Home General Info 15 Italian Superstitions You Need to Know. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is believed that uncrossing or straightening them immediately will prevent bad luck or a quarrel from happening. As a symbol of good luck, in the Italian tradition, during the rehearsal dinner, the best man makes a toast with prosecco, usually exclaiming, "Per cent'anni," or "A hundred years," to wish . In this case, the superstition goes against knife safety, as an open knife lying around can be hazardous. At any Italian meal, there will most likely be olive oil and salt. Michele creates language learning guides and courses for travel. #15: In Finland, a knife given as a gift is a sign of respect. 2. The logic is that a knife can symbolize the severing of a relationship, so you shouldn't give it as a gift for events, especially weddings. Youll go from a shy, confused beginner to a proficient and confident intermediate speaker, with me as your trusty guide. My approach is different from traditional methods because I teach you the most important 20% of the language right from the beginning so you can start to speak straight away. If it swings back and forth, then the baby is a boy. It is no coincidence that the word sinistro in Italian means not only left but also sinister, as in shady, or obscure. Learn how your comment data is processed. TIP: Cutting boards are an essential accessory for kitchen knives, but many people have a love-hate relationship with cutting boards. If you are interested in checking out the best kitchen knives, we recommend buying knives made by the Wsthof company. 2) Ease Labor Pains During Childbirth 9 reasons youre not fluentYET & how to fix it. Some of them include: jinxing gestures (like le corna the horns find out more about this in my guide to Italian gestures), carrying lucky charms and amulets like the cornetto, scratching genitalia, keeping red chilli peppers at your doorstep, and saying in bocca al lupo to wish someone good luck. #13: Another superstition suggests that when a knife falls to the ground, a man will soon visit. It is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. https://zaneaymv48147.free-blogz.com/50174414/-------------------/ Some traditions call for using your blade as soon as you get it to draw some blood from your hand, bonding the knife to you. This effectively purchases the knife from the friend, bypassing the effect of superstition. A knife, they say, will cut the ties that bind a friendship together. In Spain its Tuesday the 13th you should be worried about! The power of the Catholic church in Italian politics. 2. Fortunately, I do not subscribe to this superstition and welcome all knife gifts! It's serious bad luck. In the ancient times and some bakers to do, bakers will cut across on top of the bread to facilitate levitation , and also to bless the bread so to say. Italian Superstitions: Il Malocchio. It is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Italians are - for the most part - superstitious. Used under Creative Commons. Most people have air conditioning, a lot of people have black cats, and by the way hotels rarely go over the 5th or 7th floor we certainly dont have 20 stories hotels, here unless maybe in Milan or Rome. For example, in Ireland it meant a fight was going to happen soon (but of course). What about you? Our modern, enlightened age has largely dismissed past superstitions, but it is interesting to read these concepts and understand the role knives have played in our history and culture. Sleeping with a knife under your pillow gives you peace of mind that you are protected with a weapon nearby, which results in a peaceful nights sleep. Older Post The salt one for example is very simple. The logic of the time suggested that certain physical acts had the power to influence our lives, future, and good fortune. An itching of the right eye means sadness. A black cat crossing your path brings bad luck, and so does a priest you meet on the road. The bread one is not precise. I use my working knowledge of the English language to help you get into the Italian mindset so you can avoid the common pitfalls and errors English speakers make because I made them once too! Past month. Before you take the first sip after the toast, dont forget to tap the bottom of your glass on the table! The slight mistranslation in Christ Stopped at Eboli. A Loaf of Bread A loaf of bread must always be placed on a table, facing up according to Italian traditions. One thing they seem to have in common is that the Evil Eye is caused by jealousy and envy. This website also participates in Google Adsense. medianet_crid = "318442627";
In Italy, this is a sign of good luck will come your way. Knives are very personal items to many people, so that I can relate to this situation, and I can add my own belief to this one; Dont touch my knife if you value your life!. Also blood related: Never sheath a knife after battle if it has not tasted blood, as it will fail you the next time you need it. Salt was extremely expensive in the inner part of Italy. In Italy, it meant an insult to the symbol of the cross. If you do it, either someone will tirarti un occhiataccia (give you a dirty look) or tell you to close it and open it outside. If the handle points at anyone else, your future spouse will be dark-skinned. Not sure if you really needed to know this information but, Padua: An Overlooked Town in the Veneto Region, CLICK HERE FOR DISCLAIMER & PRIVACY POLICY. The origins of this belief are unclear, but perhaps the knife under the mattress provided firmer support than the mattress alone, which helped ease the pain. A central aspect of Irish folklore is the wealth of traditional beliefs and superstitions that have been held by Irish people over the centuries. We have all seen Italians greet each other with kisses on both cheeks. Not sure good luck has come to him but it was indeed funny! There are plenty of strange Italian superstitions, irrational beliefs and practices that all aim to ward off bad luck. According to tradition, when priests came to visit the sick on their deathbed to receive their final confessions, they would remove their hat and set it on the bed so that they could put on the vestments. Youll go from a shy, confused beginner to a proficient and confident intermediate speaker, with me as your trusty guide. The Evil Eye (Malocchio) They say to drop olive oil in a bowl of water and if it forms one large drop you have the Malocchio. 8. A rabbit's foot will bring. That stirs up trouble. Knives as Wedding Gifts. In fact, Italy is said to be one of the most superstitious countries in the world. Thats just one example. So, if this happens to you, dont panic, something good will probably happen to you! The superstition makes good sense from a safety point of view but became a general omen of bad luck. Here are 16 knife superstitions to add to your knowledge bank. When it comes to shaking hands, Italians consider it bad luck to cross their arms when shaking someones hand. According to Italian traditions, a loaf of bread must always be placed facing up. Find out more in the article below:5 Proven & Safe TIPS: How To Dispose Of Kitchen Knives. If, however, the falls with the blade pointing out to sea, you will have a good catch that day! Some consider this a bad omen as the use of the past tense implies that death is just around the corner, and therefore it stands for bad luck. The superstition about giving a knife to a friend is that the relationship is doomed because the knife will sever the friendship.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'sharpyknives_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_10',110,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sharpyknives_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); This superstition probably arose after a lifelong friend gifted the other person with a knife, and shortly after, they had a quarrel which dissolved the friendship. After a long day of sightseeing you might be tempted to toss your hat onto your beddont! If the oil beads in a row through the centre, they must pray to a male saint. Each course includes video lessons, audio exercises, downloadable worksheets, bonus guides, a private support community, and lifetime access all designed to streamline your learning while having fun. If you gift a knife, especially to someone close to you, it can mean extremely bad luck. #19: In some parts of America, people believe that sharpening any blade after the sun goes down is bad luck. Nowadays, however, it is very common to reply to that wish with a simple grazie or viva il lupo! (meaning, long live the wolf!). Download your free PDF guide with 125 Italian travel phrases. #17: One old wives' tales about white-handled knives is that they can tell you if your future spouse will be dark or fair by spinning it around. 12. Lucky & Unlucky numbers. Forget Friday 13th being unlucky! We are passionate sharpeners, Anton and John. If you are a single woman with hopes of meeting your Principe Azzurro (Prince Charming), be careful around brooms! Ci vediamo l! We especially like traditional Japanese knives. It is said that the more you eat the richer youll become, so eat up! This website also participates in Google Adsense. We grow up with unspoken regulations to ward off bad luck, and just as casually perform rituals to draw in good fortune. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Stirring a drink in a cup, soup in a bowl, or food cooking in a pot with a knife was considered a bad omen that was sure to bring bad luck upon the person brazen enough to perform this heinous act! guaranteed, This superstition is still very much alive today, even among theatre actors, who never bring a real mirror on stage to prevent it from breaking. These are superstition. While some still hold these to be true, KRUDO Knives likes to err on the side of caution & recommend you not try anything that may cause harm or fights with your friends & family. The unknown of the afterlife meant that warriors did not want to enter the unknown without a weapon to defend themselves. Repercussions range from illness, misfortune, harm and sometimes even death. The Roman numeral for 17 is XVII, but when rearranged to look like VIXI it means I have lived, a symbol thats placed on ancient tombstones and associated with death. Italians do not care for the number 17. Wait until someone else crosses its path first! There are two origins of this superstition. This superstition comes from a time before electricity and artificial lighting. This post contains affiliate links which means that we may receive a small commission if you make a purchase through a link at no additional cost to you. From magic mice to hungry wolves, take a look at 10 of our favourite bizarre Italian superstitions and traditions. A baby keeps its luck in the grimy lines of its hands. You will never find an Italian putting his or her hat down on a bed. I will never give away, trade or sell your email address. Tuesday is believed to be dominated by Ares, the Greek god of war, who gives his name to Martes, or Tuesday, in Spanish. Once a knife has taken its owner's blood, the owner must not share that knife with anyone. At least, thats what people in ancient China believed. Italian-American Superstitions The Evil Eye: Malacchio While jealousy exists in all cultures, Malacchio is a curse that can be put on a person without even meaning to. The ferro in the saying stands for ferro di cavallo (horseshoe) which in the past was believed to ward off the devil, witches, and evil spirits. Another thing to avoid is having thirteen people sitting at a table! It is believed that if you or someone else accidentally brushes your feet with a broom while sweeping the floor, you will never get married! 15 Strange Italian Traditions and Superstitions Explained. Glock Field Knife FM78 Black (12161) (#165823625419) e***e (7373) Past month. This symbol can still be found nowadays as a lucky charm that Italians carry around to protect themselves. Start learning here! Never pound a nail after sundown, or you will wake the tree gods. The division between good and bad days was already known in Ancient Rome, where a distinction was made between dies fasti, literally glorious or legit days (when justice could be administered) and dies nefasti, meaning ominous days. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I sometimes wonder how human beings made it as far as we have! 2. This superstition comes from the fact that as far back as the days of the Ancient Roman Empire, oil was considered a luxury so if you spilled some, it would be money wasted. Learn more about how to say cheers in Italian on different occasions without making a faux pas. This probably dissuaded would-be thieves and people with malicious intent from breaking into the house. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'sharpyknives_com-portrait-2','ezslot_20',120,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sharpyknives_com-portrait-2-0');Anglo-Saxon warriors held their weapons in high regard; without them, they were vulnerable and weak. you're a superstitious gift giver, perhaps chose an alternative item from a couple's registry. Now you know the most common Italian superstitions youll need to be aware of. In feng shui, love can be enhanced by art in the bedroom depicting two mandarin ducks. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A similar superstition states that a knife that has bitten its owner will stay sharp longer and is less likely to accidentally cut its owner. If now a mere mortal was to know you in the same way, her will surely die! In this way the sailors were guaranteed that no other males would touch their virgins! While in some countries Friday the 13th is considered a bad omen, Italy has its own date that you should be fearful of, its Friday the 17th. But because they have played such a central role in the lives of millions of people, its not surprising that interesting knife traditions and knife superstitions have developed over the years. As we look at some of these superstitious beliefs about knives, be aware that we in no way condone the use of knives in this way. Some dont buy certain knives because of an unlucky serial number--like one having 666. #22: If you cross your knife with your spoon after eating, you are indicating that the food didn't taste good and that you're wishing the cook to have bad luck. The charm, which resembles a chili pepper or a small horn, represents the horns of the Old European Moon Goddess and will bring you luck. Among the ancient Romans, sprinkling salt on the ruins of conquered cities meant preventing them from flourishing again (as salt makes the soil infertile). Don't worry about reading a Top 13: in some countries, 13 is thought of as an unlucky number, but in Italy 13 is a lucky number. In fact, we were in San Gimignano and it actually happened to Gary while we were eating gelato in a piazza. Old or broken kitchen knives can potentially cause injury if not disposed of correctly. (Eat!). So, it was a win-win solution; put a knife under the mattress to ease the pain and give birth to a son! What are your knife idiosyncrasies or superstitions? We are always looking for something to blame for our misfortunes rather than taking a good look at ourselves! Caraway. If someone handed the knife to you closed, you should hand it back closed to avoid bad luck. For Italians, it is essential to keep an umbrella holder on the doorstep, outside the house. You know you will hear about it from family or friends if a Friday falls on the 13th of the month! You will move or leave your home if your knife turns with the blade upward. It was believed that a knife stuck in the front door of your house would protect you from your enemies and thieves.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'sharpyknives_com-netboard-2','ezslot_18',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sharpyknives_com-netboard-2-0'); It is likely that a knife stuck in the front door indicated that the homeowner is armed and dangerous, so enter at your own risk. Its also bad luck to cross arms with anyone as you clink glasses. This superstition has its roots in religion and comes from the Last Supper, when Jesus traitor, Judas Iscariot, was the 13th and final person to be seated. Of course, of all tools, the knife is one of the oldest and most useful. Copyright - Our Italian Journey Blog 2015, 15 Italian Superstitions You Need to Know, So there you have it, fifteen Italian superstitions you need to know. Handing an open pocket knife to another person is considered a no-no because you will receive lousy luck in return.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'sharpyknives_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',113,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-sharpyknives_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); This belief probably arose from someone handing over an open pocket knife and accidentally cutting the other person n the process. If the knife is given to a friend, money must be exchanged as well. Eighteenth and Ninteenth Century British Merchant Sailors were known to pry nails out of the ships, because South Pacific Islanders would trade absolutely anything for them. Before your Italian vacation, familiarize . Some have even given knives away just because this happened. Salt and oil should not be passed from hand to hand. (Free PDF Download). Speaking of bad luck, knife superstitions are full of situations where knives can lead to bad luck. As a matter of fact, the left side has always been associated with the devil. This superstition is linked to an old belief that since a mirror reflects ones own image, it could therefore also trap their soul. A cup of basil tea after dinner helps digestion. what its like to start from scratch and to even go back to absolute basics and learn what a verb is! For more tips, visit my guide on Italian culture to learn 18 weird things that Italian do that no one warns you about. The way around this superstition is to give a penny with a knife. In the U.S., people will knock on wood to avoid tempting fate. The similarity of these beliefs from two distant parts of the world shows how different cultures placed the same value and significance on knives. When the sun goes down and daylight fades, it is difficult to see the fine edge of a knife clearly in the dim light of a lantern or candle. Superstition runs deep in the Italian upbringing. medianet_height = "250";
Once a knife has taken its owner's blood, the owner will never sell or trade that knife with anyone. Knives were also part of a mans weaponry used in battle or defense of himself or his family. Throwing it on the floor or on the table was unlucky because you had to buy it again. Superstitions about knives come from an age where a lack of understanding required an explanation for unexplainable events. If they do, they risk attracting a more handsome rival who will steal their beloved away forever. Some givers often tape a penny to the blade so that the receiver will simply just return it as "payment.". Ill buy one now and again to stock up before they get discontinued forever. #18: Another common superstition is that you should never put a combat knife back into its sheath if it hasn't drawn blood because it will fail you in battle. Owners Blood Knife Superstition. The origin of this saying is medieval and religious: in the Gospels, Friday is in fact the day of Jesus crucifixion and its reserved for penance. "Topolino dei denti". 2. In Somerset a double-yolked egg was viewed with concern as it foretold of a hurried wedding due to a pregnancy. What was your superstition growing up that your mother or grandmother told you? Today a site visitor might be shocked at which superstitious notions are taken seriously and which are taken with a grain of salt, so to speak. #26: Some knife owners, particularly those in the Philippines, believe in coating the blade with their blood if they accidentally cut themselves with it. And, there you have it--twenty-six beautiful representations of what it means to revere knives (perhaps a little too much?!) Cin cin! or (alla) salute!, is what you say in Italian when making a toast. Walking underneath a ladder meant breaking that sacred figure and attracting misfortune upon oneself. So including any kind of coin did the trick with a knife gift. Very bad luck! We especially like traditional Japanese knives. A loaf of bread must always be placed on a table, facing up according to Italian traditions. Another good reason to not eat chicken or turkey on New Year's Day is that . Funny but I just dont see the significance of this yuck being a good thing. They can be considered as weapons or valuables. The first comes from ancient Rome, where umbrellas were used to protect against rain and sun. These "habits" are very hard to lose, despite rationality and cartesian logic. If a cat is crossing the street, dont be the first one to cross its path, as youll have bad luck. Make sure you cross off the unlucky days from your calendar first! An old belief was that a knife placed under the mattress of a woman in labor would ease the labor pains she experienced. According to Italian superstition, you should never raise a toast with a glass full of water, as it is considered bad luck. The importance of knives in day-to-day life meant that they became objects of superstition when things did not go according to plan and knives were involved. In Italy, this is true especially when it crosses your path! Item: When a woman is pregnant, a needle hung from thread is held over the pregnant woman's palm. 1. Andrea Malossini's book - which collects over one thousand superstitious - reports, in an orderly manner, Italian superstitious beliefs along with a brief description of their origin and mening.The intent is to give the reader an idea of Italian superstitions, in a smooth and easy way, hoping, thanks to the suggestion in the titles, to . There is a popular Italian proverb that says: Di Venere o di Marte non si sposa e non si parte, n si d principio allarte (by Venus or Mars, one neither marries nor departs, nor does one begin art).

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