I love him and he lovesme, i want him more than anything, and i would love to spend my ife with him. Virgo is more comfortable with sex and physical love than most signs are, and will adapt to Scorpio's powerful sex drive. no i did NOT CHEAT,nothing even close to that. Because we can both be quite secretive (for different reasons) we need to make an effort to communicate what we are thinking and feeling. Virgo Woman and Scorpio Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle Virgos..STOP Expecting overnight progress, it will happen in due time& if you see your Scorpio trying..acknowledge him. This fluidity of emotions makes Scorpios behave hot and cold, sometimes intense and other times distant. Scorps start off great, thats how they get you..but then as you get to know them and fall in love, they reveal their dark side, no matter how much i loved him, i never trusted him, because he was capable of lying with a straight face and turning his back on me in a second, if i upset him. Compatibility for good luck: Medium. Its a constant battle between wits, facts, and emotions. When my Virgo would do something to piss me off badly enough i would take some alone time. So I just stuck with it. I forgave him,after that i thought everything will be fine but it was not. Both Virgo woman and Scorpio man are more or less introverts. Love is always a gift, even if sometimes convoluted, and you question the wisdom of the moment. we are not mind readers or psychics either! I digress; I find so much in my life uncertain now. Looks like you wrote your comments back in 2012, so 4 years on and I am replying! Survival instinct in Scorpios can be very strong, if they feel or perceive that by committing to you they might loose their individuality or the relationship would become only about the partner then they withdraw. even the guy above FAILED MISERABLY to see that his Virgo female moving on was HIS fault, after his MOM died (sorry for that, but dont punish others!) But was a bit pursuasive, i didnt mind that. In work, this tandem has no equal. Dating a pisces man experiences - If you are a middle-aged man looking to have a good time dating woman half your age, this article is for you. We met two years before, but circumstances prevented us from moving forward. I never realy believed in horoscope compatability before, but nothing else is working so I guess I should give this a try. They are like a poetry in motion. I am a Scorpio & I have a fling for a Virgo girl. Virgos are called "the virgins" of the astrological chart, but that has no bearing on how experienced they actually are in . This means that both signs are open to new experiences, but both are also very critical. thanks Mahalia atleast your on my side I wanna make him pay! Friendship is gone! We love each other but we just need some time apart.. Csite wait any longer. I love my Scorpio guy very much, but his attention seems to be waning. He is an extremist with calm and steady surface and smoldering passion within him. Virgo maidens are ruled by mercurythey are perfectionists. Sagittarius and that can be mistaken to completely satisfy her. Here we will know more on the nature of the love relationship and compatibility . I said dont blame it on me. As a virgo am I a perfectionist by nature? This relationship is extremely compatible, about 80-90% of success. Yes Im a pisces with aries qualities too. As our astrological sign, my scorpio man is in year of the RAt and me, year of the MOnkey. If you need gifts see above on how to get them and what reactions will allow us to lovingly provide them. Understanding The Scorpio Woman Virgo Man Relationship Virgo woman with the same Scorpio result. Thats the Pure Love of Virgo..Cheers . Virgo and Scorpio: Compatibility in Sex, Love, and Friendship I usually shut down in which i wind up not saying anything at all so he never really gets to know the inner me;but when he keeps prying and asking me whats wrong,,, eventually I explain whats on my mind and how I dont appreciate him not understanding or listening to what I have to say. We met my 8th grade year, but little did we know we knew each other way before. I told him I deserve commitment and im tired of the friendzone, with men. @ Anthony: Let Virgo girl know you exist, contact her through text or email first. Before starting a relationship with . I'm a Scorpio and I've dealt with 2 Virgo's. They lie a lot and cheat like it's a full time job. N den back wid his lies n fake storys. The solution occurs once they feel more comfortable with each other. Im very loyal. Were different but alike on some aspects. Amen. The re-entery into her life had confused her so much I didnt even have to ask after seeing the look in her face when she told me he was trying to get back in touch. I am a Virgo woman, and I have always gotten along very well with a Scorpio man as friends. It has been 4 months now and he hasnt replyed to my letter asking him is it over? So, fast-forward back to meeting this Virgo woman, it should come to no surprise then that in first meeting her I initially thought nothing of her. he will talk bad about you then, when u dump himbut whenever people are not looking he will beg for you to take him back!. Sagittarius will likely to life, possessing the compatibility; she provides a taurus or cancer. A Scorpio man and Virgo woman experience love and romance in different ways. If there is something Scorpio would like to fight for, it is the chastity of Virgo. Virgo and Scorpio are very compatible. The amount of passion we both had!! im gonna work on me and either he will follow suit or fall away! The Scorpio in me was seeing the truth about the virgo female but the truth scares virgos. I had a rotten one, and most of my girlfriends have too! Thats more to do with the way male and female brains develop because of testosterone, rather than Zodiac Sign. ( money, title on your job, or degree ) A scorpio is a actor they will only show their representative to you, you will never know who you are dealing with I know dated a male scorpio for four years. Because I am so transparent and verbal, I find myself challenged by his relative silence. i went through his phn b/c i was curious if this PERFECT ACTING PERSON WAS REALLY.. He wanted me to tell him all the time that where i am going and with whom, but he didnt shared a single thing to me, i didnt know anythning about his life, nothing. Henry, I just got out of a relationship with a Virgo women who is supposed to be a lesbian. Spread love and youll receive love. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. And he absolutely excels at this. She is also highly loyal and works unselfishly for the good of the ones she loves. Then there is the erotic side of the Scorpio man who needs to release his lust and passion in the bedroom. Ahh its awful but I feel if there is no hope for anything else with us then the worse is already over. It is lik my relationship has veen talked here. @[emailprotected] A Virgo lady believes that she is extremely competent and organized and that is usually right also in most of the cases. The attraction was immediate, and I knew from the very first date that I was in big trouble (good trouble.) For a Scorpio man they are also among the best matches for them. Capricorn dating a scorpio - The best place to meet man Answer (1 of 5): generally speaking, Virgo and Scorpio are a good match. But I cant hide that im scared that one day she will leave me for another man. In closing, remember a scorpio man strives to create: One of them asked about the possibility of a relationship after I denied his kiss (wed hung out only three or four times prior to this). Despite some challenges, this relationship can be fulfilling and successful with effort and compromise from both partners. . She doesnt think the world or the man of her life owes her anything and that makes her self-sufficient. we are looking for an equal intelligent, human partner, who is can rationalize, caring, loving and mature!. One side of him believes wholeheartedly that sex is a sacred spiritual union between two people becoming one. Still to this day I scorpio male love my Virgo female but I scorpio am still dumb founded to what I scorpio have done wrong to my Virgo female to never get replys to texts return phone calls or anything from the Virgo female. All in all we all have faults. Required fields are marked *. So bear with me here.. , I, as a Virgo, tend to shy away from men who are overtly showering with their affection It sucks for me because that sort of attention sort of repels me, makes me run in the other direction if its what Id consider un-called for or unexpected.. Not part of our divine plan since it isnt something we (ourselves) are puttin out there but instead its comin from an outside source. I dont profess to be the perfect Scorpio. every word defines my relationship. he he . Scorpio is the sign of death and rebirth, the mythic Phoenix rising from the ashes of destruction. Weve known each other for a year or so and weve just recently started talking and spending more time together intimately. Virgo Man Obsessed With Scorpio Woman - Zodiac Compatibility Im a Virgo girl and my crush (that likes me back and we are kind of dating but kind of not) is a scropio and we really get along I think that we are what each other wants. Scorpio Man and Virgo Woman in Bed: Sexual. Didnt mean to intrude on the scorpios and virgo site; just wanted to share and let you all know my experience with my scorpio husband. #29. So sorry about that. Dating a scorpio man forum - afalasrozas Who is to know what really happened, but I can tell you this, if a scorpio male gets it into his head that he isnt getting what he wants or cant have what he needs. There was just something about him. He understands the critical nature of his Virgo lady and his fineness and tenderness always help her out of miserable conditions while the magical presence of her makes him more open. I ended up marrying a Taurus man. I dont mind trying to make it work with my Scorpio man because I KNOW without a shadow of doubt that he will go to the end and back for me..this sceptical, mature VIRGO has spoken! We are the breed that LOVES to lead and loves to serve, it is a dicotomy we struggle with and a constant push/pull. WORD.love is worth the work and the wait (in my case). So should I pretend I am romantically interested in him, or shold I just disappear, or should I simply tell him the truth. Wow well written Virgo and Taurus. I have to say he is slowly but surely getting under my skin, in a good way of course! 4. Virgo has a peaceful approach to love. Men Operate and focus on things very differently. First thing I believe and know for myself and many of my Exrtrovered Scorp Friends: We want to love and give deep, create passion and be the most amazing man for the woman we love and care for. A Scorpio will alway try his hardest to fulfill a request given by a loved one, but he will never obey a command. but theres only one thing that bothers me, please hope u can tell me or advise me or something. Shes sweet, unpredictable, hot-tempered, intellectual,gorgeous organized, talkative, shy, etc. One thing he did do was tell me he loved me everyday, but you cant believe anything they say because there is usually an alterior motive. I find myself always wanting to be around him because i love the conversation he gives me. Scorpio & Virgo | ScorpioMystique I personally think that everyone has to look into themselves evolve. Blaming others for every mistake is just a childish way of getting out of it. Scorpio Woman In Love: Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs They both encourage each other and magnify each others virtues. BUT SO CAN ANYONE .. so stop all the judgement.. just dont judge another scorpio just because you had a bad one.. you probably did not know how to deal with them at the time and were just very angry and frusterated anyways im done with this for now and i am sticking to everything i said i love everyone so im not pin pointing out anything so say comment or do what ever you want. I am a virgo women who have been with a scorpio man for 17 years. Hell slowly back away, carefully, the whole time not allowing what he needs to be pulled from him till he is ready. Then almost 2 months is coming he told me we should not make love that often so he would miss me. We have been together 30 years and no one thought we would make it past our 1st Anniversary. Now Im in the Australian army, after my assesment next week its off to trainin for about 5 months or so. Now this feeling/perception on which they act can be real or imaginary. He told me he was waiting outside my house inside his car like around 3am.. Yea the new partner may not be perfect . Stay with me, Im almost done) So, I have started talking to this beautiful Virgo woman again, but she is now in a relationship with someone. three and a half years ago (wow has it really been that long?). What a scumbag. If he tells you he doesnt want a relationship, then he doesnt want one. But I still have a lot of personal problems to work out, and shes got a boyfriend; see, flaws. I dont do things like this normally). Image: Shutterstock. However, I am yet to do so, primarily because I want to preserve the friendship. I personally was an unevolved Scorpio through most of my life until i did some self dicovery and i guess evolved. I have learned to control my worse attributes like being possessive and jealous. WE ARE like a superior species always in control of others, and the current situation. Virgo or Scorpio? I am a Virgo woman and have been with my Scorpio for almost 13 months. It's one of those that changes your life forever type of relationships. We can be tender hearts too, even if we dont show it. The problem im having is that the timing for us isnt really working out and im starting to lose hope. Aries. So all egoistic, self-absorbed and fake / superficial guys..be wary of a Virgo Woman..for she can simply read it even at a distance!! I admit it was partly my fault, because if people who I consider my friends dont contact me once in a while, I cease communicating with them even though I want to. I started one blog where I used to dump out all my emotions, they have no meaning at all without her but I feel so much that keeping those feelings inside hurts me so I submerged myself in my work and If still I get any time I used to write all my emotions at http://lostinbheed.blogspot.com/ It hardly helped hahahaaaaaaa loving some one from your heart and soul and then just let her go without any reason, when you dont even know where she is heading hurts, She is the only one I have got to share my feelings, but I guess I have to learn to let go things, I proposed her and everything changed she used to talk to me day and night but now hahahaaaaa she does not even pick up the phone thats okay for me I understand, but the guy she is with I met him once he doesnt seemed nice and could take care her, May be I am hurt so i am not able to judge, but I believe she is in fantasy, well I hope her fantasy becomes reality, what else I can do because for me life has always been so difficult. which does take quite a bit, despite your judgmental beliefs of me. However, all Virgo are not the same; it is depend on the day and time she . Virgos show your scorpio that you admire him. I know I can be over the top sometimes because I am a Virgo woman ok lol. She stands by him and provides him with the emotional support he requires. This story of mine has become wordy. Just the other day she Virgo told me not to communicate with her Virgo anymore. While Virgos are nervous, a Taurus' calm nature can help them overcome their anxiety. He is secretive, loving, caring, mysterious, egotistical, mean and i can go on and on.with all that said I am confused sometimes as to his intentions. How Do Virgo and Scorpio Go Wrong? - LiveAbout It seems wrong. The horoscope gives the Virgo-Scorpio bond a bad love compatibility in principle, but all is not lost. So I really (honestly) did not go ahead with the revenge plan. They are GREAT actors, ask your SELF what did you have to attact them to YOU? One part of him looks upon the union between man and woman as a mystical experience, a holy thing. I also told him that i dont feel he will ever be ready for a committed relationship with a quality female. The point about virgo ladies striving perfection is highly relevant because it seems that they cannot get over the issue that a lot of people in the world are pretty much useless or fractured in some way. With a relationship between my experience on the number one of relationships than. Without discussion and respect they will cause fissures and cracks in any relationship. i am scorpio and my girl is virgo.What would you suggest to me?Should i live my wholelife with her or i should leave? i am so disgusted & hurt, i have been here for 2 years, made my mistakes & begged forgiveness, which even tilthis day im not sure if i received! A Virgo man and Scorpio woman meekly complement each other. . Dont let us find out that youre being untrue to us because we are vengeful souls. Virgo 's ruling planet is Mars, the planet of wisdom and communication. Scorpio Man Obsessed With Scorpio Woman - Zodiac Compatibility lets go straight to the bedroom Anything worth having is worth the work and Dont make someone your Priority when you ARE just a nother Option. I find this article to be very accurate. Although they can always see the potential in others, they can also be overcritical and picky. My mom and I always had a special connection/bond, which makes since because she was born on July 6th (which makes her a Cancer). Oh yea. I let her run to his support without a fight for obvious reasons. Im hopelessly in love with a scorpion man. hes not hes just a typical scorpio male seeking warmth passion and intimacy, If Virgo woman would first rather point out that scorpio is not perfect ..and discuss that point first, scorpio will listen but yes will accept the same in return , If this cannot happen scorpio male may feel discontent and again become distant and therefore appear to virgo as though he cannot be trusted he is a scorpio male and before long warmth and intimacy will be offered elsewhere and virgos suspicions may become a self fulfilling prophecy this may then appear to confirm virgos suspicions and hence. (Hey! If it helps, heres a free 2020 Forecast for VIRGO: https://youtu.be/y6YrwFPPrpM. Also the whole issues in the threads above about the scorpio male needing to get over themselves is very interesting to me. No one understands why were together, but somehow in the midst of all our fuckeries, we just work. When these two work together, they can be a powerful team. Yes I am. So now we are in a good space. We all zodiac signs have a past either good bad or indifferent. . I would have killed him if i were you. Scorpio Man And Virgo Woman Compatibility In Love & Relationships Im a Scorpio man with a hopeless crush on an amazing Virgo women as well. I believe my thought was, just another acquaintance that is passing through; probably waiting till they find someone or something they think will be a better way to pass their time. But she began to hang out with my group of friends more and more. Then few days back, i found out that he doesnt have time for me, but has time to go out and enjoy with his friends. And, this is a great place to be. Instroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). A Virgo woman, with her slow pace, good listening skills, and quick pattern recognition should be able to discern which is which more easily than any other woman in the zodiac. Then all of a sudden she has to move a few hours away and I dont get to visit for about another 2 months (mind you I hate phone talk and that didnt lead on to anything but giggling and chatting), called her up said i was in town got to visit her a couple of times but there was no talk of an us I had to leave the 2nd time because of the landlord so my luck had run short she asked if i wanted to go swimmin the next day sweet this is my chance! we ended up headin home early. Ive been dating my Scorpio man for a little over 2 years (weve been knowing each other over 15) and hes the best thing that has happened to me in about 5 years! Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Virgo is the most analytical sign of the zodiac. From Linda Goodman's book A NEW APPROACH TO THE HUMAN HEART LINDA GOODMAN'S LOVE SIGNS. Being back with him now, its like I look back and I cant really see a time when his love wasnt their or a time when I really didnt love him. Dont ever get haughty or think you can manipulate that guy, hes born to fight oppression and youve started a silent war already with your tone of voice and body language. D:) Im hesitant and have to give a lot of thought to someone before I decide to move ahead. He is all like you have time, i really dont, i have about 10 years left to find someone, get married, and have decently healthy children. They have many common personality traits and can complement each other. If you can deal with his silence and his sometimes distant nature, trust me, you will win with him! To me, its worth the effort and the work you must put into ANY relationship to make it work. Both signs have exceptional conversational skills, probably the best between two signs in the zodiac. Thank you so much for this. We have to accept what is out partners flaws and instead of criticizing them, we should support them. Both are water signs so the compatibility meter is high. As long as i have a reason to and help along the way. But like anyone else we are not perfect. I am a Virgos Virgo, with a Sun and Moon in the sign. I let it go because I love him.. 1 has been my off and on for years and me and the 2nd one dated for a while but he had more than 1 woman and he used us all for different things/reasons. Being that Ive been with my Scorpio for so long, Im learning to let him know on the spot when I feel hes not being attentive. In sexual nature the Scorpio man is like two sides of coin. I am very happy with him (dont get me wrong, we have had our share of ups and downs) and I wouldnt trade him for any other zodiac sign. Comments on the Gifts this is our LOVE language, it is sacred to us, we like to be in the moment, spontaneous and appreciated.. when something is asked for we dont feel like it is appreciated and it became a chore and a burden. Scorpios and Virgos can be secretive..its in our nature but we must Open up to one another if we want something desirable. At first he walked right by me, although I knew he noticed me too, and suddenly he turned around to come back and talk to me. The Virgo just seems bemused and unable to get beyond it. He will do whatever to satisfy Virgo because he is exactly knew what is inside Virgo not just because of the sex. It just takes time and work. RGht now we are kinda giving each others space. he can be so sensitive and yet such an insensitive brute at the same time. As a Scorpio man I can totally agree with this. Scorpios love finding a good challenge, not to mention I walked away with a smile every time I heard another meathead had failed. I love him so much and I cant imagine being without him; hes the 1st Scorpio man Ive ever dated and Im wondering where has he been all my life. The grass always look greener. We meet in October witch is right around the corner and I seem to be falling fast faster than I have before with any man and I was married for 5 years. We only know we can trust ourselves, we back into a corner and scheme a way out of being trapped by someone we are hurt by. Dont judge the whole by the part. Intimacy brings out the deep sensuality and intense sex drive of Scorpio, while Virgo prefers quality over quantity. Likewise, Scorpio would prefer to slowly get to know someone. Hes a Scorpio Sun and Moon, which is interesting too. A Virgo woman will quickly establish a firm grip on the . He was so sweet, caring, charming and affectionate. Like as toddler. The bad apples out there will spam me for this email if it was helpful for anyone else that is having problems and is looking to understand. No I lost my trust in all men now. He loves truely and makes sure that Im happy always. Scorpio is a water sign and Virgo is an earth sign. If you're a Virgo woman in a relationship with a Scorpio man, make sure to utilize your strengths to the best of your ability. He was a taker not a giver! Nothing can stay the same forever Not because it is not perfect, But because the universe will not stand still you are and always be as close to perfection as the universe allows virgo but u need to allow space for growth and admit ur not perfect or always right. If youre not willing to adjust..save yourself frm the minor headaches. Help me!!!!! We would like kids together eventually but were taking everyday one step at a time. There's no Madonna/whore conflict. Virgo is symbolized by a virgin, or a woman, which represents fertility . It's a capricorn woman relationship. (I walked in on an old g/f in bed with another man- lets not discuss what happened but there wasnt a single gift I gave her left in the country. lol. I just hope all of you out there with negative experiences know that there are two types of Scorpios: unevolved, and evolved. Extroverted Evolving (willing to consider there is growth available and seeks to find truth and compassion towards others in all situations). Virgo looks for someone emotional to share a life with, and if they share this emotion of Scorpio through their sexual relations, they will both find sex between them extremely satisfying. Im great with strategy and organization its why as Virgos most of us are empaths and great in management, customer service, teaching, healing and 100 other things I could name. But ours lasted for 6 years. He wont tell me. The acknowledgements go miles and pay dividends! It seems that i am just getting to learn this man after 17 years. Sometimes things should just be. If you had a bad experience with a Scropio once, and you meet another who feels right, trust your instinct. remember this their are 3 women in the zodiacTHE rest are female animals and a thing. She rivals Scorpio's strong will, and has no problem asserting her dominance when needed. watch ur back on scorpios !!! Virgo woman right? Their intuitive understanding of one another and loyal support is their strongest link. I found him to be so alluring and mysterious I couldnt help but flirt back. We have flaws. During those years I was in a new relationship with an entirely new man. I met an amazing Virgo at a new years party, she was and still is like no girl I have ever met. And also I am not alone in the way Id felt. I & my boyfriend was planning to get married last month, just last week we had some argument that made him get angry on me just because of the argument, he said we will not marry me again and the next day he left me and we broke up. Meh. 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