You do realize that Wolf Lake has nothing to do with Buffy, don't you? The character is portrayed by Lindsay Crouse. Adam wasn't scary enough to be Big Bad on his own either, LOL. > > > then we went, ehhh, forget it. If he was making silver> bullets, it might be on a "Pascal's Wager" basis: if the legend IS true,> then using lead bullets is a way for him to get very quickly and very> messily dead. YesI was that sad :-) and in those there were certain facts that don't appearin Buffy, 1. if you stabbed a vampire with a stake in the heart you would have toleave it there as removing it would resurrect the vampire2. [citationneeded], Together, Lindsey and Eve manipulate events so that Spike, not Angel, proves (or at least appears to the Senior Partners) to be the ensouled vampire foretold in the Scrolls of Aberjian, the one who will have a crucial impact in the Apocalypse and fulfill the Shanshu Prophecy. ", "The Summer Retreat with Ven. Crouse viewed her character "no nonsense, and she seems to be a real teacher. Certainly Tara's role would have been quite different,> > or maybe there wouldn't have been a Tara at all. Lots of people make their own bullets. She> > said the Initiative storyline was something that they pulled out of, > > their hats at the last minute. That doesn't mean that the legends are true. Opinion | Oscar-Nominated Film 'The Queen of Basketball': Lusia Harris In my opinion, she was more of an appendage then a self-standing character when she was first introduced. > > > Now that the first season is out on DVD, can you tell us about storylines that never made the cut?> > >> > > Actually, there were a lot of things we were going to do and never did. But just as he said this, Angel entered the conference they were having where Lindsay introduce him to Wolfram & Hart and telling him that Angel could not touch Winters. He starred in a total of 31 episodes, and his character, Riley Finn, was first introduced in the season four premiere. You don't think she's just pining for the fjords? She did my head in so im glad that she didnt keep going. Maggie Walsh - Wikipedia After figuring out that his hand wasn't evil but rather suicidal, Lindsey pulled the plug on his friend and destroyed the facility, while saving those that could still be saved. The three hired then-renegade Slayer Faith to assassinate him, promising to free her from her police charges and a doubled amount of payment. Emmy Award-winning Sarah Michelle Gellar was born on April 14, 1977 in New York City, the daughter of Rosellen (Greenfield), who taught at a nursery school, and Arthur Gellar, who worked in the garment industry. If Seth Green handn't left, it would have been him lying dead on the bedroom floor in "Seeing Red". Buffy: How old was Sarah Michelle Gellar in Buffy The Vampire Slayer? In 1996, she received a Daytime Emmy Award nomination for "Between Mother and Daughter", an episode of CBS Schoolbreak Special. If you believe that then how do you reconcile Mr Whedon's comments that he does not plan a series more than one season in advance? Joss has said that Lindsay Crouse was difficult to work with, which led him to killing her off/reducing her role sooner. His departure really changed the direction of the series and Idoubt it would have been Oz who'd have died. I was seven when they took the house, just came right in and took it.Lindsey McDonald, Born into a poor and dysfunctional family in the south-central United States, Lindsey worked hard to overcome his upbringing. > In article , Tim McGaughy> wrote:>>in article, Don Sample at>> wrote on 6/13/02 7:24 PM:>>> We see Cain making his own bullets, but nothing is said about what>>> they were made of.>>>>And why would he make his own bullets, then?>>>>> And even if they were silver, maybe he just had a Lone Ranger complex.>>>>Or perhaps, just perhaps, he knew about the legends that werewolves can>>only be killed by a silver bullet.> > That doesn't mean that the legends are true. Walsh appears in the penultimate episode of Season Four, "Primeval," as a zombie, working under Adam along with others Adam has killed. Cameras installed in Riley's room allow her to spy on Buffy and Riley while they have sex, and later to hear Buffy ask Riley about the 314 Project. Actor Blucas simply left the series as his character was written out in the year 2000. "You have to keep the poetry very, very active, which is pretty easy with Dickinson. Returning to his apartment, Lindsey found that Darla had left town, taking all her clothes with her. At least one traditional legend we have (as of now) been told isfalse: several people in episodes have said that leprechauns do notexist. Attempting to finish off Project 314, begun by Walsh, Adam has his workers manufacturing more creatures like himself; part demon, human, and machine combined. ""Are you kidding? At some point, he began a relationship with Eve, the Liaison to the Senior Partners. Her interview in The Watcher's Guide, vol. (The writers could change their minds, of course, and makethem crucial to the season seven finale, say, but that's the currentcanon.) Not that I want to see Oz shot or anythingbutit would have had more impact. And there> > > would have been far more Angel-Buffy angst if he hadn't gotten his> > own show. She doesn't have the time for it. At Harvard, 46.3% of recruited athletes in the class of 2022 come from families with household incomes of $250,000+, compared with 1/3 of the class as a whole. Before the Initiative showed up I had assumed that Maggie had discovered the existance of vampires and was using them as guinea pigs for various psych experiments. To me she was always a secondarycharacter, I liked the character and the actress, but the death just didn'ttouch me. On the other hand, with only Lindsey and Lilah left of Wolfram & Hart's Special Projects Team, their rivalry reached an all-time high as the two start a power struggle for the vice-presidency of the team as at the time neither of them was deemed fit to take the title. Willow was well along the path to spell casting before she met Tara. Lindsey also worked with the ex-Watcher Rutherford Sirk to fake an addendum to the Shanshu Prophecy that the vampire with a soul must drink from the Cup of Perpetual Torment after apparently causing a disruption of reality that Eve claims is the result of there being two vampire champions with souls in an attempt to provoke a conflict between Angel and Spike that would result in Angel's death. Walsh was basically working on something that was inhuman, which in turn could be explained by saying that Adam was born out of the dark part of Walsh's soul/mind. However as his character grew in complexity, they started to appreciate his role in the series and said they were sad to see him leave. Buffy The Vampire Slayer is a classic supernatural series which has returned to All 4. Unknown to many in the Initiative, Walsh is also involved in Project 314, a secret program within the Initiative that is creating a hybrid demon-humanoid-mechanoid (demonoid) known as Adam. "This is a matter of opinion--I disagree. [citationneeded], Lindsey and Eve contrive a situation where Spike saves Angel from a demonic parasite (placed on an unconscious Angel by Eve), which simultaneously disheartened Angel, galvanized Spike, and adds weight and veracity to the claims made by "Doyle"/Lindsey. She has a vision of what she wants to do. Both of . the exact opposite of this paragraph. She's probably a mix of those two. So leaving actually saved his life. ", Lindsay Crouse brings third annual Buddhist retreat to Rockport, Lindsay Crouse Summer Retreat in Massachusetts web site, Lindsay Crouse's Buddhist Teachings posted online at ACI-LA, Lindsay Crouse's additional Buddhist teachings posted online,, Episode: "Rebecca McManus and Steve Arnold", Episode: "I've Got Batman in My Basement", Episodes: "Captain Kangaroo Court", "A Liver Runs Through It", Episodes: "Ted and Carey's Bogus Adventure", "Alice Doesn't Fit Here Anymore", Episodes: "Forgive, But Don't Forget", "Black Eye", "Sinners and Saints", "All Others Pay Cash", This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 11:35. Their last collaboration was Mr. President in 1962. Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. [8] Darla did this with the intent to keep both lawyers as their liaison to the Senior Partners, because though angry for being used by Wolfram & Hart, she desired power. Though Cain, the werewolf hunter, did make a point of using silver bullets We see Cain making his own bullets, but nothing is said about what theywere made of. I've been expecting Tara to leave or>be off the show for awhile, so her dying (Even though she's not REALLY>goneright? Since werewolves are fictional, there's no universal "rule" about how they must be portrayed. After Riley learns that Buffy is the Slayer, they inform Walsh of her role. Knocking him out with a kick to the head, Angel borrowed his truck to save Cordelia from a group of demons before returning it the next morning though heavily damaged. Her full nameLindsay Ann Crouseis an intentional tribute to the Broadway writing . However, he did return for an episode in the sixth season, where he returned and revealed he had married someone else. [1], Lindsey used his pass to get Angel past security so he could steal disks with information against his colleagues. "To join the Clueless Club, send a followup to this message quoting everythingup to and including this sig!" . Buffy the Vampire Slayer spoilers: Who does Buffy end up with? It was> Maggie who was supposed to tell Riley about Angel to humiliate Buffy in> front of everyone at the Initiative. She tried to create a monster to help her plans and they just turned around and stabbed her through the stomach!!! I've never understood the logic of shifting the dilemma to anewly introduced third party. Not bad, but the mix would have beenbetter. Maggie was supposed to be the season's Big Bad.Maggie was supposed to drive a wedge between Buffy and Riley. Finding out that Buffy is the Slayer is a kind of a gas, and it's nervous-making and exciting to have good people on her team; she's like a president - she wants a great cabinet underneath her. What if Seth Green and Lindsay Crouse didn't bail out? - Google Groups MORNING READS Ripe and smooth: This village thinks it has. I'm sure she admires Dr. Frankenstein - or Einstein. Buffy Main Cast. Beating him down with his bare hands while apologizing for the fact Darla didn't love him and that he made the right choices, Angel used the sledgehammer to smash Lindsey's prosthetic hand, noting that Lindsey should be grateful he recently had an epiphany, as Angel could have easily destroyed Lindsey's remaining real hand instead. His character was undergoing military training, but the creators of the series wanted to bring even more depth to Riley Finn. #lindsay crouse | Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs | Tumpik I disagree. We thought it would create> > some Shakespearean jealousy, and. In many stories, it takes silver to kill a werewolf when it's in wolf form but the other 26 or so days of the month when they are human, they can be killed just like anyone else can. What was the original plan for Maggie Walsh? | Buffy-Boards Claiming to receive visions from the Powers That Be, he gained Spike's cooperation and trust. Gellar has stated she believes Whedon's original intention was "was to put Xander and Buffy together. Lindsey was left alone, beaten both physically and emotionally. "[3], Months later, Lindsey then worked with fellow lawyers Lilah Morgan and Lee Mercer, both having had previous plans ruined by Angel, to have him killed. There were indications that the Initiative existed from the> first episode. They were clearly playing with the Frankenstein myth, where the monster takes a life of its own, ponders the meaning of its existence and wants to create other monsters to keep it company. A stunned Lindsey slumps against by a wall, outraged that he was killed by one of Angel's "flunkies" instead of the vampire himself. [citationneeded], Angel is given the amulet which Spike eventually uses to destroy the Hellmouth in Sunnydale. [citationneeded], Lindsey legally represented many vampires and demons, as well as evil humans. Re-writes and character alterations happen all the time in T.V., but her direction shifts so radically so fast that it's always struck me as odd. To me that would have been a cooler idea since you don't need to have a huge hidden base under campus and it does not make the Slayer's job completely redundant since you don't have an armed squad of demon-hunter doing her job, just your everyday mad scientist. I couldn't let that slide.Lindsey McDonald, Two years later, Lindsey finally returned to Los Angeles, when he learned that Angel has taken over the Los Angeles division of Wolfram & Hart. Also, a rather different story since the focuswould have been on that personal aspect as well as thepolitical/military one. Lindsay Ann Crouse (born May 12, 1948) is an American actress. At first he enjoyed his new privileges, able to play his guitar again. Crouse has also guest-starred on Alias, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Columbo, Criminal Minds, Law & Order, ER, Millennium, and NYPD Blue. Adam is a complete monster with absolutely no human emotions -- it made him a very formidable foe! It may not display this or other websites correctly. In recent years, Crouse has concentrated on the theater. That was also the episode where Willow and her mother, Sheila, have an argument about Willow's involvement with the occult. . Lindsey was eager to have Angel sire Darla, thus saving her. Crouse was born in New York City, the daughter of Anna (ne Erskine)[1] and Russel Crouse, a playwright. Harris wasn't playing for money, power or fame. Among her films was a starring role in House of Games, the 1987 film directed and written by her then-husband David Mamet, in which she plays Margaret Ford, a psychiatrist who is intrigued by the art of the con. I'm talking dirt poor, no shoes, no toilet, six of us kids in a room and come flu season that went down to four. [11], Crouse appeared in Lee Blessing's Going to St. Ives with the Gloucester Stage Company during the summer of 2008[12] and provided the narration for Virginia Lee Burton: A Sense of Place, a documentary film about Virginia Lee Burton. "It was obviously a great thing to be a part of. Wasn't Lindsay Course playing judges in the Law & Order franchise was that part of the reason why she got killed off in Buffy? For her role in the 1984 film Places in the Heart, she received an Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress. Used automotive wheel weights make great inexpensive bullets forplinking, and I can control how heavy a powder charge I want as well. Since Buffy is meant to be the central character surely thedrama should focus on a her rather than Riley. He might have requirements(other than material) that aren't easily met with store bought bullets. lets face it. Darla, however, secretly used his feelings to gain information from Wolfram & Hart to obtain a mystical ring from the Senior Partners during the Review. Kane has described the character as being driven by cynicism and ambition: "I still think this cat looks at the glass as being half empty. Apparently Adam was originally supposed to be a good guy, but when Lindsay. > > > > This is the first time I've ever heard this. In it, she recalls the moment her friends saw a photo of Lady Gaga cuddling with Polansky in Miami after attending the Super Bowl . Explore Tumblr Posts and Blogs tagged as #lindsay crouse with no restrictions, modern design and the best experience | Tumpik. She> > said the Initiative storyline was something that they pulled out of> > their hats at the last minute. Lahr also writes that Mamet got his first screenwriting assignment through Crouse. Lindsay Crouse wanted out of her contract so she was killed off. I really do believe that." Why did Buffy go to LA in season 4? [sic]. [15] Although the "mind numbing" visions that Lindsey reported were non-existent, the events described were real. So, the story I *thought* I knew was that Prof Walsh was the planned Big Bad for the season, but then Crouse departed the show early for (?) He also became the love interest of the titular character, Buffy Summers (Sarah Michelle Gellar), and they were in a long term relationship. The set up for the final battle between Buffy and Adam occured in episode 14. After a relationship with Robert Duvall,[15] Crouse married playwright David Mamet in 1977. [2][3] Lindsay Ann Crouse's full name is an intentional tribute to the Broadway writing partnership of Lindsay and Crouse, which consisted of her father and his writing partner, Howard Lindsay. Although it seemed that he and Angel had buried the hatchet, Lindsey was unable to cope with the fact that the Senior Partners gave Angel everything that Lindsey had worked so hard for. Prior to having his powers stripped from him by Angel's team, he displayed the following powers. Angel fought Darla for it at the event and Lindsey tried to protect her from Wolfram & Hart, which tried to kill her. ActuallyI think it would have upset me more to see Oz get shot infront of Willow. ", "Morning's at Seven Revival to Star Lindsay Crouse, Judith Ivey, Patty McCormack, and More | TheaterMania", "Robert Duvall, Hollywood's No. Her other films include Slap Shot (1977), Between the Lines (1977), The Verdict (1982), Prefontaine (1997), and The Insider (1999). After reading an intriguiging book about vampire legends, it seems to me (the book didn't draw this conclusion, it's my own stab in the hear-- er, dark) that pretty much the entire modern picture of the vampire as played in Hollywood and Gothic fiction comes from Bram Stoker's "Dracula", and Stoker actually made up most of it on his own. An interesting thing about Joss is he's not very diplomatic, I like that about him. While Nike promotes gender equality in its ads, their sponsored athletes say they risk losing pay if they become pregnant. Zombie Walsh attacks Buffy when she comes to Riley's rescue, but Buffy knocks her down and defeats her, and with some help from the Scooby-Gang of Willow, Xander, and Giles, she defeats Adam as well. 2000. However, Angel knew that Lindsey could never be trusted, and he had secretly instructed Lorne to assassinate Lindsey once the Sahrvin demons were eliminated. Lindsay Crouse ( @lindsaycrouse) is a writer and producer in Opinion. Buffy Main Cast - IMDb Or it could be that the Watcher's Guide is a fluff piece and that's really how it happened. Buffy defeats the demons and appears on the monitors after Walsh has prematurely announced Buffy's death to Riley, who walks out. After huge amounts of fan speculation on the idea, a vampirised Slayer finally did appear in the "Season Nine" comics. This was the first lesbian recurring character on a major network. A good guy. > Previously on, wrote in article> <> > > From the 29 January 2002 online edition of Entertainment Weekly, Marti> > Noxon:> > >. He noted that, while Angel was sidetracked at Wolfram & Hart, the apocalypse was already underway, and Angel and his team were becoming more corrupt by the day. Whedon discussed with Nicholas Brendon and Sarah Michelle Gellar the idea of Buffy and Xander ending up together at the end of the final season, which the actors reportedly agreed. [6], When Darla was returned to life as a human, Lindsey became attached to her, struggling with CDs to play her music at his office and helping her mess with Angel's mind; he provided Darla with a fake identity and hired actor to play her husband to frame Angel for murdering him. [9], After Angel violently burnt Darla and Drusilla, Lindsay, still infatuated with Darla, let her recuperate at his apartment. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. It was> > Maggie who was supposed to tell Riley about Angel to humiliate Buffy in> > front of everyone at the Initiative.> >. "Quitting is not the same as giving up": Lindsay Crouse and Kirby Ferguson make the case for leaving a job, relationship or hobby. ", "North Shore Film Festival wraps up on May 8 and 9. Everybody."[8]. Or just making sure. When Faith made the deal known to him, Angel broke into Lindsey's though was quickly caught out when Lindsey walked in. bah. [EXPLAINER]. Why did lindsay crouse leave buffy? - I still don'tthink he was; he was a fellow victim and should never have been playedas a big bad. Adam> > was a last minute replacement as the Big Bad. Marc Blucas is an American actor who is best known for his role in the supernatural teen drama, Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Vampires could not set foot in a church or look upon a holy relic6. [1], After saving the three children, Lindsey returned to Holland, returning the disks and admitting to what he did. It was an experiment that the Government wanted to test was possible or not, and they put Maggie in charge. She is of Russian Jewish and Hungarian Jewish descent. Clements.[14]. you never know, they could have bonded over him seeing her nude. WB / Hulu. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. While it is true that the affinity began as a result of a common interest in magic, Willow was always portrayed as the more dominant partner. Hoping that his performance would pick up again with the return of his hand, Lindsey's superiors arranged for him to receive a mystical transplant. [19], You're not part of the solution, Lindsey. You are using an out of date browser. Where Are the Workers? - The New York Times Now a Giles/Maggie struggleover Buffy's soul could have been fascinating but a Buffy/Maggie struggleover Riley? I've seen other > published interviews that say Lindsay Crouse was disappointed to learn > her character was destind to die halfway through the season-- i.e. Opinion | What Jon Gruden's Emails Tell Us About Cancel Culture - The Maggie was supposed to be the season's Big Bad.> > Maggie was supposed to drive a wedge between Buffy and Riley. ----- Posted via NewsOne.Net: Free (anonymous) Usenet News via the Web ----- -- Free reading and anonymous posting to 60,000+ groups NewsOne.Net prohibits users from posting spam. I read something about this in the official Buffy Magazine years ago, don't remember what it said other than Maggie was going to play a much bigger part in Season 4 originally. But Crouse said this to Rafelson, who called Mamet; when the director asked why he should hire him for the screenplay, Mamet replied, "Because I'll give you a good screenplay or a sincere apology." [2], In a final confrontation between Angel and Lindsey, the two buried the hatchet, and Lindsey warned him of the games Wolfram & Hart was trying to play. DonnaMy opinions might have changed, but not the fact that I am right.

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