WebCarries mom in the 2013 film is more interested in harming herself than harming Carrie White. While Carrie is at prom Margaret slams her arm out of the crack. Carrie admits that she doesnt want to kill herself, she just wants to stop hurting. During the entire event, Carrie seemed completely catatonic and was believed to even be smiling as she moved along. Chris was immediately thrown face-first into the dashboard, busting the glass windshield. Carrie then remembered her mother's ominous words that she would be scorned once again, Miss Collin's kind words of confidence, and the incident in the shower as, in her mind, everyone at the gym laughed at her. After scanning Sue's brain, she realizes that she had nothing to do with the prank. Carrie (1976) Carrie is also the granddaughter of John and Judith Brigham, the step-granddaughter of Harold Allison and the great-granddaughter of Sadie Cochran. At school, Carrie suspects that she has telekinesis. When Carrie comes home, not knowing what happened, Margaret attempts to drown her correspondingly. In this version, however, she doesn't try to kill Carrie with a knife. We know that he is willing to resort Margaret White in Carrie was portrayed by Julianne Moore. She was a strong woman and a Christian fanatic. They also learned from this telepathythat it was Carrie White causing the destruction, regardless of if they knew or not who Carrie even was. Carrie then reveals her powers to Margaret picking her up and lifting house-hold objects into the air. Even when 2013 Margaret is about to kill Carrie, she says, "I should've given you to God when you were born, but I loved you so much, and I said, 'God, let me keep my little girl'." Sissy Spacek insisted that real blood should be spilled onto her, which the director. The 2013 remake of Carrie later teased the possibility that Carrie was not dead, when the ending showed her tombstone cracking apart, indicating that there is possibly still life within her body, assuming she was ever buried. As a result of this, rocks and hail fell on different parts of the White's house that day. Carrie (2002) Now she. Stephen King Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. She wanted to protect Carrie and not let her go out into the real world. When Carrie left the campus to return to her home, she made sure no one could put out her fire or tame her flames as she opened all the fire hydrants near the area to prevent the fire trucks from helping or saving anyone stuck inside. With the water from the firehose, Carrie knocked Norma down and electrified Mr. Fromm and the principal. Margaret, after letting out creepy, painful smiling screams, dies. When Carrie developed her telekinesis further she saw Carrie as a witch and, like Abraham, was determined to sacrifice her to god. 17 Surprising Signs Your Mom Is Toxic. Carrie is uneasy around them at first but laughs with Erika at their dates goofing off. In her bedroom, Carrie angrily caused her mirror to shatter, and managed to rebuilt it before her mother could come in. When he was 10-years-old, Michael killed a school bully, Judith, her boyfriend, and Ronnie. Carrie's pleasure came to an end when a bucket of blood was spilled on her, much to her horror. Both scenes were cut. The gown was a thick fabric of red crushed velvet with a princess waistline, Juliet sleeves and allowed her cleavage to slightly show. Carrie reveals her power to her mother by lifting up all the furniture and her mother off the floor. She is the mother of Carrie White and a Christian fanatic. Margaret lived with her parents John and Judith Brigham in Motton, Maine until 1960, when she moved to Chamberlain with Ralph White. She then stalked the frightened child When Tommy asks her if they want to vote for themselves, Carrie is unimpressed. But instead of a baby, a blood-covered arm comes out (Carrie's?). George and Erika leave the two to dance and while Tommy wants to follow them, Carrie is scared to be in the center of attention. Angry by her mother's actions, Carrie decided it was time to teach her mother a lesson too. While Carrie is putting on her make-up, Margaret tells her desperately not to go, but Carrie slides her mother across and out of the room and slams the door. Her disorder was most likely a form of untreated schizophrenia that worsened as she aged and as a result of her untreated condition, Margaret lived a life of isolation and solitude. Margaret calls her a witch, but relents. Once the hot sparks from the cables caught onto the Prom's backdrop mural, causing it to completely catch fire, the hot flames quickly spread throughout the entire gym. When the four sit at their table, Carrie is surprised to see her and Tommy's names on the ballot. Carrie was also uncoordinated in her movements and once fell flat on her face during dance class in sophomore year and chipped a tooth. Margaret then makes a crazy and wicked smile, as she follows Carrie down the stairs, ready to kill her, as though she on some sort of mission. Ralph's accident took place 7 months before Carrie's birth. Carrie mercilessly left the remaining Prom goers trapped inside with the now-dead Tommy to be consumed by the hellish inferno created by her telekinetic abilities and the rest was history. While in the films, she works a part-time job as a seamstress in a clothing store. (Compare these latter 2 examples to the 1976 version, where Margaret coldly says "go to bed.") Hearing this, many people inside panicked and that started a stampede. She also shares similarities to Dahlia Gillespie from the. CarriettaN. White In sports, Carrie was always missing the ball, even in kickball or clumsily running into the net during volleyball. It breaks Margaret's own heart to feel like she has to treat her daughter this way; compare to the 1976 Margaret especially who seemed to take pleasure in abusing Carrie, even laughing and smiling as she did so. They rushed to the exits and tried to bang on the doors, hammering them, pounding on them to open them, but Carrie's powers were far too strong, they were trapped! Then the two were immediately ushered up onto the stage to be crowned. Getty Images/LaylaBird/E+/Getty Images. Then, when Carrie told her that she was invited to the Prom, Margaret became incensed and threw tea at her. She dialed 911 four times as her mother was attacked. Chris and Billy eventually arrived at the school unseen and quietly lurked outside the gym patiently. She then stalks her downstairs. Enraged, Carrie acts strongly similar to, Carrie is not gifted with telepathy in the films. Since Carrie had no previous knowledge about the concept of menstruation the students rejection of Carrie became even fiercer. She looks at Carrie, when she is cutting, sewing and making her prom dress, but quickly looks away when Carrie glances back at her. In the beginning of the movie, the Bible is in a puddle of water. An emotionally abusive mom will constantly put you down, shame you, and humiliate you, especially in front of others. Serving as the primary love interest for Carrie Bradshaw, Sebastian comes from a wealthy family and has recently transferred to the local high school after being kicked out of his previous boarding school for sleeping with one of his teachers, in which Carrie's She last wrote to her mother on August 19th, 1962 and later, became pregnant on December of 1962, though she was convinced that she was afflicted with "cancer of the womanly parts". After years of going back and forth, I cut my mother cleanly out of my life, 13 years before she died. In neither of the previous films nor the book did Margaret ever say "I love you". At the age of 15, Carrie unexpectedly had her first period while taking a shower in the girls locker room after gym class. In a cold rage, Carrie's mind finally snapped and she returned to the school barefooted and with a sadistic vengeance and a thirst for bloody revenge. Margaret invited Carrie into one last prayer, and as the girl recited the Lord's prayer, comforted in her arms, Margaret stabbed her in the back. Carrie then questioned why she was there, and was told that it was because she liked his poem. She would also scratch, punch, pull out her own hair or otherwise hurt herself in order to compel Carrie to agree with her and obey her ridiculous rules. Finallythe incident also became in time some kind of "Urban Legend" in the town. After Popo died, An-mei's mother prepared to leave. Focusing on the fire hose, Carrie opened it, washing Norma and everyone away from the door, creating a turmoil in the gym. An autopsy is performed on Carrie's body. As Carrie screamed uncontrollably, the lamp above them exploded, much for Chris and Norma's thrill. Then Billy placed the buckets over the school's stage on a high rafter beam completely hidden out of sight. She screams at her mother and the closet door cracks. Carrie telekinetically destroying most of Chamberlain! class, who all laughed hysterically as they threw tampons, small towels and sanitary napkins at her while loudly chanting "Plug it up! When Carrie gets home after destroying the prom and killing Chris and Billy, she walks upstairs and calls for Margaret. Gender to protect Carrie from things that she believes would be far worse Though Margaret had love for her daughter, her illness warped her perspective on reality and prevented her from loving Carrie in a responsible, positive way. Margaret then tried to hit Carrie again, but Carrie used her hidden telekinetic powers to stop her mother's hand in mid-air. whenever Carrie tries to stop her mom from hurting herself, Carries mom slaps Carrie with her Bible and knocks her over. After Ralph came back hours later, after heavy drinking at a roadhouse in Chamberlain, Ralph forced himself on Margaret and both engaged in intercourse in an "unearthly" form of marital rape. Don't worry about her truly hurting herself. When Carrie hopped off the stage's platform, Miss Desjardin came rushing towards her with a lying compassion. Carrie did this in self-defense for stabbing her with a butcher knife, hitting an artery. Sissy Spacek (1976 movie)Angela Bettis (2002 TV movie)Chlo Grace Moretz (2013 movie)Linzi Hateley (1988 musical)Molly Ranson (2012 musical revival). Mostly due to limited budget, several aspects from the original script were changed, such as: In the original ending, Carrie is visited by Sue after she kills her mother and confronts her. The school was rebuilt elsewhere in Chamberlain and the ruins of the former school are still there. Margaret finally told Carrie that she would not allow her daughter to engage in such sinfulness after all she'd been taught. Whos laughing now, Mom? lovable mort. She locks Carrie in the closet and scrapes her own arms with her nails until she bleeds. Tommy visited Carrie, once again insisting in taking her to the ball. Some ways to approach this: 1. However, Carrie felt the car approaching and wrestled the oncoming vehicle with her telekinesis and violently slammed it full force into the roadhouse. She had even tried to take part in the other camp's activities, but the jokes never stopped playing on "old praying, fart face Carrie", until she had come home on the bus a week early, her eyes, red and socket from weeping. Family information The idea that this could be the girl's first period did not occur to Carrie's female classmates. Perhaps only her soul. She also threatened Carrie with a butcher knife. It has become a sick and twisted memorial of that doomed night, and a painful reminder to the community of what happened in their town all those years ago. Carrie, in pain and slowly dying from her injuries, blamed Sue for the prank. She then made plans to move to Florida and start her life with the help of Sue Snell who felt sorry for her. Winter 1979 Carrie is so controlled by her mother she is even forced to wear unbecoming and outdated clothes and forbidden to wear the color red, as Margaret believed that red was "the Devil's color". Later that night, Tommy picked up Carrie for the Prom as he promised, while Margaret stayed by herself and prayed silently in another room. Originally Published: Feb. 8, 2018. Originally Published: Feb. 8, 2018. Margaret then started to scratch and punch herself in the face, but Carrie used her power to slide her mother out of the room. Margaret Brigham-White Carrie makes a red dress for the Prom instead of pink, as depicted in the films. Carrie questioned why she was not told by Carrie who called or was telling the girls laughed at her over her ignorance. Clocks, dishes, plates, pictures, and other religious objects where tossed and thrown into the air, breaking and shattering as they fell to the floor. class, Carrie gets confronted by her classmates and gets her first period. After the death of 73 high school students in 1979, many people since then have left the town. She changed her mind, realizing that she had a special gift to use as a secret weapon. Eventually, Carrie made her way through the exit and out the lobby doors, losing both her high-heel shoes as if she were Cinderella fleeing from the Ball. Soon after that, while she walked home, a 5-year-old boy named Tommy Erbterverbally harassed Carrie while riding past her on his bicycle. Carrie finally made it back home. Carrie witnessed as Margaret agonized to her death, and screamed in terror over her loss. She uses her powers to push Ms. Desjardin away, shocking and scaring George and Erika. Margaret's constant scolding continued from Carrie's childhood to her teenage years. This time she accepts. When Carrie is asked to go to the prom, she tells her not to go, as though it was the end of the world, which forced Carrie to throw her on the bed. 2013 Margaret doesn't want to abuse or hurt Carrie, but she feels like she has to, in order to protect Carrie from things that she believes would be far worse - her classmates' ridicule, from being violated by males (as Margaret herself was, when maritally raped), and especially from God's judgment. Throbbing veins are described whenever Carrie manifests her powers. If you read the book and then compare with this telefilm you will find that. As Margaret tried to hit Carrie again, Carrie stood up to her mother and stopped Margaret's hand in mid-air with her telekinesis, preventing the hand from reaching her face. After cradling her mother to death, Carrie realizes what she has done and makes stones begin to rain from the sky. She then burns the lock, so Margaret can't escape and disturb the evening. And as a result, Carrie has become somewhat of an "urban legend" even though the telekinesis part of the story is not taken too seriously, and looked at as a "suicide-revenge" type thing. Updated: May 21, 2021. This version of the character in general was more similar to the novel than Sissy Spacek's portrayal. Tommy then furiously exclaims, "WHAT THE HELL?!" They were in the palm of her hand. Meanwhile, in the 2013 movie, during almost every scene, she expresses how much she loves Carrie. She unleashes her power on everyone by locking the doors and causing objects such as tables and chairs to fly around the room, killing several people. This incident would cause a chain reaction of events to occur that would lead to not only Carrie's demise but also hundreds of others, whether guilty or innocent. Female Carrie then stays with her as the house gets crushed and sinks into the ground, presumably killing Carrie, too. This tragic event later lead to The Black Party. 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