The profession of the person comes in a bad position. The native's son is a devotee, they get benefited from traveling abroad. Sun is also the lord of 9th house to Sagittarius; So the Sagittarius ascendant born will serve in social service institutions or voluntary organisations or marriage registration offices, export organisations, educational institutions, research departments, religious departments, transport organisations, communication and information departments, electricity or water departments, oil wells, space research centres, trusts, temples, courts, panchayat offices, ancient monuments, foreign embassies and political parties, enter into agreements with government officials and will become leaders, honorary officials, judges and ambassadors. Jupiter in the 2nd House in Scorpio In the sign of Scorpio, Jupiter in the 2nd house expands the scope of control that is desired. I have an OOB Scorpio moon 12th house at 29 degrees conjunct Sagittarius ascendant at 1 degree. CAPRICORN/MAKARA the tenth ZODIAC sign is in the second house to SAGITTARIUS/ DHANU. The native leads a happy, peaceful, and prosperous life. March 2: Mercury's transit into Pisces. Time is money for them and they can be excellent bargain hunters. Jupiter in 6th House for Sagittarius Ascendant makes a person always worried about his wealth and family. Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the 1st House, Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter in the 3rd House. High ambitions, gain through Govt. Jupiter in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant person earns money through overseas sources and feels happy. Which is the world famous village for accurate prediction through astrology? So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will involve in secret and illegal activities, adulteration, hoardings, surgery in hospitals, service at prostitution dens, investigation and smuggling. Health remains good. Jupiter in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant. The positioning of Jupiter in the 2nd house (family) gives indications about one's family and lineage, family values, traditions, and lineage in general. Jupiter in the 2nd House in Capricorn In the sign of Capricorn, the jupiter in house 2 placement manifests a capacity for amassing significant wealth and success by virtue of ambition and hard work. VIRGO is ruled by MERCURYhence MERCURY will be the lord of this house. SINCE the 8th house falls in the star of Ashlesha, ruled by Mercury, Sagittarius ascendant born will face troubles in negotiable instruments, documents, electrical and telephone connections, negotiations, anonymous letters, surety, absence of mind and neurological system. SINCE the 6thhouse falls in the star of Mrigasira, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant born will suffer/ due to muscle pains and heat-borne diseases, serve in factories or in hospitals, will become hard laborers in the fields of tailoring and catering and will produce food and medicines. Indulgences: You love to indulge yourself in all of the debauchery and pleasures in life. If Saturn is placed in the 12th house in the sign of Scorpio you may even work in a Godown or backyard, kitchen or even at some construction site or some isolated place far from the real world such as farmlands and country borders. Additionally, when it comes to money, it is often easy, come easy go. and the team have been researching Vedic astrology and Nadi Shastra. Fake Priests have such kind of placement. The native gets the advantage of life longevity life and the benefit of inheritance. Ultimately though, it is when the individual embraces the good faith and benevolent perspective of Jupiter that they will most likely benefit from its karmic rewards. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will be firm, clear and concrete in their communications and publications. Jupiter in 8th House for Sagittarius Ascendant leads a person dignified family life. Otherwise, this is not much of an issue other than > you are forced to do some physical work instead of acquiring and giving knowledge and wisdom to others. There is a natural dignity about you along with an air of an elevated social status. Mars is also the lord of houses 5th & 12th to Sagittarius. Jupiter in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Jupiter in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant. The native maintains cordial relations with his father and gets full cooperation from him. Since it is also a fixed sign, their ailments and sufferings would last long; they have a steady approach towards success. They are dominant and possessive in their love affairs. Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will change their residences to occasions, will excel in education and teaching and will involve in agriculture and water reservoirs. Cancer is ruled by MOONhence MOON will be the lord of this house. Libra is a movable sign; so the ambitions, happiness and expectations of the Sagittarius ascendant born will always be on the increasing side. They are often compelled to outdo themselves and constantly raise the bar or add to what they already have. The native is influential and respectable. It is about the things we own and value in this world. Taurus is ruled by VENUShence VENUS will be the lord of this house. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will do business and deal with micro-instruments, scales, pipes, rods, wires, greenish articles, stationery, note books, calculators and computers. Pisces is a common sign meaning that the Sagittarius ascendant borns will undergo frequent changes, ups and downs; they have a fair chance of studying at far-off places or abroad. You often desire to be wealthy but look for stealthy ways to achieve the results you are looking for. Such a native is respectable and loves peace. So the Sagittarius ascendant born tends to speak in a proud and commanding tone; excel in professional conversations; their eyes will be fleshy. Jupiter in the 2nd House in Virgo In the astrology sign of Virgo, Jupiter in the 2nd brings about a heightened desire to share resources and invest significant amounts of time and energy towards educational materials. If Jupiter is debilitated and Saturn (lord of Capricorn where Jupiter is seated) is placed in the sign of Sagittarius (in the first house) in the birth chart then it could become a great issue as then the native could be someone who is not of high morals and can cheat others in the name of religion. They have excessive energy production in the body, act according to their academic qualifications, involve in manufacturing fruits, vegetables, farms, livestock, seeds, nurseries, trees, educational accessories, stationery, newspaper, vessels, furniture, groceries, lands, vehicles, hardware, machineries and spares. Capricorn is ruled by SATURNhence SATURN will be the lord of this house. The native feels pleasure in performing religious duties. (d) It is 9th house of Kaalpurushas: Honesty and credibility, fond of education, research capability, faith in god, trustees, ambassadors, interest in the fields of law, travels, undertaking visits tooutstations and foreign countries. Venus is also the lord of houses 6th & 11th to Sagittarius. Libra, the 7th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house of Sagittarius. Aquarius Ascendant House Lords, Kumbh Lagna analysis with their house lords. It can also indicate financial success or moral victories fomented by intellectual and philosophical endeavors. Since it is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 6. is in the seventh house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. Mercury is the lord of houses 7th & 10th to Sagittarius. Saturn for Sagittarius Ascendant in 2nd House Lord: Saturn for Sagittarius Ascendant in 3rd House Lord: Jupiter for Sagittarius Ascendant in 4th House Lord: Mars for Sagittarius Ascendant in 5th House Lord: Venus for Sagittarius Ascendant in 6th House Lord: Mercury for Sagittarius Ascendant in 7th House Lord: Moon for Sagittarius Ascendant in 8th House Lord: Sun for Sagittarius Ascendant in 9th House Lord: Mercury for Sagittarius Ascendant in 10th House Lord: Venus for Sagittarius Ascendant in 11th House Lord: Mars for Sagittarius Ascendant in 12th House Lord: You may find more information about Sagittarius Ascendant sign by following this Sagittarius Horoscope. The native with Jupiter in 6th House for Sagittarius Ascendant suffers a big loss of mother and property. They may be benefited through undue investment on their education in an unusual manner. SINCE the 2nd house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will hold valuable ornaments made up of ruby and costly metals. The correspondence with Taurus (fixed, Earthy, and ruled by Shukra. The native with Jupiter in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant lives long. The native spends much for the family's betterment and gains much from overseas sources. They are mostly pessimistic. The native gets a beautiful and influential wife and feels happy with her. They will share an extremely intimate relationship with their spouses, will have a son, and will get chances of foreign travel and settlement. Deciding what you own or if your possessions own you is a core lesson of this area of the astrological chart. Jupiter in 2nd House Sagittarius Ascendant Being a debilitated zodiac, such a person does not get the support of family. Additionally, they may foster an idealistic interest in the use of technological items in the service of benefiting humanity and society as a whole. Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 7. is in the second house to SAGITTARIUS/ DHANU. Jupiter in 6th House So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will show arrogance in sexual affairs; they may become atheists, painters of vulgar drawings, sculptors, dancers or singers of filthy and obscene dances or songs, boxers and folk artists and may have children with excessive interest in sexual affairs. The native has capable children. Which planet is enemy for each ascendant in Vedic Astrology? Since it is also a movable sign, they tend to preserve their happy mind and show patience in attaining their goals.Since Libra is a house of Venus, the lord of houses 6. is in the twelvth house to SAGITTARIUS/ DHANU. In astrology, Jupiter is known as the great expander. Pisces is a watery sign. Along with the family, we also get the social status of that family that determines to a certain extent our financial future. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will become successful in their professional fields. Jupiter in 12th House for Sagittarius Ascendant. The natives use peaceful, friendly manners with enemies to get the work done smoothly. Gemini, the 3rd house to Kaalpurushais the 7th house to Sagittarius; they are communicative in their social relations. So the Sagittarius ascendant born will have needed intelligence for higher education, have strong faith in their religions, become polygamists and may lack in administrative capability. He shows enmity towards his elder brothers and sisters. Marital happiness remains, the partnership gives benefits, and daily income increases. is in the eleventh house to SAGITTARIUS/DHANU. The native does not love his wife and loses happiness and peace in family life. Required fields are marked *. involve or serve in communication, transport, imports & exports, mines, ports, electricity, plumbing, oil wells, personnel departments, teaching, research centres, international relations, temples, endowments, courts, collection of temple taxes, trusts, panchayat offices and ancient monuments. They may meet with accidents in water or caused by liquids. The native performs his religious duties well. The fear of accidents remains. . Jupiter in the 2nd house is a placement that promotes an appetite and capacity for acquiring material goods. Jupiter is also the lord of houses 1st & 4th to Sagittarius. Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will run competitive examination centre for arts and crafts, become gynaecologists, lab technicians, nurses, feast-cooks, tailors and costume designers, producer of herbal medicines; commission agents and servants in lodges and cinema halls. Ruling planet Jupiter is OOB (1st degree) in 7th house Cancer (Gemini is descendant so Jupiter borders the 8th and in whole signs placed in 8th) The native with Jupiter in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant is worried for children. So the Sagittarius ascendant borns will like to invest in lands, house, vehicles, machineries, and manufacturing. Can Sun in Cancer sign in 4th house make you a waiter or a chef? They are tension-borne and get confused while undertaking travels. They will win over others by way of their affectionate attitude and love towards them. Additionally, they may be keen on investing more of their money into educational endeavors. The native has large property. Aquarius is ruled by SATURNhence SATURN will be the lord of this house. Aquarius, the 11th house to Kaalpurushais the 3rd house to Sagittarius. Connection with the process of law. Jupiter in the 2nd House of Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius ascendant can make one a popular anchor, actor, editor, writer, painter, economist, sociologist, philosopher, etc. They render honorary service, will be landlords, industrial owners, will be responsible for government documents and earn name and fame. Since Capricorn is an earthy sign, the Sagittarius ascendant borns will develop their financial position and would preserve their income through savings. Kylie Jenner (August 10th, 1997) Jupiter in the 2nd house in Aquarius So the Sagittarius ascendant born will become disciplined and sincere workers in social service or voluntary organisations, gain friendships with government officials, get due recognition from government for their voluntary organisations; marry second time, may have affairs with the younger sister of wife and have illegal or extra-marital affairs. Since Capricorn is an earthy sign, they tend to talk in a commanding but pleasing tone with affinity towards others. The native [] The family does not support the native, and there is a loss of money. The native gets their mothers love and enjoys the benefit of property such as land and buildings. !I can be reached at :eMail : astroshivaay@g. How you can predict through Ascendant itself in Vedic Astrology? Jupiter in 11th House for Sagittarius Ascendant. Panchmahapurush Yoga is formed when the Guru is situated. Mercury in 1st House for Sagittarius Ascendant Mercury here can confer dignities, honours through merit, intelligent, good natured and of good behaviour. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Plz note: Contact me through this site if you want to learn how you can regularly track the incoming of wealth in your life through Vedic Astrology, Disclaimer: I am not responsible for 3rd party links on this website and it could even be an affiliate link, All rights reserved @2022-23 a site dedicated to religion, spirituality, relationships, life, occult, and paranormal.

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