This goes down as if Im drinking a lightly lime-flavored water with the tiniest smidge of salt in it. I hope all goes well. . They had mentioned that pretty much all of their office workers did it without sedation, and that everyone who tried it tolerated it well. Thank you for taking time to share and comment. Do not allow your doctor to give you this torture-drug! Select one or more newsletters to continue. Yes, there are risks, yes I had complications albeit very rare, but I am a believer that these are beneficial and Im getting my second colonoscopy tomorrow. If you have had this problem previously, then discuss with your prescriber whether an anti-nausea tablet would be an option. 2 days before: just snacking most of the day. Two packets mixed with water. Have you tried drinking through a straw? Have you spoken with your primary doctor about the issue of the opiate induced constipation? On the day of starting suprep, I followed a liquid diet and only had chicken broth. You do need to be aware that when this stuff hits, you will have trouble making it to the toilet in time. I powered through when she told me there is a significantly higher risk of colon cancer than having anything go wrong during the prep or procedure. I would bite into a piece after each drink and it took away any bad taste in my mouth from the prep drink. solution dose for prep 1 (and then the next day's attempt for prep 2. ) The real trouble began with the second dose, which happened at 1:00 am: I got quite nauseous, I lost all control of my bowel, had multiple accidents, was up all night, my husband was up all night helping me, and at one point he had to come in the bathroom with rubber gloves and bleach to clean up. We had no family history before that. Please take your second dose of Suprep at 10:00pm 1. (This should be 4, 8 oz glasses) I didnt feel there was a sense of urgency, you do have time to walk to the barroom. It wasnt great but it wasnt as bad as I thought it would be. Thank you so much for all your tips. Second dose. Spit it out of course. The description of a clear liquid diet is as follows: At 6 p.m., pour one bottle of Suprep into plastic cup provided in kit, fill with cold water to the 16 oz. At 10:00 PM I took Magnesium Citrate which was easy to take and much better tasting. SUPREP Bowel Prep Kit - Ask A Patient Avg. But my friend had a scheduled colonoscopy scheduled that revealed stage 3 cancer! For a colonoscopy to be successful emptying the contents of the colon is very important. Favorites include: Make sure the skin is completely dry before applying oils. You may eat a light breakfast or drink clear liquids (including water, strained fruit juice without pulp, lemonade, plain coffee or tea, chicken broth, gelatin without fruit) on the day before your colonoscopy. A few examples are listed below. Don't be spooked by a positive Cologuard test, only 4 % of their positives are actually cancer. My prescription is 89.00 and do not want to pay this! Because I have to take pain medications on a daily basis, everything goes though me VERY slowly, so I have a bit of fear that Im not going to clean out well enough for the lower GI. Suprep is not that bad at all! NEVER has the prep caused me to lose all control, feel nauseous, and be up all night. You can have ice pops. I was given the usual instructions for split-dose bowel prep: 1) Clear liquids only the entire day prior to the procedure; 2) Take the first dose of prep at 5 PM and the second dose of prep 5 hours before the procedure start time; 3) Nothing to eat or drink after the second dose of prep. Great article. Six hours before your appointment: Drink the second dose of the prep. Thank you so very much for sharing. I drank water after every drink of the prep all the while hating it. While the experience is not pleasant, I found it quite tolerable. Thanks to all the previous comments firstthey really helped me prepare. For me, the split prep was worse as I prefer to get it all done at once. The laxative started working about 40 minutes after my first dose. My advice is to stop eating all solid foods a few days in advance and reduce caloric intake overall just to make the process easier. Now my mom has to get screened every two years to check for a possible growth, and I know I will have to in the future as well. You can do it! Mag citrate at 2pm, lots of liquids, then 4 senna tablets that I crushed up and added to Powerade zero; then lots of liquids, at 7 pm I took 4 dulcolax pills that I crushed up and added to protein enhanced water. Makes me feel better about sitting on the toilet for the past hour! I have a big family history, great grand mother, my grandfather died from colon cancer that spread everywhere, two uncles, the one uncle is currently going on hospice finding it has spread to his liver. Suck on a lemon, or hard candy, or eat sorbet after each sip. Hopefully my results are ok. For laxatives it does depend on ones body. Screenings save lives. Their staff should have suggestions for what you can do to ensure success with your colonoscopy. If you have trouble getting the prep down, antinausea medications may help. I hope we hear back from you: That you had a clean colonoscopy. The Miralax Prep kept me up all night and into the next morning. Think about it folks: they can transplant HUMAN FACES hearts sew fingers back on your hand after amputation BUT THEY CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO EMPTY YOUR BOWELS without abject, pure misery pain, nausea, vomiting. I thought it was a valid question to ask. If I had known it was going to hurt this much, I wouldnt have had that done. A precaution I must take because of my having had hip replacement a couple of years ago. SUTAB includes 24 tablets that must be taken before the colonoscopy. He had many, many symptoms but out of fear of the news he never went, not until it was too late. She has used various preps EXCEPT those with taking a second dose of prep the morning of the surgery. About 4 more small runs to the washroom (all yellow and rushes out like pee), some water, Gatorade and beef broth (to compensate for giving up on the Peglyte) and in bed by 10pm a slight bit of heartburn made it difficult to sleep at first but I got there. Now Im so worried about it! I truly appreciate the information and from your experience. I have to go back in 5 years for another colonoscopy and I have no worries at all about doing it again. I had a colonoscopy in 2016, they took out 2 polyps and said have the next one in 2026. Mercy!! I divided the mixed solution for both prep bottles. Assaulted?? Weve asked colorectal cancer survivors and caregivers who undergo colonoscopy prep often for their expert tips on surviving prep night. I only talked to the nurse and the PA, not the Dr. I am on clear liquids today and tomorrow, start prep tomorrow at 4pm, then finish the prep at 10pm with procedure at 7am. Did you suffer a flare or any other Fibromyalgia problems after your test? Thank you to everyone that shared their experience. Clinical studies have shown the split dose to be better than the night-before preparation because the small intestine continuously dumps a thick, gelatinous goo into the colon. It wasnt as bad as some of the horror stories Ive heard. During the procedure, I was asleep, except for a few seconds of gas pains, then I went back to sleep again. For someone contemplating a colonoscopy but nervous about it, I can tell you it needs to be done and with a well planned prep it can be pretty easy to get through. Mix the entire bottle (238 grams) of the Miralax powder with the Gatorade or Powerade. I have AFIB, so having the concerns regarding anesthesia removed will definitely help me feel more relaxed! Again, I was able to accomplish that. Preps may differ from doctor to doctor. The suprep is 2 stages one at 5pm and the 2nd at 1:30am for a 7:30am procedure. We encourage everyone to stay within close range of a bathroom after beginning to drink the preparation because the second dose of Suprep can sometimes trigger a more intense laxative effect in some people. I feel like my scenario strays from most that Ive read about. Good luck, Peter! Do not chug the solution; take a break if you feel nauseous. Thank you, Judy! I will be better prepared this time. I haVe nothing but liquids today and yesterday was light and for the previous week low fiber diet. Jane, I am actually having a hard time sleeping I am so upset about this. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Can someone answer this question. I have been dreading this procedure for weeks and I can tell you it is not that bad. 1 day before: Clear fluids: plain tea, apple juice, water, chicken broth *BM normal started getting a headache by noon so I took 400mg ibuprofen and electrolyte tablet in water, headache gone in 30 mins For me, it wasnt so much the taste as it was just feeling too full to drink anymore of anything. Like someone tried to make a mixed drink but used salt instead of sugar, yet still a little tangy like lime/lemon Gatorade. I had a sudden change in my bowel habits and needed to have a colonoscopy. After the nurse administered medication to my IV things got fuzzy.I dont remember pain, severe discomfort or much of anything until waking up in recovery. I mixed it with smart water then drank 32oz of liquids over the next 2 hrs. Its a white drink (surprisingly not cherry red). She drank half the laxative ending around 6pm. Suprep Bowel Prep Kit: Uses, How it works, Dosage, Side Effects, Coloprep Bowel Preparation Kit: How To Use, Side Effects. NEVER has the prep caused me to lose all control, feel nauseous, and be up all night. I do think the extra water helped. This expected I guess. INDICATION. Maybe it has to also do with me pooping about once a day already anyhow. I am 36 and this is my 3rd, yes 3rd prep. Bowel Prep and Colonoscopy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Definitely glad I had a driver, was a little more groggy than I thought I would be. No major adjustment; thats how I eat. It was shocking but not painful, and so loose and watery there was no need to wipe my butt raw or use butt paste etc. The liquid diet was pretty annoying but doable. between each 8 oz. I followed the prep instructions using a gallon of gavilyte/golytlely. Many people don't complete the full preparation. Mor. Read More Read Less, Since I read very mixed reviews of this ranging from light to be illegal to tasted like a magrarita I thought Id add one more it was fine for me. Its never going to be 100 percent pleasant having the runs for a couple of hours, but I was fine.

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