Therefore, the road is now open for the advent of Russian communism., Later diary entries and letters to his wife reiterate this same conclusion. Check this remix! Unsourced variant: Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man. On the other hand, Patton, whose eccentricities were as marked as MacArthur's or Montgomery's and far more flamboyant, did not provoke the same resentment. An Army is a team. Facebook is Allowing Child Pornography and Protecting Predators #Facebookgate. This comparison gradually forced him to the conclusion that World War II had been fought against the wrong people. Do everything you ask of those you command. Patton led his soldiers by example. While making his way through the schoolhouse CP, George tripped over the inert form of a dozing GI. But they were not calculated to win affection among his officers or men. Let's forget those fine firm bases In the dreary shell-raked spaces, Let's shoot the works and win! "Manton, Goddamn it," Patton shouted in his high-pitched voice, "I want you to get these staff officers out front and get them shot at!" He thought we defeated the wrong enemy. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. I'd rather have a German division in front of me, than a French one behind. Those mannerisms achieved spectacular results. According to Colonel Harkins, the Third Army had "gone farther, captured more prisoners, liberated more friendly territory, and captured more enemy territory, than any army ever before in American history." Sponsored by TruthFinder Are major internet companies profiting from child pornography? When a man is lying in a shell hole, if he just stays there all day, a German will get to him eventually. Did New York Times post this Hitler apology stating Jews baited the Nazis by trying to fight back on June 15, 1934? You don't win a war by dying for your country. I ate breakfast with him and then I got on a train and went back to West Point. He observed with horror that , Pattons initial impressions of the Jews were not improved when he attended a Jewish religious service at Eisenhowers insistence. Patton is indispensable to the war effort one of the guarantors of our victory. WWII hitler germany bolshevik communism patton truth. He saw the demoralization of the Army as a deliberate goal of Americas enemies: , In his letter to Harbord, Patton also revealed his own plans to fight those who were destroying the morale and integrity of the Army and endangering Americas future by not opposing the growing Soviet might: . He thought that it helped instill discipline and professionalism. "WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY" GENERAL G. PATTON 1945 Everything he says is factual. Undoubtedly, Pattons long friendship with Eisenhower helped to salvage his career. The Portal for Public History. 00:01 Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy Germany instead of Russia According to the 1987 book Cannon fodder: growing up for Vietnam the exact quote is: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. He dared speak his mind and act accordingly to his convictions. Originally Answered: Why did General Patton wear a helmet? That purpose is alertness. .in form of libs, some conservatives, greens, some even religious movements and terrorists, they all execute agitprop and actions stuff from Marx playbook and his successors and students writings and actions. Patton believed that profanity was the most convincing medium of communication to his troops. Communism was a real threat to Europe and America and, we really did fight the wrong enemy. Skeptics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for scientific skepticism. A couple of days later we all went up to Boston and the aircraft landed. Add to Playlist. In his diary, that night lie wrote: . When the horrified diplomat responded, "You don't realize the strength of these people," Patton scoffed that with the kind of fighting he could give them the Russians might be able to defend themselves up to five days or a week. Sometimes you look back on certain events in your life experiences or, what you have learned and, you realize that you have been misguided or wrong in your original positions. Of the four, George Patton was probably the most gifted pure warrior, although Douglas MacArthur would undoubtedly dispute this claim. Applications of super-mathematics to non-super mathematics. The press interpreted one of Pattons answers to their insistent questions as to why he was not pressing the Nazi-hunt hard enough as: , The unmistakable hatred which had been directed at him during this press conference finally opened Pattons eyes fully as to what was afoot. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? He was also right that the Soviets were an enemy of human, freedom, liberal society, and the West. The attack on Fort Driant was the only battle ever lost by General George Patton. Pattons Speech to the Third Army was a series of speeches given by General George S. Pattons profanity-laced speaking was viewed as unprofessional by some other officers but the speech resounded well with his men. In the letter, Patton bitterly condemned the Morgenthau policy; Eisenhowers pusillanimous behavior in the face of Jewish demands; the strong pro-Soviet bias in the press; and the politicization, corruption, degradation, and demoralization of the U.S. Army which these things were causing. If so, what do you think of his opinion? Links to YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and other services inserted in the comment text will be automatically embedded. The significant role played by bitcoin for businesses! After the end of the Second World War, general George S. Patton said that America defeated the wrong enemy. We have destroyed what could have been a good race, and we are about to replace them with Mongolian savages. Can a VGA monitor be connected to parallel port? At times I felt like Patton, however successful he was as a corps commander, had not learned to command himself. My dad got out of the aircraft and he really looked super; he was fifty-nine years old at the time. He succeeded Dwight D. Eisenhower as the Military Governor of the U.S. Your email address will not be published. HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, because I am the meanest son-of-a-bitch in the valley. In the interest of time I am not going to speak for this man of great stature but, let him speak for himself. Let the Germans do that. Several weeks before General Patton died in a command car accident in 1945, he visited my headquarters at Ingolstadt. Who said lead me follow me or get out of my way? Anything built by man, can be destroyed by him. Dark theme turns the light surfaces of the page dark, creating an experience ideal for night. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Though actual D-Day casualties had been fewer than expected, the situation went rapidly downhill afterwards. The results are staggering. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains that victory. We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. He even required that his troops wear a tie and leggings. The more I see of Arabs the less I think of them. Harold W. Arberg, second verse of "The Army Goes Rolling Along" (1956), added to the music written by John Philip Sousa in 1917. I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. "The WRONG ENEMY" by PATTON.45 featuring Gen. George Patton Jr. WWII - General Patton: "We're fighting the wrong enemy" (by Dr. Peter Hammond). Patton was relieved of command of the 3rd Army by Eisenhower just after the end of the war for stating publicly that America had been fighting the wrong enemy Germany instead of Russia According to the 1987 book Cannon fodder: growing up for Vietnam the exact quote is: We may have been fighting the wrong enemy (Germany) all along. Although Patton strove to be historically accurate, there was inevitably some Hollywood license. I don't think he should have been characterized as the insane show-off that 20th Century-Fox wanted to make him- which I resisted down the line. It behooved General Eisenhower to make a speech to them. I prefer the Germans. And on September 2: What we are doing is to destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe, so that Russia can swallow the whole., By this time the Morgenthauists and media monopolists had decided that Patton was incorrigible and must be discredited. No surprise, with jews in control. Did British journalists keep silent about Russian defections to Germany in WW2? Published on Oct 18, 2020 To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. I don't give a fuck for a man who's not always on his toes. that when I finish this job, which will be around the first of the year, I shall resign, not retire, because if I retire I will still have a gag in my mouth . Developing a basis for this composition on General George S Patton We Defeated The Wrong Enemy was a lengthy task. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Patton was correct in his views he developed after the war. Patton caught his breath and roared, "Well you're the first silly sonuvabitch around this place that knows what he's trying to do. A New York newspaper printed the completely false claim that when Patton had slapped the soldier who was Jewish, he had called him a yellow-bellied Jew.. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. And while he strutted imperiously as a commander, he knelt humbly before his God. The Alphabet Agencies and Fake Profiles Part One, Masks and Mandates dont work and where this will all lead in the future, The Entire World Watches as the Political Parasite Class Tries to Disarm Americans, If I hear one more ignorant sheep say when the vaccination comes out, Pedophiles Thrive on Facebook, While Harmless Content is Removed. I first met George S. Patton, Jr., before World War II when he was a lieutenant colonel at Fort Sill, and in North Africa, when he was a general, I saw him often. #googlegate? Hat tip to PATTON.45 for this one. As General Patton said before the Jews murdered him, "We fought the wrong enemy." Hat tip to PATTON.45 for this one. SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat in America that is not to be quoted. Allied victory Mussolinis regime collapses. They could never predict what he was going to do next. Patton was clearly talking about the Soviets or Russians. Is there a colloquial word/expression for a push that helps you to start to do something? Another September diary entry, following a demand from Washington that more German housing is turned over to Jews, summed up his feelings: , One of the strongest factors in straightening out General Pattons thinking on the conquered Germans was the behavior of Americas controlled news media toward them. 445 views. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . The American people were given a picture of him only as a swashbuckling, intrepid combat leader; but he had a scholarly bent and a profound knowledge of strategy, tactics and military and political techniques. Tags. The hell with that idea. The British planned to start World War III by invading Russia with the German army. It seemed remote advice at the time for a young, inauspicious colonel, but I was to have ample reason in later years to reflect on his counsel. This first part is focused on pre war Germany. Required fields are marked *, Attachment First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is not intended for the individual but for the race. As General Patton (America's Best General, 4STAR) said in 1945 Post war "WE DEFEATED THE WORNG ENEMY", Hitler Truth: Will Out We Defeated The Wrong Enemy (Operation Thunder), Germany After WW2 - A Defeated People - Documentary On Germany in the immediate aftermath of wwII, 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. This individual heroic stuff is pure horse shit. ~ George S. Patton 10 videos 938 views Last updated on Nov 9, 2021 Tim Haschke 1 1:40:01 Britain Should Not Have Fought in the First World War Intelligence. Cookie Notice Communism was a real threat to Europe and America and, we really did fight the wrong enemy. This first part is focused on pre war Germany. On the gasoline supplies for his tanks, as quoted in, We promised the Europeans freedom. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The phrase is similar to one attributed to, Stanza 1 of "Absolute War" a poem composed by Patton in July 1944, during, Stanzas 4 and 5 of "Absolute War", as quoted in, Conference with his officers (1 August 1944), as quoted in. General Patton was one of my staunchest friends and the most unhesitatingly loyal of my commanders. News reports revealed that he had slapped two soldiers who were suffering combat fatigue, believing that they were faking their condition. The scheme worked. Please see the Content Moderation Policy for instructions on how to make a moderation request via email. "The Q Is WHO" by PATTON.45 featuring George Carlin, The jew Assassination of Great White General George Patton, Silence Patton - The Murder Of General George Patton (Documentary), Hitler Truth: Will Out We Defeated The Wrong Enemy (Operation Thunder). In another letter to his wife, he commented: , His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. My personal opinion is that no people could have sunk to the level of degradation these have reached in the short space of four years. By having studied them a good deal I have found out the trouble. No matter what, they'll put it in the newspapers." - Patton. 2022 Documentary - WE DEFEATED THE WRONG ENEMY - PART 2 - WHO WERE THE BOLSHEVIKS. Re: General George Patton: "We defeated the wrong enemy". In the form of many people In all panoplies of time Have I seen the luring vision Of the Victory Maid, sublime. Americans play to win all of the time. Jordan's line about intimate parties in The Great Gatsby? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Some historians have acclaimed the oration as one of the greatest motivational speeches of all time. General George Smith Patton, Jr. (11 November 1885 21 December 1945) was a senior officer of the United States Army, who commanded the U.S. You win a war by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his. Behind Patton's blood and guts personality was an absolute professional, one of the most competent army commanders our side put into the field; the Germans were painstaking in their analysis of the leaders who faced them in battle, and Patton was the only Anglo-American who seriously troubled them. The scheme worked. In fact, I am afraid we have waited too long., And in a letter of the same date to his wife: I will probably be in the headlines before you get this, as the press is trying to quote me as being more interested in restoring order in Germany than in catching Nazis. Patton believed that if he had gotten the supplies that Monty got for MARKET-GARDEN, he could have crossed the Rhine that fall and then had an unopposed path to Berlin. Hat tip to PATTON.45 for this one. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What did General George S. Patton mean when he said "We've defeated the wrong enemy"? Who said make it hard to spot the general by working like a soldier? My front will be as good as theirs.". With great reluctance, and only after repeated promptings from Eisenhower, he had thrown German families out of their homes to make room for more than a million Jewish DPs part of the famous six million who had supposedly been gassed but he balked when ordered to begin blowing up German factories, in accord with the infamous Morgenthau Plan to destroy Germanys economic basis forever. By 17 July, British and Canadian losses were 37,563. I could not give the answer to that one, because the answer is that, in my opinion, and that of most nonpolitical officers, it is vitally necessary for us to build Germany up now as a buffer state against Russia. He was known in his time as "America's Fightingest General". Did George Soros say he helped a Nazi confiscate property? Drop file here. Patton was correct in his views he developed after the war. His diary entry for August 18 quotes Gen. Juin: , Later diary entries and letters to his wife reiterate this same conclusion. Yet it was not in him to accept Eisenhower's magnanimity with good grace; Patton's diaries and letters to his wife reveal his discomfort in references to Eisenhower as "Divine Destiny" and in reflections on how much better the war would be fought if he and not Eisenhower were supreme commander. I prefer the Germans. It was undertaken at the expense of two possible offensives that had to be postponed because Eisenhower diverted supplies to MARKET-GARDEN. It is amusing to recall that we fought the Revolution in defense of the rights of man and the Civil War to abolish slavery and have now gone back on both principles., His duties as military governor took Patton to all parts of Germany and intimately acquainted him with the German people and their condition. Why did Patton say we defeated the wrong enemy? After the end of the Second World War, general George S. Patton said that America defeated the wrong enemy. Watch Later. . 640 views 677 days ago. followers 213. Your Subscription; HTownWaffen - Active until; Change Subscription; General George Smith Patton, Jr. ( 11 November 1885 - 21 December 1945) was a senior officer of the United States Army, who commanded the U.S. . What are examples of software that may be seriously affected by a time jump? In a small black notebook Patton recorded his thoughts, and throughout his colorful military career constantly drew historical parallels to the situation he faced. On a cold December 9th in 1945 Germany, legendary American general George S. Patton was injured in a strange auto "accident" on a road outside Mannheim, near the Rhine River. History. Was Hitler really an evil dictator? Quote: Originally Posted by OLYMPUS. You men are veterans or you wouldn't be here. His frequent exhortation to his soldiers was, "To be a successful soldier you must know history," while Eisenhower regarded the study and practice of history as not only an essential means of learning about war but as the study of the triumph of good over evil. (Later, Hale was stopped by an irate General Patton who chewed him out for not wearing his necktie. 3. Precisely at 7 Patton boomed in to breakfast. I don't want to get any messages saying, "I am holding my position." rev2023.3.1.43266. I don't know what you think you're trying to do, but the krauts ought to pin a medal on you for helping them mess up discipline for us. In the interest of time I am not going to speak for this man of great stature but, let him speak for himself. The more he saw of the Soviets, the stronger Pattons conviction grew that the proper course of action would be to stifle communism then and there, while the chance existed. I'll never forget it. I have attempted to write of my long association with George Patton as fairly and as honestly as I could. The noise against me is only the means by which the, Letter to Beatrice (29 September 1945), published in. I see this narrative constantly peddled by white supremacists and new nazis who try to argue that Nazi germany was just "protecting europe from bolshevism" but I think it's BS. The "black hats" were those who, in Patton's judgment, failed to measure up or who displayed weakness. Answers must be in-depth and comprehensive, or they will be removed. Patton squared up to Zhukov at a victory parade. Either these Displaced Persons never had any sense of decency or else they lost it all during their period of internment by the Germans. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I frequently had dinner with Patton and his staff. Many called for Pattons dismissal. In his diary he wrote: I doubted the expediency of blowing up factories because the ends for which the factories are being blown up that is, preventing Germany from preparing for war can be equally well attained through the destruction of their machinery, while the buildings can be used to house thousands of homeless persons., Similarly, he expressed his doubts to his military colleagues about the overwhelming emphasis being placed on the persecution of every German who had formerly been a member of the National Socialist party. They are trying to do two things: In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals. Press J to jump to the feed. The unmistakable hatred which had been directed at him during this press conference finally opened Pattons eyes fully as to what was afoot. Why is the article "the" used in "He invented THE slide rule". It would be worse than dishonorable not to see they have it. He was arguably the best practitioner of blitzkrieg produced by either side in the war. They have utterly lost the Anglo-Saxon conception of justice and feel that a man can be kicked out because somebody else says he is a Nazi. His behavior made him unpopular in high places, but he was not suspect as an autocrat. George C. Scott, who portrayed Patton in the 1970. This is the only language they understand and respect., Patterson replied, Oh, George, you have been so close to this thing so long, you have lost sight of the big picture., Patton rejoined: I understand the situation. This is the only language they understand and respect." Patterson replied, "Oh, George, you have been so close to this thing so long, you have lost sight of the big picture." Patton rejoined: "I understand . We are going to go through him like crap through a goose; like shit through a tin horn! The maximum upload file size: 256 MB. 00:01. First, he apparently loathed the olive drab wool cap that the soldier wore under his helmet for warmth and insisted that it be covered; woe be the soldier whom the general caught wearing the cap without the helmet. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Unlike the others, Patton truly loved war, believed he had been fighting them since the time of Caesar, and likely died happily thinking he would be fighting them long into the future. If it sounds like hate speech to you just remember the truth is hate speech to those who hate the truth. For more information, please see our While the division commander, Major General Manton Eddy, rushed to greet him, the staff pondered what fault Patton would find this time. By that date Third Army had inflicted 1,486,000 casualties on the Germans, including 144,500 killed, at a cost to themselves of 136,865 casualties, with 21,441 killed in action. 11/14/15: 2: General Patton said "we defeated the wrong enemy" in Berlin 1945: 11/04/17: 3: George Patton: We've defeated the wrong enemy: 02/27/22: 4: General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders . HTownWaffen Published on Jan 24, 2022. What is the best way to deprotonate a methyl group? The two studied the same commanders of antiquity but drew different conclusions. I could have taken it (instead of the Soviets) had I been allowed., This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. Did Patton every even go to Berlin - he definitely was not in control of it - He was military governer of Bohemia, In the 1970 movie "Patton" he says "Up until now we've been fighting the wrong people", Did Gen. Patton say "We defeated the wrong enemy?". He was proven true by the Cold War that American fought from 1945 through 1989. After a visit to ruined Berlin, he wrote his wife on July 21, 1945: , This conviction, that the politicians had used him and the U.S. Army for a criminal purpose, grew in the following weeks. 28 Feb 2023 18:43:08 Did Hillary Clinton support legalising such late-term abortions of fetuses as claimed by Ben Shapiro? Even if you are hit, you can still fight back. Privacy Policy. Location: Beyond the Pale. In addition to his other Asiatic characteristics, the Russian have no regard for human life and is an all out son of bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk. History really is written by the winners and it is His-Story. Killing without heroics, nothing is glorified nothing is reaffirmed? They are trying to do two things: first, implement communism, and second, see that all businessmen of German ancestry and non-Jewish antecedents are thrown out of their jobs. We don't want yellow cowards in this Army. This page was last edited on 23 July 2022, at 10:38. The hell with taking it. Awakened by Patton's boot in his side, the soldier spluttered in the darkness. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Patton and his 7th Army arrive in Messina several hours before British Field Marshal Bernard L. Montgomery and his 8th Army, winning the unofficial Race to Messina and completing the Allied conquest of Sicily. At yet another press conference, Patton was asked whether SS prisoners would be treated differently from other German soldiers and made this reply: "Hell, no, SS means no more in Germany than being a Democrat [does] in America- that is not to be quoted." Speech at the Hatch Memorial Shell, Boston, Massachusetts (7 June 1945), quoted in, Speech at the Copley Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts (7 June 1945), quoted in, We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we are about to replace them with the Mongolian savage and all Europe with Communism. The most telling thing to me is that General Patton regretted who we fought beside and against in the war. Did the "Russian Sleep Experiment" happen? Despite Pattons request that his remark not be quoted, the press eagerly seized on it, and Jews and their front men in America screamed in outrage over Pattons comparison of the SS and the Democratic Party as well as over his announced intention of treating most SS prisoners humanely. the Soviet border), we should go after the bastards now, 'cause we're gonna have to fight 'em eventually. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The second postponed offensive was that of Patton's Third Army, south of the Ardennes. I cant tell them the truth that unless we restore Germany we will ensure that communism takes America., Eisenhower responded immediately to the press outcry against Patton and made the decision to relieve him of his duties as military governor and kick him upstairs as the commander of the Fifteenth Army. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Displaced Persons: The Liberation and Abuse of Holocaust Survivors. The press interpreted one of Pattons answers to their insistent questions as to why he was not pressing the Nazi-hunt hard enough as: The Nazi thing is just like a Democrat-Republican fight. The New York Times headlined this quote, and other papers all across America picked it up. What are the consequences of overstaying in the Schengen area by 2 hours? Each man must not think only of himself, but also of his buddy fighting beside him. Did most of the American riflemen in combat during World War II avoid firing at the enemy? 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