The Bible does not have any commands or laws against cremation. If cremation were a part of salvation Jesus would have h it while on Earth the First Coming. Your email address will not be published. This idea is not a part of the Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead. The reasons for burial. Since time immemorial, people had one way or the other let go of their dead; embalming, mummification, and the widely known burials, amongst many others, were methods in which people said goodbye to their dead. Is resurrection possible if cremated remains are scattered? Cremation has gone through periods of preference throughout history. What would have been?. WebWhen cremation was practiced in the Bible, it showed contempt of person as mentioned in Joshua 7:25. Bible-era practices are described in Ungers Bible Dictionary as follows: Interment in Bible times followed soon after death, as is evident in the narratives of the burial of Sarah (Genesis 23:1-20), Rachel (Genesis 35:19-20), and Rebekahs nurse (Genesis 35:8). Your email address will not be published. WebMisconception: Cremation dishonors the body. I agree, it helps me to be near what remains of my mother. After all, the spirit governs the flesh is the belief widely held in Christendom. Because of this, we cannot have our physical selves truly resurrected. In parts of Europe during the middle ages, cremation was forbidden and punishable by death, especiallyif combined with Heathen rites. The children of Israel convicted a man name Achan of a grievous sin against God. Nowhere in the Bible does it say that a cremated body cant rise during the second coming of Christ. This does not necessarily mean that cremation is not an acceptable method of burial. In general, the practice ofcremationwas taken more as a punishment than honor in the Bible. Yet, as Dr. The fact that a body is cremated does not make it impossible or difficult for God to resurrect that body. The Bible does not say that a cremated body cannot rise. This idea is not a part of the Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead. Rightly so, because the above cases were all one form or the other, that was void of dignity and resulted from an act of shamelessness. Misconception: In Bible times, only people in Gods disfavor were burned after death. The resurrection of the body will occur at the end of the age when Christ returns. Many of the heathen nations around the Israelites traditionally cremated their dead. Cremated bodies become part of the air and ash and buried bodies become part of the ground and plant life. It ismore of a cultural and philosophical issue rather than a biblical one. Second, throughout the Bible, people treated the human body with great respect and often showed deep concern regarding a dead persons remains, as can be seen in Genesis 49:29-31. listeners: [], Pastors wont give you a straight answer. No, the Bible does not state that a cremated body cannot rise. However, some Christians believe that the dead rise from the dead. 2) Is it acceptable and even commonly practiced to favor a closer proximity to family even though my parents are recalled as expressing an interest in being buried in Florida where they lived at the time? WebThe Christian Tradition of Cremation Why a Cremated Body Doesnt Rise in the Bible . Published: Jun. the body is a holy temple, and a persons soul will rise at the end of time if the body becomes cremains. Visiting remains do no good to no one. Christians that died hundredsof years ago are certainly turned into dust by now. He created the universe and the most powerful thing that the eye can see which is the sun. 4) can you think of any reason why the homestate can not be considered. I even buried my pets in a pet cemetery because they were special to me. The Bible does not have any commands or laws against cremation. Christians that died hundreds of years ago are certainly turned into dust by now. A traditional funeral can often cost around $8,000 to $10,000 while the average cost of cremation is $1,500 to $2,500. The Bible does not say that a cremated body cannot rise. This is certainly true in the case of Gods family. Romans 12: 1-2. Wouldnt your belief in God and the way you live your life determine if you go the heaven? Cremation is often practiced today in cultures that have no respect for the human body or see it as evil; Christians in those societies reject cremation. But again, it does not command that burial should be the only method. Both of these people were dead for several days before they were resurrected. To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. After all, he created man from dust; can he not do it again, or are we of little faith? There is no Biblical precedent for cremation. If it is approved, the goal is to create memorial parks full of trees instead of tombstones. He maybe can't tell you where it is in the bible because it's not there to find! If it is mostly for you and there desire was to be buried not only together but in Florida, then Florida would be Honoring your Mother and Fathers wish, you have heard that before I am sure Honor your Mother and Father all your days. God knows how to raise the body, either in the resurrection of life or the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:28-29). So, cremation will not separate you from Gods love and will not affect your eternal destiny. Barrier points out in What Does the Bible Say about Cremation? no matter which burial practices one follows, the results are always the same: Dust to dust, ashes to ashes In early Roman Britain, cremation was diminished by thefourth century. July 6, 2005 Nevertheless, there were certain instances where the cremation of the dead still took place. So there is a bad connection to being burnt. While cremation was common among Romans and Greeks, Christians soon started to bury their dead, just like the Jews had always done. By BGEA Staff However, the Bible does teach that God has the ability to bring together whatever has been scattered according to scripture, And He will send his angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. God is very specific about how a person becomes a are The Bibleneither favors nor forbidsthe process of cremation. The argument is simple: bodies decompose and become part of other elements. Be blessed. Fact: The Bible says that those who die return to the dust, which is what naturally happens to a corpse when it decomposes. There's no life in there at all, therefore cremation cannot result in someone going to hell!! After King David heard of this, he had his men go and exhume, burn their bodies, and transport them back for a proper burial. No, the Bible does not state that a cremated body cannot rise. All bodies buried since time are all dust by now, and when the time happens, they will become dust if God tarries (1st Corinthians 15:35 44). WebWhen cremation was practiced in the Bible, it showed contempt of person as mentioned in Joshua 7:25. The Bible does not specifically address the issue of cremation, but it does state that the dead will be resurrected (John 5:28-29). I was never new of any bible teaching that a cremated body could not rise to heaven. Historically speaking, the practice of cremation does have pagan roots. The Israelites always buried their dead or put them in a tomb. ( Genesis 3: 19) Cremation speeds up the process by reducing the body to ashes, or dust. We believe God gave us our bodies, and they should be treated with respect. Permissions It is widely held that our faith would have been null and void without Christ resurrecting from the dead. The resurrection of the body will occur at the end of the age when Christ returns. Does the Bible Say a Cremated Body Cant Rise? That is why God sent His only Begotten Son. God says when he returns he will raise our old bodies to know bodies in heaven. Required fields are marked *. In 1997, it was determined that the funeral service could be performedafter the cremation of thebody. As highlighted above, we have grown to know in modern Christianity that cremation was a disposition reserved for the ills and societal rejects, hence the burning of witches and many more who have been convicted of certain evil, whereas that does not offer any validation as to why saints should not take it. claims the Bible says you cant go to heaven if youre cremated. 2 Years After Billy Grahams Passing, Will Graham Reflects on Promise of Heaven. God is equally able to raise a persons remains that have been cremated as he is the remains of a person who was not cremated. Io n is have you ever accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Your soul shall rise to meet him on the day of resurrection. WebAt the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a persons body has been buried or cremated. Some feel that its disrespectful or that it deprives the family of the sense of closure that comes from viewing the body in the casket. Many years ago, our pastor at that time gave his opinion on the question of being cremated. One reason burial has been preferred by Christians is because the Bible teaches that one day those who die in Christ will be raised from the dead and given new bodies. } And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by whoring, profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire. How does the Bible describe the glorified bodies we will possess in Heaven? He who lets Me in, I shall dine with him and him with Me. I trust the Holy Spirit, GodAbsent the Father and my Lord Jesus Christ. This argument, though, is refuted by others on the basis of the fact that the body still decomposes over time after burial. These cremains are then placed in a plastic bag inside an urn and returned to the loved ones family. Barrier points out in What Does the Bible Say about Cremation? no matter which burial practices one follows, the results are always the same: Dust to dust, ashes to ashes Misconception: In Bible times, only people in Gods disfavor were burned after death. He can resurrect a body eaten by a shark or a baby torn limb from limb and aborted by its mother. Christians that died hundreds of years ago are certainly turned into dust by now. After creating the human race, God saw all that he had made, and it was very good (Genesis 1:31). Besides, there are individuals who do not bother about burial as well as cremation because it is the spiritual body that is allowed to enter Heaven, not the physical body. The whole burial process can be long, full of the declarations of love and admiration for those that have passed. God knows how to raise the body, either in the resurrection of life or the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:28-29). The Bible neither favors nor forbids the process of cremation. Cremation was practiced in ancient times, but it was not practiced by those in the Old or New Testaments except on rare occasions (Leviticus 20:14; 1 (Answered), Is Watching Anime a Sin? Cremation just speeds up the process. The children had no place to visit. The Bible says that this body is sown in dishonor and will be raised in glory (1 Corinthians 15:43). This was God channeling his power through a mere mortal; now, is there a limit to what he can do on the day of resurrection? Privacy The Bible also says that Lazarus was raised from the dead (Luke 16:19-31). By the time you get to the funeral whether cremation or burial (which is usually days later) it is just a body. In fact, with Ecclesiastes 3:20 quite literally mentioning dust, and with the prevalence of the phrase "ashes to ashes" in Catholic culture, the act of cremation has been seeing a bit of a renaissance. There are, however, biblical examples of how Christians were buried recorded in the Bible. Published: Jun. WebBible verses related to Cremation from the King James Version (KJV) by Relevance. When someone wishes to be cremated, typically they are placed in a wooden or cardboard casket and placed in the chamber. My question(s) that have to do with their burial are: As a Family pray together over this and if you are family that follows Christ then you know the Holy Spirit will help guide your decision. And the daughter of any priest, if she profanes herself by whoring, profanes her father; she shall be burned with fire. Local: 704-401-2432 We believe God gave us our bodies, and they should be treated with respect. The Catholic Church treats I think it was St. Joan of Arc as a Saint. This idea is not a part of the Christian belief in the resurrection of the dead. I am really torn about Cremation or Burial. Even bodies buried traditionally eventually decompose. Just saying. The flesh profiteth us nothing. The Bible does not explicitly say that bodies that have been cremated cannot rise, however, it does provide some evidence that suggests that a cremate body will be resurrected differently than that of a non-cremated body. There is no place in Scripture, which signifies that cremation is inappropriate. But when the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul, all the valiant men arose and went all night and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and they came to Jabesh and burned them there. Therefore, a cremated body would still be able to be resurrected. When people were first called Christians, they were referred to as such because they saw that their behavior was like that of Christ. Permissions Cremation, according to science, is an irreversible reaction. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Expert advice of how to chose the right funeral, Protect your family with the right policy, Our guides & recommendations on who to chose, Jewish Funeral Traditions: 15 Important Things You Need To Know, Muslim Funeral Traditions: 10 Things You Should Know, Buddhist Funeral Traditions: The Ceremony, Cremation, Mourning, & More. (function() { But when the inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul, all the valiant men arose and went all night and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth-shan, and they came to Jabesh and burned them there. It disturbs me that my Catholic upbringing insinuates that the families scattering their loved ones ashes in the sea or other desired location they request, is something God is/was concerned about. 10, 2014, 11:50 a.m. NEW! They all eventually integrate into other things, including, in I just wanted to clear up some wrong I formation in your website. 1 Samuel 31:11-13 ESV / 7 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. on: function(evt, cb) { Contact Us. } Historically speaking, the practice of cremation does have pagan roots. WebTherefore, the fact that a body has been cremated would not prevent Him from resurrecting us. God has plans for our post resurrected Souls whichthe will be with Him forever. The Bible does not specifically address the issue of cremation, but it does state that the dead will be resurrected (John 5:28-29). In fact, most people who were burned in the Bible were cursed. To a certain extent, they can make a strong case for their contention. Gods covenant people, the Jews always buried their dead and even saved the bones safely in osuaries so that tombs could be used perpetually by other family members. BGEA is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Wasnt she burned at the stake? Biblical Perspective on Cremation You may do well to investigate why your family doesn't approve of your cremation choice. We believe God gave us our bodies, and they should be treated with respect. To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. Would that preclude them from resurrection? Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? WebCremation was not practiced on both Lazarus and Jesus' body, as they were placed in the ground upon death (John 11, 12:17, Matthew 27, Mark 15, etc.). Ethics and Religion Talk. However, numerous Bible passages suggest that a persons physical body is essential for the resurrection. In Matthew 27:52-53, Jesus is resurrected after being buried for three days and then coming out of his tomb. He explained that in the days of Jesus on earth, the people that were criminals were thrown in a fire to be burnt outside the city. So there is a bad connection to being burnt. Cremation was practiced in ancient times, but it was not practiced by those in the Old or New Testaments except on rare occasions (Leviticus 20:14; 1 The Bible, however, does give a few examples where bodies were burned after death. Second, throughout the Bible, people treated the human body with great respect and often showed deep concern regarding a dead persons remains, as can be seen in Genesis 49:29-31. The atoms in your bodies are continuously replaced. These are my feelings and probably dont agree with anyone else. Return to: Your new body will be that, new. The Israelites always buried their dead or put them in a tomb. Trees hold great symbolism and meaning across many different cultures. We expect the resurrection of the body. Is cremation allowed in the Bible? person or spirit has moved on to an eternal destiny. 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