It was shortly before dinner and Regina was just sitting down at the table, when shouting could be heard from the hall outside the main doors. So, um, an Animagus is more fun than that., Emma let out a shaky laugh at that, Definitely. Did they have a football team here? As they walked, he seemed to find his courage again, So you like riding?, Yes, Regina said, before relenting because she really did enjoy riding. All it said was: I hope you werent sent by my father to help him track me down, but I cant trust that you arent. Emma frowned, resenting how much shed gotten used to adults talking to her rather than about her. She took a sip, nice and clean, but room temperatureshe still needed to work on conjuring it cold. Its okay, I got her! I told her and went to collect Emma. Weve got plenty of time, dont have a manticore.. They frequently paired up during classes Hufflepuffs and Slytherins shared, but didnt talk much outside of class. Fine, whatever, he said, before he shuffled down the hallway and out of sight. Her hair looked ridiculous from the cloaks hood and she grinned, So Ravenclaw of you, missing meals to read., Regina rolled her eyes, but a small smile creeped out. Dread seemed to seep into her as Gold closed the door behind them. Regina looked at her blankly and felt tears begin to gather in her eyes. Youre welcome., Regina looked away, trying to think of how to change the subject. Looks like you need to work on your own reaction time. Cora ended up asking Regina to stay at school for the rest of the week while she sorted out various funeral arrangements. Of course I wanted to thank the mysterious and very generous person who was giving it to her., Oh, Regina looked supremely confused before she tried to pull on her more usual expression. Regina fussed over her owl as she thought aloud, something she found herself doing more often lately. She sighed wistfully, before noticing Emma and Rubys stares and pinked slightly, Also I hear theres a music shop.. 14k solid gold chain price . Im not sure. It dropped the envelope on her pillow and then settled itself on the top of corner post of the footboard. Hook and Regina begin a relationship amidst the chaotic things that are happening in Storybrooke and also in their personal lives. Remember how I said its my secret? The rumors were very inconsistent beyond that it had been important and dangerous. Were still need to break the curse? "Magical Removal, Represion, and Obscurial: Consequences and Restorative Practices, Regina read, before attempting to open it. While Mother had merely nodded at the letter when it had arrived, but Papi had given her a new book as a present, away from her mothers judgmental gaze. Hi, um, I was wonderingwheres Neal Cassidy? Hopefully, this would work to hide them further from sight and to make their pursuers think theyd gone inside. Ready to see what shes really capable of?. Her first real steps towards freedom. She told them she hadnt mentioned the curse because she knew there was nothing they could do about it. You see, it wont work. But what does that have to with Emma being the savior, Mary Margaret put in. The prefect led them to the spiral staircase in the center of the common room. Regina let out a cry of anger that she as glad the soundproofing around Ravenclaw beds allowed. I just caught you! She punctuated the statement with an emphatic hand gesture. Ive never been a big fan of the water, anyway., Its not deep. She had carefully damaged her trunk enough that Mother declared it embarrassing, at which she asked if she could buy a new one from Diagon Alley. Hi, Eleanor!, he greeted her. I dont think it would be wise to leave Storybrooke anytime soon., And what is it that makes you concerned?. Do you even know how to duel properly? Emma raised her wand as most of their classmates backed away, but flushed since he was right. If he was here though, she might as well have him help, Would you mind holding Mels reins so I can mount?, Sure, no problem, he said enthusiastically, accepting the reins from her and leading Melchoir into a good position in front of the mounting block. Eventually, once she had finished really absorbing everything Regina had laid out, Emma said, You could go to the aurors. And normally, Regina simply agree when he said things like this to allow them both the illusion those words provided, but this time, she couldnt keep it to herself. You just wouldnt understand., So youve said, Lilys dad said, but his voice was much lighter than his daughters. Then she squinted around at the lights, which had changed to old fashioned wall lamps instead of fluorescent ceiling lights. Another new student for me?. Ollivander was shaking his head, No, not right., Here; English oak, thirteen inches with the feather of a phoenix.. Yeah, Im good.. Is what you wrote true? Granny had her hands on her hips and she sounded angrier than Emma had ever heard before. Emma ended up heading to a nearby park, with her trunk and Splotch. Unfortunately, with a difficult and precise spell such as this one, even a small motion like that was liable to have an effect. Emma! she said as she rushed to give Emma a hug. Lets go! Emma replied immediately and waved with her hand for me to follow her. Come on, she told herself, you cant fail now with Emma watching. She also added Mal to list of customersshe wanted a tailored throat soother due to her overuse of a fire-breathing spell. She hated to think how much louder the whispers would be and how much longer the stares would be if the Daily Prophet was still running taglines like Wealthy and Influential Witch Revealed to be Center of Dark Conspiracy. Next to her was a girl with brown hair and a smile on her face. He started walking toward us and I instinctively took the robe off to throw it at Emma. Char hissed out a loud breath and took off to the left. Hm.. Friends, a boyfriend, a future of her choosing. She needed to figure something else out. Wed be in the same year, right? Ongoing. Even more unbelievably shed said shed known Emmas real parents and that theyd been magical too. You should think about trying to do it more, Kathryn pressed. Four days to forget about ogres, flying monsters, witches, goblins and other fairytale creatures. Lastly, how would you feel about taking on another fourth-year student? She also couldnt change the apparition destination as all visitors besides herself and Cora would be directed to the same location when apparating in. Guess., Everythings a mystery with you, isnt it? Neal rolled his eyes, but seemed up for another guessing game. Finally, two more students were released because they got into some sort of argument that resulted in one of them throwing the quaffle at the others head and further devolved into a shoving match that nearly brought both players to the ground. I fail to see the humor in this situation, Gold said coldly. She had sort of liked feeling special. My apologies, I didnt mean to ask personal questions, I just wanted to check if I was in the right place, he explained himself immediately. I saw them bring Mother in, but was told that I wouldnt be staying for her questioning. Yeah, I know. That was when Cora final addressed the aurors, immediately yelling at them and demanding her advocate. Only a month or so into the school term, Professor Gold asked her to stay after class to discuss her tutoring schedule. She had her own wand out and the tip was glowing faintly although she wasnt pointing it at anyoneyet. NO CHILD OF MINE WILL PLAY THAT BARBARIC GAME! Eventually it was time and Emma began heading for the caf to meet Ms. Sapphire again, already regretting her decision to wear her jeans, even if they were nicer than her shorts. That is, until she tasted them, Oh god, these are really good. Hogwarts mealtime was probably her favorite thing about the school, so much good food and such variety, but these cakes knocked most of their desserts out of the water. He didnt leave anyone he met here any forwarding information., Emma couldnt believe what she hearing. I see you are fierce and with plenty of nerve, oh yes. Regina could feel memories rising to the surface with each word: her breaking in a wild foal and standing up to her mother those few times she had been pushed too far. He didnt seem surprised to see her. Sorry, he said, blushing slightly at his fumble. She knew it was different than some other pureblood studieseveryone had rather different education before starting at Hogwarts. She skidded into view causing Danny and the woman she could now see was in fact Faye Sapphire. Regina left the bank, blinking in the sunlight and finally feeling like she was making progress towards becoming independent. She rubbed the back of her neck, Lets do that instead.. Regina had considered requesting a different goblin than the one her family already worked with in the hopes that she could hide the new vault she hoped to open from her mother. When Im not as sure about. Instead I got shit! I dont know much about you exactly, but I know enough that you and I have some things in common. If you just push through the wall, youll find yourself on the platform., Now remember, no magic until you get onto the train. Lets do this! She smiled and did as she said. What? Emma said, feeling tired of only understanding every other word. She mostly looked bored. She pulled out her wand, Accio broom.. She gotten onto the Hogwarts Express platform just fine. Why not? After a few minutes, Regina pulled down a book after checking the markings on the wood of the shelves to be sure it wasnt booby-trapped in some way. Emma yelled again when her head hit the floor and Reginas full body weight landed on her. When Regina looked back down at the envelope, she saw that that a flap had opened up ever so slightly. Okay, nowleast favorite class?, I am not good at potions. She wrapped herself in it as fast as lightning to avoid any further inconvenience. She decided to stop. It didnt take her ten minutes to finish up. It was late morning on the twenty-eighth. Were going back to the hotel.. Thirdly, dodging for everyone who isnt trying out for beater and aiming for beaters. You take the pairs you tap and you want to get all the pairs if possible, with there being less pairs as the game goes on but also less time to tap pairs when you do see them. They wandered the roof before leaning back against the stone wall about a meter high to catch their breath. Super awkward, right? I dont have any parents let alone any that would have left me money. When shed tackled Emma her robes had ridden up, exposing her right ankle. I didnt know what she was doing, but I heard Emma was still watching TV in the next room after midnight. Hm, I think Rubys is the right one, Emma said from the minimal wand light as she waited for Mary Margaret to finish wrestling the curtains to the side so they could really see for sure. Shes like, crazy good at potions. Had---. It sounded too simple and yet even that Emma felt she might screw up. Everyone automatically gathered in a loose circle around her in their confusion. Lily was staring at her and she felt embarrassed. In a way she had, but Emma just stared at her in horror and blurted out, MM! With a crack, the witch apparated away. Finally, it was time to pick up her trunk and its new locks, before heading home in time for dinner. You want to help others, so noble as well., Sharp minded Quiet days reading by herself in her hideout in the forest that Mother could never find appeared before her minds eye, excitement as she taught her horse new jumps all on her own. She still didnt know what to do about how well known her parents were or that she now could find out some stuff about them, even if she was still trying to figure out exactly how to do that. No one wanted to wait around. I dont know how she found out.. She would not be listening to her beloved father. So, how much trouble am I in? Emma asked, bracing herself for the news now that shed swallowed the blue liquid. Yup, Emma replied, not hiding her pride. Also, she did not like to think about what Mother was planning or plotting that had her so focused on her own social machinations instead of Reginas prospects. Oh! Regina had just hoped to calm Emma down, she never expected the other girl would want to meet Rocinante. Madame Malkin looked over from fixing the display at a table by levitating different stacks of clothes around. Youve been locking yourself in your room for hours, youve skipped every late night fly this month, you arent even coming to the great hall for meals half the time., Regina looked away, she knew that. Instantly, the figure glowed green and the table went intangible and invisible except for a faint outline, waiting for the next student who needed it to conjure it into being. Can you explain the difference between the models? He went to push her under the water and managed to surprise her, so Emma started splashing him and he ran back to me (well, as fast as one can move in water). Emma had hated it the first time; there was too much responsibility and far too little freedom, which was something she had confessed to Regina in the early hours of morning when the two of them would lay in bed for a time. With that the door shut behind the formidable older woman and Emma vowed to never cross Granny. Unfortunately, most of what she found were history books about the schools founding and how well it fared over the centuriesnot exactly useful. But the vault, access willingly given by me, meant they had enough evidence to use truth telling spells and potions they otherwise wouldnt have had authority to use. I walked out as I was thinking about the fact that I had more questions than before talking to her. I dont know anything about that!. She sniffed, but slowly leaned the broom against the table, I suppose you can assist me.. He nodded that she could return to her friends at the Ravenclaw table. That meant whatever she spent now was coming out of her spending and school supply money for next year. She represented a lot of their worst fearsnothing drives home anyone can die than your classmates own father passing away. When does Emma save everyone? I am grateful we can still exchange letters. I dont care! Emma shouted, before she turned around and started running for the door. Im fine. But she didnt, Regina was just that good. She hit the pillow with her fist. Theyd been here longer than theyd expected and it was almost time for dinner. When Emma looked at her questioningly, she flushed and hurried to explain. I dont know. The resulting massive pillow fight was unsurprising and very fun, even if their prefect had come down to see what all the noise was about and got a pillow to the face for her trouble. May 31, 2022 . Shes killed people before, Regina admitted, also for the first time. Did it start as an agricultural school or something?, Regina nodded, not entirely sure what that meant, but she decided to go with it. And Im just too selfish to lie and say Id change that for anything. Really? Regina pressed, enjoying herself. I hate it. I dont know if Im glad for missing it or not. I knew youd see it my way, Whale replied triumphantly. Sloooower Emma said in a bad imitation of Reginas voice that nevertheless caused Ruby to laugh. She had an EE in Charms normally, with occasional Outstandings. The knowledge that she would never be allowed to pursue her love of potions. It was rather discomforting. Action. That left the ministry needing to run around modifying a number of memories when they had then vanished in puffs of blue smoke. She crossed her arms moodily at being found out, I guess they dont hate magic. Regina ended up going with a simple three compartment model that was on sale for a low basic price, which she was glad he didnt try to upsell her from, although he did make sure she was aware of the difference enhancements they offered. Regina almost snorted, Emma was too easy. Their next lesson a couple days later started uncomfortably to say the least. She gave them a look over, Reina had done a far better job with reparo than Emma would have. I pulled the car over. She lifted Reginas right arm over her shoulder and slipped her left arm around Reginas waist so that she was supporting as much of Reginas weight as the other girl would allow. May up the rating later. Really thick. Regina flushed at the compliment, Thank you., Silvia smiled and then shut took the key from its slot. Eventually they reached a large room at the end of the main hallway that opened into what had to be the library. Now, Reginas mind raced as she stood waiting. Definitely not.. They were really freaked out when I got my letter and visit from Professor Champeix. Regina pulled some of the food shed brought out of a canvas bag Professor Lucas had given her the first time shed asked what thestrals liked to eat. Technically, as with the other tests, there wasnt any requirement to go a certain speed, but everyone had kept up a quick pace since the point wasnt just to pass, but also to impress. Part of that hiding spell your parents did. She was not following what Lance was after, Okay, and?. A Ravenclaw a year or two above her was standing there, looking both uncomfortable at having to interrupt and hopeful. An imagination. Shed done it first out of sheer frustration only to find that her wand had formed more silvery mist than it had any other time. Has Emma done something?, Its Professor Lucas. Granny corrected as she took off her shawl and hat, making it plain this was not going to be a quick visit. Itd been a little lonely since MM and David started going on little dates around the castle on the weekends and so shed been hanging out with Ruby more often. Good, thank you, Ms. Sapphire said, sounding relived. Soon a magical tape measure was zipping around her as Madame Malkin went to fetch the correct fabric. Emma crossed her arms over her chest, You cant go anywhere like that., I can, I just need she looked around the room before spotting a broom handle leaning against the wall. Emma froze and just stared at Lily, unable to say anything polite back to that. The customers ranged over the ages, but were primarily a younger crowd during the day. A frown grew on his face and he changed his path to make a beeline for her. I do not want you to be joining me, you have so much to offer this world. She was shown to the small office shed only been to once with her mother a few years ago. Then she tapped the wrong card, Shit! She leaned back from the counter as the cards exploded. Im guess you go to the British school though., Emma blinked up at him, still rather confused. And sixth year Hufflepuffs have meetings with her the first day back too. Emma wasnt sure why she was so nervous, they were close to the main road and the shop looked perfectly ordinary. You let me know when you feel better and well continue.. Ah, I should have known. Reginas face then scrunched up questioningly, Why on earth did you take it off then? He requested this be sent to you in the event of his passing. Ive asked the legal team focus on her contract before the rest of the property, but I think they feel Im just acting spoiled. I laughed and she gave me a look that I was glad there is no magic in New York. Help me! he giggled as Emma was moving toward him under the water. Why would he have done that? ), a black shirt and her wavy shoulder-length hair was let loose, tangling with her long tassel drop earrings She really is the hottest woman Ive ever seen. He was referring the unbreakable spell. And then I felt warm air reaching the back of my neck in a steady rhythm. Starting with a potions schedule and an intense charms study session to catch up. The dorms are comfortable and the food is great. Look! Emma stood straight and showed me that the surface was way under her collar bone. It was starting to feel claustrophobic. This will leave the signs of a heart attack which looks natural. Especially if you Excuse me.. Emma focused on keeping her magic coming, heat starting to build up in her wand and her arm starting to shake a little. But I know Hogwarts you take your big exams after fifth year, right? Emma nodded. Just like that? When she caught the shop assistants eyes, the assistant gave a slight nod. Finally, he stopped fiddling with the beakers and jars and turn completely around to face her. Regina was in transfiguration class, trying to copy one of the diagrams on the board as well as write down what McGonagall was saying when a knock on the door interrupted her focus. Are you even trying? Regina asked, exasperated. Soon enough a figure burst into the room, surrounded by a murder of crows who were alternatively diving and urging him forward in the direction of the head table where a majority of the professors had already gathered for the meal. Professor McGonagall seemed to think that no one knew my name. 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