Heck, it makes some of us scream yellow bonkers. For love, the Moon as advice means that you should trust your intuition. It is important to ask questions, especially to your boss or supervisor, and start listening to make sure you and your colleagues understand each other completely. The Moon reversed indicates drug abuse and real mental problems that need medical attention. You know just how bad you've been (in whatever way), and the Moon card is saying, "Now's the time to act. Low in the sky, the Moon hangs between two pillars and shines a light down on a far reaching path that transverses between water, grasses and mountains. Tarot eBooks. Absolutely. You will work through any repressed issues or insecurities to find new confidence and clarity. Moon and . The Moon is the card of illusion, fear, anxiety, deception, intuition, and the subconscious. Whether you are reading on your feelings or someone else the undeniable thing is that you wont get a straightforward confirmation. However, it can also be an indicator of being unable to separate reality from fantasy and as such, if the supporting cards are negative, it can indicate an illness involving delusions or paranoia becoming worse. You know and feel what they are feeling and they feel the same for you. It can also be an indicator that you may be ignoring signs or your instincts that a potential partner is not suitable for you. Seeing this card upright instantly implies that everything is not as it seems. If you don't, there is a chance you may ignore serious warning signs. Tune into your deepest self. It can take us on a journey into a vivid dream landscape. Could this be someone who is "crazy" about somone? If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Moon, that means that you are advised to be wary. If this concept has been around for some time then this would be good news because it means things are finally starting to grow and develop within your mind. You have to tread carefully when you cant clearly see where youre going, but once you do see, you can charge full speed ahead and youll want to be ready. The Towers below and the canines still cemented to their earth along with the lobster offer the lesson that nothing really changes until you're willing to look at it deeply and do what needs to be done. If it appears in this context it is a warning to clean your act up before your behaviour is exposed. This can be caused by those surprising revelations or by a confused mental state. Psychic. The questioner may be on the move, or taking a trip that seems to be about getting away from things. Why do you feel that way? This can be challenging if you are a person who likes to keep busy and active, as it may feel like you are doing nothing during this time. But then again, deceptions are either good or bad, depending on the reason. As such their feelings have been as scrambled as everything else in their mind. This path is positioned between a dog and a wolf, showing how our minds can be wild or tamed. It can also represent spontaneity, impulsiveness or acting on impulse. What is hiding underneath the surface? For singles, the Moon as love advice means that you must be careful not to quickly give your heart to this person. In a financial reading, the Moon appears to reveal insight about money. When reversed, the Moon. If you are single, The Moon can indicate deceit around you or that you may be being conned. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and . For people involved in a creative line of work The Moon reversed tends to be seen as a bad omen. Contact us. If you ask someone how they feel about you and they draw the Moon, it suggests they have conflicting sentiments about you. depression due to separation. Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card, The 85 Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading, Wake Up, Drink Coffee & Read Your Tarot Cards Why You Should Add Tarot To Your Routine, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 1, 2023, Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For March 2023, By Zodiac Sign, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 28, 2023, How To Shuffle & Cleanse Tarot Cards For Accurate Readings Every Time, The 3 Things People Immediately Judge You On When You First Meet Them, 5 Immediate Signs Of A Toxic, Passive-Aggressive Person, 10 Little Habits That Make You IRRESISTIBLY Attractive. The cards that come up beside the Moon Tarot card tell how the Moon should play. You can also gain new insights into your own personality that will help you find the right path in life to be more fulfilled and happy. a. Its when we connect with our intuition, our inner voice and understand the things we may be feeling and thinking but arent sure how to express them. The Moon as reconciliation signifies just how muddy your ex's feelings for you are. It means that you are going through a time of loneliness, where you feel lost and alone. They probably have an inclination for the occult and are drawn to people who study tarot or anything that can shed light on Earth's darkness. For new and potential relationships, the Moon as love advice means you should not believe everything you see. Copyright Ryan Hart Publishing LLC - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. But warns that there is a fine line between psychic and psycho. The Moon tarot card means creativity and vision are at play here. They could be hiding something from you. It will lead you to a land of intuition and creativity. Most of time it appears in the position of one's "feelings" for another; and I've been reading Thirteen's reversal index, but I still don't feel I get a good sense of how this card "feels" like. This card can also represent secrets, confusion, miscommunication, and complicated feelings about someone or something. The Moon Tarot card can represent underhanded or dodgy deals or illegal behaviour. If you are awaiting a decision on something, The Moon indicates that the answer will either be delayed or be so vague it will add to your confusion rather than clarify mattersif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_2',180,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thetarotguide_com-medrectangle-3-0'); If you are in a relationship, The Moon Tarot card in a love Tarot reading can indicate that you may be feeling uncertain or insecure in the relationship. The Moon also indicates that the potential partner in question may be carrying baggage in their unconscious that interferes with their capacity to embrace love. The MoonReversed Tarot CardKey Meanings: If you are in relationship, The Moon reversed can indicate deception or lies being unveiled. Design by. If youre doing a one-card spread, the Moon reversed could indicate that you need to refine your question, too. It can also indicate secrets or lies being exposed. Reconciliation may be possible as long as they get their feelings straight and work on themselves after reflecting on the reasons for your breakup. What hides in your own unconscious, affecting your ability to accept love? Pay attention to what someone does rather than what they say. But dont be discouraged! The Moon in reverse for singles and people in new partnerships indicates that you are puzzled about your possible relationship. This could be an affair being exposed. The water is the subconscious, the mind. However, it can also be a terrible sign in a relationship that the person and their partner have fallen into a routine. Reconciliation is not a smart idea unless they have the time and space to focus on themselves and figure out what they want. The Moon can warn against having a too wild of an imagination. Get honest answers, with no hidden fees. The Moon reversed is a card that represents fear, confusion, and other negative energies born from our minds. The Moon can also act as a prod for you to be a better partner. The path starts the edge of the pool of water as the lobster pulls himself out of the water on to the path. The double towers once again reinforce this duality motif. When looking at the Moon tarot card, up in the sky, between two distant towers, we see a bright yellow Full Moon. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. Wait until the time is right to act. The Moon can distort reality. A big part of this card is learning to trust your instincts and finding the confidence to embrace your emotions. Finances: When the moon appears in reverse in the context of financial questions, it seems very clear that you do not have all the information you need with regard to finances, even if you think that you do. Alternatively, someone may be holding information back from you and you may not have all the facts you need to make a decision. Take a break from each other and/or the relationship if you need to. Another aspect of The Moon Reversed Tarot card is the feeling of deep peace. The Moon reversed is one of those cards that could go a couple of ways when you try to determine what it means for you. Or people just seemed kind of out of it when you dealt with them, as if Mercury retrograde were in effect, and now things are going more smoothly. Finally, all of that psychic energy can be released. Its not just you who may be affected by a lack of clarity; when this card appears, others around you may also be misguided. They are deep and expansive. The Moon shines light and, in a relationship, you have to decide what you want seen and what you want to keep in the shadows. Your financial situation isnt as good as it seems? So, yes, while you will not feel confused about your financial future, be wary of making any monetary commitments until you have every single piece of information. This could be anything from an inspiration for writing a song or book right through to a new business plan or artistic project of some kind. But it can also mean that you are trying to ignore obvious signs that someone you are interested in might not be the best option for you. There may be breaks for these reasons. There could be a lot of arguments or old issues or insecurities coming to the surface. It represents our desire to become "one" with the divine. The Moon reversed mainly represents uncertainty or anxiety when it comes to a career, but this can be either a good or bad omen based on how things progress. The Moon reversed indicates that things have happened that have upset your equilibrium. With The Moon Tarot card appearing in a career context, you may be very unclear or even anxious about your career direction. Take your time and get to know them better before taking things too far. The Moon Meaning - As Feelings (Reversed) Reversed, The Moon's self-deception becomes externalized. The Moon card, on the other hand, deals with solitude and sadness. This may be caused by a change in your life or by circumstances beyond your control. If you are interested in psychic development or healing work, you will find everything flows really naturally for you and you are open to receiving messages from spirit with this card in your Tarot reading. If this resonates, think about your contribution to this current dilemma. The Moon's release can show up as you coming to terms with something awful about yourself, or giving up a long time habit. If you have this card reversed in your reading it is time to confront those issues instead of avoiding them for fear of upsetting others or causing problems in your relationship. You have the complete picture for making big financial decisions or investments, but it's still important to trust your instincts. Think about how you feel in the very early morning, before dawn but after those worrisome hours of 2 or 3 a.m. youre past the major frights, youre tired, but daylight is almost here to show you what things really look like. The Moon reversed as intentions means that they intend to deceive you. The Moon reversed is also a symbol of dishonesty thats coming from your partner. The Moon reversed usually alludes to its upright meaning of the subconscious and things buried deep down now rising, sometimes violently, to the surface to be exposed. If so, The Moon reversed shows that you will see your partners true character or the truth about your relationship. So be patient when you see this card and try to grasp a more accurate interpretation with further readings. You have an idea or concept which is forming in your mind as a mental image or dream of some kind which is very focused on one particular outcome or goal. The Moon Reversed encourages you to look for small resting . They had to deal with the constant anxiety of being found out. They do not intend on sharing their true feelings. The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed in Work and Career Readings Its a sort of darkest hour is before dawn type of deal. Allow ideas to flow in and out of your mind, but dont act on any of them just yet. It all depends on the situation. They have no idea how to pleasure their partner, and they have no idea how to please themselves, either. Anyone creative, can use the Moon card to inspire you to new creative heights. Magician Reversed as Feelings When the Magician is reversed, it indicates that manifestation and the urge to take action is blocked. You are out of his reach, just like a fantasy or dream. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. The moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. As with the upright meaning of the moon, when the Moon is reversed, look carefully at the diagnosese and feelings that you have about your health care providers. They have both good and bad sentiments about you and how the relationship ended. You, me, and countless others have searched for answers all of our lives. And the terrain is our earth, and we are beneath the Moon, figuring ourselves out. Perhaps you have been deceiving yourself about the current state of the relationship or blinding yourself to certain things about your partner. On its own The Moon reversed doesnt indicate whos the one hiding the truth, so keep that in mind. There may be a need for medication, or existing medication might need to be reviewed during this time. Second, whatever the question is about, slow down but get ready to pounce. It can also indicate that someone may be purposely deceiving you to con you out of money. This is a person with a deep understand of past lives and who is gaining many experiences for an ultimately journey that requires helping the less fortunate. Libra Sun Virgo Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Ten of Pentacles as a Person: Upright & Reversed, Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Five of Pentacles: Yes or No? Time will tell, and the truth will eventually come out. Some quiet time and meditation would be helpful here. The Moon reversed is inviting them into connection with the experience of the body-mind-emotion as one rather than seeing mind and body as two separate entities. Gypsy. When this card is reversed, the meaning is release. If this is the case, you need to engage in honest conversations after all, lies, regardless of color, are still lies. The Moon's shine reveals the feminine in all beings. . Hang in there. The Moon gives you a second chance you can stay and accept your fate, or you can rebrand yourself at will. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. The Moon reversed as reconciliation can mean that your past relationship was built on . For people who have been struggling to manage and understand their finances, this card can represent an important breakthrough. Also be sure that you have all the proper information before making a choice. In this article, I reveal what the Moon card means in upright and reversed positions for love, career, and financial situations. Hiding the truth, on the other hand, is eventually unsustainable and harmful in any type of relationship. They might not be capable of experiencing love with anyone in a healthy way - maybe theyre just not capable of love at all! Financially, if you have been confused about how to manage your finances, this may start to become clearer. If the Moon is revealed upright, understand that now is not the time to make any huge decisions as they pertain to money. The Moon Reversed. For more extensive spreads, look at the position of the card as well as the meaning. They may "keep" a woman (or man) somewhere. Even though this may very well have nothing to do with you, but can be due to past experiences. . In a career reading, the Moon can indicate uncertainty toward a specific career path, or deception in the workplace. The stars are forever in our favor today as we learn to use our talents and skills positively. In a Health context, The Moon can signify mental health issues. But are our actions all worthy of such beautiful moonlight? You are uncertain. See additional information. The Moon suggests that you take a journey through the dark night of your subconscious. It is a card of inspiration and creative urges but also one of illusion and uncertainty. Dont take everything at face value you might regret it soon. As with the upright meaning of the card, the reversed moon tells you to pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, and to flashes of information that come seemingly out of nowhere. If you would like to know your potential partner's feelings, The Moon can mean that they don't yet know how they feel toward you. If you're doing a one-card spread, the Moon reversed could indicate that you need to refine your question, too. full moon or new moon timing impulse feelings unhappy, depressed and unsure why unhappy and keeping it hidden burnt out and impulsive heartbroken and deceived meanings you cannot admit you are in an unhappy home. Your ex harbors negative and positive emotions, and they lack the clarity to proceed. For more extensive spreads, look at the position of the card as well as the meaning. Try not to worry unduly about this as there will be time later in the year for any money concerns to materialise. If you have been experiencing uncertainty, this will soon clear up and leave room for stability and confidence as you make decisions for your future. This could indicate a case of Impostor Syndrome, especially if youre asking about your career and get this card in a position that deals with your feelings and actions. The Moon card reversed is unique in that it may feel more hopeful than the upright reading. The Moon in the reversed card is now uppermost which may symbolise emotional or mental problems escalating or getting out of hand. A friend or partner may have debts or financial difficulties but not be telling you about it. The wild animals represent our tame side, and our wild side. For whatever reason, people lack faith and confidence in the outcome, which is resulting in dishonesty on their side. There will be more clarity at work and things will generally progress at a smoother rate. They feel stressed about this, because they are scared that they cannot conform to your expectations. The Moon as a whole can represent the darker sides of our mind coming to the forefront. If you have been awaiting the results of health test or had issues with waiting for a diagnosis, you will soon get clarity on what is causing health problems for you. However, dont get too upset about that interpretation. There are various reasons why we can lie or omit the truth, and The Moon reversed can end up shining light to them. Depending on if the card is pulled upright or reversed, it points to uncertainty or lack of financial knowledge, or even monetary deception. Drinking too much water. Upright meaning keywords: Illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, fear, anxiety, subconscious, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, misconceptions, insecurity, the feminine psyche, Reversed meaning keywords: Release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion, unveiling secrets, subsiding anxiety, truth, regaining composure, clarity, understanding, RELATED: Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card. It all depends on the position in which it is pulled. This is probably not the best time for either course of action. Our website services, content and products are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The towers are also opposing ideas our good nature, and our bad. The Moons tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion. You are more psychically open than usual now (although when the card is reversed, the messages you are getting may be more difficult to interpret.) Dog Breeder. These emotions are reappearing now, and the person may find themself subject to their impact on a conscious or subconscious level. When it comes to tarot readings, this card refers to situations where we need to take time out for ourselves or our relationship. Acknowledge your innermost feelings and dont worry about hurting anyone else by being honest about what they are! Its not a time to act, but to dream. If you are single, a reversed Moon can indicate you are regaining confidence and should trust your intuition. Don't let incomplete tasks go unfinished for too long. The relationship has experienced misunderstandings and arguments, and it has come to the point that your partner is having a hard time forging an authentic relationship with you and the relationship. Maybe there was something weird about that job you interviewed for that you couldnt quite pinpoint, but the Moon reversed indicates youll figure out what was setting off your internal weirdness radar. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. So, when its representative card, the Moon, shows up reversed, it's giving you a break. An example of this would be noticing warning signs that the person youre dating is married or involved but ignoring the signs because you dont want to believe it. Moon as Feelings in Love & Relationships (Upright & Reversed) By The Moon is the card of illusion, fear, anxiety, deception, intuition, and the subconscious. The Full Moon is hovering over a wolf and a canine howling at the moon, and a lobster or crayfish, with visions of grass, sea and mountain range. Yes! If this is the case, this individual will have to deal with these concerns on their own. First, you should know by now that its not a bad card. People who have this card reversed in their Tarot readings tend to deal with issues on the subconscious level rather than confronting them head on like they should. Hearst Books The Cosmo Tarot: The Ultimate Deck and Guidebook Now 31% Off We Made Your New Favorite Tarot Deck The Moon Keywords Illusions, confusion, fears, anxieties, subconscious, dreams The. It also represents the imagination, dreams, mystery, and the world of unknown possibilities. They need to be clear about what they want and have the vision and action for their goals before they can become a partner you can rely on. This person can have intensely conflicting feelings or might even be trying to hide their emotions from you. Again, when the Moon is appearing in reverse, use the utmost care and caution with any use of substances, (drugs and alcohol.) The person opening the Moon reversed is unsure about what they want out of life. The dim light of the moon represents intuition, dreams, illusions, and in general the multiple sides of the unconscious. Change in your own unconscious, affecting your ability to accept love individual will have deal! Truth will eventually come out careful not to worry unduly about this as will! Please themselves, either giving you a second chance you may be very unclear or even anxious about your relationship. Or treatment to flow in and out of your subconscious they want out of.. Other and/or the relationship or blinding yourself to certain things about your relationship, whatever question... Will generally progress at a smoother rate else in their mind have idea. Fallen into a vivid dream landscape the year for any money concerns to materialise wolf, showing how minds. Any huge decisions as they pertain to money in new partnerships indicates that manifestation and the can! 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