- Party: Democrat - State: South Carolina - State: Nebraska - Disapproval rating: 29% The former mayor of Burlington and former congressman representing Vermont is also possibly the most well-known senator in the country. Feinstein in February was caught on camera lecturing children about her perspectives on the Green New Deal, saying, There's no way to pay for it., - Approval rating: 43% - State: Maine In June 2019 he joined with four other senators to introduce the Renewable Electricity Standard Act of 2019, which seeks to protect against climate change and curb climate pollution. - Never heard of: 13% - State: Delaware - Disapproval rating: 23% Because Massachusetts is so blue, thats no big whoop in the Bay State but in reddish Florida, it denotes a talented politician with a lot of cross-party appeal. - Approval rating: 49% - State: New York Scott supported Donald Trump's declaration of a national emergency at the border and called Nicolas Maduro's Venezuelan regime a genocide., - Approval rating: 42% - Party: Democrat. - State: Michigan - Never heard of: 18% - Never heard of: 21% Inhofe is outspoken about his denial of climate change and has been a fierce opponent of LGBTQ+ rights. Raphael Warnock, Mark Kelly, Maggie Hassan and Catherine Cortez Masto all have PARS scores of at least +7, suggesting that they are capable of outperforming the base partisanship of their state. 2023 ABC News Internet Ventures. - Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican. Phil Scott has not yet announced whether he is running, but it is expected that he will, as of May 12, 2022. As he weighs a re-election campaign, that leaves Romney only slightly more popular than he was in the wake of Trumps second impeachment trial in the first quarter of 2021. - Approval rating: 52% - Party: Democrat. Pat Toomey narrowly defeated then-fellow Congressman Joe Sestak in 2010, succeeding Arlen Specter, who switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party, and lost to Sestak in a primary. - Never heard of: 27% Scott had a widely viewed speech about being profiled and targeted by Capitol Police. Sen. Joni Ernst retired from the Iowa Army National Guard in 2015 with the rank of lieutenant colonel, then becoming the first woman to represent Iowa in the U.S. Congress. - Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican, Kevin Cramer has chaired North Dakota Republican Party and served as House Representative for the state before his election to the Senate. - Party: Republican. In 1994, Shelby switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. Holding the Senate seat that former Vice President Joe Biden once held, Chris Coons defeated Christine O'Donnell in a highly publicized special election. - Never heard of: 11% - Disapproval rating: 26% She was the first elected female senator for Minnesota, previously having served as a county lawyer. - Approval rating: 50% - Approval rating: 50% Sen. Jeanne Shaheen lost to Republican John E. Sununu in a 2002 election, but won a rematch between the two in 2008. - Party: Republican. Welcome to Pollapalooza, our weekly polling roundup. - Approval rating: 38% - Never heard of: 28% - Disapproval rating: 28% - Party: Republican. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Just ask Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who for years has had the worst PARS score in the country (currently -54). The moderate Democrat has seen his own standing at home. - Party: Democrat. - Approval rating: 44% - Never heard of: 24% - Disapproval rating: 29% - State: Wyoming Their four most vulnerable incumbents this fall Sens. - Approval rating: 48% Sen. Richard Blumenthal is currently the third wealthiest senator in Congress. Kamala Harris's long career had her work at the San Francisco District Attorney's office before being elected district attorney herself. - State: Rhode Island Running as an outsider candidate and touting his business career, Mike Braun defeated two Congressmen in the Republican primary for the Indiana Senatorial election in 2018. - Disapproval rating: 30% - Disapproval rating: 29% - State: Montana Cassidy was one of the architects attempting to repeal Obamacare and appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! after the television host voiced criticism toward the attempt. - Disapproval rating: 34% - Approval rating: 35% - Approval rating: 55% - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 51% - Party: Democrat. - Disapproval rating: 34% During the confirmation hearings of Brett Kavanaugh, Hirono was an outspoken supporter of Kavanaugh's accuser Christine Blasey Ford. Sen. Jeff Merkley is a leading progressive in the Senate who was the only senator to endorse his colleague Bernie Sanders for the Democratic nomination. So Why Do The Advanced Stats Think He Is One? - Never heard of: 33% ), Senators like Manchin and McConnell are exceptions, though. Sen. Roy Blunt served for more than a decade in the House of Representatives, acting as the Republican Whip and second-most ranking member of the party. - Never heard of: 34% - Approval rating: 46% Moderate Democrat Joe Manchin is the former governor of West Virginia, succeeding Robert Byrd after a 2010 special election. Crapo was against President Barack Obama making a Supreme Court appointment in 2016. - Disapproval rating: 32% - Never heard of: 24% 10 Least Popular US Senators in 2020. - Never heard of: 23% Surveys conducted Oct 1-Dec. 8, 2022, and Dec. 9-31, 2022, among representative samples of 5,041 and 1,414 Arizona registered voters, respectively, with margins of error of +/-1 to 5 percentage points for responses shown. Cruz was President Trump's closest rival in 2016 and initially declined to endorse Trump during his Republican National Convention speech. - Party: Democrat. - Never heard of: 22% In this gallery, U.S. senators are ranked from least popular to most. Jeanne Shaheen. - Approval rating: 50% He also made the news for taking a road trip with four strangers after a flight of his was canceled. - Party: Democrat. - Disapproval rating: 26% And hes not the only Democrat with a lot of cross-party appeal; in fact, the 16 senators with the highest PARS scores all caucus with the Democratic Party. - Disapproval rating: 30% - Approval rating: 49% Since then, Sen. Thune has risen in the ranks among Senate Republicans. - Party: Republican. - State: Idaho Kennedy mulled a run for governor of Louisiana, but ultimately decided to stay in the Senate. - Party: Democrat, Dianne Feinstein received the most popular votes of any U.S. Senate election in history in 2012. He recently releasedhis plan to eliminate all student debt. Working as a management consultant and holding executive positions in various companies such as Dollar General, David Perdue won a competitive election to the Senate in 2014. - State: Indiana Manchin has voted with Donald Trump 61% of the time, currently the third wealthiest senator in Congress, one of several Democratic senators running, resolution commemorating the Stonewall uprising, his folksy behavior and colloquialisms in the Senate, he has voted with Trump on the issues around 34% of the time, posting a number of letters he receives from constituents, Collins has voted with the Republicans at a higher frequency. - Party: Republican. Respondents could answer each question with strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, strongly disapprove, or don't know / no opinion. Respondents were only surveyed on the senators they were assigned to based on their states of residence. One example was her vote against repealing the Affordable Care Act, which received criticism from Republicans. Kelly, on the other hand, does have a brand distinct from the national Democratic Party, but its an open question whether she can get enough Kansas Republicans who approve of her to take the extra step and vote for her as well. The former governor of Massachusetts ran for president twice, losing to John McCain in the Republican primaries of 2008 and President Barack Obama in the 2012 general election. - Disapproval rating: 27% storytelling. Posted By: Beardo , 4/27/2022 12:11:07 AM. But less than two years out from a potential 2024 re-election campaign, surveys conducted after she announced her decision to become an independent reveal a coalitional shift thats made her more popular with Arizonas unaffiliated and Republican voters but hastened her descent with the states Democrats. republish under a Creative Commons License, and we encourage you to Burr was reported in 2019 to have briefed the Trump White House about the FBI investigation. - Approval rating: 35% In 2019, Ernst finally joined his colleagues in condemning King. Since the election of Donald Trump to the presidency, Casey has been more outspoken on social media. She served just one term in the House before being elected to the Senate, signaling her political career may well be on track to continue gaining. A majority of Democratic voters in Arizona now disapprove of Sinema, while independents and Republicans are virtually split on her job performance. Charlie Crist. Michigan's first female senator was previously a congresswoman for the state. Sanders was the 37th mayor of Burlington from 1981 to 1989. - Never heard of: 21% With the prospect that abortion could soon be illegal in many states, some people may face difficult decisions about what to do if they have an unwanted pregnancy. - Never heard of: 14% He would be up for a third term in 2020, but Udall chose not to seek reelection. - State: Kentucky Jim Inhofe's political experience includes acting as the mayor of Tulsa and as a U.S. Before taking higher office, he served in both houses of the Connecticut General Assembly and served as a House member. He was the mayor of Richmond, lieutenant governor of Virginia, governor of Virginia, and the chair of the Democratic National Committee. America's Most Popular Senators Samuel Stebbins June 6, 2022 2:00 pm Once regarded as the greatest deliberative body in the world, the U.S. Senate has - Disapproval rating: 23% His efforts there were focused on education and health care. - Disapproval rating: 37% Sen. Mazie Hirono is a Japanese-born senator representing the state of Hawaii. He previously served three terms in the House of Representatives and was one of many legislators working with the Obama Administration to gain debt forgiveness for Chrysler during the Great Recession. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester has not yet said whether hell run next year, but with a 60% approval rating, he is the most popular incumbent who would face a tough 2024 contest if he decides to mount another campaign. Sen. Deb Fischer served on the unicameral and nonpartisan Nebraska Legislature before her election to the Senate. - Approval rating: 38% - State: North Carolina ), and Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) to draft the Protecting Life and Taxpayers Act, which would prohibit the use of taxpayer dollars for any abortion-related service. - State: Alaska Sasse is also a cosponsor of a resolution that would limit the number of Supreme Court justices to nine. Steve Sisolak of Nevada also has a distinct personal brand that could help him weather a tough reelection campaign in purple Nevada. - Disapproval rating: 41% @eyokley, Download Fastest Growing Brands 2022 Report, Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call, Getty Images / Morning Consult artwork by Chloe Phan, Sinemas Standing Among Independents, Republicans Improves Post-Party Switch. Derrick White Doesn't Produce Like NBA Superstars. - Party: Republican. - Never heard of: 28% - Approval rating: 37% You may also like:Most and least popular governors in America, - Approval rating: 33% - State: Louisiana - Approval rating: 40% - Never heard of: 32% Collins, if she confirms her reelection bid, will be facing off against two primary challengers; followed by a showdown with Maine House Speaker Sara Gideon, who was endorsed by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and several national Democrats, as well as attorney Bre Kidman and Progressive activist Betsy Sweet. - Never heard of: 34% - State: Texas - State: Montana - Never heard of: 29% - Disapproval rating: 39% - Disapproval rating: 31% - Party: Republican. Marsha Blackburn is the first woman elected for the Senate from Tennessee, previously serving in the House of Representatives since 2003. Margins of error for responses from all voters in each state range from 1 to 5 points. - Never heard of: 16% - State: Wyoming - Approval rating: 48% Cornyn was instrumental in blocking President Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court. Braun opposes the DREAM Act and has been vocal about his support for a border wall. faces a fierce reelection battle in 2020. encouraging Donald Trump Jr. to ignore a subpoena from the Senate Intelligence Committee. Facing Ballot in 2024, Romney Is Weak Among Utah Republicans. Brian Schatz was appointed to the Senate after the death of long-serving Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. - Party: Independent - Never heard of: 29% Sen. Elizabeth Warren is a former law school professor who defeated Scott Brown in 2012. In June 2019, He caused an uproar with an op-ed in the Charlotte Observer that castigated the Cherokee tribe and peopleas well as bipartisan North Carolina General Assembly membersfor their opposition to his Lumbee recognition bill Catawba off-reservation casino bill. Because of this, senators' approval ratings today tell much more about the person behind them than the political makeup of the states they represent. McConnell is especially criticized for blocking President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court while leading a record number of judicial appointments under the Trump administration. These days, the 100 senators comprising the upper house of the United States Congress are arguably under more scrutiny by American citizens and the press since the nation's founding. - Approval rating: 53% Should Sinema seek re-election as an independent next year, political strategists in the state believe the weight of her new standing among Arizona Republicans and independents a handy asset will likely come down to whether the state GOP elevates a candidate with broader appeal or reaches for the extreme as it did with nominees for statewide offices such as governor and Senate in 2022. All rights reserved. - Disapproval rating: 29% This unpopularity could drag him down in November, allowing Democrats to flip a Senate seat that, on paper, should remain Republican in this environment. - State: Wisconsin Patrick Leahy is the most senior member of the Senate and only sitting member to have been serving since the Gerald Ford administration. Dan McKees mediocre +2 net approval rating, the fact that he is running for the office for the first time (he became governor only because he was the lieutenant governor when the old governor resigned), the pro-Republican national mood and Rhode Islands elasticity. - Disapproval rating: 35% - Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican. Portman has throughout his senatorial tenure been speculated as a potential vice presidential pick in 2012 and a presidential contender in 2016. - State: Idaho - Disapproval rating: 24% - State: Utah - State: North Carolina The most recent polling data from January 2023 puts the approval rating of the United States Congress at 21 percent - a decrease from the high-point reached in Cardin is thought to be one of the most liberal senators and often supported former President Barack Obama's agenda. Without a doubt, he is the most popular senator with an approval rating of 62%. - Approval rating: 45% - Approval rating: 48% - Disapproval rating: 30% Baker, Hogan, Beshear and Edwards arent on the ballot this year; Baker and Hogan are retiring, while Kentucky and Louisiana elect their governors in odd years. Sen. Roger Wicker was appointed to the Senate to replace Trent Lott after his resignation. - Approval rating: 35% - Disapproval rating: 32% These members of Congress increasingly find themselves in precarious positions as everything they say is shared wide and far across social media, the internet, cable news, radio, and print. Scott and Kelly4 seem to be in the best position, especially Scott: Not only does he have more cross-party appeal than Kelly (+77 PARG), but he is also a Republican running in a good Republican year. Alexander fell short of gaining leadership within Senate Republicans on a number of occasions. - Approval rating: 58% - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 44% is Americas most popular senator, while Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is the most unpopular. During the Trump administration, Collins has voted with the Republicans at a higher frequency than in years prior and faces a fierce reelection battle in 2020. In doing so, youre agreeing to the below guidelines. - Disapproval rating: 27% - Party: Republican. - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 62% While serving as the lieutenant governor of Minnesota, Tina Smith was appointed to the United States Senate to replace Al Franken, who resigned after allegations of sexual misconduct. - Party: Republican. A senator from South Dakota since 2015, Mike Rounds was previously the state's governor from 2003 to 2011. He was ranked in 2007 as the sixth-most conservative senator in office at the time. - State: Hawaii Van Hollen was the cosponsor of the Protect Our Elections Act, along with Maine Sen. Susan Collins. - Never heard of: 11% - Disapproval rating: 34% After serving in the House of Representatives, Martin Heinrich was elected to the Senate in 2012. Sen. Debbie Stabenow was one of several senators who opposed Donald Trump's aid cuts to Central America. - Approval rating: 39% - Party: Republican. - State: Rhode Island - Never heard of: 19% The correlation between senatorial approval rating and partisan lean is 0.44; the correlation between gubernatorial approval rating and partisan lean is -0.11. Smith made a controversial joke about public hangings during her electoral campaign, though she still won the race to succeed Sen. Thad Cochran. - State: Connecticut As a young rising star in the Florida Republican Party, Marco Rubio went from the speaker of the house in the Florida House of Representatives to getting elected to the Senate over former Gov. - Disapproval rating: 29% This is less true for governors, however. To publish, simply grab the HTML code or text to the left and paste into Hawley introduced legislation aiming to fight against perceived online bias against Republicans from tech companies, receiving much criticism and ridicule. Jon Tester went from the Montana State Senate to the U.S. Senate upon winning his election in 2006. - Approval rating: 58% the White Housesenators are responsible for passing laws, treaties, and nominations put forward by the president of the United States. - Approval rating: 39% - State: Ohio - Approval rating: 38% Moderates of both major parties, Libertarians, and Independents throughout that state have expressed frustration over Collins' lack of checks-and-balances on Trump, while Democrats around the U.S. see overthrowing Collins in Maine as a major step toward flipping the Senate in 2020. - Party: Democrat. Duckworth was the first senator to give birth while in office, leading to a rule change that allows her to bring her child to the Senate floor. - Approval rating: 43% Yet, even though his net approval rating has long been underwater, he easily won reelection in 2020 thanks to Kentuckys overwhelming Republican lean. - Disapproval rating: 35% - Never heard of: 34% - Never heard of: 19% Sherrod Brown (43%) and Bob Casey (42%), while Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and Jacky Rosen of Nevada (the most unknown senator up for re-election next year) are both continuing to tread water, with approval ratings that nearly match their disapproval ratings. Murkowski was the lone Republican who voted against the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh. A week ago, Republicans led Democrats by 2.6 points (45.4 percent to 42.8 percent). Electability in a general election is not a major concern for the Senates Republican incumbents next year given that most competitive contests fall in territory occupied by incumbent Democrats. - Party: Democrat. - Disapproval rating: 24% Source: vtdigger.org. - Approval rating: 56% Arizonas and West Virginias respective souring on their senators up for re-election next year stands largely in contrast to public sentiment elsewhere about vulnerable incumbents. - Approval rating: 45% - Never heard of: 19% The moderate Democrat has seen his own standing at home wax and wane on both sides of the aisle since early 2021 as he went from stalling President Joe Bidens domestic policy package to ultimately supporting the Inflation Reduction Act. Most recently, he displayed an image of the drowned bodies of a Salvadoran father and daughter who were attempting to reach the United States seeking asylum. Sinema succeeded retiring Republican Sen. Jeff Flake and became the first Democratic senator to serve Arizona since 1995. - Never heard of: 29% - State: Ohio WebOne of the most glaring examples of Meeks' corruption involves a massive discount he got on a $1.2 million Queens McMansion because he has the word "Congressman" on his business card. - State: Pennsylvania - State: Washington - Approval rating: 43% - Disapproval rating: 21% He has comfortably won reelection many times since then, even receiving 99% of the vote in 2004. As a senator, Ben Sasse of Nebraska voted against legislation that would have prevented the government shutdown in February of 2019. - State: New Jersey The M Logo and MORNING CONSULT are registered trademarks of Morning Consult Holdings, Inc. Lamar Alexander was the 45th governor of Tennessee, the president of the University of Tennessee, and the Secretary of Education under then-President George H.W. Before becoming senator in 2015, Dan Sullivan was long-involved in Alaskan politics and served in Washington D.C. under the Bush Administration. - Never heard of: 29% - State: Texas Toomey has been criticized by his constituents for never holding an in-person town hall while in office. - Never heard of: 21% - Never heard of: 21% - State: North Dakota On Tuesday after leading Senate Republicans in passing the Democrat bill, Mitch McConnell endorsed Kevin McCarthy for Speaker of the House. - Disapproval rating: 35% - Approval rating: 47% She's also up for reelection in 2020, when she'll go head-to-head with a former Army general as her Republican challenger. - Never heard of: 22% Booker gained attention for his pointed questioning during the hearings for Brett Kavanaugh, receiving criticism from conservatives. Doug Jones became the first Democrat elected to the Alabama Senate in a quarter of a century when he defeated former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Roy Moore, who was accused of sexual misconduct, in a high-profile special election. Sen. Patty Murray became Washington's first woman senator when she was elected to the position in 1992. - State: Alabama The former banker also held the office of governor. Incumbent: Republican Roy Blunt (retiring) Its still all about Eric Greitens in Here's the calendar of primary elections Unlike in the House, when all 435 seats come up for election every two years, only a third - Disapproval rating: 31% The Republican has recently been critical of President Trump's discussion of tariffs imposed on Mexico, however, he supports the president's tariffs on China. - Approval rating: 48% - Never heard of: 27% - Disapproval rating: 26% Shelby has been a supporter of Donald Trump's agenda, including the border wall. - Disapproval rating: 33% Lee is vocal about his opposition to the Green New Deal, and in 2016 blocked a vote on federal assistance for Flint during the city's ongoing water crisis. Roy Moore is returning to the campaign trail in the hopes of unseating Jones; that playing field is already crowded with five other contenders as of June 26. - Never heard of: 13% - State: Arizona Part of the Udall political family, New Mexico Sen. Tom Udall served in both the Senate and the House of Representatives beforehand alongside his cousin Mark Udall. - Disapproval rating: 30% - Never heard of: 27% A Democratic senator with a net approval of +2 in an R+7 state has a PARS of +9 (2+7 = 9). Giving advice and consent to the executive branch of the governmenti.e. Smith recently introduced the Emergency Access to Insulin Act andalsowrote about the importance of clean energy. Bill Cassidy won his election in 2014 during a Republican sweep that made him the first Republican senator from Louisiana since Reconstruction. - Approval rating: 53% - Party: Democrat. - Party: Republican. - Approval rating: 46% Perdue most recently has supported Trump's tariffs towards Mexico as a response to illegal immigration from the country. Jim Risch, then the lieutenant governor of Idaho, succeeded Larry Craig, who was accused of sexual misconduct in a widely publicized bathroom sting operation news story. Michael Castle (a Republican) swapped roles after winning their respective elections. Net approval rating the approval share minus the disapproval share is used to break ties. Capitol Police a fierce reelection battle in 2020. encouraging Donald Trump to the U.S. Senate upon his! - Party: Republican Tester went from the Democratic National Committee the cosponsor of a resolution that would limit number! The San Francisco District Attorney herself Attorney 's office before being elected District Attorney 's before. The moderate Democrat has seen his own standing at home the Affordable Care Act which!, though Alaska Sasse is also a cosponsor of the Protect Our Elections,. He was the lone Republican who voted against legislation that would have prevented the government shutdown in February of.! 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