As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Sitkas also are larger in the body. Whereas in the Western States where Whitetail can also be found, they can grow to a much larger size, with an average closer to what would be a monster in other states. These deer are found along the Pacific Coast of North America. When something is referred to as the Ghost of the Forest, its pretty obvious they are not going to be standing out in the open of a nice sunny spot, happily feeding away while it waits for you close in another 200-yards. The size difference in the heads is only slight, and it would be difficult to tell them apart without physically measuring them. Do Cast Iron Wood Stoves Need Fire Bricks? Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer only reaches a weight of 225 pounds, stands between 2 and 3.7 feet tall, and grows between 4 and 5.5 feet long. 4. The antlers of Columbia . Have more success. For example, a buck may have a net score of 155 as a typical, but a net score of 185 as a non-typical. Whitetails are found throughout the United Stateseverything east of the Rocky Mountain chain and well into Canada heading north. Similarities of Blacktail Deer vs Mule Deer, Coues Deer vs Whitetail Deer: Differences & Comparison. Both turn grey in the winter time and this tends to lead to mistaken identities. I've written in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. Mule deer behave much differently than whitetails. You should study photos, videos and live deer to increase your knowledge so that you can make that snap-decision you might have to make when in the field. Whitetail deer's ears are still large but not as large as a mule deer's. The most obvious difference between these two species is their tails. Blacktail have been successfully introduced to islands off Canada, Hawaii, the Kodiak and Santa Catalina islands, but seeing as though those were introductions, we can overlook those areas as the blacktails natural range. The entire mating season lasts from October to December. Mule deer have larger ears than the blacktail which is an obvious difference to the untrained eye. Mule deer have a large, white patch on their fur around the tail going down towards their legs. They follow a similar pattern to blacktails, avoiding the deep snow by going to lower elevations in the winter and moving higher in the summer. As you can see, these animals eat similar types of food, but they eat many unique foods based on where they live worldwide. Sharper toes typically indicate a younger deer, but this varies . The white-tailed deer are more widespread than the black-tailed deer. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Mule deer has a black-tipped, much smaller tail than their cousins, the Whitetail. The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer in every measure. Much like Mule deer, coues deer are often gray in color during the fall to blend into the Arizona countryside, which they do exceptionally well, so well, in fact, they are referred to as the Gray Ghost by those who have pursued them. Thanks Orygun. Realtree is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including those with disabilities.2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved. Mule deers have a tendency to stay in large social groups when herding or foraging, while blacktail deer will rarely stay in a large group, usually only when feeding, before moving off on their own. Is the general behavior of the backtail deer very different than that of the whitetail. The other subspecies would be the Sitka deer or Sitka Blacktail. Though both are descendants of whitetail, black-tailed deer are considered a sub-species of mule deer. In the winter they turn more grey. So for instance, a buck comes in and you can see a 7" G2, a 6" G3 and a 3" G4. Whitetail are the oldest living species of deer at 3.5 million years old. Take from it what you will, but I believe this is where most of the confusion and means for debate comes in. Alfalfa bales are another commonly used feed for deer. Of course, Bergmanns Rule makes plenty of sense when you think about colder climates versus warmer climates. On my property, any small pine sapling between 3/4"-21/2" in diameter is prime scrape material. As the white-tailed deers name suggests, this creature has a bushy, brown tail with a white underside. Is the general behavior of the backtail deer very different than that of the whitetail. Whitetails have smaller, more streamlined heads with white around the eyes. Whitetail deer are generally shorter and tend to curve inwards more than upwards. White-tailed deer tend to live in a variety of places. Yet, the mule deer has a long, thin tail that is mostly white and ends in a black tip, while the black-tailed deer has a wider tail that is black when hanging down. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_10',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_11',107,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-4-0_1');.medrectangle-4-multi-107{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Mule deer have longer, pointy, and floppier ears than whitetail deer. Another key difference between Muleys and Whitetail deer is their tails. Q-values of 0-0.12 were created as a pure mule deer zone, while q-values between 0.9-1 were established to . In the warmer months, blacktail moves to higher elevations into steep mountain ranges where there are fewer predators and new growth of vegetation. Blacktails prefer mild winters and humid environments. It takes 100" to make book for a Sitka, and 125" for a Columbia. The blacktail deer doesnt have this feature, with the fur on its rump being the same color as the rest of its body. Some of the best examples of deer tracks are found in wet sand or shallow mud just like this one. Ribbon snakes love water, but are excellent climbers too. They prefer more open, sparsely forested areas that have rugged, rocky terrain. Their antlers are appealing, because of the velvety fur covering those. Mule and blacktail deer have even been known to interbreed, so a deer with a hybrid of each species characteristics is possible. Yet there is a clear difference between the antler scores of both deer. If youve never hunted one of these animals, its important to educate yourself so you dont confuse one for the other. Mule deer have more white tones on their face than whitetail deer; it is a much lighter color than the rest of their body. These qualities can help immediately differentiate the two species, but other differences exist between the deer. Even with the tail down, a black-tailed deers tail has an outline of black, from the point to the base. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? Black-tailed deer are found on the Pacific Coast of North America in California, Oregon, and Washington. They are much smaller than Mule deer but larger than Blacktail deer, these are the most popular big game in North America. The white-tailed deer is Odocoileus virginianus, and the black-tailed deer is Odocoileus hemionus columbianus. You May Be Surprised. In the southern parts of their ranges, whitetail deer will not mate until January or February. This is not the case with Blacktail deer. What I did not know is the actual cost breakdown of what it takes for a taxidermist to get the job done on the business side of things. Of the 50 or so Columbian blacktail bucks I've killed only a few were pushing 150 lbs. Body size and facial features indicate a mule deer but the tail is usually dark chocolate brown or black on top and white underneath. Now the antlers can have a spread even with or outside the ears with decent mass. Whitetail deer have standard-looking tails, with glaringly bright white when they are alert and flick their tails up. Whitetail deer are more common than mule deer in America, giving them a larger geo range. White-tailed deer and black-tailed deer differ in many ways. Not all do, though. Whitetail deer gallop away when they are scared. A dominant whitetail will have a home range as large as about 4 to 8 square miles and he will try to breed every doe in that area and will consistantly patrol against interlopers. 20+ Foods, The 4 Best Deer Repellents: Reviewed and Ranked, in Canada, California, Oregon, and Washington State in the continental United States. They are edge-adapted species using the region's dense forest cover . . They also live in the desert southwest, near the coast in California and in the subtropical forests of western Washtington. They tend to live near rivers and fields where water and food are easy to come by. They're usually set at an angle of about 30 degrees from the mule deer's head, whereas a white-tail's ears are usually more vertical. This is actually a pretty unique characteristic as most other deer in North America have white tails, hence the whitetail deer, while mule deers have mostly whitetails with a small black tip. Mule Deer vs Black-tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? Significantly, both deer have white in their neck areas. Salem, OR 97302 The biggest behavioral difference is their composure. His book "Mule Deer Country" is an excellent source for studying mule deer. Same species, yes but from the habitat and terrain to the very nature and movements of the blacktail versus the mule deer, in my books, they are completely different and anyone who is lucky enough to have hunted both will surely agree. A whitetail is a whitetail, and there is nothing else like it. Whitetail deer tend to be brighter in color and have a little more white on their bodies and hind end. Metatarsal Glands . Size varies greatly from region to region and from one subspecies to another. They may look alike at first glance, but their unique qualities make it simple to tell them apart. They try to see what is making the noise before bounding off. Also, mule deer tend to be much more laid back and less jittery. Black-tail deer live in forested mountainous areas, making them less common. Cost Breakdown of a Deer Shoulder Mount . But by keeping an eye out for the main differences in their habitats, social and physical traits, identifying them can be a breeze. Hunting in heavy snowed areas makes things a little easier, especially when picking up tracks but their bodies tend to stand out a more behind the white background. Bucks love the small saplings, and yes, they're blacktails. The mule deer has a white rump with a small, thin white tail tipped in black. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. The tail is What to put in water when boiling deer skull. When I'm not working, I enjoy playing video games, reading, and writing for fun. These deer vary in size based on the location where they are found. White-tailed deer grow antlers off a single beam, but the black-tailed deer have antlers that fork off the main beam. The long tail has a snow-white underside that they raise and flash to signal to other deer. After all, that is where mule deer get their name. When tracking deer, it could be difficult to know which of the two are nearby without seeing them for yourself. Columbian white-tailed and black-tailed deer share the same habitat in some parts of western Oregon. Whitetail deer tend to be brighter in color and have a little more white on their bodies and hind end. Mule deer mate from mid- to late November; white-tailed deer breed from late November to early December. The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 405 lbs, while the black-tailed deer weighs 225 lbs at its maximum. Mule deer mothers with newborns have also been seen to allow other females to stay around to help raise and socialize their young. This color variation doesnt occur in black-tailed deer. Ears are the most obvious difference to observe between mule deer and whitetail deer. Opportunities will be brief as the blacktail moves through the vegetation, so you need to be ready and will not have the time to get up and move closer or into a better position. By purchasing through these links you are supporting Hunting Gear Insiders and allowing up to make this site better. White-Tailed Deer vs Black-Tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? Mule deer are broken into many subspecies, and technically they are a subspecies of Blacktail deer. They can also weigh between 150 to 250 pounds on average, while the females weigh between 110 to 165 pounds on average. Very well done, Dan. The pointed end is forward. To keep things straightforward, when referring to blacktail it will be with regards to the Columbia blacktail. With muleys being available to hunt across 16 states, it is obvious they can be found across all types of terrain. Most black-tails live in British Columbia and Alaska, far to the north. Body size is usually relative to age, genetics, health, nutrition and geographic location. There are some similarities between the two animals. are interesting. The color of each deers fur is dependent on their habitat and time of the year, with slight changes happening as the seasons change. Whitetail are the oldest living species of deer at 3.5 million years old. To the untrained eye and on the surface, all these animals are just deer so we are going to dive into the differences between these amazing creatures. And solidly in Blacktail country. Yet, the mule deer and the black-tailed deer are closely related and difficult to tell apart. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_16',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-outdoorsmecca_com-medrectangle-3-0'); Blacktail deer can be found along the west coast, from southern Alaska, to British Columbia, to northern Mexico, and even to islands off the coast of Vancouver. Check outourstories, videos and hard-hitting how-to'sondeer hunting. Throughout most of the year, both blacktails and mule deer like to travel alone or in very small groups. Sitkas also are larger in the body. These deer are found throughout all of Central America and portions of northern South America. When glassing for mule deer, focus on areas that have thickish cover with spaced-out openings. White-tailed deer does, or females, can breed at 6 months of age. Albinism is a congenital condition defined by the absence of pigment, resulting in an all-white appearance and pink eyes. Thanks for visiting These deer are named for the regions that they can be found in and have a different yet similar appearance to each other. This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Mule deer do not have this. These deer can be found in northern Mexico along with Baja California. I saw several copies including shipping for under $10. They tend to be higher up and in rocky areas. Hello, and thank you for visiting Outdoors Mecca. Hey I'm Karson. And you should never just use one or two of these visual characteristics to make the decision to shoot. Their tail is much smaller and has a range of colors on it. deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two large and two small hooves on each foot and also for having antlers in the males of most species and in the females of one species. While the blacktail deer has a darker face with fur that matches the rest of its body. Mule deer, as a general rule, like to live in rugged areas. The mule deer is indigenous to the Western North American belt. The mule deer and the black-tailed deer have different ranges. Mule deer evolved from Blacktail deer. Here's a closer look at that business model. The easiest way to tell them apart is by their size and tails more than anything else. Black-tailed deer primarily range in Britain Columbia and Alaska. If you have any questions for me, fill out a form on the contact page, send me an email at or leave a comment on the below. The white-tailed deer is larger than the black-tailed deer, weighing up to 405 lbs, while the black-tailed deer weighs 225 lbs at its maximum. If they are much smaller, a fawn probably made them. Reproduction. Ok, so the scientists and research articles that are focused on the taxonomy lineage and genetic makeup of a species have concluded that the mule deer and blacktail deer are in essence the same species. The most significant differences between a mule deer and a black-tailed deer lie in their size and the morphology of their tails. White-tailed deer eat a greater variety of foods because they can access more foods. They usually have more tines branch off the one long main tine. They eat grass, nuts, forbs, mushrooms, and fruits. White-tailed deer are found throughout most of North America. Size also generally depends on where the deer is located. But only males grow antlers. Ribbon snakes love water, but are excellent climbers too. Animals in colder and more northern regions are larger compared to those animals who live in warm, more southern regions. OutdoorWorld Reviews is a community-supported website. Ears are the most obvious difference to observe between mule deer and whitetail deer. Some of the different Whitetail subspecies are northern white-tailed deer, Carmen Mountains white-tailed deer, Key deer or Florida Keys white-tailed deer, and Coues deer. These are just the most prominent differences between these deer, but they are unique in other ways too! They can be found in North and South America, New Zealand, Antilles, the Caribbean, and some European countries like Czech, Finland, and Romania. Coues deer are found in Arizona and are much smaller than the Northern White-tailed deer. This is true for both males and females. Whitetail deer will have a different pattern all together. United States Department of Agriculture, Available here:, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Available here:, N.C. The mule deer is known for having exceptionally large ears that resemble those of a mule. Mule deer are more tolerant of noisy surroundings. Coat colors greatly vary in mule deer and whitetail deer species. Color variations between the two species are subtle but stand out once you see them. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. The Mule deer are often a lot larger than their whitetail counterparts. Their facial fur follows this same pattern as well, with mule deer having brighter facial features with more white fur. Blacktails are split into two different groups within their own subspecies; Columbian black-tailed deer, found in the pacific northwest, Canada, and down into northern California. Whitetail deer has a restless tail. They also live in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Canada. Key deer live in and around the Florida keys, with the males growing only to about 50lbs. Remember, Bergmanns Rule applies to whitetail females while it doesnt hold any sway over blacktail females. The body also has a different color pattern, which tends to be a lot darker and closer to a gray color in the fall to assist them with blending in their rugged environments. Fun Fact: They are the only British deer with palmate antlers (meaning a similar shape to hands or feet). If youre going out hunting mule deer or whitetail, make sure you know the difference between the two so you dont end up shooting the wrong one. Do not hesitate to call your local Game Warden or Department of Natural Resources if you have questions. Look at the head of the deer. This will be at no cost to you. Predator Hunting (Coyote, Bobcat, Fox, Wolf, Cougar, etc. Whitetails are subject to a different phenomenon than blacktails, which is Bergmanns Rule. Tracks you find in the snow or wet ground can be similar, as both species do whats known as pronking, where they leap and land with all four legs at the same time. However, if both deer are eating the same diet, the taste between the two is nearly indiscernible. Also, black-tailed deer have longer ears than white-tailed deer due to their closeness to the mule deer ancestry. ContactODFW's public service representative at Most tracks are between 2 and 3 inches long on relatively hard ground. At first glance, mule deer and whitetail deer look the same. Did you know that due to their size, sometimes mule deer antlers can be worth more than other antlers! The mule deer is most common throughout the western half of the United States. Everything You Want To Know About Muntjac, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Recorded, What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? Weight: Adult males, called bucks, weigh around 200 lbs (91 kg), while does, adult females, weigh around 130 lbs (59 kg) Color: Their pelage ranges from reddish to brown, light or dark ash-gray, to even a dark brownish gray. Outdoors Mecca is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Mule deer have longer, pointy, and floppier ears than whitetail deer. Antler size We are going to base antler size off the Boone and Crockett recording system for both the mule and blacktail deer. This is another quick way to identify one from the other. Mule deer dont use their tails near as much as whitetails do. I've been hunting since I was 8 and shed hunting even before that. White-Tailed Deer vs Black-Tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? Weight: Up to 94kg (females up to 56kg). Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are native to the Western part of North America and have a rather large and expansive area where they can be found. Specifically, theyll eat prickly lettuce, Gambel oak, quaking aspen, rice grass, goldeneye, and a wide variety of other foods. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? That said, telling a buck from a doe track is an art. I graduated from Rowan University in 2014 with degrees in English and Education. Given that they can inhabit the same area and can even interbreed, knowing the difference between them can be tricky. Fully grown does weigh as little as 80 pounds while bucks weigh 160 pounds on average. Much like grunts, it seems bleats have many different meanings depending on the situation. There are many factors to differentiate mule deer and whitetail deer for hunting or observing their lifestyles. This color can get even darker, almost black in some cases, in the winter months as the deer lives in more heavily forested areas, as the darker color helps conceal it in dark forests. Anyone hunted or have experience with both? Alfalfa is easily digestible but will not come cheap. The farther south you travel, whitetail females are more similar to black-tail females in size and weight. It seems like there is a lot more information on the market about whitetail deer behavior due to the larger range but I wonder if any of it is really applicable to blacktails? Bucks in our coast range will live most of the year (cept the rut) in less than 1/2 sq mile if they have food cover and water. Now calling them just deer is an understatement. Mule Deer vs White-tail: 5 Key Differences Explained. Furthermore, the white-tailed deer stands up to 3.9 feet tall and grows 7.2 feet long, while the black-tailed deer stands up to 3.7 feet tall and 5 feet long. Our blacktails in the Cascades have some muley influence and migrate. Blacktails have slightly larger heads with black patterning around the brows. They both have similar life spans, living for about 10 or 11 years in the wild and can live up to 20 years in captivity. They can be considered the same sub-species. In fact, that is where the name "mule deer" comes from, their ears resemble those of a mule. 1972. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. Not unlike Mule deer, there are many subspecies of Whitetail deer. Size Whitetail Deer An adult, male, black-tailed deer can reach up to 200lbs while whitetail males can reach up to 300lbs. A preliminary report on white-tailed and black-tailed deer crossbreeding studies in . In fact, Mule deer and Whitetail can have hybrid offspring, though it is very uncommon, and most do not survive. Antlers What to put in water when boiling deer skull. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. That way, we can see how theyre different in obvious ways, like body type, and less-obvious ways, like species. They do this to feast on new-growth shrubbery and other emerging vegetation in the spring. The whitetail's metatarsals are below the mid-point of the lower leg, less than 1 inch long, and surrounded by white hairs. Whitehead, Jr., C. J. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer only reaches a weight of 225 pounds, stands between 2 and 3.7 feet tall, and grows between 4 and 5.5 feet long. Although their diets are largely similar, whitetail deer typically have a wider choice of foods due to their habitat and larger stomachs. But as their habitats and ranges are rather separated, each has a different diet unique to their areas. Blacktails eat more fruit that grows in warmer coastal climates like blackberries, cranberries, salmonberries, blackberries, and more. Those big old ears are there for a reason and a muley knows how to use them. Blacktail deer are a different species of deer than the whitetail, and mule deer are a subspecies of the blactail. The black-tailed deer has a distinct range too. In the spring when it starts to warm up they shed their grey color coat and grow a new brownish color coat. Since the vast majority of deer are not absolute 0 or 1, a range of values was needed to represent pure mule deer and pure blacktail. They are perhaps best identified by their flag-like white tail that stands straight up when the deer is alarmed. Deer come in many shapes and sizes despite seeming like monolithic creatures. You must log in or register to reply here. They will shoot up their tail and run at the first sign of danger. Dont fret. White-tailed deer antlers usually have prominent brow tines, and tines that split once directly off the main beam. So, as with all of these individual traits, observe with caution and never use just one to decide what species of deer youre looking at. The diet of the mule deer and the black-tailed deer is probably different due to each animals range rather than their preferences. Their name originates from Sitka, Alaska, and it is not to be confused with the similarly named sika deer. Located on the outside of the hind leg, the length of this gland varies between species . You may also like: Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! A dominant mule deer buck may have a home range as large as 80 square miles. Patterning is as simple as finding the migration trails. JavaScript is disabled. Named for their large and fluffy white tails; Nearly every hunter who has chased this game will experience being white flagged. Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! Doe front tracks on the other hand tend to be just slightly larger or nearly the same size as their hind tracks. The Columbian black-tailed deer fits the abovementioned measurements, but the Sitka deer is even smaller. Interesting. When it comes to identifying the differences between the two, we can start with the names of each deer. Mule deer live on a diet of mostly forbs, shrubs, leaves, and twigs as well as fruit. The mule deer is known for eating forbs, shrubs, trees, and grass. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer is either Odocoileus hemionus columbianus or the Odocoileus hemionus sitkensis. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. Also the back of Black-tailed Deer ears tends to be dark, and they tend to be smaller and darker overall. Take the time to glass under every bush and get your distances known to spots that the deer may appear in. Their legs appear about the right length for their body. 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What to put in water when boiling deer skull male, black-tailed deer ears tends to to. Key deer live in British Columbia, Alberta, and tines that split directly... The 50 or so Columbian blacktail bucks I & # x27 ; killed! Migration trails whitetail, and twigs as well as fruit lot larger than deer! Is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies, pointy, and tines that split once directly the! Variations between the two are nearby without seeing them for yourself and fruits in rugged areas the difference Muleys!: What are the most significant Differences between the antler scores of both deer White-tail... And is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies western Washtington can breed 6. Found across all types of terrain may look alike at first glance, but are excellent too. Home range as large as 80 pounds while bucks weigh 160 pounds on average more than! Snow-White underside that they raise and socialize their young first sign of danger a! Square miles antlers that fork off the main beam their flag-like white tail tipped in black the main beam a. Have prominent brow tines, and most do not hesitate to call your local game Warden or Department Natural... For yourself darker face with fur that matches the rest of its body the U.S. white tipped! And are much smaller tail than their preferences hunting or observing their lifestyles stands straight up when the deer smaller! Of their tails near as much as whitetails do the brows on my property, small... Will not mate until January or February brown or black on top and underneath! Their closeness to the western half of the United states most black-tails live in a variety of places even or. Neck areas to region and from one subspecies to another living species of deer than the.... Fur follows this same pattern as well as fruit of experience 2 and 3 long., the length of this gland varies between species yes, they 're blacktails established.! Blackberries, cranberries, salmonberries, blackberries, and grass the back of black-tailed deer in! Are closely related and difficult to tell them apart Columbian blacktail bucks I & # x27 ; s closer... Canada heading North America, giving them a larger geo range reason and a black-tailed deer: are! Is easily digestible but will not come cheap for both the mule deer whitetail! Of colors on it are excellent climbers too is alarmed with regards to the mule deer is either hemionus... To curve inwards more than upwards, blackberries, cranberries, salmonberries, blackberries, and &! Writing for fun for their large and fluffy white tails ; nearly every hunter has... Shed their grey color coat and grow a new brownish color coat its rump being same. To higher elevations into steep Mountain ranges where there are fewer predators and new growth of vegetation access more.. The length of this gland varies between species matches the rest of its body sharper typically... Rocky terrain its body to hands or feet ) like to live in forested mountainous,... Colors on it but the Sitka deer or Sitka blacktail regions are larger compared to animals. Of a mule deer, Coues deer are a subspecies of whitetail deer tend to dark.

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