And on top of that, once the divine masculine awakens inside of you, it is as if a veil is lifted off of your eyes so that all the world becomes a beautiful place. Learn its language. These designations simply describe the characteristics of each type of energy. For example, when my friend started feeling pushed away by her counterpart, she did something Id never do. You will have a sense of personal power and strength that you never had before. Spend some quiet time journaling about why you are awesome. Once your Divine Masculine is awakening, making the right decision is not a problem anymore. So, if you find yourself going through the process of awakening your divine masculine energy, youll start to take control of your life. The protective external world of the divine masculine cannot exist without the inner world of the divine feminine providing growth and movementand vice versa. If the signs above are true for you, we want you to know that youre ready. Note: If spiritual growth is something you are interested in, then check out this list of the best spiritual documentaries. We know that the divine masculine is a protector, so it makes perfect sense that you would enjoy providing for others. The toxic masculine wants to feel strong and powerful, so it can lead someone to act out by having meaningless flings or one-night stands without any type of emotional attachment. Symptom #1: You feel the need for physical movement. His focus is on her. The list of symptoms of twin flame divine masculine awakening keeps growing, and this time were talking about stubbornness. A true expression of masculinity is being focused on your goal. The divine masculine is a powerful force that pushes us to action. The Divine Masculine knows that he is a strong creator and that he can choose how to live his life. We might see feminine symbols in the water and earth signs of the zodiac: the Crab (Cancer), the Scorpion (Scorpio), the Fish (Pisces), the Goat (Capricorn), the Bull (Taurus), and the Maiden (Virgo). Symptom #6: You yearn for a sacred union with your Goddess. Of course, she can make decisions as well and will give you advice, but she has to know that if she were to relax, you would still take care of things. The divine masculine is always on the move. You have clarity and set . You will find it easier to develop any sort of strategy and to achieve your goals. Goal-oriented. You now understand just how sacred the joining together of two bodies is. A divine masculine is a unique individual, and he is not going to be the same as every other man out there. This could relate to finances, sports, travel, or even hobbies. According to Xavier Villanova, spiritualist and tarot reader for Tarot By Maisy, the divine masculine is the part of you that represents the earthly side connected to labor, money, strategy, and self-restraint.. Feeling The Need For Physical Movement One side wants to listen to feelings, emotions, and sensitivities, while the other is focused on finding restraint, balance, and foundation. Villanova offered a few keywords that might suffice to express the divine masculine: The relationship between divine masculine and feminine is best represented as head vs. heart. Just as I say in every article on this topic, with regards to gay people, they should choose to nourish the energy that represents them the most. But now that you are aware, you recognize both within yourself and seek to balance them. Divine Masculine and the Spiritual Awakening Process. Even if it means going through some tough moments, trust that whats happening is for the better and learn from these experiences. Even though this is not a positive sign for your counterpart, it is a good thing. You see, once you find your purpose, it is a magical thing. You will feel more alive because the divine masculine realizes that life is not safe and that risk-taking can be a way to keep your life from becoming boring. But trust us its not true. Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. If youre not into extreme sports before now, you might start to be. The Divine Masculine loves action. Heres another revealing sign of twin flame divine masculine awakening: You feel intimidated and confused about your relationship with your counterpart. As mentioned before, the divine feminine is there to balance the divine masculine inside of all of us and the other way around. This type of protection will be very different from the suffocating protection some men offer to their loved ones. Divine masculine awakening signs and symptoms: If you are unsure if you are on this journey of awakening / empowering the Masculine, there are a few signs and symptoms you can look for. The sixth thing youll notice when the divine masculine awakens is that you become a person of action. When you are the divine masculine, you will feel safe in your own skin. Here are a few sure-fire ways to make it happen, according to Villanova: Take responsibility. But both divine masculine and feminine energies are needed in order for all of us to exist. The divine masculine is about taking charge and standing up against those who are toxic. For most of us, the spiritual journey of self-discovery and connecting to our Divine feminine energy may have been a long and arduous one, filled with doubts, frustration and much pain. The feelings youll get due to this energy awakening inside you might lead to a higher sense of adventure and freedom. You will not even be afraid of making mistakes, because you will know you can learn valuable lessons from mistakes. And when you are with her, your divine masculine awakens even more, and all your problems melt away. People will learn that you are a source of love and protection and will feel very safe and loved around you. An active energy like the Divine Masculine doesn't creep up quietly. While it might be a difficult time for you and your counterpart, youll soon realize that this is all part of your journey. The masculine energy is all about providing, whereas the feminine energy is about receiving and nurturing. When the divine masculine awakens, chasing multiple women will not be necessary to you anymore, and something else will take its place: You start to crave sacred union with your goddess. Masculinity is spiritually awakened at times when you need to access your shadow side or assertiveness as a means to an end. The Divine Masculine is usually referred to as the Matrix Twin or Runner Twin. Ascension. In other words, a sign your divine masculine awakens is when you feel an unstoppable urge to protect your twin flame. 3. The kundalini awakening is a spiritual awakening. If youve been feeling like your goals are bigger and more realistic than they used to be, then it is a sign that the divine masculine in you is starting to awaken. The divine masculine is about being stable and purposeful. No matter how hard the target, you are confident in yourself and your abilities. You set challenging goals and go after them. 9 Ways to Awaken the Divine Masculine Within You. Masculine symbols represented throughout all ancient mythologies tend to overshadow the feminine. You are here for a reason and that reason is to find your purpose and live it out! It manifests as determination and grit, a willingness to take initiative and fight for what is rightfully yours. Awakening Divine Masculine Runners are particularly sensitive and vulnerable at this time. The Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine in their Relationship. So, your feminine woman can bring out your divine masculinity even more! Symbols of masculinity can be inspired by the fire and air signs of the zodiac: the Ram (Aries), the Lion (Leo), the Archer (Sagittarius), the Scales (Libra), the Water-Bearer (Aquarius), and the Twins (Gemini). You have a generous spirit and enjoy taking care of your family. And when it comes to self-esteem or confidence, the divine masculine is at the top of that list. In other words, when it starts to awaken, you will feel the need to be active and move. One of the symptoms of the divine masculine awakening in your life is increased self-confidence and self-esteem. You will know that the divine masculine is awakening, and this new energy is going to help you accomplish your goals more effectively. You will finally be at ease with yourself and radiate confidence and inner strength. You know that you can handle the situation, and it will not be the end of the world because you have already prepared yourself for what could happen. However, you might start to develop a liking for these sorts of activities. One of the best ways to describe kundalini is the Twin Flame energy: Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine snakes that ride up and down the androgynous (neutral) pathway of the spine. He Mirrors Peace And Presence Back To You. This will make you more driven to accomplish your goals because you will know that what you are doing is right. He explains that most people misunderstand how to find their purpose, using visualization and other self-help techniques. It means that your twin flame journey is on the right track and youre heading in the right direction. You might feel like you have issues opening up to anyone. People with low self-esteem and bruised egos lash out, hurting others and themselves in the process. As mentioned before, a balance between the divine feminine and divine masculine should be achieved in each of us. It shows that your twin flame journey is going in the right direction and the divine masculine energy is starting to take over. Youll be glad you did. While it might not come with the best changes, its part of your journey. If you start feeling like some of the signs above are true for you (or a few of them), this might be a signal that your divine masculine is waking up. Feelings such as jealousy, insecurity, and attachment might go out the window after some time. RELATED: How To Channel Your Feminine Energy (To Make Him Lust For You Like Crazy). . //

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