b. b. This membrane produces a special fluid to lubricate the joint and prevent wear on cartilage while the joint is in motion. D fibroblasts, The type of bone tissue that contains red bone marrow is: True False; Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F). True B. Which of the following joints would be . c. filament d. the patellar ligament. d. complete tetanus, How do the muscles of a sprinter running the 400-yard dash in 50 seconds receive most of their energy? In contrast, the deep socket of the acetabulum and the strong supporting ligaments of the hip joint serve to constrain movements of the femur, reflecting the need for stability and weight-bearing ability at the hip. D the blood supply to these areas has been closed off, The hormones that increases cell division in growing bones is: d. produces fibroblasts to lay down new cartilage. In the classification of joints, which of the following is true? D protein, vitamin C, and calcium, The hormones that regulate the amount of calcium in the bones and the blood are: Rotation of the radius allows for forearm movements. b. C body The walls of the joint cavity are formed by the connective tissue of the articular capsule. Bursae contain a lubricating fluid that serves to reduce friction between structures. The shallow socket formed by the glenoid cavity allows the shoulder joint an extensive range of motion. c. Tubules that allow electrical impluses to travel into the muscle cell Condyloid joints are found where the shallow depression of one bone receives a rounded bony area formed by one or two bones. ____ bursae are found where one tendon overlies another tendon. They allow electrical impulses to travel deep into the cell, What are the units of contraction in a muscle called? B & & & \\ If a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is not properly repaired, the consequences could include the inability to prevent ________. C GH a. a differene in the thickness of the sarcolemma c. plane c. ankle; hinge Which of the following is a true statement? A synchondrosis is a cartilaginous joint where the bones are joined by hyaline cartilage. d. cruciate ligaments, Which inflammatory joint disease is caused by the bites of ticks that live on mice and deer? These may be located outside of the articular capsule (extrinsic ligaments), incorporated or fused to the wall of the articular capsule (intrinsic ligaments), or found inside of the articular capsule (intracapsular ligaments). b. B articular cartilage A slightly movable joint is a (an) a. synarthrosis. A synovial joint is also known as diarthrosis. a. relaxtion The aerobic respiraton of fatty acids c. Hip a. the lateral patellar retinacula c. generally less stable than arm joints. Primary cartilaginous joints: These cartilaginous joints are composed entirely of . Ligaments allow for normal movements at a joint, but limit the range of these motions, thus preventing excessive or abnormal joint movements. a) The articulating ends of the bones in a synovial joint are covered by articular cartilage. A coracoids process b. bursitis The Cellular Level of Organization, Chapter 4. This type of indirect support by muscles is very important at the shoulder joint, for example, where the ligaments are relatively weak. The calcium binds with troponin on the actin filaments, which permits the myosin heads to latch on and muscle contraction occurs, In the disease myasthenia gravis, the body produces antibodies against receptors for acetylcholine (ACh). C PTH increases the absorption of calcium by the small intestine B pivot Bone Tissue and the Skeletal System, Chapter 12. This creates a situation in which the cartilage and fibrous capsule can move and stretch. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a synovial joint? b. Chapter 1. The anular ligament surrounds the head of the radius. The joint with the greatest range of motion is the ball-and-socket joint. a. twitch B it lines a bone The second movement is a side-to-side movement, which allows you to spread your fingers apart and bring them together, or to move your hand in a medial or lateral direction. d. biaxial, An example of an interosseus fibrous joint is ________. a. Pivot b. B both permit movement in all planes c. pronation and supination B hearing Other hinge joints of the body include the knee, ankle, and interphalangeal joints between the phalanges of the fingers and toes. Term. Allows only very limited movement b. The most numerous and versatile of all the body's joints are What is the sheet of connective tissue that encloses the joint cavity of synovial joints called? D pivot joints are synovial joints, The regulation of the calcium content of adult bones is a function of the: A synarthrosis, which is an immobile joint, serves to strongly connect bones thus protecting internal organs such as the heart or brain. c. The epimysium extends past the muscle as a flat sheet of connective tissue that fuses with the covering of the other muscles. c. fruiting body. d. platysma, What is the linea alba? The Tissue Level of Organization, Chapter 6. They provide a wide range of motion and flexibility. gomphosis Sutures bony edges interlocked by short fibers Syndesmoses bones connected exclusively by ligaments Gomphoses "peg-in-socket" fibrous joints Synchondroses bones united by a bar or plate of hyaline cartilage Symphyses bones united mainly by fibrocartilage A man and a woman are each heterozygous carriers of an autosomal recessive mutation of a disorder that is fatal in infancy. Expert Answers: The scapulothoracic joint is not a true synovial joint. b. Epimysium Subfascial bursae are located between muscles. A synovial membrane b. flexion Which of the following is a true statement regarding gliding movements? A suture is a type of fibrous joint that is only found in the skull (cranial bones+facial bones). a. hinge, saddle, and ellipsoidal a. rotator cuff muscles A small intestine Ligaments are classified based on their relationship to the fibrous articular capsule. False True/False d. type of synovial fluid. B growth hormone increases mitosis Which of the following are cartilaginous joints? B) Synarthrotic joints are slightly movable. This will cause pain, swelling, or tenderness of the bursa and surrounding area, and may also result in joint stiffness. D synovial fluid, In a synovial joint, the synovial fluid prevents friction Autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, or systemic lupus erythematosus, produce arthritis because the immune system of the body attacks the body joints. Synovial foints are and thus allow tor a variety of movemente. a. abduction a. Synovial joints are the most common type of joint in the body (Figure 9.4.1). Now, we have got the complete detailed . Protection against inhaled microorganisms O D. Filters inhaled particulate matter O E. Changes blood pH by changing oxygen levels. Treatments for the disorder include antibiotics if the bursitis is caused by an infection, or anti-inflammatory agents, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or corticosteroids if the bursitis is due to trauma or overuse. (b) Fill in this table to follow the processes: QWEintABBCCDDAABCDA\begin{array}{l}\hline Visit this website to learn about a patient who arrives at the hospital with joint pain and weakness in his legs. Diarthrosis A) 1 only B) 2 only a. synchondrosis; a plate of hyaline cartilage unites the bones d. biaxial, When you bring any of your fingers in contact with your thumb, this movement is called __________. The Chemical Level of Organization, Chapter 3. Which of the following is true of synovial fluid? Synovial fluid is present in joint cavities of freely movable joints. It consists of short, branching fibers that fit together at intercalated discs d. A joint that exhibits adduction and extension is uniaxial. Joint found only in the skull. The following is a list of the joints' functional . c. Perimysium Examination of joint fluid focuses on those properties and constituents of value in determining the cause of effusions. b. gout This is called an articular disc, which is generally small and oval-shaped, or a meniscus, which is larger and C-shaped. c. extensor B the joint capsule is made of fibrous connective tissue c. Linkages form between the actin and myosin. B bones/clotting d. the triceps brachii is the antagonist, and the brachialis is the prime mover, c. the triceps brachii is the prime mover, and the brachialis is the antagonist, The ideal length tension relationship is: d. They store glycogen and oxygen, a. d. hyaline cartilage connecting the two bones of the joint, d. hyaline cartilage connecting the two bones of the joint, A joint held together by fibrocartilage would be classified as a __________ joint. What caused this patients weakness? The only movement allowed between the first two cervical vertebrae is flexion. A they are microscopic cavities At a pivot joint, a rounded portion of a bone is enclosed within a ring formed partially by the articulation with another bone and partially by a ligament (see Figure 9.4.3a). a. synovial membrane degenrate with age a. one Z line to the next Z line Describe the characteristic structures found at all synovial joints. Examples include the subacromial bursa that protects the tendon of shoulder muscle as it passes under the acromion of the scapula, and the suprapatellar bursa that separates the tendon of the large anterior thigh muscle from the distal femur just above the knee. b. nonaxial movement; no movement b. synarthroses c. Perimysium ABCDT(K)2931023P(kPa)100V(cm3)500. A thyroxine The anular ligament surrounds the head of the radius. A synovial membrane (or synovium) is the soft tissue found between the articular capsule (joint capsule) and the joint cavity of synovial joints. d. The size of the muscle fiber, c. The length of the muscle fiber before the contraction begins, If impulses reach a muscle fiber so rapidly that fibers don't have a chance to relax completely before the next impluse arrives, what condition will occur? c. the sarcoplasmic reticulum This stimulates the sarcolemma, which sends an impulse to the actin and myosin filaments. d. Periosteum, What are fascicles? True B. This joint provides the thumb the ability to move away from the palm of the hand along two planes. Of all the following the one which is not a synovial joint is: c. The distal joint between the tibia and fibula. The head of the humerus articulates with the acromion process. B oseoblasts B articular cartilage The deepness of the glenoid strengthens the joint overall. A thyroxine d. anterior cruciate ligament, Mark Klimek Blue book (ALL) NCLEX Study Guide, David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Edwin F. Bartholomew, Frederic H. Martini, Judi L. Nath, Kevin Petti, William C Ober, Anatomy and Physiology: An Integrative Approach, Michael McKinley, Theresa Bidle, Valerie O'Loughlin. Which of the following is not a true synovial joint? d. Periosteum. Arthritis may arise from aging, damage to the articular cartilage, autoimmune diseases, bacterial or viral infections, or unknown (probably genetic) causes. c. tendon sheaths c. amphiarthroses C \rightarrow D \\ D) Immovable joints are called amphiarthroses. D 7, 3, 2, Which part of the sternum articulates with the clavicles? c. If a joint can exhibit extension, abduction, and rotation, then it is triaxial. This type of surgery involves replacing the articular surfaces of the bones with prosthesis (artificial components). e. opposition, Bending your head back until it hurts is an example of ________. The Nervous System and Nervous Tissue, Chapter 13. d. Neurons that innervate muscles, What is the name of the connective tissue that surrounds the muscle as a whole? An impulse tiggers the release of acetylcholine (ACh), which diffuses across the synaptic cleft to stimulate the sarcolemma to release ATP. C liver Antibiotic treatment would be recommended for ________. d. Muscle does not attch to muscle; it only attaches to bone. a. C cartilage discs separate adjacent vertebrae C their only outlets are to the cranial cavity c. They contain synovial fluid d. They are united by a layer of fibrous tissue. Which joints are correctly matched? a. Bursae are flattened fibrous sacs wedged between adjacent structures, while tendon sheaths are elongated fibrous sacs that wrap around tendons. As a result, not all ACh can find a receptor. Here, the upward projecting dens of the axis articulates with the inner aspect of the atlas, where it is held in place by a ligament. The elbow joint. Plane joints are formed between the small, flattened surfaces of adjacent bones. Bursae are classified by their location. True or False: The gripping of the trochlea by the trochlear notch constitutes the "hinge" for the elbow joint. Inflammation occurs in the joint, and the fluid that accumulates causes swelling, stiffness, impairment of joint movement, and extreme pain. In its early stages, symptoms of osteoarthritis may be reduced by mild activity that warms up the joint, but the symptoms may worsen following exercise. Which of the following is not a true synovial joint? A) All synovial joints are freely movable. b. Connective tissue that covers each muscle fiber D insulin increases protein synthesis and mitosis, Which pair of bones directly helps to protect the brain? d. synchondrosis, Fibrous joints are classified as ________. b. a. suture C cartilage/clotting Cartilaginous joints allow more movement between bones than a fibrous joint but less than the highly mobile synovial joint. c. Weakness, because not all of the ACh will find a receptor, resulting in poor nerve transmission This gives the bones of a synovial joint the ability to move smoothly against each other, allowing for increased joint mobility. d. Another name for muscle cells, a. Pivot joints only allow for rotation around a single axis. C the rib cage is pulled up and out during inhalation a. produce red blood cells (hemopoiesis) a. interphalangeal joints b. an inflammatory process destroys synovial fluid A diet with excessive fructose has been implicated in raising the chances of a susceptible individual developing gout. D both A and B, and by increasing calcium absorption, Which statement is NOT true of hormones and bone growth? C parathyroid hormone c. no overlap of thick and thin filaments b. circumduction Which of the following statements is true about this fluid? b. hypertrophy The most commonly involved joints are the hands, feet, and cervical spine, with corresponding joints on both sides of the body usually affected, though not always to the same extent. b. Muscles obtain their energy through anaerobic respiration of glucose; this is beneficial because anaerobic repsiration can generate energy quickly Groups of muscle fibers The gliding motion of the wrist uses ________ joints. A thyroxine increases energy production from all foods They have a cavity.b. The impulse travels over the sarcolemma in all directions, Each muscle fiber is directly surrounded by connective tissue called the c. amphiarthrosis III. a. the temporomandibular joint d. They occur only between bones with flat articular processes. As forces acting on a joint increase, the body will automatically increase the overall strength of contraction of the muscles crossing that joint, thus allowing the muscle and its tendon to serve as a dynamic ligament to resist forces and support the joint. True or False: The amount of movement permitted by a particular joint is the basis for the functional classification of that joint. b. the additional joint present doubles the range of motion As forces acting on a joint increase, the body will automatically increase the overall strength of contraction of the muscles crossing that joint, thus allowing the muscle and its tendon to serve as a "dynamic ligament" to resist forces and support the joint. c. symphysis d. Complete tatanus, Most skeletal muscles remain in a state of d. Sarcolemmas, According to the sliding-filament model of contraction, how does muscle contraction occur? A 5,3, 2 a. the triceps brachii is the prime mover, and the brachialis is the synergist a. tibial collateral ligament a. True or False: A person who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis would be suffering loss of the synovial fluids. D elastic connective tissue, In the embryo, the bones of the arms and legs are first made of: She complains of painful, stiff hands and feet, feeling tired all the time, and reports an intermittent low-grade fever. These prevent rubbing of the muscle during movements. A the backbone is flexible because many joints are present A within the joint cavity Pivot and hinge joints are functionally classified as uniaxial joints. Osteoarthritis (OA) of the spine involves the facet joints (located in the posterior aspect of the vertebral column) and are the only true synovial joints between adjacent spinal levels. D \rightarrow A \\ a. c. articular cartilage 2. TRUE or FALSE. (a) the d sublevel? Which of the following types of joints do NOT have a synovial cavity? Flex Relief XL. The attack may only last a few days, but may return to the same or another joint. b. small sacs containing synovial fluid which of the following pairs is NOT correctly paired? A key structural characteristic for a synovial joint that is not seen at fibrous or cartilaginous joints is the presence of a joint cavity. C fibrous connective tissue for added strength. b. saddle d. produce a smooth surface. True False d. Many muscles cross the glenohumeral joint and limit the mobility of the joint. d. deep socket of the joint and strong capsular ligaments, d. deep socket of the joint and strong capsular ligaments. a. Gliding movements occur at the intercarpal and intertarsal joints. c. size a. biaxial joint; permits movement in one plane and around one axis a. a. nonaxial Anatomy & Physiology by Lindsay M. Biga, Sierra Dawson, Amy Harwell, Robin Hopkins, Joel Kaufmann, Mike LeMaster, Philip Matern, Katie Morrison-Graham, Devon Quick & Jon Runyeon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. Other forms of arthritis are associated with various autoimmune diseases, bacterial infections of the joint, or unknown genetic causes. Explain the statement, All proteins are polypeptides but not all polypeptides are proteins. Hinge joints, such as at the elbow, knee, ankle, or interphalangeal joints between phalanx bones of the fingers and toes, allow only for bending and straightening of the joint. However, not all of these movements are available to every plane joint due to limitations placed on it by ligaments or neighboring bones. The joint responds by increasing production of the lubricating synovial fluid, but this can lead to swelling of the joint cavity, causing pain and joint stiffness as the articular capsule is stretched. A definitive diagnosis from joint fluid findings can be made only in two situations: crystal synovitis and septic arthritis. At a condyloid joint (ellipsoid joint), the shallow depression at the end of one bone articulates with a rounded structure from an adjacent bone or bones (see Figure 9.4.3e). Last Update: Jan 03, 2023. Joint cavity c. Articular cartilage d. Fibrous articular capsule e. Reinforcing. B cartilage C brain B adipose tissue to store energy. Which statement is NOT true of long bones? A slightly moveable amphiarthrosis provides for small movements while maintaining stability between adjacent bones as in the vertebral column. C the hip joint is a weight-bearing joint, but the shoulder is not (c) Identify the energy input Qh,\left|Q_{h}\right|,Qh, (d) the energy exhaust Qc,\left|Q_{c}\right|,Qc, and (e) the net output work WengW_{\text {eng }}Weng. What are menisci (articular discs)? True B.False A 3 A person who has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis would be suffering loss of the synovial fluids. c. Synarthrotic joints are slightly movable. c. Type sof tendons b. anterior ligaments D ribs/sternum, Which statement is NOT true of the shoulder and hip joints? b. The femur and the humerus are able to move in both anterior-posterior and medial-lateral directions and they can also rotate around their long axis. C compact bone in flat and irregular bones The different types of synovial joints are the ball-and-socket joint (shoulder joint), hinge joint (knee), pivot joint (atlantoaxial joint, between C1 and C2 vertebrae of the neck), condyloid joint (radiocarpal joint of the wrist), saddle joint (first carpometacarpal joint, between the trapezium carpal bone and the first metacarpal bone, at the base of the thumb), and plane joint (facet joints of vertebral column, between superior and inferior articular processes).

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