The PIAT and Panzerfaust/schrek have relatively bad range, and rely on sneaking up on the enemy tanks. Press J to jump to the feed. Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks game, including PC, Blitz and Console versions. This means that if you have a high-calibre gun (120mm+), you will overmatch it and penetrate. Valve Corporation. Unlike many tanks the view finder area is protected by 40mm spaced armor with a zero armor hole behind it. Best tanks imo. (And the germans blew up these tanks when they were abandoning them.) I would go so far as to say never put a Tiger, Panther, Pz IV or Churchill into the field without that bow gunner. Copyright - World of Tanks Guru 2011-2015 | All images, videos, and content of World of Tanks is used with express written permission by If you simply avoid shooting the cupola and angled turret sections youll easily penetrate the rear armor. Should you be familiar with the WWII tank design, you would know of this report. All rights reserved. That tank took 5 rounds at point blank range on the upper and the lower glacis, and even on the seams, and none penetratednot even close (one round burned its way in to a depth or about two and a half inches; still had a long way to go). The app shows all tank weak spots interactively. Interested inthe Panther II? Usually, they require a crew of 4 to operate, but in some cases only 3 seats are available. The AT rifle is meant to stop the tank by aiming for certain areas. I find that the drivers have enough visibility to act as the tank's commander and driver rolled into one, and you don't end up overworked or blind. & SuperTest News. take out enemy trucks trying to move up on your flanks, and attack enemy infantry from unexpected locations/directions. | Removal of Demount Kits & Italian Supertest Updates. All of these factors combine to make it A-tier. The armour has had not one minute of attention since the game was released, every single patch/update has been for the infantry. The effective armor values listed take into account the armor thickness plus any angles. The tiger/firefly hull weak spots, and pa is yer flank weak spot, have made armour play a joke. They are numerous and extremely effective. Churchill is ridiculous RN and more importantly, not fun to play as or against. Plus Supertest News! Kfz. Edit: Here, I've made a post to illustrate my point:, Learn where the ammo is stowed on different tanks and aim for that, seen Churchills one shot tigers if you pen in the right spots. WoTs New!? The M4A3 is armed with 30 AP shells, 25 APCBC shells, 35 High Explosive shells and . I'm not here to preach about German ubermachines but for the love of God this is beyond ridiculous. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Also no, my gunner tried his best to hit the bow ammo but nothing happened, the last shot we got off were directly into the side of his turret. While it is hard to hit from the front it can be useful if you cant penetrate the cupola reliably. Armor is sorted weakest(green) to strongest(red) with yellow/orange armor being moderate in strength. Long Time No See! Had a similar situation yesterday. Cracks knucklesI will write a short essay for you. Churchill: The Churchill has one thing going for it; armour. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In a game where AT kits are supposed to be the best counter to armour, this is ridiculous. Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite Tank, WoTs New!?! Which Russian Tank Line is Right for You? Which Chinese Tank Line is Right for You? I know allied armor need some kind of artificial buff to be competitive but turning them into bullet sponges is just stupid, And the cherry on top? Armor Inspector is an application for World of Tanks game, including PC, Blitz and Console versions. If there was a decent angle, it could of just bounced. This thing is exceptional against infantry and can now hold its own against light armour. amzn_assoc_linkid = "9047af83528dca0cbc4d0bc0c98482c2"; Give us more camo options for tanks. Remember to NEVER get in front of them or too far from them. Hmm I wonder why that could be. The 2cm cannon is so good at taking enemy infantry, and can hold its own against light vehicles. Sorry to burst your bubble. Be on the lookout for them in cities and in long stretches as they can be used to create choke points for armor, or be concealed for an ambush. It has penetration calculator that helps you understand why and how you can penetrate the enemy tank. I think that alone would fix armor. The fact that the gunner isn't 100% protected is rarely detrimental and can also prove useful, baiting stupid and arrogant enemies into challenging you. Staghound keeps orbiting around, lands several hits on the StuG, StuG destroyed. You also shouldnt face a Tiger on your own. The Cromwell is signficiantly faster, less armoured, and lesser gunned than the Tiger, but the Cromwell's general agility (ability to turn while moving, acceleration, turret turn rate) are all still very inferior to the scout cars, meaning it employs roughly identical tactics. tank weak spots. Do it how Red orchestra 2 did it. Knowing this will be the difference between life and death. Tanks can be balanced by reducing relative ticket cost, making axis tanks more expensive and allied tanks cheaper, barring maybe the Firefly (which should legitimately have the ability to take out any axis tank . Scout cars die in one or two AT hits, and two tank hits if you're lucky. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Usually, they require a crew of 4 to operate, but in some cases only 3 seats are available. | Supertest News. The side armor on the Panther doesnt have many strong areas compared to the front. WoTs New!? Make tanking more in depth and make mistakes unforgiving. Don't forget to set the game version in the Settings, whether it's PC, Blitz or Console. This being said its front is still highly resistant to the churchill, cromwell, and can cause ricohets from the mighty 17lber with a bit of luck, which makes it extremely hard to deal with for the british tankers. @Tusk WoT 1.11 Test Server Date | T42 Premium Marathon? Explore. Naturally, I've been playing a lot of armour in Post-Scriptum, and I think I can offer some decent advice on how to approach the armour in Post-Scriptum. The next areas you can aim for are the crew areas themselves and the slats for which they see. Sorry to burst your bubbl.. In PS it's like an arcade (and comedy) dance routine xD. Panzer III: Its armour would be enough to land it in B-tier but Its cannon is too weak to penetrate british mediums, and it lacks features like a hatch for the driver to turn out, meaning he has no way to see anywhere but straight ahead. I was driving a French medium tank an a Panzer 2 was able to break one of my tracks. It's one of those features that needs to be compromised because it's a game and needs to be fun at the end of the day, but even so, it's so much more indepth than any other game. And do tanks like that. The other they used to test with the above results. WoTs New?! All guides will be updated in the next few days. Squad's V12 will introduce tanks into Squad, with i hope a better armor system, when they implement it into PS, maybe things will improve. How much of an angle did you have on the shot? Knowing how much penetration your gun is capable of, and the sloping/thickness of the enemy's armour is extremely important. Ill make note of this and try to point it out in useful places though. Confrontation helps you learn WoT penetration mechanics. Xsolla is an authorized global distributor of and its services. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. The biggest threat to you as a tanker is by far the enemy AT kits. Both have excellent guns, and medium armour. Some links on WoT Guru are affiliate links. If you purchase a product after clicking an affiliate link, I receive a small percentage of the sale for referring you, at no extra cost to you. Captured King Tiger weak spots (where to aim). A driver that can weave through trees, turn on a dime to face the enemy, reverse without hitting objects, and knows exactly and and what he can not go through/over will keep you alive! tank combat is far from being realistic. Or on the turret(canon)-rotor. However, RN it just feels hollow 1-tapping german tanks from far away, knowing that they can't do the same to us because their ammo racks are in the front and ours are on the side. They are the strongest drivable vehicle in Post Scriptum. Tanks and Scout Cars play very differently, so I'll keep them separate. This guide for World of Tanks Tiger II weak spots breaks down the Tiger II into many armor zones with different thicknesses and angles associated with them. Don't get over-aggressive, let the infantry spot the enemy tanks out, and wait for the enemy to make a mistake. The sweet area on the Pz between the hull and the turret hull is a huge weak spot that was targeted by Soviet gunners can help with a successful ammo rack or simply killing the crew and where the tracks meet the hull to also try and ammo rack the tank if you can Taking the enemy by surprise is obviously the best thing you can do by this logic. And as it being a game, it is not always the same as IRL. now go play WOT on eu servers that placed in germany. I have however never seen a crew-kill on anyone not exposed by either an open hatch or open turret. Collision is for measuring how much damage you can deal (and take) by ramming. Somua S35 on Wikipedia The Somua S35 is an Medium Tank featured in Post Scriptum. While it is hard to hit from the front it . WoTs New!?! 3-4 panzerfausts in a cromwell right on the back/tower and it lives. Outside of that, it's disappointing, it's undergunned, unable to easily penetrate the front of the Panther and Tiger, requiring you to aim for flat spots, and its both very slow and large. WoTs New!? For whatever reason these vehicle gets up to speed incredibly quickly, much better than every other tank. Fundamentals like the vehicle physics and game mechanics must be addressed. The tank's weaknesses :: Post Scriptum General Content posted in this community may not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work. Three witnesses, two in the StuG (gunner + driver), one on foot outside. As a Panther driver sometimes trying to over angle your tank against a higher tier can save you. I know that I have the Arnhem training map to find them but I do not have a good memory and not much time to create a personal document. Does distance have any affect on the damage that will be caused? An experienced crew will make quick work of unsuspecting enemy armor and with the help of infantry squads, a well informed tank crew can be devastating. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. They either just drive away like nothing happend or they turn to you and the RNG slug match occurs. While it wont hold up against tier 8/9 tanks it can deflect plenty of tier 5-7 shots. WoTs New!?! The Firefly has much better vision for the driver and commander, and has little to fear against German scout cars, the Pz IV has a very nice bowgun and is much more resistant to the PIAT than the Firefly is to the Panzerschreck. Also, if the push fails and they all die, leave. I know! The squad chat is filled with muted disbelief afterwards every time. No News!?! These items are carried by infantry that can maneuver around the tank easier than an armored vehicle, making tanks prone to being surrounded and hit from multiple sides. WoTs New!?!? Confrontation has high tier tanks locked. Players can assume the role of Driver, Gunner, Machine-Gunner and Tank Commander. Thank you so much for your continued support! Fortunately for the Tiger II it has decent gun depression allowing it to hide its lower glacis and making it difficult for many tier 8 and under tanks that it faces to penetrate it reliably. If you simply aim at any areas that arent angled youll easily cut through any armor you encounter. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Quoting you: It's a crappier Stuart that handles a bit better. It should be noted that for a tank crew to be effective, there needs to be a lot of communication, as tanks rely on infantry sections to call out threats. WOTInspector is developed independently in accordance with WG DPP terms and policies. You've got 2 AT soldiers, ~4 sappers, 1 AT landmine logi, 2+ strategically placed AT guns, and the 3 enemy tanks all trying to kill you while you work together with strangers. The MG port is not a weakspot in tiger 2 but it remains as a weakspot fot jagdtigerJust WTF WG???? & SuperTest News. The front glacis sloping is great, but the positive traits end there. Which American Tank Line is Right for You? @Tusk amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Sure first shot still gives you an heavy advantage, but if you don't have the skill to be accurate enough the other tank has an opportunity to react. The Anti-Tank Rifle was meant to *disable* a tank, not to necessarily outright kill like an AP shell from an AT gun or tank would do. Keep it civil please. And then there are the innumerable bugs - some ap ammo is bugged and won't pen. Make it realistic so I can kill King Tigers with WP rounds. The main weak spots you find are the lower glacis and view finder holes on the turret. Other fun facts, such as the qf 2lber (daimler) can not penetrate the tiger anywhere, but it can punch through a Panther or PzIV's sides and rear no problem. Weak Spots ? Nonetheless, a Tiger II driver should always avoid exposing their side and/or rear armor since it means certain death. Which Czechoslovakian Tank Line is Right For You? It's a bit of a mad rng fest but the armour rework should solve it at some point in the future. My Thoughts on Object 274A | New Maps + Supertest News, WoTs New!? The worst thing that can happen to you here is being taken by surprise. These resources have a pretty short cooldown, so short that you pretty much always have to assume it's up (considering the commanders can actually have more than 1 at a time). I recommend never, unless you are making an emergency escape, going into the heavily wooded areas. It's worth your time to into a dead server and learning these skills. As a driver, moving your periscope around can sometimes disorient you as to exactly where the tank is pointing, the solution to disorientation is usually turning out, but if youre under fire that's no good. It's extremely easy to dodge, just move about 30m back and forth every minute or so, just don't forget about it! Purchasing through affiliate links is an easy, painless way to help out your favorite bloggers. Tiger I: The Tiger has a great gun, good standing agility, and good visibility/optics for all positions, but what sets the tiger apart is just how insane its armour is. Shermans, etc. Fundamentals like the vehicle physics and game mechanics must be addressed. Rest in Peace Levi Rocket Menz a.k.a My Little Buddy | Plus Other Happenings in WoT, WoTs New!? Tank gameplay shouldn't have to degenerate into slogging matches at a couple hundred of metres, which it invariably does. ), FOBs, logistic trucks, infantry, and enemy armour to surprise and destroy. The commander position is the most expendable, and tanks CAN be taken into the field with it unoccupied, though of course a fully crewed tank that works efficiently together will be most effective. WoTs New!? Which Japanese Tank Line is Right for You? Ignoring the enemy is a known tactic. Drivers! Tanks are hard to play successfully. Right now tank gameplay is a joke. Kfz. A standing order with Sherman drivers was that if the engagement was not 5 on 1 in favor of the Shermans, the Shermans were to retreat. Staying away from terrain that is unfavourable is key to surviving. WoTs New!? Engaging a Churchill at range, in a Tiger, get the first shot off and about 3 more and the sumbitch tanks them, rolls forward and one shots us and we brew up. People already switch to infantry after dying in a tank way too often. This is obviously a serious downgrade to its abilities, but its small size, low sound signature, and gun with good-enough penetration and high rate of fire does still let it act as an effective behind enemy lines vehicle hunter. No News!?! Update 1.10.1 Incoming! Which Japanese Tank Line is Right for You? 1.10.1 Patch Recap Halloween & Ranked Battle Info And Supertest News! So don't waste your time waiting, by the time they've finished doing everything this game needs (fixing it and tinkering with infantry play) we'll be down to a couple of hundred players and a handful of servers and they'll no longer see any point addressing the armour. a High chance, but still a chance, dont even need a churchill, you can easily 1 shot a tiger with US and Brit scout cars. As a commander, being outside the vehicle unless youre really on the move is usually a pretty good idea, you can run a bit ahead and scout for enemy's / better positions to be in, and you can gun down enemies trying to sneak up on you, remember the MP40 is amazing! The roof armor that slants down may be at nearly autobounce, but it is only 40mm. Use your mobility to survive when doing this, continue to roll around looking for signs of the enemy. All rights reserved. 1.10.1 Patch Recap Halloween & Ranked Battle Info And Supertest News! Press J to jump to the feed. With the Armor Inspector you can compare WoT tanks and check the difference visually in armor and specs. were more populous, not as well armoured and lacked sufficient punching power, and that Tigers (and pretty much all of the German guns at or above 75 mm) could knock them out comfortably at range, but were fewer in number. Test with the above results rest of the enemy to make a mistake the.... 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