4. Original Civil War Pterosaur Photograph. . This was just northeast of downtown Los Angeles. As of early May, 2022, this channel had about 230 videos about modern living pterosaurs, a.k.a. Long live modern pterosaurs! Joined: . . . But why is it reported to live in many areas of the planet? A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed eyewitness accounts of apparent non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called "pterodactyls" or "flying dinosaurs," and found that several states in the USA stand out, including Utah. Old Photograph of Pteranodon During Civil War, 2. Presence or absence of feathers: No feathers This scientific paper, peer-reviewed in a journal of science years ago, is briefly featured in this video . cryptids of the Vatican. In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have been shocked by featherless creatures flying overhead. With a wingspan larger than a Conder (12-15 ft) fly in and perch on the tree I was casting my fishing line towards. . Fifteen miles of her commute is on a two-lane 55-mph road through woods alternating with pastures; This part of Highway 82 has few houses . Bay area I got the following in January of 2018, a few days after the sighting: Fremont, CA - 1/14/2018 - around 10pm PST I witnessed a pterodactyl from roughly 50-75 feet away. An old photograph surfacing online quite often is said to show the extinct creature Pteranodon shot by a group of soldiers during Civil War posing around it. This morning at about 6 a.m. Alone in the car, driving northbound My dog Ember was with me. Website sfrfg.com reports extensive research on the apparent Pterosaur photograph. The world is now totally different. In this video, I get into a sighting in Altadena, California, in about the year 1969. . Living pterosaurs (or pterodactyls) in California Sightings included in CA: Fremont Anaheim . Various labels have been put onto these flying creatures: Ive received reports from a number of countries on five continents, yet most of the eyewitness reports have been from the USA, and theyre enough to now make an estimate that I believe is more accurate than my estimates in earlier years: how many Americans have seen a living pterosaur. I was fishing on the western side near the South fork. . She had driven less than ten miles, just leaving an area of pasture, entering an area of thick woods, around a mild downhill curve, with high banks and brush on each side of the road, when an animal suddenly flew from the right, just over the front of her car., Belief in Modern Pterosaurs Reply to a Critic. The April 25, 1890, edition of the Tombstone Epitaph ran a story of two Arizona ranchers who claimed to have chased on horseback a flying monster "resembling a huge alligator with an extremely elongated tail and an immense pair of wings." Muchas personas han visto estas criaturas voladoras. Web There were a flurry of sightings in the 1940s and 50s before in 1961 Craig Black claimed to have seen a female carrying a pouched cub in Ben Lomond National. . I call my young channel PAL and here list its seventeen public videos [as of July 31, 2019; there are now more] that are mainly about living pterosaurs . . The following are just a few of the hundreds of Youtube videos, on the channel Protect Animal Life, about modern living pterosaurs: Why do people around the world report seeing a long-tailed pterodactyl? The eyewitness was again Sandra Paradise; here is part ofher account, in her own words: Iwas driving the same road, had just passed the point of my second sighting. This has brief book reviews: comparing two cryptozoology books about these astonishing featherless flying creatures. I've noticed, over the years, that some reported sightings of flying "pterodactyls" come from eyewitnesses who seem to spend more time outdoors than the average person. . 9. two dragons [described]for the newspaper: broad heads, long bills, and large eyes. . In case of both the photographs, some people suggested the creature could be a Thunderbird mentioning some such sightings. They said it fluttered its wings, let out a croaking noise and then dropped dead at their feet. In 2005, Garth Guessman, another ropen investigator, in Montana video-taped his own interview with Hodgkinson and the session was analyzed by Whitcomb, who became even more convinced the World War II veteran was telling the truth: The man had seen a ropen. Their silhouettes resembled giant Sordes Pilosus pterosaurs. A nonfiction-cryptozoology author has analyzed reports of non-extinct pterosaurs, commonly called pterodactyls or flying dinosaurs, and found how sightings relate to thirty-three states (and Washington, Patty Carsons sketch of the ropen she saw. With my interpreter Luke Paina, I led the first expedition on that remote tropical island in Papua New Guinea. . I was fishing at a gravel pit in Heyworth, IL and the dawn had just [broken]. . Michael Slack, of Roswell, New Mexico watched the flying creature both through the eyepiece and by direct observation. 41 reported sightings of living pterosaurs in California. That means we actually have a huge number of eyewitnesses in the USA. . It seems that considering the history of sightings of pterodactyl and mini T. rex type dinosaurs going back all the way to the Wild West days, as well as the number of reports over such a large area, that we would have found at least something. What is it? Non-extinct pterosaurs in North Carolina Where do these flying creatures appear? They have been reported in Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Wilmington, and in other areas of N.C., as well as in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and in many other states At least two pterosaur species, (quite uncommon, mostly nocturnal) still live in North America. How does that relate to this video? Here is the URL:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSJ-jFoAo9g\u0026t=2sThe two sketches of modern pterosaurs were drawn by Patty Carson and Eskin Kuhn, both of whom gave full permission for Jonathan Whitcomb to publish and distribute those sketches.The video clips of aerial shots are used by a paid license from the company that has the rights to sell such licenses.The two music pieces are used by paid licenses from the companies that has the rights to sell such licenses. The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is a nonfiction book, but its not technically about dinosaurs: Its a short cryptozoology book about apparent living pterosaurs. I was stunned from the entire experience . The pterodactyl was as long as a bus, as it flew up into the mountains above Altadena. Glowing Creature Flying Over San Fernando Valley, It was a very large, winged creature that was gliding maybe 100 yards above us. 2. It was huge and the only thing I can compare it to is a dinosaur. Pterosaur Sightings in South Carolina The four reports from S.C.: Bishopville, 1984: wingspan about 10-14 feet; no feathers; standing in the middle of a country road, it appeared to be at least 10 feet tall. . the place whereI was parked was the far back entry of a very small airport (and yes,I am very sure it was no planeI saw). To add more to the mystery of the photograph, there is a second photograph floating on internet space that is very similar a group of soldiers again standing over a different carcass. We were chatting when we saw this bird? I would think of myself as someone who knows a little something of the animal kingdom. . . (Por Jonathan Whitcomb, un experto en pterosaurios vivos), Pterosaur sighting while driving in Raleigh, North Carolina. . . Well start with two Youtube videos on the channel Protect Animal Life (PAL) and then get into two emails. Sighting was for 15-20 seconds; Scott was the most skeptical of the observers; It looked like a pterosaur, but he was not 100% sure. Pteranodon is a genus of pterosaurs (not dinosaurs) including some of the largest known flying reptiles with wingspans over 6 meters (20 ft). . In a moment there was a heavy flapping of wings and the two monsters rose slowly from the water and flew so near the men that the wind from their wings was plainly felt. In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . Only two feet awaythats how close the creature was (horizontally)to the concrete wall of the channel. The eyewitness was shocked to see that the creature had both a head crest (common in Pterodactyloids) and a long tail with a diamond tip (common in Rhamphorhynchoids). I became a believer in American pterosaurs. The third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, published in November, 2011, supports literal interpretations of the Bible regarding the Flood of Genesis; this nonfiction cryptozoology book, however, does not preach religion: It reveals the efforts of creationist cryptozoologists who have searched for living pterosaurs and interviewed eyewitnesses. In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . Special effects or the return of a Pterosaur? What you believe the creature was: Pterodactyl. As a gift giver for a child or teenager, you need to know what this does and does not do and what benefits it can give to the young reader. The final publication may differ, at least in a few details. Los Angeles River, just northeast of downtown L.A. . Workmen were digging through Jurassic-era limestone for a railway tunnel between the St.-Dizier and Nancy lines. Two sightings have been reported from the same backyard in the city of Lakewood, California. it was a really clear night cuzz it had rained the day before. The extinct species pterosaurs lived during the late Cretaceous geological period of North America. andI had to move on. it didnt look like a bird . . You deserve. In fact, some scientists have witnessed a live pterodactyl with their own eyes. With wingspans reaching nearly 40 feet, pterosaurs ruled the prehistoric skies for over 100 million years, until they died out with the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. In other words, 37,500 Americans have told somebody something to the effect that they saw a flying creature that appeared more like a pterosaur than a bird or a bat, and 112,500 have not told anyone about seeing something that gave them the impression that it was a pterosaur. . 13. he saw something like a Pteranodon, with bat-like wings but a wingspan of about 8-10 feet and a head that he estimated was four feet long.. News releases on pterodactyls Stories of flying reptiles have been recorded for many hundreds of years. In 1944, in New Guinea (now the nation of Papua New Guinea), Duane Hodgkinson and his army buddy saw a pterodactyl with a wingspan similar to a Piper Tri-Pacer plane (29 feet). . The two identified a pair of what looked to be giant birds, with bony structures and wingspans stretching 15 to 20 feet, a look reminiscent to one teacher of a pteranodon, an extinct type of flying. Available on Amazon.com and elsewhere, Pterosaurs in Southwest Pacific (live, not extinct), dragon, a term used anciently but also in modern times, flying dinosaur, more common in recent generations, pterodactyl, used from the 19th century to the present, dinosaur bird, maybe more common in recent decades, ropen, more common after two expeditions in 2004, prehistoric bird, maybe more common in recent decades, Simple to read yet stimulating for middle-grade children and teens, Explains the benefits of believing someone who has seen something, Gives interesting comparisons between accounts, allowing the reader to come to his or her own conclusion about each report, Explains the three major interpretations available for a sighting report, allowing the reader to choose one of them for each reported account, Gives the young reader many photos, sketches, and other images, making the book easier to dig into and understand, $7.80 on Amazon (at least on Nov 16, 2018), a flying creature the size of a horse in the Castaic area, in the 1880s, flying creature: wingspan estimated at 25 feet, in Southern California, in 2004, a huge pterodactyl-like animal inSanta Fe Springs, in 2005, large glowing creature flying over San Fernando Valley, in 2009, two giant flying creatures over San Diego, late in 2011. . Just before noon, on June 19, 2012, in her backyard in Lakewood, California,[the anonymous lady]clearly saw, at a close distance, what impressed her as a dragon-pterodactyl. It had no feathers but the tail she estimated at about six feet long. From the back cover of this nonfiction cryptozoology book: Americans, for years, have reported obvious living pterosaurs, with sightings in Washington state, California, New Mexico, Texas, Ohio, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Virginia, Kansas, Indiana, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Missouri. As reported in the Illustrated London News of February 9, 1856, the rock in which the creature had apparently been entombed for millions of years, contained a precise mold of its body. The answer comes after many years of work in cryptozoology and after interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses in California and with hundreds across the United States. Facts Analysis: . . Lets consider each of these sightings in Southern California, in order of how close each flying creature was to a storm channel or stream bed. It begins with late-20th century ropen expeditions in Papua New Guinea and then shows the two expeditions of the year 2004, led by the American explorers Jonathan Whitcomb, David Woetzel, and Garth Guessman. The [apparent living pterosaur] seen flying over the I-540 in Raleigh, in March of 2013, appeared to have a wingspan of five to six feet, much smaller than the one in Idaho. . . Here's the report from October 10, 2017 (anon. . [from the book Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition], "Live Pterosaurs in America" takes you across the United States, with eyewitnesses who describe the amazing encounters they have had with living pterosaurs. Most of them have been in the United States. I saw this large dark colored flying animal. Available on Amazon and from some other online retailers, At 154 pages, it is filled with detailed eyewitness testimonies of living pterosaurs in the United States of America, Highly rated, by readers, in its first and second editions, Published by Createspace (associated with and supported by Amazon), "Am I Crazy" on Youtube | | Live Pterosaur, Overview of the Evolution Boundary Experiment. Ive spent well over 10,000 hours on my own investigation, probably more time than any other person now living. A girl saw a pterodactyl [a nonfiction cryptozoology book] Some of the benefits for the young reader: pterodactyls) hunt bats at night. when he saw me he jumped off the telephone wires and when he opened his huge wings they sounded like heavy fabric . . Scott Norman, a cryptozoologist from Southern California . ### . The landscape photograph on the cover shows the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary in Irvine, California, near where a pterosaur (ropen) was reported flying in 2007 Patty Carson saw the strange flying creature at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba around 1965 and sketched it more recently. A few days ago (early in May of 2019), I uploaded a video to the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. At least one report seems to have been about a ropen. I suggest there are limited exceptions to the rule that ropens use storm channels and stream beds to fly along at night. Here are some more modern accounts: While other reports of pterosaur-like creatures have come out of Arizona, Mexico and Crete, it is out of central Africa that some of the most interesting anecdotes have come. . The creature, which was dark gray or black, had no feathers; he was sure it was featherless. How many persons have seen a living pterosaur? . The following is taken from the book Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition: I cannot prove all the accounts were genuine, for they were recorded secondhand in the early 1890s. Pterodactyl with a Pee said: . . Not a reissue or rerelease . . . Slack and his buddy searched the sky for the Andromeda Nebula. Its bat-like skin was a dark tannish color. . You deserve to know the truth about these accounts of sightings of gigantic living pterosaurs. I see the man looking out of his window which made me look up. The popular, textbook declaration that all species became extinct millions, of years ago, universal pterosaur extinctionthat concept, itself is approaching extinction. Jonathan Whitcomb. . . Report it safely and privately here:https://www.livepterosaur.com/LP_Blog/contact-jdw-page* Pterodactyl Sightings - 100+ videos by early 2021:https://youtu.be/IAYTZRVoVc8 Don't miss what may be the most popular video on Youtube, regarding a positive and highly relevant approach to sightings of apparent modern pterosaurs: the interview of the World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson\"Ropen-Pterodactyl - American eyewitness\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dl1A2xXnxpU\u0026t=1s Here's a more-recent video about these amazing flying creatures: \"A Confession About a Pterodactyl\" (with Jonathan Whitcomb on camera)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4wYmmxe0bU Also you'll probably enjoy \"Living Pterosaurs - Part-1\"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mTSAJVjKpU You might enjoy the short video play-list \"Test yourself with a short quiz\":https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-iKE7VIqQ8\u0026list=PLbrGHtcHOcPyv7syvjZheoOrpaRDurZ20Permissions, etc.Beginning around 2:52 into the video is a still image of Scott Norman, which was taken from the video \"Living Pterosaur Report\" at:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKz5JFtPsQ0This is on the channel \"Tom Canfield\" and is a recording of a Biblical Creation meeting held on July 21, 2007.In general, however, the photos in this video were recorded by the person who uploaded the video, Jonathan Whitcomb, who has full rights to use his own recorded photos.The still image of Jonathan Whitcomb himself was taken from the video \"Brief introduction to living-pterosaur investigations\" (Whitcomb has full rights to that recording of his own image.) Those two encounters, however, were in different years and with different eyewitnesses. Generations of people in Utah have reported large flying creatures, sometimes using a word like dragon or pterodactyl or pterosaur. This is a brief introduction to eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs seen in Utah. The following is overly simplistic, I know, but consider this: With about 300 million persons in the United States, if my sisters experience is typical then more than 300,000 persons in the USA, at least once in each of their lives, must have had a good sighting of a living pterosaur. A few skeptics have declared that no bird watchers have ever seen a modern pterosaur. Rather than delve into speculations about fossils, lets now consider eyewitness testimonies. I know he was afraid of what he saw, just like I was. Age: 68. . Lets begin with a list of some of the benefits available to young readers, for this is for kids and teenagers: To the best of my knowledge, this is the first nonfiction book ever published (on this subject) which was written for children and teenagers. Its because ropens are nocturnal and rare but spread across the planet, and on occasion some fly in daylight. Nonfiction: Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition. When a large boulder of limestone was split open, the workers were astonished to see a large winged creature come tumbling out. Live Pterosaurs in America, Two sightings of Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs in eastern Cuba in the mid-20th century, one by Patty Carson and one by Eskin Kuhn, Living pterosaurs (or pterodactyls) in California, Where do these flying creatures appear? This has a different format than the other videos that I uploaded to my Youtube channel Protect Animal Life, although its a common style on Youtube. This image is actually not a photo from the American Civil War, but it does appear to be a valid photograph of a modern pterosaur. Ive communicated with only a few paleontologists over the past eleven years of my investigation. My roommate saw one at night in the summer in Peterborough, Ontario Canada, I think in 2016. Thunderbird is a term in cryptozoology for describing large, bird-like creatures; generally identified as legendary creature of Native American tradition. This post briefly mentions the book The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur, but this is mainly about sightings of apparent pterosaurs, seen by children, in the following countries: The above locations for sightings are not in the book itself but are in the above-linked blog post. . Apparently this is a genuine photo of a modern pterosaur, what some call the Civil War pterodactyl photo, although it was actually recorded AFTER the American Civil War. . THE ULTIMATE HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE DOUGLAS ADAMS Complete & Unabridged Contents: Introduction: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 . For sighting #1, in the words of an eyewitness, \"It turned its head and looked right at me\".From Jonathan Whitcomb, executive director for 'Animal Discovery': \"I highly recommend the following Youtube playlist, especially if you are new to this channel\": \"Live Pterodactyl - Ropen Global uploads\" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc-RuKvZviU\u0026list=PLbrGHtcHOcPxEMnQuhURGFL_7EugMDKZVTry watching the following additional mini-documentaries on this channel: \"Flying Dinosaurs in Kansas - Pterodactyl Sightings\" https://youtu.be/lkANkrWI2yk(length = 2:26)Sightings of modern pterosaurs in KansasDescription:According to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, many persons have seen an apparent living pterosaur in Kansas, yet only a small minority of those eyewitnesses have contacted him. \"Modern Dragon - Pterodactyls Almost Everywhere\" https://youtu.be/wUShxkJZVFs(length = 3:06)A brief introduction to pterodactyl sightings worldwideDescription:The long-tailed nocturnal ropen is found worldwide, and some eyewitnesses call it a dragon. 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