For a man, it can tell whether his wife would be a housewife or a working woman. As we already know Navamsa is a divisional chart. Many Vedic astrologers never predict the Rashi chart without the Navamsa chart. When 7th Lord is present in the earthy signs like Taurus-Capricorn and Virgo , it can make your Spouse very dedicated to his or her work. Navamsa is the name of a divisional chart used for predictions in Indian Vedic astrology. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For example, if the lord of the Navamsa ascendant is well placed in own house, friend's house or exaltation. It represents the state and condition of home and property. For example, If the 7th house lord is Mars in lagna D1 chart. Mars: If the 7th Lord is Mars the native will be rich, courageous, ordinary looking, interested in sexual matters, not interested in worshiping God, miser, inclined to bilious problems. Venus is the natural indicator for marriage and it is the indicator of Wife in a Males chart. Venus, Moon, in the 7th house indicates that Spouse will have a Very Fair complexion. Connected with this is a concept of Pushkar Navamsa. This could mean a native is attracted to a partner who is successful, famous, and the way other partners carry themselves. The person may have issues related to childbirth due to the heat of the sun. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The wife will do domestic work happily. 3. When 7th Lord is in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius, A caring attitude from your spouse will be prominent. The appearance of a spouse in astrology is mainly influenced by Planets in the 7th house and the placement of Venus as per Vedic astrology. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. They also look for a person who looks beautiful, physical fitness to some extent. Your partner will be loyal, friendly, chatty, loving, and royal. If Mercury is predominant, partner will likely to be reasonable, beautiful, witty, find thisjolly, talkative and smart. Jupiter :If Jupiter is 7th Lord, the native will a charming personality, attractive eyes, bulging tummy, intelligent, unbiased attitude, courageous, rich, loved by people, artistic inclination, respected by women, has good children and friends. 7. If the sign Leo falls in the seventh house then the spouse will be of a showoff nature. Spouse will be of romantic nature. He/she will have excellent business management skills. Some beneficial aspects of this can make things early. If D9-ascendant happens to be 9th or 12th to the D1-ascendant, physical needs may be very high. This applies if the moon is waning, but the complexion will not be so fair as compared to the waxing moon. Destruction of Spouse . D9-ascendant lord aspecting D9 is a good combination for a peaceful married life. We have to See the Navamsa chart along with the Rashi chart to get the complete picture. How can I predict my spouse from Navamsa? To read a Navamsa chart and make any conclusion out of it you need to know about each house of the Navamsa chart. So, I am now trying to help you with some astrological facts which will help you to understand the physical appearances of your husband or wife better. Created or Last modified on The color of the spouse may be whitish fair and they may have a voice quite commanding voice. The spouse will be fond of luxury items and all sorts of material comforts. Whether your relationship will be prosperous or not is shown by this house. D9 Chart is used to know the actual strength of any planets. A person can still get a good looking spouse, if all the three factors viz., Jupiter or Venus, 7th House of Navamsa and 7th House of NTR shows some positive signs by having 2 or more than 2 points. That 30 degrees is further divided into nine equal parts. Even the malefic will produce good results because it protects its own house but the results will be delivered in their way. Use our Navamsa calculator. Conjunction of Moon and venus and if one of them is debilitated, there will be no happiness from marriage. 25K views 5 months ago Here I described about 7th house lord of navamsa chart in different houses of navamsa and nature of spouse. The 3rd House: The spouse will be energetic and creative. Love, marriage and romance are governed by Planet Venus. Moreover, the spouse will come from a wealthy family. Due to the importance give to Navamsa by astrologers and it is being used as a supplementary chart along with the D1 chart, it is easy to find one's Navamsa chart. 2nd House: The second house shows us the wealth through marriage. One should also check the planets in the 7th house of the D9 chart (Navamsha chart). The placement will help your spouse to make itself fulfilled with vitality. We can conclude by saying that there will be lot of wealth after marriage but there can also be debts. The spouse will look extremely attractive. Which house is for marriage in Navamsa chart? When the Lord of these signs is placed auspiciously in 7th house or 7th Lord is present in a Fiery Sign, the height of your spouse will be good. It also says about the path you will take to achieve your goals, the religious path or the one which takes towards freedom and spirituality. Marriage and relationship is very important in our life. Venus in the horoscope tells much about the effect of women or the opposite sex in the horoscope. Answer (1 of 13): The D9 chart is said to be one of the most important charts as it significantly helps in the reading of the main birth chart. Even if Venus is placed in friendly sign with aspect of good planets, good married life can be seen. Whether or not, the planets are favouring each other and you get a general view of the D9 chart. Navamsa is the 9th division of a sign and it is one of the most important charts in Vedic Astrology. Mercury in 1st house in navamsa chart makes the natives very expressive and cultured. The placement of planets in the 7th house of the D9 chart plays a significant role in shaping the destiny and nature of our married life. Navamsa consists of 2 words "Nav" meaning 9 and "Amsa" meaning division. it will give your Spouse medium height. The Effects of Planets as Darakaraka in the Horoscope. Planets in the ascendant house will influence your physical appearance and Planets in the 7th house will influence your Physical appearance, thinking of your Life Partner. Rahu in mercurian signs will give an extremely handsome and young spouse. She is very much modest but her husband may ignore her. We have used it our application as well - Spouse Indicator. 12th house of Navamsa chart - The 12th house of D9 chart shows the bhog in life. He or she will be tall and has good manners. It shows how your spouse will fulfil your expectations. 2. The spouse may have some deformity and there are more chances that parents will not accept the spouse. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. He or she will have a nice hair and that may sometimes be curly as well. The childhood life of the spouse is very harsh, so the native must provide emotional support to the spouse. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Jupiter, Mars, and Sun indicate a Medium Fair complexion. Upapada (Pada of 12th house) also gives us clue about spouse and quality of marital life. The nature of level of friendship between a person and his spouse is seen by analyzing the friendship between Lagna Lord and Navamsa Lagna lord. Perhaps he or she will have short height and bulkiness, but will have a very smooth and silky skin. 1. As 7th is the house of marriage partner so the 10th house from it will be of career house. 6th house of Navamsa chart - The 6th house of D9 chart shows the obligations a person may have in his/her life. 1st House: The first house shows us the self in relationship dynamics. 5th house of Navamsa chart - Information about romance in a relationship, fun in marriage and conjugal happiness for both life partners can be found in the fifth house of D9. Venus in the male sign in the seventh house makes the native very passionate. If Mercury is present in the 7th house-you will get a skilled, intelligent, learned, communicative and youthful life partner. Finding Your DarakarakaWhat signs are most compatible withPlease enable JavaScriptWhat signs are most compatible with pisces. It tells us how people look at the marriage and their views and public opinion. It also tells about the fun two would have while dating together and the combined creatively and fun aspect of life. The spouse may look a little bulky, fair, medium height, and will have a magnetic personality. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Which planet is responsible for good husband? Now lets be more specific about the spouse look according to the position of 7th Lord. The below predictions can differ based on the conjunction and aspect. Planets placed in 7thhouse or placement of 7thLord in your Horoscope can give you lot of information about your future spouse. Our main birth chart consists of 12 houses and each of these houses are associated with a specific zodiac sign and their respective ruling planets. Now if there is no planet in the seventh house then there will be a sign which tells a lot about the natives spouse, quality of marital life, and other such things. The 11th House: Marital life will be blissful as the spouse will be friendly. The dedication will help him or her in getting an excellent success in earnings. But you may sometimes find it miserly. If D9-ascendant is associated with many malefics, there could be extra-marital relationships. The person may have issues related to childbirth due to the heat of the sun. The placement will help your spouse to make itself fulfilled with vitality. If venus is in the amsa of Mars or in the house of saturn without any benefic aspect, there could be sexual perversions. When you sit down to calculate a persons birth chart, the planets have a degree number right next to them. This will tell about the personality, nature of spouse. When you examine Darakaraka, you learn a lot about the characteristics of the person you will be marrying. Venus in the Mercurys sign could make native attraction based on the carrier-oriented person or good looks, person who is funny. Since Navamsa is a divisional chart of the D1 chart we will need it to find our Navamsa chart. The D9 Navamsa chart shows us our fortune and luck in the second half of our life. It tells us the overall health of the marriage and spouse. Ketu: Ketu in the 7th house of Navamsa Chart indicates that the marriage that is going to take place will be very unusual. The 9th House: The spouse will be spiritual and you will gain a lot of knowledge the credit goes to their wisdom. Which house is important in Navamsa chart? It tells about how your partner will influence your philosophical and spiritual beliefs after a relationship. It does not store any personal data. D9-ascendant aspected by a benefic can give a happy married life. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Spouse is a devoted, chaste, honest, and good character. The 5th House: The spouse will be multi-talented. This planet will be your Darakaraka. This will help you find out how your spouse will be. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site! © 2023 All Rights Reserved. The planet sitting in the 7th house of Navamsa chart will tell the features of your spouse. When Venus is the Darakaraka planet, it means that the spouse will be sensual, loving, romantic, and emotional. In D-1, all natural benefic planets are in 2nd house, resulting easy flow of money. The nature of the spouse is very royal-like sun and will have a good personality. Meaning Of The Navamsa Lagna The Navamsa Lagna ascendant is the Navamsa pada that the D-1 chart Lagna falls into. You can try Spouse Indicator, you will find it in the last section of the results. What signs are most compatible with pisces, Taurus Man: Complete Personality Decoded! When we talk about reading a Navamsa chart people who use astrology and professional astrologers deploy Navamsa for different purposes. When Moon Darakaraka In Horoscope: The nature of the spouse (husband or wife) will be emotional and sentimental. Mercury is the main karaka for a young age. He or she will always have a certain magnetic quality in his or her personality. Venus in the Female sign may make natives wait for their partner to approach them. For marriage related issue, one can predict When a person will get married?, How the later half of a persons life is going to be?, Family Background, Personality of the spouse, Physical appearance of the spouse, Timing of Marriage, How well the marriage life will go about?, or Multi-marriages, and even Chances of Divorce. Fortunately, Darakaraka in Navamsa can tell you what your future holds. It determines the nature of the spouse and married life. How will be the wife if Jupiter is in 8th house? The responsibility of your partner. The 1st House: The spouse will be supportive and a self-made man/woman. Venus exalted, Venus with a benefic, and Venus with Jupiter are all signs of marital bliss. For example, if the lord of the Navamsa ascendant is well placed in own house, friends house or exaltation. Finding a Navamsa chart these days is very convenient with many options available. Every planet has its own Zodiac sign and each of the signs does have some unique characteristics of its own. If the sign Taurus falls in the seventh house then-wife is beautiful, sharp, and intelligent. The spouse might have the nature of the detachment but they are very calculative. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | About, The appearance of spouse and married life quality based on all planets, Capricorn personality traits blank chart predictions, Aquarius personality traits blank chart predictions, Sagittarius personality traits blank chart predictions, Pisces personality traits blank chart predictions, Virgo personality traits blank chart predictions. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. How can I check my marriage in the Navamsa chart? Rahu in the watery signs will give an emotional spouse. It might also give information about the appearance of your spouse. That intelligence will help him or her to maintain a balance between personal and professional life.They will always keep a positive attitude in them in whatever they deal with. It determines the nature of the spouse and married life. When the Jupiter is present in your 7th house-your spouse may be a little bit bulky, yet he or she will have a well-grown physique. 5. Because the planet is bound to protect its house and blesses the good married life to the person and also the native will get good looking spouse with beautiful nature. Venus placed on Mars and Saturns Rashi could indicate the attraction of a partner could be based on the total physical appearance. The Navamsa chart will alter the results indicated in the Main birth chart of your Spouse or Life Partner. Venus is 8th lord of spouse family's money, joining the raj yoga. Step 6: If you still find it hard to do it manually. If a planet is debilitated in your D1 birth chart, it signifies that its energies are completely inappropriate for the sign it is in. The planet that facilitates marriage is Venus. It doesnt work in the real world, does it? If the sign Sagittarius falls in the seventh house then the spouse is very conservative and religious. If Upapada is conjunct or aspected by benefic planets or is in sign of benefic then one gets full happiness from wife. If any complexity in lagna chart, need to check Navamsa for precise details. Your spouse will be highly artistic as well. You might get a partner who is serious and older. He or she will be honest as well as well educated and will hold a high status in the society. So controlling tendency can also be seen in your Life Partner. It is used for to know the Luck/Destiny. 10th House: The 10th house represents the reputation of the marriage and peoples opinions of your marriage. Rahu: Rahu doesnt rule any house but when it sits in the 7th house of D9 Navamsa chart, the spouse will have a nature where he/she will be always confused. Yet, your spouse will be very caring and understanding towards you and your family as well. Saturn in 7th house and spouse characteristics: If Saturn is placed in 7th house, then the spouse will be older with much age difference. An athletic figure will make him or her more attractive. She likes luxury and beauty products and likes decoration. Anything related to beauty and softness in astrology is always connected to two planets. Spouse physical appearance when 7th Lord is in the sign of Virgo- your would-be partner will be medium in height. 2nd house of Navamsa chart - Prosperity and rise through marriage, the wealth through relationships, and it also shows the family after the wedding, meaning you, your wife and children. If Venus is exalted in Navamsa without any malefic aspects, then married life will be smooth. This placement represents intercaste marriage. 6. Here the conjunction the planet has, the sigh they occupy, and the aspect they get will alter the below result greatly. He or she will have a dark hair with medium complexion. Step 5: Find the Navamsa placement signs of all planets and place them in their respective signs as per Navamsa Lagna. Here the wife will be very egoistic and she might be having a prominent sun related to the lagan. 7th lord also aspects 4th lord of property in 8th house, and 4th lord aspected by planets in 2nd house is great. He or she will have large eyes on his or her round face. Jupiter: When Jupiter in the 7th house of D9 chart, the spouse will have a religious, wise and intellectual personality. But. Some importance should also be given to the 7th house of Navamsa and venus in Navamsha. Navamsa means the nine divisions of a sign in the Lagna chart. If 2nd from Upapada is in benefic sign or aspected by benefics then one gets sober and beautiful wife. Generosity, power, and money are all attributes it portrays. Navamsa chart is made by dividing 9 times each zodiac sign in the Rashi chart. If the Darakaraka Planet is conjunct with Planets Like Saturn, Rahu, Ketu etc, It can also give you a Partner from different Caste. Venus Signifies Wife in a Males chart. The spouse is very educated, looks beautiful (Since mercury is always smiling and a prince), and is very skillful in nature. What is the meaning of the Eight of Cups tarot card? You can use our Navamsa calculator for free. Anna Howard is a passionate astrologer who runs the popular blog "Elemental Astrology". It determines the nature of the spouse and married life. His or her voice will be very beautiful and charming too. The spouse looks aged even if they are at a young age. The spouse may be of a perfectly built physique and is witty and jovial in nature. From here we get to know the spouse personality and spouse type and the qualities that rule the spouse. 4. For a partner to have a flourishing career, the Ruler of the 4th house must be strong. Spouseappearancewhen 7th Lord is placed in Gemini sign-your spouse will have a good height. Their . He or she will be fond of art, music, comfort or luxuries. We want to connect your logic with astrology, and make you go WoW! He or she will have a well-developed body. Venus: If Venus is the 7th Lord, extremely rich, successful, spiritually oriented, does good deeds, good children, enjoys plenty of riches and conveyances, has company of good Person. Marriage partner prediction from astrology, Navamsa (D9) chart reading for marriage,career,spirituality, Love Marriage or Arrange Marriage in Horoscope. The natives will be born with wealth and family values in life and it will have its importance in their whole life. The planets posited in the 7th house of Navamsa chart will also play an equally important role. If the sign Capricorn falls in the seventh house then the spouse is very shrewd. She will be fair as well. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Therefore, using the 9th house and the Navamsa chart, we can not only predict marriage which is what most astrologers use the D9 navamsa chart for but we can also find out the changes that is going to take place in the later half of the persons life. Marriage & Nature of Spouse, 7th lord in different houses Vedic Oracle By Kadambari 58K views 3 months ago FOREIGN SPOUSE ASTROLOGY | WILL YOU MARRY A FOREIGNER-FOREIGN HUSBAND-FOREIGN WIFE |. Each Navamsa division meaures 3 - 20 degrees. . When Astrologers find the need to look deeper into the . At what age Navamsa chart gets activated? The nature of the wife, her circumstances, family background, talent, mentality, inclinations etc. You can match the results with your Horoscope and let us know. The 12th House: Lots of travel and physical pleasure is on the cards. Religion and Philosophy are going to have the utmost importance in his or her life. The spouse is very fond of gold and conservative. This is certainly one of several indication that is best of spouse traits in Vedic astrology. Now I will show some easy steps to find your Navamsa chart manually. If Saturn is in debilitated navamsa and occupies mesha rasi in navamsa, we can deduce that Saturn is in debilitated navamsa. It indicates that the spouse may be egoistic, attention-seeking, loyal, trustworthy, a born leader, and dependable. In case of any doubt or confusion feel free to comment. You need to identify which one of them has the lowest degree. The chart is particularly helpful in spheres of marriage and to predict the time of marriage and how delays can be overcome. People always want to know eagerly about the physical appearance, social status and features of their would-be partners. If there is benefic no aspect on the 7th house then the spouse will have a jealous nature. The wife could be quarrelsome, feels superior, difficult to adjust to, and also likes to dominate others. 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