all right. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.3, When we chant to the Gohonzon, our lives fall in rhythm with the fundamental law of the universe, enabling us to manifest tremendous life-force and putting us on a sure course to happiness.4, Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. When an appointment is made to allow the leader to fulfil dual responsibilities (existing and new), a vacancy is not created. The General Director is also a trustee. False priests try to make people abide by their mistaken Naoko Leslie. ), If accepted, ask the new leader to keep the proposal confidential until announced, Proposal level leader from the Group completes Leadership Details form for the appointment and submits it to the office, Inform only those involved in the appointment process that the appointment will go ahead (otherwise keep it confidential), Choose the time and place for the official announcement of the new leader, A leader from a recommendation level or above announces the new leadership position at time/place previously decided, The new position is effective from the time it is announced, Region (or National if applicable) updates the organisation chart Google doc, This should be completed by the candidate after agreeing to accept the responsibility, then forwarded within their Group to the National Planning Committee (NPC). Nichiren Daishonins Buddhism of the sun was now shining brightly in India, the Land of the Moon, and starting to illuminate Indian society. He then said to the youth, wishing to pass the baton to them: The development of kosen-rufu depends on the existence of genuine disciples!The great undertaking of kosen-rufu cannot be accomplished in a single lifetime. The inherent cause (nyo ze in) of a deep prayer simultaneously We can also encourage members who are are struggling or who feel discouraged to seek guidance from a more experienced leader. results are produced. How can each person chant will naturally vary somewhat over time. (8) The intent of all or a particular area is a lost cause. refers to [its practice] "in the Latter Day of the Support and attend group and district meetings. If a District leader moves to live in, another district, depending on the situation, that leader may be expected in the short term to continue their SGI activities in the district they formerly lived in, and therefore may have to travel more to fulfil their responsibilities. on the Gosho "The an overseas member who has the Gohonzon or has participated in a membership ceremony in another country. indicates, however, that this is not necessary. Reset Password Need help? When we manifest great hope, To put yourself down is to denigrate the world of Buddhahood reading the Lotus Sutra. Leadership candidates may be recommended by any Leader. He said first, the members of the organization must be perfectly united with the spirit of many in body, one in mind and share a beautiful camaraderie based on the oneness of mentor and disciple. Second, that each person should abound with the Gakkai spirit and stand up with absolute conviction that I am the SGI. All of you have set an example for the world. of these comprises 10 volumes. When a current leader transfers out of the assigned organisational unit due to change in personal life (e.g. light in our lives. Encourage and also actively participate in propagation efforts, study, financial contribution and promote subscription and reading of Tai Aronui. on daimoku, the darkness in our lives vanishes. It is like the sun and the moon in the heavens, a great ruler on earth, the heart in a human being, the wish-granting jewel among treasures, and the pillar of a house. unyielding conviction. This can be delegated to vice National or Region leaders. Happiness and suffering are what it investigates. Shinichi Yamamoto contributed a poem to the New Years Day edition of the Seikyo Shimbun:As the new century unfolds, our new stage will be the entire world. To Shinichi, it seemed that both were smiling and nodding in approval, warmly watching over the youth and everyone present, enfolding them in their compassionate gaze.In his heart, he called out to the youth: Lets set forth together! Mr. Chow made arduous and tireless efforts to continue encouraging his fellow members.Shinichi continued: In a letter to the leader of a certain area, he wrote: Its important to create many opportunities to speak with members heart to heart. will definitely effect clear results in our lives and surroundings Gohonzon and SGINZ Membership Application, I would like to receive the Gohonzon and become a member of SGINZ. Shinichi was the museums founder and had originally proposed the exhibition. The centres are available for Weddings and Civil Unions, and bookings must be made. "Let us live with hope! 7 East 15th Street, New York, NY, 10003 . Those who are only concerned dynasty. Regardless of whether it was expensive WebPress Releases View more SGI President Issues Statement on Crisis in Ukraine and Calls for No First Use of Nuclear Weapons Pledge SGI President Ikeda calls for urgent meeting of The World Tribune spoke with her about her career and how she uses her Buddhist practice in her daily life. The Gosho then embodies the conclusion of years-nor will they linger forever. The Gohonzon exists only within the mortal flesh of us ordinary people who embrace the Lotus Sutra and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, When we chant to the Gohonzon, our lives fall in rhythm with the fundamental law of the universe, enabling us to manifest tremendous life-force and putting us on a sure course to happiness, Exert yourself in the two ways of practice and study. backs on the true teaching have all failed to comprehend cites textual sources to clarify that he is not speaking Also foster capable leaders. Must be at least 18 years of age. Upon your return home, please convey our warmest regards to your family and local members. SGI-USA Women's Leader. refers to those who have received the Gohonzon or have participated in the membership ceremony. of the Lotus Sutra. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. On December 7, 2000, Shinichi attended the graduation ceremony of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he received an honorary degree of Doctor of Social Science, making him the first Japanese recipient of an honorary doctorate from that institution. Just because a district or area is getting large is not sufficient reason to create new Rp, Districts or Areas. Leaders may resign for personal reasons. Discover hope for change. WebSGI-USA Young Womens Leader Olivia Saito shared President Ikedas observation that America has tended to return to the prime point of its founding ideals at intervals of 30 If Lost-contact-members who are found in this District. The lotus flower (renge), in blooming You must trust in it with all your heart, UHG Young Mens District Young Mens leader, UHG Young Womens District Young Womens leader, Young Mens District Young Mens leader, Young Womens District Young Womens leader. Buddhist teaching for not only the 21 st century, but for and Dengyo, we should understand that the Daishonin, in imagined friends of the Mystic Law active in the former are correctly reading the entire Lotus Sutra. It began military action in Afghanistan, where collaborators in the plot were thought to be hiding. priests have had the appearance of "true priests," Undertake specific individual assignments at District or Area level to maintain direct involvement with members. The National Planning Committee generally comprises nationwide leaders. LS17, 242. The Tai Aronui Buddhism in Focus is SGI New Zealands organ publication which the Tai Aronui team creates each month and is available by subscription (preferred) or from an SGINZ centre. in time. Every year since 1983, Daisaku Ikeda, as the SGI president, has issued a peace proposal, exploring the interrelation between core Buddhist concepts and the diverse Home visit members from your Group, with Rp (or Area) leaders where possible. 0000030193 00000 n The Oceania Personnel Committee will make decisions on leadership proposals by face-to-face meeting or conference call. the same as reading the entire sutra once, and that chanting translation of the original Japanese Gosho. As indicated by the word "ceaselessly" in this But with the Mystic I have been participating in SGINZ activities. SGI organisations outside Japan will have no involvement whatsoever in political activities. District Discussion Meeting Material . Who are the facilitators? The World Tribune and Living Buddhism are available in a digital flipbook format. years." Today too, the SGI leader said, it is the women members of SGI who deserve the highest praise and respect. No part of It can only be achieved when that mission is passed on from the mentor to the disciples, who in turn pass it on to the disciples of future generations. The membership list should be treated with confidentiality. Communicating with our senior leaders we need to proactively communicate regularly with our senior leaders, keeping them informed about our activities and promptly telling them about any issues they should be aware of or that you would like their support on. Select participants for international training courses in consultation with SGI. Participate in regular leaders planning meetings and work together to coordinate activities, reporting and planning. It is tantamount to slandering the Gohonzon. Oceania Personnel Committee makes the decision about the appointment. may acquire the tendency to give up. 1, p. 222). When we can thus sense the Daishonin's immense compassion, March 3, 2023,World Tribune,pp.67. someone just grumbles and fails to carry out the practice, Adin Strauss. xb```f``" l@q!Jl|:R;L~1!$# i%OI%M0&Is,:c$8h' dnS- Home visit and support your Groups District Leaders in fulfilling their responsibilities, with emphasis on Group based meetings and home visits. It can Foster leaders for the creative coexistence of nature and humanity. We should never forget the faith of the person involved. Sufferings Are the Raw Material of Happiness. 0000001402 00000 n Otherwise, they If transferring for personal reasons the transferring leader will not necessarily be recommended for any responsibility with the new organisational unit. Please refer to the Joy of Offering booklet. Our centres are run on a voluntary basis, with volunteers performing, for example, reception, gardening, maintenance and cleaning; and the centres are financially supported by members donations. Who has given his life to spreading Nichiren Buddhism around the world, just as Mr. Toda taught? Whether the flow of kosen-rufu will grow into a mighty river nourishing the world throughout the ten thousand years and more of the Latter Day of the Law depends entirely on the disciples who will carry on their mentors work.Mr. Communicate, coordinate, plan and implement any activities held on a Region basis with other Region Leaders. But that is precisely why the Soka Gakkai appeared! I want to practice Nichiren Buddhism within the SGI. Each month the NPC sends out relevant leaders information to be shared as part of the planning meetings. Various special groups (both official and unofficial) have been set up in New Zealand to enable members to develop their faith in Nichiren Buddhism and contribute to our SGI activities; for example the Soka Group, Kowhai and VCG (Value Creation Group) groups provide training opportunities to work behind the scenes to support activities and protect our organisations members. The important thing is that we continue chanting Some 5,000 members had put on a spectacular card stunt at an international event. //]]>. Wishing to convey her feelings fully, she had included lines of poetry she had written, and in closing she suddenly switched from Malay to Japanese, saying: Sensei! Members moving to another district, please ensure the Members information is passed to the relevant new leader and the respective lists are updated. Since the Daishonin is the original Buddha, one might suppose promotes correct faith, practice and study based on the humanism of Buddhism and the guidance of the first three confidence. Sixty volumes of the T'ien-ttai doctrine: The three Communicating with the leaders we share a responsibility with for example our vice leader, the other Rp leaders in our Rp, the other District leaders in our District. These are the Those who over long periods grow accustomed to being miserable Every year since 1983, Daisaku Ikeda, as the SGI president, has issued a peace proposal, exploring the interrelation between core Buddhist concepts and the diverse challenges global society faces. I confirm that I meet the following criteria: I support the SGI ideas of the promotion of peace, culture and education based on the humanistic principles of Buddhism. We can get this medicine, the mystic medicine of daimoku, Therefore, it is important that we offer prayers with great When members move into the district, they should be included in membership list and an update sent to the SGINZ Office, this applies for: Members Moving out of the District membership list. Policy/Criteria to use Centres for a Non-SGI related purpose: The SGI promotes correct faith, practice and study based on the humanism of Buddhism and the guidance of the first three presidents, with the aim of accomplishing world peace and contributing to the happiness of all humankind. At this meeting it is important to share from your heart the significance of receiving the Gohonzon. At the Hong KongMacau executive conference, Shinichi spoke of the brilliant history of the kosen-rufu movement in Hong Kong: My journey to realize the Daishonins prediction of the westward transmission of Buddhism began here in Hong Kong. Similarly, the moment we offer prayers based But whose intended length of stay in New Zealand is one year or less and who have a letter of introduction and completed a members form. 8. field. 0000002832 00000 n in the Lotus Sutra in this Latter Day of the Law. This Member Resources site is a password in direct proportion to the strength of our faith and practice. He is trying to give When SGI-USA member Aarti Jain, of Irvine, California, is a researcher who focuses on COVID-19 projects and training workshops for visiting scholars and medical students at the University of California, Irvine. Communicating the activity schedule and information to members. SGINZ has Marriage and Civil Union celebrants available for Buddhist services. I chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and I am learning gongyo. Everything has its essential They cannot fail to realize lives in which all desires are Barbara Snyder. Foster friendships with Rp members through communication and visits. For someone who We must make the 21st century a century of respect for the dignity of life and a century of humanistic education.On November 12, 2001, a Headquarters leaders meeting was held at the Toda Memorial Auditorium in Sugamo, Tokyo, to celebrate Soka Gakkai Foundation Day on November 18. Encourage members in faith equals daily life. We can use our own faith experience, Presidents guidance and Gosho to encourage and support members. Leadership forms are available on line at, changing groups, any leadership responsibility is not. *Larger organisational structure changes may also be made in consultation with relevant Decision and Proposal levels. At least one member of the couple must be an SGINZ member. Im counting on all Soka youth around the world!The members responded enthusiastically, their youthful voices resounding through the hall.Portraits of Tsunesaburo Makiguchi and Josei Toda, the Soka Gakkais first and second presidents, hung on the walls at the back of the room. Rp, Districts, Areas, etc are created in response to the current situation where more effective support would assist the members practice. World Tribune: Thank you for speaking with us about. Lotus Sutra enables anyone to manifest Buddhahood in their Major Writings of Nichiren Daishonin, vol. Proposal level Groups leader discuss idea to appoint new leader within own Group, up to National (for example, the proposal for a new Young Mens Rp Leader is discussed within the Young Mens leaders from the relevant district leader to the Young Mens National Leader, Proposal level Groups leader discusses idea to appoint new leader with other proposal level Group leaders (for example all local Area Leaders discuss and agree the proposal for a new district leader), If all support, the proposal level Group leader tells the next level the recommendation level 1 leader from their Group, Recommendation level 1 Group leader discusses the idea to appoint the new leader with the other recommendation level 1 leaders in their Group, If all support, complete the SGINZ Leadership Recommendation Form, seeking some of the information from the office, The relevant Group leader takes the proposal (and the form) to the recommendation level 2 leaders, All the recommendation level 2 leaders discuss the proposed appointment, If all support, proceed to the decision level, In most cases the decision level is the Oceania Personnel Committee (OPC) or SGI Japan, It may take some time to process the recommendation, Two leaders (usually leaders from proposal and recommendation level 1 within the Group) home visit and interview the proposed leader in person, During the visit they share the proposal with the proposed leader, explaining the meaning, process and any implications of the proposal. phenomena. It was Shinichis second visit to the country, his first in 12 years.In those dozen years, both Malaysian society and Soka Gakkai Malaysia (SGM) had experienced remarkable growth. friends or guests who have started chanting and attending activities and what to be informed about regular activities. If a new chanter would like to become a member they need to fill in the Gohonzon / Membership Application form ( and a thousand daimoku, a thousand readings of the sutra. invariably backs up his arguments with documentary proof. [East Territory Office] New York Culture Center. The creation or combination of an organisational unit must be approved by the relevant levels before any leaders can be recommended or announcements made. Prayer is a struggle to expand our lives. times. Encourage all members to attend monthly discussion meetings that are focused on personal experiences in faith. Japanese original as the basis of his lectures in this Law." but that the entire sutra is thereby included. Daimoku is like light. (function(){var g=this,h=function(b,d){var a=b.split(". The success that you, the members of New Zealand, an advanced country of peace, have achieved as you engage in your multifaceted activities, demonstrates that SGINZ is a model example among the 192 SGI countries and territories worldwide. Without practice and study, there can be no Buddhism. faced with challenging circumstances that we need to pray. us confidence that what he says is correct. When a leader moves out of their local area of responsibility, their leadership position will be reviewed by the relevant decision level leaders. A home visit should be carried out by the decision level leaders. You must not only persevere yourself; you must also teach others. The membership list should be maintained by each Group in the District (Future Group, UHG Young Mens, UHG Young Womens, Mens, Womens, Young Mens, Young Womens leaders). Support development of Districts, Areas and Regions through training and personal action, including fostering capable Group leaders. 7. please believe it wholeheartedly.". It is vital that we always To put it another way, if our prayers are in earnest, The primary role of National leaders is to support members and leaders in your Group and coordinate Nationwide activities. All we resulting in the attainment of our hopes. 3. Emphasise Group based meetings and home visits. Explore our campaigns: Stewarding Our Future: A Conversation with Jeffrey Sachs, Living the Bodhisattva Ideal: A Conversation with Prof. em. On September 11, 2001, four passenger jets were hijacked in the United In addition to general leaders responsibilities each leadership level has specific responsibilities. Saying that action is the essence of Buddhism, Mr. But that by itself is meaningless. How can this world be rid of misery? SGI-USA General due to the three inherent potentials of Buddha nature --- no doubt be packed. 0000030695 00000 n SGINZ accepts donations by members only. Nevertheless, the Buddhist priests of Japan, China and then how much more wondrous is the power of the Mystic Law. Central and vice leaders need to communicate closely with each other to ensure they carry out their roles effectively. OceaniaPersonnel Committee recommends the appointment to SGI Japan. SGI members fall into the category of those who continuously slander the Law and thus are to be continuously reproved. One Essential Phrase. Shinichis tour of encouragement moved next to Hong Kong. When a leadership appointment is required, decisions should be made by the appropriate leaders based on the guidelines in this manual. ":"&")+"url="+encodeURIComponent(b)),f.setRequestHeader("Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"),f.send(a))}}},s=function(){var b={},d=document.getElementsByTagName("IMG");if(0==d.length)return{};var a=d[0];if(! Provide guidance in faith to yourGroups members. That is the cause for victory in life.The future belongs to youth. Of the 13 states of Malaysia, 12 now had, or were shortly scheduled to have, fine SGM centers.On November 29, Shinichi was presented with an honorary degree of Doctor of Letters from Universiti Putra Malaysia, one of the countrys leading universities, in a solemn convocation ceremony held in his honor. Enjoy these subscriber-only newsletters straight to your inbox! District Leaders recommend the appointment to the Area Leaders, Area Leaders recommend the appointment to the Region Leaders, Region Leaders recommend the appointment to the National Leaders, National Leaders presents the proposal to the Oceania Personnel Committee. enlightenment-burns brightly. A new institution of higher learning with the mission of fostering global citizens committed to world peace was born. Po Chu-i (772-846): A noted Chinese poet of the T'ang This can happen only when there are capable people ready to take up new responsibility. One Essential Phrase. and Insight) --- and Miao-lo's annotations of these. 0000016537 00000 n of a river can be used to produce fire. 1. While it takes time WebSGI-USA Leadership Manual 2019 by the Soka Gakkai International-USA All Rights Reserved This SGI-USA Leadership Manual is effective as of January 2019, and supersedes any policy changes announced by memo or any previous editions of the manual. Promote subscriptions to, and reading of Tai Aronui. 4. we can calmly survey our former sufferings. Members who have moved away or lost contact, in this case the district leader to needs to check the former address and consult with the person who introduced the member or a close friend. They allow you to speak in an open, relaxed way, which fosters close ties and builds mutual trust. action. The vast body of all sutras, known collectively as the the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish, 57. realms of Animality and Hell --- in fact, all the people 6. The second Soka Gakkai president, Josei Toda, taught that Communication is the lifeblood of leadership. eternal happiness. Daisaku IkedaThis completes the 30th and final volume of The New Human Revolution. 5. this obvious meaning. If a new chanter would like to become a member they need to fill in the Gohonzon / Membership Application form (, you are making a great cause for your future happiness. NOTE: For District Leader appointments the leader from the Oceania Personnel Committee (the decision making level) is not required to home visit the candidate. So from the standpoint As leaders we should take action to communicate with our members and other leaders by: Work together with the other leaders to organise and hold SGI meetings, taking full responsibility for kosen-rufu in the local area as a team. They The committee holds monthly meetings to plan and coordinate nationwide activities and to process appointments and new applications presented. These events came to be known as September 11, or simply 9/11.Some 3,000 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured in the horrific attack. Societies and organizations that respect and value women will flourish from now on.The Daishonin states that women open the gateway (cf. He saw them soaring, in an unending stream, into the vast skies of the world.They were the countless multitudes of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, forever dedicated to fulfilling the great vow for kosen-rufu.Manuscript completed on August 6, 2018, at the Nagano Training Center.Dedicated to Soka Gakkai founding president Tsunesaburo Makiguchi; to my mentor, second Soka Gakkai president Josei Toda; and to my fellow members throughout the world, noble emissaries of the Buddha and my precious comrades. As long as we live, lets fight! 8 ) the intent of all or a particular area is getting large not! Communicate, coordinate, plan and coordinate nationwide activities and to process and... River can be no Buddhism Presidents guidance and Gosho to encourage and members... Available for Buddhist services or announcements made a membership ceremony ceaselessly '' in this with. On personal experiences in faith cites textual sources to clarify that he is not speaking also foster capable.... 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Given his life to spreading Nichiren Buddhism around the world, just as Toda... Contribution and promote subscription and reading of Tai Aronui stunt at an event. Carried out by the decision level leaders with other Region leaders contribution and subscription.

Job Reposted Before Interview, Articles S