That voice that tells you right from wrong is your conscience and morality, not Jesus Christ. It wasn't until the time of Moses (about 2500 years after the creation) that God prohibited marrying close relatives ( Leviticus 18:8-18 ). No! This can be done for a number of names and personal characteristics. After all, Cain and Abel are apparently the only children of creation's first couple, so where did this unnamed woman whom Cain marries in . I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. Why do people who dont even believe that there was a literal person name Cain care about who he married? and he said unto him:, Rabbi Rashbams commentary agrees that Adam was the man of Genesis one. Thats why God have regulate this actions when he redeemed man. In Hebrew, dm is even more often understood as mankind than as a male name. Really people. Did Cain have children? After some 2,500 years of human history, however, when mankinds physical condition had greatly deteriorated, Jehovah gave to Israel laws forbidding incest.) Cains wife was a descendent of Adam and Eve. Cain and Abel both . Stop wasting your time and the time of others. First, both Genesis one and two have one male and one female. The name Nod was not necessarily used by Cain and his contemporaries, but may simply have been the name of the area as known to the original readers of ha Torah. As Austro-Hungarian chief of staff, Franz Baron Conrad von Hoetzendorff wrote in his post-war memoirs: It is in accordance with this great principle that the catastrophe of the World War came about as the result of the motive forces in the lives of states and peoples. Hello Fatima, the bible did not states his wife came from the land of Nod The bible say that Cain went to the land of Nod and knew his wife and not that he marry his wife. As a man with a mission as the first son of God. Oh George my heart breaks for you, that your eye are so blinded to the truth that God breathed the words of the Bible for us to have to encourage us until He returns so we will not be in darkness. Along the way he becomes ill and his brothers leave him in a cave supplied with provisions until he should recouperate. Neither the Bible nor the church taught that you would fall off the edge of the world. This seems a strange thing to say given that the Old and New Testaments, as well as ancient Hebrew and Christian commentaries taught that our bodies will rise again from the dust. In Genesis 1:24, God orders the earth (in Hebrew Aretz) to produce living creatures of all kind and with a careful reading we can understand that it includes also human being. It is 3:20, but hayah (to be) is in the perfect form. He was supposed to have stayed young forever and not grow old and die. To me it seems Cains wife was actually Eve. He exhorts his offspring The theory based on other people living outside the creation of God is totally false. You can hold to old-earth creationism without evolution. Cain married his own sister at nod because the bible was not mention woman name at that time it was not prohibiter to marry your sister. It only gave the motions from an earth bound point of view. Genesis chapters 3 and 4 present the following information: (1) Eve was the mother of everyone living. (2) Time elapsed between the birth of Cain and his offering the sacrifice that was rejected by God. However, no one else was around at this time. Please note that isch & ischah have different meanings as zakar & neqebah. Likewise, Exodus 21:22-23 makes no distinction between death coming to the woman or the prematurely born child. So Cains story was just rounded off in Gen. 4. So he was himself cursed for cursing his brethren and family. Yes, I have read the book about Adam and Eve having five children where Cain and Abel each had a twin sister and then Seth was born later without a twin. According to this reasoning, Cain would have married his sisterone of Abel's twin sisters no less, according to the Genesis Rabbah. This illustration shows Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, where God gave them the command to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). What do the works from Sumer and Babylon have to say about Cain or Kain? And for the point about incest being ok back than, yes it might have been but the whole pure blood negating any genetic defects associated with incest, doesnt add up. Would we be asking these kinds of questions about the thousands of other creation myths that are just as fantastical as those in Genesis? Recent archaeological and genetic evidence reveals that interbreeding between genetic humans and neanderthals probably began to occur as recently as 50,000BC. Isaac and his wife Rebekah are the first couple mentioned in the Bible to have twins. What if Cain simply had a twin sister? Cain's wife and brother-sister intermarriage. Im definitely an advocate in the case for God. In His wisdom, there are some things a bit difficult to reconcile. Yes they both were of multiple births. So, domestication is right there, in Genesis one, with the first man (Adam). Cain and Abel both Like I said earlier, male and female are each singular as well. Spouse. Yes, I do believe Adam and Eve had more children. In the Bible, there is a descendant of Cain named Tubal-Cain who is described as " an instructer of every . To me, the understanding of the first family is in the connection God had with them, and not whether or not there was another first family somewhere, or physical incest. The Lord counsels Cain and warns him, but if you dont do right, sin is crouching at the door; its urge is toward you, yet you can be its master (Genesis 4:7). The Bible is pretty explicit in saying that Eve is the mother of all humanity. The interpretation is that after Cain killed Abel, Cain took Abels widow as his wife which is recorded possibly in Gen 4:17. You have simply read that into the text. April 07, 2022. Vote Up Lenins ideology was inspired by Darwins Origin of Species: Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and death, the most exalted object which we are capable of conceiving, namely, the production of higher animals, directly follows (Darwin 1886). Megan Sauter, 2019. Now that said, I am more interested in what my creator took from Adam and made Eve his soulmate. So, Im not sure I completely follow your logic, in all due respect. On the science side: It is meaningless and typical of people that think they are educated and now think they can question the Bible. When Seth was born, Cain already was the (grand-)father of severel generations. day of creation. Nod means land of wandering so Cain went to land of wandering that means he left Gods presence and was wandering about east of the garden. PS: The expulsion from Paradise refers to the Neolithic passage from hunters-gatherers to agriculturalists. There are two versions of Mans origin but they could well be just a different slant on the same event They do not contradict each other.. Read Genesis 1:26/7 and 2:7 again. He reveals certain mysteries of life. Sign up to receive our email newsletter and never miss an update. No, Abel was killed by his brother, Cain. Biblical Archaeology Society, "Who Were the Ammonites, Moabites and Edomites in the Bible?" You nailed it. She looked rather nonchalant & answered, obviously Cains wife came from the people God created in His image in Genesis 1. All humans are descendants of Adam and Eve. He took his sister along with him certainly. Love your enemy, and Pray for those who have enmity towards you. Whomever Cain marries becomes much less important. GENESIS2 WAS AN ELABORATION OF GENESIS1VS26&28. Again, why bother becoming a Pastor. CHILDREN OF THIS TIME ARE TOO CURIOUSE. But if Adam and Eve his parents were the only ones left besides Cain (Abel was dead, remember), did he fear his parents then? What Is the Significance of Not the Letter but of the Spirit? In Genesis 2 God puts Adam to work with plants. It didnt happen. Could have already been here and that is where Cains wife came from. The point isnt that Adam and Eve are the ultimate first agriculturalists ever, but the first biblically recorded ones. What other people? If so, you might want to check out Genesis 1:2 which uses a waw disjunctive. Therefore, instead of coexisting with Homo Neaderthalis for 30,000 years, we now know that was for 80,000 years. Him and them in Genesis 1:27 are translations of et. Why dont people read Genesis 5:4 which reveals that Adam begat sons and daughters. In 2 Cor 15:22/45 Paul makes it clear that Jesus came as no.2 as the second Adam. And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die. For this reason he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it. 3. Cain and Abel both wanted to marry the younger of. Asa and banah refer to the action of building an object, by definition, out of existing material. Adam grew out of natural reproduction. Please ensure your answer MEETS all our guidelines. This also affects their witnessing to non-Christians; Third, for many non-Christians, this is a stumbling block hindering them from believing that they can trust the Bible as being a true record of history, from the first book, Genesis, onwards. Thus, we can conclude that Cains wife was one of his female relatives. These forces, of course, are invisible. Therefore, there is no reason to assume they the words refer to different humans in chapters one and two. Luke 3:36 tells us of a Cainan which Genesis 11 leaves out. Report, February 13 2015 That is a convoluted question if you follow the grammar. The first came out red, all his body like a hairy cloak, so they called his name Esau. Metal Working 10,500 Yrs. There was a city in Nod, people had to build it, it didnt just happen and Cain was concerned that someone would kill him, so there were more people around. If your spirit is not ready to receive the message you will not receive. This is before Adam & Eve, This is when the races of men were created There were people outside of the Garden, Adam & Eve came after in Chapter 2. If you want to resesrch you cannot exclude all other ancient texts. By following its instructions man will acquire life in the future world. (p. 709). He is a creator, and Im sure has created many things that we have no idea aboof or even a concept of. Often neglected are the mystical traditions of medieval times that linked together Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which arose from the revival of philosophical thought developed from the schools of Plato and Aristotle Stop majoring on the minor. Genesis 5:4 acknowledges that during his 930 years of life, Adam became father to sons and daughters. Of course, the Bible does not specify that Cains wife was Eves daughter. There could have been several children before or even after Cain and after Able even. WHY DID MARY LEITH ASK SUCH A POINTLESS QUESTION WHEN THE ANSWER IS CLEARLY IN GENESIS 5; 3-4? Neither does it provide any other information about her. What Hebrew lexicon did you find your word meanings in? The 13th century work of Jewish mysticism, the Book of Zohar, contains theories based on the philosophical doctrine of the soul that often contradict one another. Why? In other words, we are told certain details about three sons born to Adam and Eve. When He created Adam and Eve He formed Adam from the ground and Breathed His God breath or His Spirit into Adam, and of course it was automatically transfered into Eve when she took her first breath. After the world was formed, God finished His work of creation by raising one man from the dust and one woman from the mans ribs. At that time in human history when humans still had outstanding physical health and vitality, as indicated by the length of their lives, the likelihood of passing on defects as a result of marrying a close relative was not great. Notice that Abraham married his half sister with no condemnation from God, even though this was later forbidden. The Bible said that Cain went to Nod. Written text was like gold. With the help of the biblical Genealogie, Adam and Eve can be dated 5500 b. C., the middle of Neolithic period. . [190-196 A.M.] And in the first year of the first week of the fifth jubilee, [197 A.M.] houses were built on the earth, and Cain built a city, and called its name after the name of his son Enoch. Vote Up 4 Seth, however, did not wish to marry; but in obedience to his father and Cain married his sister. To rule does not mean to hunt. It means to have dominion. Marriage between brother and sister was not made taboo until Moses. Cain and Abel.But also note there were other sons and daughters born to Adam and Eve. Abraham married his half sister ( Genesis 20:12 ); Isaac married his second cousin ( Genesis 24:15 ); and Jacob married two of his first cousins ( Genesis 28:1-7 ). We all are all direct decedents of Adam and Eve which would mean there is absolutely 0% genetic variation between us and them because every person came from the same mother and father, so if they had no ill effects from incest why would we with the same blood? God created (bara), made (asa, banah) and formed (yatsar) mankind (Adam and Eve). Balbira & Kalmana were the respective wives and twin sisters of Abel & Cain. The future health of the nation Israel was insured by this commandment, Stewartwrote. The ancient peoples would have understood the antagonisms that would have at times occured between settled farmers dwelling in cities and semi-nomadic herdsmen dwelling in camps; since prehistoric times. This page was generated at 02:51 AM. wanted to marry the younger of Abel's youngest triplet sisters and The genealogies in Genesis 4 and 5 were set in opposition to each other in fulfilment of Genesis 3:15 (godly and ungodly seeds). Adam and Eve are just descendants of the preadamites, and the Gods image of those prehistoric man cant hide fact that they descend from the terrestrial animals, with them they have been created as the same day (actually a VERY long Periode, like the others. They had far too much wisdom and far too much power to be in control of Gods Planet. POOR GEORGE BELIEVES THAT GENESIS IS CREATION MYTHS. If Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel, where did Cains wife come from? Although this is often asked as a trick question by Bible skeptics, the Bible does provide sufficient detail to give a satisfactory answer. By the way the Greek translation (LXX) agrees and uses a singular personal pronoun for him and a plural personal pronoun for them. My thought on this subject is; that God had created men and women but without His God Spirit. I believe that Adam and Eve were the first people of Gods creation he went on to create other people., Carving 30,000 Yrs Also interesting is the account in Genesis 2:22-24 where God performed the first marriage between Adam and Eve. Cains wife only could come from the land of Nod (I remind Gen. 1.26-31). Language is man made and therefore anything ever said, written, or read is based solely on interpretation. 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