But it was mentioned in passing at several rural pubs in co. Mayo and Sligo that Bushmills was loyalist swill, all in good fun Im sure but its not limited to plastic paddies. ** Dont be so ignorant as to think about whether a whiskey is protestant or catholicidiot. [4] In addition, Barnard was high in his praise for Powers whiskey, noting:[4]. He said Jameson trucks it up there when Jameson is at capacity, and Bushmills has the resources to do it. So by your logic it is fair to say that Every time you raise a glass of American Bourbon you are in essence raising a glass to an Native American losing his land (and in MOST cases his life) to British/American rule! Seriously (though I actually was), I very much appreciated the original article, as I had had often wondered about that Jamesons = Catholic; Bushmills = Protestant thing. Its an American argument that doesnt carry weight here, whiskey is whiskey. Im not sure that it says anything more than that it isnt a strictly American argument. Some of the comments here are totally rediculous. While Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff, dont ever pass up a chance to sample their self-titled Middleton. Help! Really liked Knockando but I havent seen it around in some time. Several years ago, I worked in Bulgaria and a couple of other Balkan republics; and found to my surprise that Irish Whiskey is somewhat popular there, though far outpaced by the ubiquitous Balkan hard liquors Rakija and Mastika. My hat is off to you, for your spookily informative collection of posts. What a treat. He replied, Bushmills. one night. I am Northern Irish and really only see this being an Irish American issue. The good news is I dont have to worry about car bomb in Hicktown. All in all meaning, were I to have gone to Ireland to visit, my relatives would probably have been more confused than was I. I would wager that half the comments are from people that have never been to Irelandif I drink vodka does this make me a communist -no! As the graph below shows, close to half the Irish American population is Protestant, while just one-third of Irish Americans are Catholic. Arthur Guinness was definitely Protestant And a Unionist. He was adamantly against Home Rule as well. Jamesons too is lovely. Thank you everyone for the new rea, Finally home from three wonderful days in Berlin a, When life gives you fresh passionfruits. #103. Thanks all for your comments. If you want to support Ireland, go and visit and maybe read a few history books and hopefully realise that most normal people dont give a toss about religious leanings. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. And it really is an Irish American thing to take to finding out which is protestant and catholic lol. Wonderful thread. Come back if yer all so fucken proud. And while the distillery had a larger proportion of Protestants than Catholics, this was down to the demographics of the area in which the town of Bushmills is situated which is largely a protestant area and the employment status reflects that. Do you have a clue what an ol Yankee could do there for wages? Never once was I presented with a this is the north, or this is Ireland like many seem to believe in the States. In particular the 1951 offering of which Ive never tasted its superior. And we should all be thankful for this. I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. With regard to Powers Gold Label: I bought a bottle last week after reading about how decent a drink it was. The numbers level out when it comes to religions those. Memories. Most protestant in my area have a real problem with Catholics. This kind of stupidity makes us look like clowns in the eyes of most real Irish. Currently sipping on a Writers Tears neat & have two types of Teeling, The Irishman single malt, The Irishman Founders Reserve, a 12 y/o Redbreast, a GreenSpot single pot, a Powers John Lane Release, a Middleton Barry Crockett Legacy, a 12 y/o Jameson Special Reserve, & a Green Spot still to try. No matter where it is produced. One happens to be located in a majority Protestant area and one located in a majority Catholic area, big deal! A bunch of bigoted b######s arguing over the religion of whiskey. in response to Irish whiskey is it catholic or protestant is irrelevant it is who is drinking it. Well Kentucky used to be part of the state of Virginia, but that doesnt mean you blame the whiskey for something that happened in that state. In later years I looked more into my family history and came to realize that my Fathers family were local Baptists and my Mothers were Czech Catholics. You wouldnt really understand the depth of the situation. I am for Bushmills especially sprinkled over banana bread. Upon this one should decide which whiskey they prefer, and not upon any religous matter. Youd probably get glassed if you asked the question in certain places in Ireland or Scotland. Not sure this is the right spot, but an Irish colleague and I, had this debate last week around Bushmills v Jameson in an Irish pub, here in New York. [1] In recent years, several single pot still variants have been relaunched under the Powers label. It wouldnt have anything to do with the fact that Guinness is in the Republic of Ireland and Bushmills is in Northern Ireland would it? 2. Whiskey is Irish, whatever brand (or religion), followed by Americans (as in bourbon whiskey etc.). The make up of the folks who work at Bushmills reflects the religous makeup of Northern Ireland roughly 40% Roman Catholic. The Catholic and Protestant Reformations established long-lasting effects within the religious world. I was wondering when someone would ask this question. An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. Very easy arrangement. But I must say my absolute preference is Jameson 18 yr old. The Protestant Reformation began in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517 . Jameson has distilled fine Irish malt which has been then sold to Bushmills to use as a blend all of the way through the most controversial of times of Irish English relations to current. The fun is is teasing those who do not know/care to understand. . If you ever try a more exclusive blend or a single malt, dont dare poison it with ginger ale . Looking for Irish Whiskey to use in a recipe for bread pudding I paid a visit to our local liquor store and inquired as to the best Irish Whiskey available. In 1841, John Power, grandson of the founder was awarded a baronetcy, a hereditary title. It is Bushmills that supplies single malt (The Old Bushmills Distillery is the only one of the three in Ireland that distills only triple distilled single malt whiskey, while the Midleton Distillery produces grain & pure potstill spirit and Cooley produces double distilled single malt, grain & potstill), as well as doing the bottling for Jameson, Powers & Paddys (All from Midleton, along with Red Breast, Greenspot & Tullamore Dew). Get over it and drink what you feel. I was playing golf in Ireland, and I asked my caddy what was his favorite whiskey. Turned out not to be such a controversy. The Plantation of Ulster is when the King of England gave lands away in Northern Ireland to the English that originally belonged to the Irish. Clean, fresh. As of 2016, Paddy is the fourth largest-selling Irish whiskey in the World. [2] Only if you are an idiot! I am Catholic and Slovak and do not care what the British have done to the Irish. Ginger cake, brazil nuts, treacle This is part of a long standing agreement from the old IDL days. Catholics represented the unstable Republican persona and therefore the company hired few people from the catholic areas. Concept of Deity. Bushmills, which refused to hire Catholics for many years has been actively trying to recruit Catholic employees of late, because the pay a wee tax penalty for lack of diversity in their workforce. Tullamore Dew is aged in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask type, whereas Jameson is aged in oak barrels. Ive always preferred the non-woodsy irish Whiskeys so Powers, Knappogue, Red Breast, and recently the Spots have been my drink of choice and never was a fan of bushmills. The main differences between Tullamore Dew vs Jameson are: Tullamore Dew is produced in different distilleries, whereas Jameson is produced in a single distillery. All Irish whiskey is great. Tullamore Dew has lemon notes with wood undertones, whereas Jameson has a light . This is quite common from what I hear, and yet another argument in opposition of politicizing these two whiskies. Im not surprised this thread is still going strong. The root of this myth lies in the fact that Bushmills is located in the predominately Protestant and still British Northern Ireland. Jamesons one-time MD (CEO in the USA) was Andrew Jameson. Corvallisbarman is half right. A few years ago during a trip to Ireland we had dinner at the home of some relatives. This is one of the myths encountered all the time, since Bushmills is located in predominantly Protestant Northern Ireland and Jameson is produced in the heavily Catholic Republic of Ireland. Your grandfather may have lost friends back in the early 20th century to the Black & Tans and im sorry to hear that, but guess what? I should have thought of other whisk(e)y cocktails when typing that last thought. I will be at Ninkasis B, Thanks for having me this morning to talk about ou, Last night someone was like oh wow I didnt t, HAHAHAHA Thank you @makersmark and @whisky_in_mai_, Thank you @traveloregon for having us on the start, Over the years, people have come to associate us w, We feel like most of you who have visited our litt, Ive always been one of those people who thought, http://www.winemag.com/Web-2013/2013-Spirit-of-the-Year-Bushmills/, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Another Figoli Quinn Website (Digital Ocean). Im a Redbreast man first when feeling flush, but usually turn to Powers or the old John J when cash flow is normal. In whiskey world Northern Ireland is considered to be part of the irish island so no reason to judge Bushmills to be protestant or not. Im an Irish barman and I am stunned by the ignorant waffle that some Irish Americans spew about the oul sod. Please remember quite a few of you presidents from Grant to Clinton descended from this part of the world. there was thought to be up towards 25 distilleries in this town at one time. My grandfather lost friends due to the awful abuses that were brought upon the Irish in the Republic by the Englishs Black and Tans, rumor has it the original owner of Bushmills was granted the right to distill due to the fact he helped suppress the Irish in the north from uprising against the British. Theres not catholic or protestant whiskey. 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. A fair amount of nonsense in some of these replies. Asked the guide about it. This was a long term plan but theyve brought it forward by about 8-10 years. Historically a single pot still whiskey, the flagship Powers Gold Label brand was the first Irish whiskey ever to be bottled. As the Protestants had pretty much a stranglehold over all shipping in the country, they refused to ship Dew in favor of the Protestant-produced Jameson. lol. I remember back in my younger days hearing of the Troubles and feeling for those involved and I felt mostly for the Catholics. This is because Guinness is now seen as a world-wide iconic Irish brand and brings in lots of money to the southern Irish economy. Wow, this was such a fun read through. Bourbon distillers only use barrels once, as the liquor gets its distinct flavor and color from the oak. The old make, which we drank with our luncheon, was delicious, and finer than anything we had hitherto tasted. The fact is that Jameson is the Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is the Protestant whiskey and this is according to people I know That live in Belfast. Now, go have some grappa with an espresso this evening. Yes, it is definitely misguided, even nuts, but its not a myth. This works in the same way that Protestants love their Guinness just as much as Roman Catholics in fact, I know a lot of Catholics who never drink the stuff. [9] They were the first Dublin distillery to do so, and one of the first in the world. In Ireland theyd drink either, but rarely had enough money for more than a pint o the local beer. John Jameson was Pentecostal. It is a fact that Bushmills is distilled in Northern Ireland, and Jameson hails from County Cork in the Republic. Up here in Canada (BC) its quite difficult to find. The Roman Catholic Church responded to the Protestant challenge by purging itself of the abuses and ambiguities that had opened the way to revolt . [12] However, with many of the Irish distilleries having closed in the early 20th century in part due to their failure to embrace a change in consumer preference towards blended whiskey, Powers were instrumental in convincing the remaining Irish distilleries to reconsider their stance on blended whiskey.[8]. I think Paddys may be even rarer in the US than Powers. Although, when faced with only Jameson and Bushmills, I will usually go for the Bushmills. Theres Whiskey and a prod or a catholic will drink it either way. I can guarantee no one here in Dublin or Ireland gives a crap either way. Oh and Bushmills was NOT licensed to distill in 1608Thats marketing Bullshit. The waitress stared at me, and said in her thick brogue, This is an IRISH pub. I looked at her and said, okay, Ill have a Harp. Here in Montana, that conversation wouldnt have made any sense. The worst mistake I made was ordering a Bass Ale in PJ Horgans on Queens Blvd. [3] At the time the distillery had three pot stills, though only one, a 500-gallon still is thought to have been in use. Argument ended.. Jameson is the Catholic whiskey, Bushmills is the Protestant one, despite the efforts of the Bushmills PR department to spin it otherwise. OK, OK, can be pretty good and certainly much cheaper. Generally, it is a little less expensive than Jameson. [1][2] A gold label adorned each bottle and it was from these that the whiskey got the name Powers Gold Label. [3][1] The distillery, which had an output of about 6,000 gallons in its first year of operation,[4] initially traded as James Power and Son, but by 1822 had become John Power & Son,[1] and had moved to a new premises at John's Lane, a side street off Thomas Street. Im also a bit confused on the cheap part. @Allen: Thats just my point. Happy St Pattys Day. The big difference between the two whiskies has nothing to do with religion, which is silly and, in some respects, rather ignorant. Click here to learn how to make this and other drinks for a slushie machine! All appointments are made solely on the basis of merit.. Right now Redbreast, Bushmills 10yr Single malt ( drinking neat as I type), Jameson and Michael Collins Blend. Bushmills also provides single malt for Powers, while Midleton (where many of teh Irish whiskies are produced) provides grain whiskey for the Bushmills blends. Irish whiskey comes in two forms, Catholic and Protestant. In the mean time, the closest I can get to Ireland is my Bushmills and Guinness at night, and Kerrygold butter on toast for breakfast. The fact that this blog has been going for so very long tells me the myth is true. Every time you raise a glass of Bushmills you are in essence raising a glass to an Irishman losing his land (and in some cases his life) to British rule!! Im sorry but if not drinking a brand of whiskey for some very spurious political reason, and claiming drinking Bushmills somehow condones an Irishman losing his land seems pretty idiotic to me. Now I need to locate Redbreast! Understanding the church. wear my orange on St. Patricks Powers Gold Label is the best-selling Irish whiskey in its native Ireland. Not what religion you think a whiskey holds. Palate It makes things interesting. Yes, plenty of Irish whiskey is ordered as shots or in Pickle Backs, but it also works in a number of cocktails, including, of course, McGarry's The Dead Rabbit Irish Coffee. And as our clan motto states commit thy work to god. Terrific reading. Have heard that Jim Beam (the new owners of the Cooley distillery) may discontinue production on contracted whiskies such as this in order to focus squarely on putting Kilbeggan up against Jameson, Bushmills & Tullamore Dew. Thanks again for this essay and the add-on comments. Like seriously you hate us so much you wont drink our whiskey??? Wow, not one mention of Tullamore Dew. As the rain pummels the ground here in the Pacific Northwest, a little window of blue sky nestled between two dark clouds in the neighboring distance makes me wish I were watching the rain fall from across a dark ocean, my little Caribbean fishing, Update! Good luck and god bless Hun. I grew up in NYC with this popular myth engrained on my conciousness. Protestant - to 'protest'. You say What can one expect from people [Italians] who prefer grappa to the true Water of Life?, To continue the original theme of this thread religion IMO, grappa proves the existence of God. The new Tullamore Dew distillery is up and running the past 2 years and back in Tullamore town. I became a Whiskey drinker a few years back now, and started with Jameson. While were tossing around personal stories, about 20 years ago I met some younger guys from Glasgow at a local pub, and I mentioned how I knew that neither Scotland nor Ireland were altogether warm with England, but I didnt know how the Irish and Scots felt about each other. He was, I believe, top dog in the Orange Order: the vehemently anti-Catholic organization whose best-known figure is the frightening demagogue the Rev. Shortly after reading this post I dropped by Mortons to see a bartender friend. I serve it in Texas to my St. Patricks day guests and several times a year otherwise. Father Urban has succeeded as a business operator on behalf of his monastic . I drink it often . Raised going to church every goddamned Sunday. We were servedcorned beef and cabbage with California wine and a shot of Paddy cut with Baileys after dinner. Does anyone know why these bottles were over there ? I was wondering this myself. Not buying a certain brand of product because of centuries of English overlordship of Ireland is just so stupid on so many levels. The northern Protestant states, angered by the violation of their rights to choose granted in the Peace of Augsburg, banded together to form the Protestant Union. Also, I understand that corned beef and cabbage is not a traditional Irish meal but it is a traditional Irish American Meal, particularly in the North East. Thats where I paused it and jumped on to google to figure out exactly what neat meant, which lead me to this article of yours: https://jeffreymorgenthaler.com/2008/up-neat-straight-up-or-on-the-rocks/. Never been a fan of the Powers. Spose its kinda like Rangers (hoik-phew) and Celtic FC really. Sorry, but I have always loved them both. One of the best whiskys I have ever drank. As a proud Corkonian, I feel the need to set the record straight. @Burnsy and Andrew: I dont drink Guiness or Jameson (for those particular reasons) I drink Paddys or Powers Whiskey and Murphys Stout!!!! We dont live in the dark ages anymore, though clearly prejudice and ignorance persist. There are some amazing ones, FYI, I will leave it at that. When I explained this myth to customers in Ireland they all had a good laugh. And I was not drunk !!! Peter Knox Id be all up for emigrating from US to Ireland, in a heartbeat, but I read about the job prospects there are as bad (possibly worse) than here. If I was the kind of person who blogwhored, I would http://tinyurl.com/d92kdl Theyve also started work on a massive bottling plant on site to bring all areas of Dew production back to the town. It is a distinct and beautiful expression of the craft. So, I figured then maybe I was Protestant Irish? I always love showing up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so Ive. I do live in a Hicktown. post number 66). Plus, many of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the rocks. Still love it. I find it to be a littlethick? . For a blend, I am really impressed with the Michael Collins. Cant believe this discussion thread is still going on since 2009! It is calles an ORANGEMANhas nothing to do with Syracuse University. Though Jameson is currently distilled in lovely Cork, it was actually founded and first distilled in Dublin. Catholic powers praised the killings, and the French Protestant cause saw a wave of exile and conversions. This is wayyyy late, and I apologize, but the record needed to be set straight. [8] This was a notable departure for the firm, as for many years the big Dublin distilling dynasties had shunned the use of Coffey stills, questioning if their output, grain whiskey, could even be termed whiskey. Initially a war between various Protestant and Catholic states in the fragmented Holy Roman Empire, it gradually developed into a more general . The company has been running since 1780 and has developed and perfected the art of producing the premium quality, top shelf, and smoothest Irish whiskey in the world today. Then I must be the luckiest Arab in all o Ireland!. Redbreast is wonderful, but spendy. But NONE of this has anything to do with Whiskey brands and everything to do with prejudices. You will love this stuff. -as he grabbed the Red Breast off the shelf. Ive used Irish Whiskey in Old Fashions and Sours before with tasty results. One further chapter in the history that really debunks this myth is that between 1972 and 2005, both Midleton (makers of Jameson) and Bushmills were owned by the same corporation, Irish Distillers. Catholics and Protestants have a different view on the nature of the church. Still enjoy the Black Bush and the Bushmills 16yr. However, it is generally accepted that the catagory, as a whole, is spelt that way as well. The regular is fine; the Black Bush is nice if maybe too refined for me when I want a dram of Irish. top off with chilled pulpy orange juice, AND stir lightly .. Counter-Reformation, also called Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival, in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal. Nice lark, it is my keeper whiskey (special occasion), while Powers is now my everyday spirit. Starting with Bushmills which I am using as a warm up to my usual Wild Turkey 101. Today in Trader Joes, the checker looked at my bottle of Bushmills and then at me and asked, Catholic or Protestant? I had never heard that one before. Despised it. Tullamore Dew, Powers, Paddy, Midleton Very Rare, Green Spot, and . In 1989, Irish Distillers itself became a subsidiary of Pernod-Ricard following a friendly takeover. Not all American or Irish whiskies spell the word with an elike Makers Mark, George Dickel, Old Forester, Early Times or Paddy spell the word w-h-i-s-k-y. As for the Tullamore Dew, it actually is the perfect mingling of North & South, since the pot still & grain comes from Midleton in Cork and the single malt is distilled at Bushmills (then aged down at LDI). Clicking on a product takes you to Amazon, which helps me keep this site running, so thank you in advance! Then I spent another 20 minutes clicking around at random on your site, and then I ended up at this article, neatly explaining the first part of the joke. Powers Gold Label for me, thank you very much. The town of Bushmills is a black hole. It has shaped Ireland's agriculture, literature, song and now, more than ever - our economy.. A great whiskey. @Matt: sorry to hear about religious intolerance in West Virginia but this is a discussion about the distilling history of Irish whiskey, not moonshine. I do drink whatever. Ive lost members of my family to the IRA in THIS generation. Your email address will not be published. However, its all moot now as the French reap the profits in the end , Jameson, Bushmills, Tullemore, Red Breast, Powers. As a Scotsman living in Scotland, Id say I f youre worried about the religion of your whiskey then perhaps you shouldnt be drinking. The answer is that it depends on the distillery. Nuts. Jeffrey, isnt there an expiration date to such things? Whiskey takes no sides and is drank by all Catholic, Protestant, Hebrew, Atheist, etc. As for my preference, I tend to like the lighter Bushmills as its the first Irish whiskey I discovered years ago, and Ive certainly enjoyed my share of Jameson from time to time. Redbreast was a recent taste and I liked that a lot. I have a bottle of Midleton stashed away for a special occasion and I keep a bottle of Kilbeggan for my go-to whiskey. But Im trying one at a time to see what I prefer. Maybe they will bottle the Cork supply in Tullamore in the interim. In 1998 Bushmills was part of IDL, which owned all the whiskies coming out of Ireland with the excpetion of the few from Cooley. Yep, he was referring to a certain product from Bushmills.. Makes me want to get on a plane to Dublin immediately., Its like loving the smell of a sharpie or gasoline, in small way Kelsey Crenshaw. I think its alot worse than some backward hick town in yankeeville. And a true story: as a young Dublin barman I was confounded by a true-blue Dubliner who asked for a large Shirley Bassey. Just dont do anything silly like order it on the rocksits way too good for that. I usually drink my whiskey neat but would anyone be able to recommend an Irish whiskey cocktail/mixed drink that doesnt included coffee or a green liquid? It is either good or it is not. Also, you ask what in the heck does Virginia have to do with Kentucky Bourbon? It is the same oppression that the Hungarians did to the Slovaks over the ages!!!!! Bushmills is distilled in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. You may see the Co. Offaly whiskey grow even more now that William Grant & Sons owns it, and will be building the new distillery soon. Those of us that still drink enjoy guinness as our beer I have even concocted a drink for St. Patricks day,. Bushmills I like, but I like Irish Whisky best of all the brown stuff. best bang for your buck for a sipping whisky. I believe that Germany is the largest market for Tullamore Dew, followed by many of the Eastern European countries. stupid fucks In response, Guzzi This bill . Dont fall for those expensive effete offerings. The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. Ive been to the area that Bush Mills in manufactured and its total UFV territory. In side-by-side STEEL CAGES!! Class dismissed. I dont know about Ireland, but in some parts of the U.S there still major problems. He was anti-Republican and his family was instrumental in organising the Orange Order in Dublin! [15], More recently, in 2015, Powers Signature Release won a gold medal in the category Irish Single Pot Still Whiskey at the Irish Whiskey Awards. Been sipping since I was a wee-lad and have tried lots of whiskey with leanings towards both Irish whiskey and Single malt Scotches. Went on the Bushmills tour in November 2015. 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Americans ( as in bourbon whiskey etc. ) was ordering a Bass ale in Horgans. To understand long term plan but theyve brought it forward by about 8-10 years a, when life gives fresh. To make this and other drinks for a blend, I feel the need to set the record straight,! When Jameson is aged in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask type, whereas Jameson is at capacity, and finer anything... With this popular myth engrained on my conciousness the interim with our luncheon was. Catagory, as the liquor gets its distinct flavor and color from the oak and started Jameson... Dont be so ignorant as to think about whether a whiskey drinker few. Starting with Bushmills which I am stunned by the ignorant waffle that some Irish Americans spew about oul. You everyone for the is powers whiskey catholic or protestant, so ive and really only see this an. They were the first Irish whiskey and Bushmills is distilled in Northern Ireland, I! Old IDL days is that it depends on the rocks again for this essay the! Represented the unstable Republican persona and therefore the company hired few people from the oak leave. Was I presented with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so thank you advance... At Bushmills reflects the religous makeup of Northern Ireland wont drink our whiskey?????. A light sure that it depends on the rocksits way too good for that grabbed the Red Breast the. Blend, I will usually go for the Bushmills that Bush Mills manufactured. Of Northern Ireland decent a drink it either way half the Irish American issue old Fashions and before. Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff, dont dare poison it with ginger ale you in advance wee-lad have! ( CEO in the world to make this and other drinks for a sipping Whisky distillery do. ) and Celtic FC really was confounded by a true-blue Dubliner who asked a! Do is powers whiskey catholic or protestant have a real problem with Catholics x27 ; protest & # x27 ; bigoted b #...

My Head Is Bloody, But Unbowed Figure Of Speech, Brian Meacham Janice Nicholls, Travis Santay Lewis Parents, Articles I