Black codes gave rise to a new wave of radical Republicanism in Congress, and the eventual move towards enshrining racial equality into the Constitution. A Houghton Regis "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." A) Most African Americans held factory jobs in urban areas. Which of the following describes a difference between Rable's and Foner's arguments in the excerpts? . As violence persisted, Congress enacted a far more sweeping measurethe Ku Klux Klan Act of April 1871. No prominent public memorial or monument commemorates the thousands of African Americans who were lynched in America. . fewer European immigrants English army defeated French army.} If states failed to act effectively against them, [these offenses could] be prosecuted by federal district attorneys, and even lead to military intervention. E The Reconstruction implemented by Congress, which lasted from 1866 to 1877, was aimed at reorganizing the Southern states after the Civil War, providing the means for readmitting them into the Union, and defining the means by which whites and blacks could live together in a nonslave society. If commons are protected, environmental issues could move to other areas. \\ On May 29, 1865, Johnson made his policy clear when he issued a general proclamation of pardon and amnesty for most Confederates and authorized the provisional governor of North Carolina to proceed with the reorganization of that state. They were required to pass a literacy test before being granted United States citizenship. . EnglisharmyinvadedFranceanddefeatedFrencharmy.1356PoitiersEnglishwongreatvictoryoverFrench. E This for the first time designated certain crimes committed by individuals as offenses punishable under federal law. Reconstruction era began after the Civil War in America. Most important of all, Johnson shared the white Southerners attitude toward African Americans, considering Black men innately inferior and unready for equal civil or political rights. B Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. . A. B Southern resistance hindered Reconstruction. When common lands are protected, land degradation slowly disappears is the statement best describes a social consequence of sustainable land use. . In the South, the Reconstruction Act triggered a stir of political activity among former slaves. The education system in the South had virtually disappeared, along with the old plantation system. reliance on female workers in Northern factories . Frenchkingcaptured.Afterintervalsofpeace,EnglishrenewedclaimtoFrenchthrone. Mark the relative clauses and relative pronouns, and tell what each clause modifies. . In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. As the fighting progressed, the Lincoln government concluded that emancipation of enslaved people was necessary in order to secure military victory; and thereafter freedom became a second war aim for the members of the Republican Party. Periodic Trends Practice Answer KeyAtomic Structure Practice . The Supreme Court ruling on the civil rights cases of 1883, The correct answer is: opened the door for legal segregation and discrimination in the US, In the years after the Civil War, Southern society most valued. Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Neuroscience Unit: Divisions of Nervous System, Chapter 1: Evolution, the Themes of Biology,. the House impeached the President but the Senate failed to convict him. Some of the micro-organism are not single cells how are they arranged? . Which statement best describes a consequence of Reconstruction policies during the 1870s? Efforts to change southern racial attitudes and culture ultimately failed because of the South's determined resistance and the North's waning resolve. 65 terms. behavior, many whites found an outlet for their frustration by attacking those deemed responsible for their suffering: white Republicans and blacks. B E It witnessed America's first experiment in interracial democracy. Finding the bill too rigorous and inflexible, Lincoln pocket vetoed it; and the Radicals bitterly denounced him. . The conduct of white Southerners indicated that they were not prepared to guarantee even minimal protection of African American rights. A For more details regarding community, visit: Your question seems incomplete, the missing options are: If common land use is restricted, it can slow down the economy. D Just as the fate of slavery was central to the meaning of the Civil War, so the divisive politics of Reconstruction turned on the status the former . When common lands are protected, land degradation slowly disappears is the statement best describes a social consequence of sustainable land use. D You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford A.Reconstruction-era policies successfully restored the economy in the South and gave African Americans new opportunities. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. EnglisharmyinvadedFranceanddefeatedFrencharmy. Correct answers: 1 question: Which statement best describes a consequence of reconstruction policies during the 1870s? Reconstruction commonly refers to the period right after the American civil war and refers to the intermediate period, immediately following the cessation of hostilities (1863-1877). Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution . . Radical Reconstruction in Americas' South, from 1867 to 1877, was an impetus period that has shaped contemporary America. There will be a war in which the South will win due to their governmental dominance and obvious determination. Donec aliquet. In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. "After [the Confederate surrender at] Appomattox the South's political leaders saw themselves entering an era of revolutionary changes imposed by the national government, which many viewed as an outside power. O Building a park instead of more housing may be unpopular with residents. B L, Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, , consectetur adipiscing elit. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . D)People left crowed cities and moved to the suburbs. C A. hereby grant and assure to all white persons who have, directly or indirectly, participated in the existing rebellion, except as hereinafter excepted, a full pardon, but upon the condition, nevertheless, that every such person will . 1 DodieZollner Answer: Reconstruction era began after the Civil War in America. The Reconstruction policies often fail to protect the African American freed slaves in the South. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. National power had achieved what most Southern governments had been unable, and Southern white public opinion unwilling, to accomplish: acquiescence in the rule of law." Thus began Radical Reconstruction, which lasted until the demise of the last Republican-led Southern governments in 1877. Their right to own land was restricted, they could not bear arms, and they might be bound out in servitude for vagrancy and other offenses. . B B . . After the 4 year long, destructive Civil War, the Southern states (referred to as ex-Confederate) were left in despair destroyed environment . by granting the right to participate in the legal system. A. Reconstruction-era policies successfully restored the economy in the South and gave African-Americans new opportunities. Donec aliquet. EnglisharmydefeatedFrencharmy. D. If common land use is restricted, it can slow down the economy. Black Codes were aimed to control freed men and women and to enable plantation owners to exploit African American workers. The American Revolution instigated much change within the newly independent nation, particularly political and social, and to a lesser extent, economically. Express the thought of each sentence in no more than four words. Answer: 3 on a question Which statement best describes the consequence of reconstruction policies during the 1870s - the answers to (3 paragraph maximum.) Due to the success and failures of Reconstruction, although the social impact was . A. \hline\text{Date} &\text{BattleSite} &\text {What Happened} \\ creation of large commercial and banking centers . "Americans faced an overwhelming task after the Civil War and emancipation: how to understand the tangled relationship between two profound ideashealing and justice. [T]hese two aims never developed in historical balance. They supported the passage of Black codes to ensure their economic and political rights. usce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Reconstruction, the period in American history that followed the Civil War, was an era filled with great hope and expectations, but it proved far too short to ensure a successful transition from . . "Adopted in 1870 and 1871, a series of Enforcement Acts embodied the Congressional response to violence. C Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. . Quabbin: Middle East Map . . the social, political, and economic life of the . One of President Lincoln's first major goals for Reconstruction was to. The correct answer is: was rarely enforced. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The situation depicted in the image best serves as evidence of the A expansion of federal power B decline of an agrarian economy C increase in sectional divisions D institutionalization of racial segregation, The image most strongly supports the argument that Reconstruction A led to the unfair punishment of White Southerners by . Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era following the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly-freed people into the United States . A permanent shift of Southern voters to the Republican Party The inconsistency of federal Reconstruction policy and the strength of southern resistance seem to have doomed the Reconstruction experiment to inevitable collapse. All of the following components represent major objectives of Reconstruction except A) political B) social C) economic D) cultural is D right. Which of the following best characterizes the "sectional reunion" Blight describes? . SURVEY. C If states failed to act effectively against them, [these offenses could] be prosecuted by federal district attorneys, and even lead to military intervention. . \\ B A But in terms of its larger purposesrestoring order, reinvigorating the morale of Southern Republicans, and enabling blacks to exercise their rights as citizensthe policy proved a success.

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