Countering this, Yhwach summons several Soldat from his shadow to combat Senjumaru's soldiers. Stating Ichigo knows nothing about himself, not even about his own mother, Yhwach threatens to drag Ichigo to the Wandenreich and tell him everything there. [175] Yhwach can even choose the specific individuals he wishes to summon. wat u guys think. Yhwach notes that Tensa Zangetsu is indeed a fearsome Bankai and reveals that he used the future to break it before breaking off Ichigo's horn as well while reminding him to not drop his guard. But, Ishida had an ulterior motive. Speed is equalized. [32], Eventually, Yhwach sent out two of his personal guards, Hubert and Argola, to inform nearby villages of the formation of the Sternritter. At least that's how I read it. And I think I kind of didn't care about bazz b after all these years. This is possible due to him absorbing the previous Soul King's power. Ichib: Haschwalth: Round 1: Bankai Ichib and Jugram with The Balance. Why Does Uryu Join Yhwach in Bleach TYBW? Its a combination of things from the light novel and mamga, and even then its a stretch to call it a betrayal. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Yhwach tells Ichigo that it took a lot of work to create him and that he should stop making light of it, as his abilities were never his to begin with, before surrounding Ichigo with his Reiatsu. Telling Ichigo to keep pushing forward and moving between grains of sand without despairing, Yhwach watches as Ichigo activates his Bankai. He used to be Bazz B's best friend, until he sold him out to become Yhwach's follower, his right hand henchman. However, Aizen, having disguised himself as Ichigo, merely notes that Yhwach's vision of Ichigo attacking him is interesting while impaled on Yhwach's hand. In this form, Yhwach is a ranged character with the "Mind" Attribute and the "Captain Killer" ability who normally has a chance to inflict Paralysis with every attack other than his special and whose second Strong Attack is his Sankt Bogen, while his third is his Sankt Zwinger. [26] This desire of his is so strong it even seeps into other Quincy who have his blood, and they will be forced to slay the Soul King. [22], Yhwach believes that he and his Sternritter are comrades and that they should be prepared to assist each other whenever necessary, even if it means certain members should be sacrificed for others; he demonstrated this belief by using Auswhlen to steal the life force of the Sternritter who had been left behind in order to revive his fallen Schutzstaffel. He watches the short confrontation between Ury and Ichigo before telling Ury it's time to go. [2] When Ury asks why he specifically was chosen as his successor, Yhwach asks why he is alive, much to Ury's shock, before stating all mixed blood Quincy died during Auswhlen except for Ury. Letting out a gasp of air, Yhwach tried to slice at E.N.D. [72] Watching Ichigo and Candice Catnipp's battle from afar, Yhwach tells Haschwalth to summon "the key". Half a decade later, they find out he is alive and want his help again to fight the Quincy. Proclaiming that Ichigo should not sulk because there is no greater honor than this, Yhwach flings him into a wall before standing up as he prepares to demonstrate his true power. Because loyal Haschwalth has several issues as character. When Zeidritz pointed out how they had conquered all the nearby countries, Yhwach stated they had not yet conquered Soul Society before revealing that he intended to create an army called the Sternritter for this purpose. Of course on my part is just theory, the manga theory. It also makes sense. Either Jugram screw up or he did with intent to let this future unfold in order to kill Yhwach. Note: This is my first character topic done as a request. He puts great effort into forcibly recruiting them into his empire. His friendship with Haschwalth became at least normal or professional. Those who have misfortune are granted fortune and those that are fortunate receive terrible misfortune. Declaring his intention to find a right-hand man, Yhwach selected Haschwalth, whom he recognized as his other half. Yhwach commends Ichigo's power and forms his broadsword, only for Ichigo to grab him before slashing at close range. [138] However, if Yhwach's blood makes contact with the Still Silver formed within the hearts of those he targets with Auswhlen, he will briefly lose all his powers. [28], Yhwach is credited with being the progenitor of the Quincy, which they revere as their king and his blood flows in every Quincy. Certainly more complex than some blind follower like Jugram. I think you got it all right :) Publius_Syrus 2 yr. ago He is currently focusing on anime, his childhood love, with special atten Why Did Ishida Betray His Friends and Join Yhwach in Bleach? If not, that's a pretty big bombshell. So Haschwalth mentioned that Uryu experienced more growth upon receiving Yhwach's Schrift than all his advancements made over the years with his friends. 1 3 Divell A Walking Jojo Reference. Good morning, Young Miss.", she says as she bows over to them. He has a Ph.D. and speaks five languages. Jugram Haschwalth (, Yguramu Hasshuvaruto) is a male Quincy that was once the Grandmaster of the Sternritter within the Wandenreich, as well as the personal advisor to Yhwach. Furthemore why Haschwalth was wasting time with Uryuu instead making sure that Yhwach will know it wasnt dream what he send to him. If i get more than one, they'll be posted subsequently in random order. As for the dream, I think it was most likely Jugram warning Yhwach by highlighting one possible future. Stating the original Gotei 13 was a group to be feared, and Yamamoto did whatever it took to win, Yhwach says Soul Society will die soon, but unbeknownst to Yamamoto, the Gotei 13 died 1,000 years ago. [127], Auswhlen ( (), Ausuvren; German for "Select", Japanese for "Holy Selection"; "Consecration" in the Viz release): After 990 years of being sealed away, Yhwach used this ability to restore his lost powers. But Yamamoto not only beat Yhwach, he didn't even need to use most of his bankai's abilities. But he has manage to warp the world. Related: The 10 Best Anime Power Systems Ranked Or Yhwach switches with Royd at some point when he's off screen. Yhwach bashes Tensa Zangetsu out of Ichigo's hand and engulfs him and the rest of the Seireitei in his darkness before declaring that everything will lose its form and become one before his power. Appearing behind Yamamoto, Yhwach thanks Royd for his service before incinerating his remains. In the manga Haschwalth saw the future and tried to send a vison the Yhwach while he was asleep however Yhwach thought this vison was just a dream until it was too late. And to further support this, even Quilge considers Uryu's attacks to now be stronger than his own This means that Uryu is physically on a higher tier than the usual Captain-level Sternritters. When Tenjir Kirinji arrives, defeats the Soldat, and introduces himself, Yhwach demands to know if Kirinji believes he can defeat him, prompting Kirinji to confirm this before engulfing those present in his hot spring water. After Ichib pushes him downward with another hand, Yhwach punctures his own throat and proclaims that he gives himself the power of voice before using Sankt Bogen to shoot himself through the chest with a Heilig Pfeil, prompting Ichib to note he must kill him. Whether he would kill Giselle or not is something he wouldn't care about as long as she doesn't interrupt his sleep. [119] Yhwach grabs hold of Zangetsu and laments to Ichigo how the path is being closed to the world without fear, and further laments how existence will continue as it always has in a cycle of life and death. The destruction of the Quincies . [49] When the group loses their composure in the face of Hidetomo Kajmaru's defeat, Yhwach permits Haschwalth to spare the others if he thinks it is the benign choice. "Ah, you haven't prepared yourself again, Young Miss. [4] Over this, he wears a tattered, ankle-length maroon-black cloak, which has a red ribbon near the neck and is fastened to the left with a single large button. Dismissing this, Yhwach climbs newly-formed stairs to a room behind his throne and states they can acquire as many as they need, thanks to Hueco Mundo already being their dominion, as he looks at the imprisoned Tier Harribel. Excerpt from Can't Fear Your Own World I:- [84] Ichib and Yhwach clash, with Yhwach noting that he looks much happier than he expected. [41] At some point during the seventeen months after the defeat of Ssuke Aizen, the Wandenreich conquered Hueco Mundo, and Yhwach personally defeated its ruler, Tier Harribel. In the dark, Ichigo's eyes gleam, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he keeps his eyes on s Ndt sprawled on the sand, fists clenched tightly. It also makes sense. Halibel La Tres. It would not be hard to imagine and he had to probably even see with The Almighty that Yhwach would kill him at some point to gain even more power. Jugram has always considered that to be his place, from the moment that Yhwach found him and took him home. [36] As he prepared to battle Yamamoto one-on-one, he was stabbed from behind by Chjir Sasakibe, allowing Yamamoto to deliver the finishing blow. He was designated as "B" The Balance ( (), Za Baransu; Japanese for "World Harmony"). Why would Haschwalth try to warn Yhwach in the first place? Namely, from the very first moment we met him, Ishida was a very proud character who stuck to his heritage, as well as to his role as a Quincy. [73] As a beam of light pierces the heavens, Yhwach tells everyone to be with him. To the surprise of many, Yhwach explains that he has chosen Ury as his successor. Ury first appears in this saga when he and his friends protect the shinigami Rynosuke Yuki and Shino from some hollows. Golden, flowing locks, a fine sword, and a usually calm personality that is nonetheless fearsome and menacing. Haschwalth's vision wasn't an attempt to trick him and him letting Uryu go wasn't betrayal in his mind. We are going to give you all the details surrounding Ishidas betrayal and his joining the Sternetitter as one of Yhwachs closest allies. In the manga Haschwalth saw the future and tried to send a vison the Yhwach while he was asleep however Yhwach thought this vison was just a dream until it was too late. However, when Orihime's Sten Kisshun shatters around the king, Yhwach proclaims that the Soul King will never draw breath again. However, Yhwach is interrupted when an enormous hand shoves him off the side of the palace. When he decides to fight Haschwalth in Wahrwelt, Haschwalth would defeat him with the very swordman skills he learned and improved so hard for Bazz-B's sake. Of course, Yhwach didn't have the Almighty while he slept so he couldn't clearly see the future himself. He understood this was the name of the God these people worshiped, but he chose nonetheless to take this name for his own. Yoruichi begins throwing spheres at him, but Yhwach has Pernida warp her arm before throwing her out of the palace himself. In his whole life, he was a follower. A few days later, after Wandenreichs attack on Soul Society, Haschwalth brought Ury Ishida to Yhwach since Ury wanted to join the Wandenreich. [63] Later, Yhwach elaborates on how the Wandenreich managed to make Seireitei vanish and reveals the Quincy escaped into the Seireitei, the most vulnerable area in Soul Society, and created a space in the shadows after they lost the war 1000 years ago, which is why they named themselves the Hidden Empire. Claiming the Soul King is an imperfect god too weak to run away, Yhwach proclaims he shall end his humiliation here and notes the Soul King likely foresaw this day[91] before stabbing the Soul King, whom he addresses as his father and bids farewell. Not to mention that Yhwach burned his entire village aka everbody Haschwalth knew. Yhwach is the Father of the Quincy, the monarch of the Wandenreich, and the son of the Soul King, known by the designation "A" - The Almighty. I literally just re-read this sequence through, all chapters together, and while I can't pinpoint where I think Kubo decided on the switch, I genuinely believe he didn't begin with Yhwach as a fake. [161] He has an easier time collecting this energy in environments with higher concentrations of Reishi such as Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. Suddenly, Aizen appears with Kyka Suigetsu in hand and intervenes, prompting Yhwach to ridicule him for defending one of the "losers" which he so detests, before using Had #99. It's hard to call it betrayal since Jugram was literally never once loyal to Yhwach; all Jugram did was finally complete his lifelong goal of revenge. A subreddit for the Bleach manga & anime and the spinoff Burn the Witch created by Tite Kubo. When activated, the device can steal a currently released Bankai in the immediate vicinity. With the Seireitei and the main forces of the Gotei 13 decimated, Yhwach prepares to declare a retreat in order to await the Royal Guard's inevitable arrival, only to be startled by an explosion in the air above him. [115], Black veins encompass Ichigo and the surrounding area as Yhwach absorbs his Quincy and Hollow powers. JavaScript is disabled. And he even was trying to convince Buzz-B right untill the end to stop and join Wandenreich again. Explained, What Is Kenpachis Bankai in Bleach TYBW? [99], After Ury knocks Ichigo and the others off the palace, Mimihagi attempts to attack Yhwach, who merely wonders if it is trying to hinder its own child before dispersing it with a strike. Haschwalth didn't spite Yhwach, he clearly betrayed him as Yhwach's last thoughts was the fact that the "dream" he had was Haschwalth's Almighty seeing his fate and Haschwalth added it in while he was sleeping. That being said, I doubt Jugo will betray him. Why would Haschwalth try to warn Yhwach in the first place? He felt bad about it though and on a personal level was still loyal to Yhwach. So Jugram really had no personal motivation to get revenge on Yhwach, besides just following Bazz-B, his only friend. [102] When Haschwalth and the others enter the Soul King's chambers, which are covered with darkness, Yhwach turns around to reveal that he has gained a mask of eyes across his face. With Auswhlen, he did this to Kanae Katagiri, killing her, and to Masaki Kurosaki, who died during her fight with Grand Fisher due to the loss of her powers. This was inherited from his grandfather since his father who was a Quincy himself wanted nothing to do with the organization and opted for a civilian life as a physician. I assume he becomes The Almighty since his eyes gets 3 pupils and irises. When Yhwach deflects Ichib's brush with his arm, Ichib reveals that his brush can cut names as a shocked Yhwach's arm falls to his side. When there are alternative explanations for what happened with Yhwach's defeat (and ones that are more thematically resonant), I think it's better to err on the side of the explanations that don't undermine Jugram's whole character. While he did join Yhwach and the Sternritter and. Seeing the power of Haschwalth, it might be a one-sided battle and might end soon. Ishida was the only protagonist that could effectively infiltrate the Wandenreich, and that is exactly why he did it. Haschwald and Mimihagi. When Jugram receives the Almighty, he says that the power to see the future is "cruel". Answered, Does Zaraki Learn His Zanpakutos Name in Bleach Thousand Year Blood War? First off, its worth mentioning that Uryu didnt actually betray Ichigo and and his friends in Bleach TYBW. After explaining how this was the catalyst behind Bazz-B's prodigal powers, Yhwach told Haschwalth that he needed the latter at his side before being defended from Bazz-B's Heilig Pfeil by Haschwalth. Ishida sarcastically asks him if he doesnt want to see his Schrift before he dies. Hurt by Yhwach's betrayal, Liltotto joins forces with Bazz-B to ally themselves with the Soul Reapers in entering the Royal Realm to kill their former master. [90], Soon afterward, Yhwach reaches the main palace, where he slaughters the Soul King's servants before confronting the Soul King himself. If anything Severus Snape, Donie Brasco, Uchiha Itachi and Gin Ichimaru are most complex characters in their respective series. Yhwach declared that Haschwalth would join the Sternritter before preparing to leave. When Ichigo awakens, Yhwach deduces the pronounced veins stopping his sword are in fact Blut Vene before being engulfed by Ichigo's Reiatsu. Yes I believe in the end jugram betrayed ywach by manifesting the vision of a future where he dies as a dream. Why else would those three attack Yamamoto, especially s Ndt who is not someone who mindlessly rushes into things? He also possesses the designation "A". Just a thought, they may join with Shinji and the others before seem their "dead" bodies and ask to bring them back by the Shinigami to help them fight back. "Good morning, Lord Yhwach. In the novel Bleach: Can't Fear Your Own World by Rygo Narita as well as the novel Bleach: WE DO knot ALWAYS LOVE YOU by Makoto Matsubara it is established that, following his death in combat against Ichigo, Yhwach's defeated corpse is turned into the new linchpin to sustain the worlds. his eye iris were white meaning death. If you havent read through this section of the series in the manga, this reveal likely left you with some huge questions. "The Balance" alters the fortunes of all of those in Haschwalth's vicinity. How did Ishida betray his friends and join Yhwach in. Haschwalth did betray Yhwach and cause his death by telling Uryuu to go help Ichigo fight him. Later, he will follow Yhwach and Haschwalth to the Seireitei, now dressed in the city Quincy and the Silbern, and enunciate the Kaiser Gesang to Her Majesty. The confrontation with the leader of Division Zero seems to turn for the worse for Yhwach but in reality, it is not like this: Haschwalth states that it is impossible to beat him since his power is to understand anything his gaze rests on, as also testified by his Shrift , or the letter "A" which stands for "The Almighty". Did Uryu really choose his Quincy heritage over his friends? Yhwach walks away from Kirinji only to be confronted by Senjumaru Shutara, who says it has been a long time. He then wakes up as morning arrives, regaining The Almighty as he remarks that his dream was wonderful to the point of being a nightmare. [139], The Almighty ( (), Ji rumaiti; Japanese for "All-Knowing and All-Powerful"): When Yhwach activates The Almighty, his irises and pupils split in two. 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