world. Just some food for thought and mitigating prayer! For those with a kind and humble heart, they will accept this great Mercy with gratitude and relief. When you try to advance towards the gates of Heaven to boast of your allegiance to Satan, you will be cut down, chained and cast into the abyss, without any Mercy shown to you. But there is nothing to fear, for I love you all. Meanwhile, I do not want to end this commentary on this sad note, but I want to be encouraging to you, dear blog followers. For, at last the moment they have been waiting for. And so, I conclude by asking you to re-read this heavenly message that was given by the Blessed Mother recently to visionary, Ned Dougherty, again. Join as one in union with Me to embrace the New Era of Peace, which awaits all those gracious souls who love Me. And as indicated in heavenly messages at. THE TEN SECRETS OF MEDJUGORJE: Note, only those people who have converted to God and are striving to grow closer to God in His friendship will be called to the refuges. Because I want to be fair and translating a book is a hard job, especially, under time restraints; Two, I would like to give a little incentive pay for the two gentlemen whom I am collaborating with on this third book. Monday, June 20th, 2011 @ 11:45. Here is the quote. My children must understand that The Warning, while a great Act of Mercy, is only the first phase in what will be a very difficult and challenging time for all My children. Michel Rodrigue The Time of the Refuges,, etc. This will not be a final Age but will prepare for the Second Coming. This the evil path is leading them do you think they would change their ways of these 13 secrets be. Secrets of Medjugorje involve the use of nuclear weapons events of these 13 can... 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