No witnesses survive, and the cops in a small northern Minnesota city have to make their case based on purely circumstantial evidence. Marjorie is now 84 years old and shes still out there. They are thinking about restoring the greenhouses, which were torn down in 1971, and bringing in bee hives and selling Glensheen honey. Box 18438 | Minneapolis, MN 55418 | 612.455.6950, This and is republished here under a Creative Commons license., * Please read before republishing *
One other big difference stands out. Nancy and her brother Tom were always curious about their mother's rich friend, Marjorie Congdon. A civil suit filed by five of her seven children in 1979 to disinherit their mother from her inheritance on the grounds she was involved in the murders was settled out of court in 1983. Cable Publishing, 2014, Mansion with blood red sky, by Toa Heftiba, Glensheen Mansion exterior, Public domain, Glensheen bedroom where murder took place, Damien Enwhistle, Chester Congdon by Daniel Haas, CC by-SA 4.0, Hallway in Glensheen mansion, Damien Enwhistle, Elisabeth Condon in her eighties, Popular Bio, Staircase landing at Glensheen, Damien Enwhistle, Roger Caldwell mugshot, John DeSanto, Zenith City Press, Marjorie Congdon Caldwell walking with attorney, Art Hagen, Minneapolis Start Tribume, Candleholders on nightstand in murder bedroom, Hansen Family blog, Marjorie Congdon mug shot, Pima County Sheriffs Office, Smiling Marjorie in her seventies, Arizona Department of Corrections, Lake Superior shoreline, by Taylor Friehl. DeSanto charged Roger Caldwell first. May 17, 1988 Roger had gray hair. We remember all the wrong things about Elisabeth Mannering Congdon. In 1988, Roger took his own life, leaving a suicide note that read in part, referring to the Glensheen victims, I didnt kill those girls., Theres a lot of ground to cover, says Poling, around why the trials of Roger and Marjorie ended so differently. A tour guide shares historical facts and interesting details about the mansion and Congdon family. Tags: Glensheen, Majorie Congdon, Summer 2017, Sign up for the Artful Note newsletter, our guide to the good life delivered right to your inbox. Clarity means quality, and , We cant fight it any longer. An iron candlestick holder lay discarded nearby. Based on facts, either observed and verified firsthand by the reporter, or reported and verified from knowledgeable sources. She was a product of her upbringing, in that she liked a genteel life. The nurse picked up a corner and peeked underneath. The victims' families "were really hopeful that we would not have to retry the case with a chance of Roger walking free," DeSanto said. Two years later, the town experienced a rash of forty-three fires, at least fifteen of which were attributed to arson. Our 12-acre estate features gardens, bridges, and the famous, Chester A. Congdon, 1909. He did a masterful job. They turned him down flat. EARLY LIFE Everybody loves a murder mystery! "Then went upstairs and smothered the 83-year-old heiress in her bed with a satin pillow.". When she left, they told her they were going to miss her. In the early years of the twentieth century as the demand for iron ore increased, Chester Congdons wealth grew. Glensheen Mansion is a five-story structure with several staircases. Paul Airport, were found in the Caldwells hotel rooms, authorities arrested Roger and charged him with the murders. That has always bothered me. Roger returned to Latrobe, Pennsylvania, and committed suicide by slashing his wrists on May 18, 1988. At great personal expense, Congdon hired a mining engineer to develop a washing mill that could remove the sand. The Marjorie Congdon Story: A Timeline | Artful Living Magazine A timeline outlining the alleged crimes committed by infamous Minnesota criminal Marjorie Congdon, the suspected mastermind behind the Glensheen murders. That's because 40 years later, Hartman said, about 70 percent of visitors don't even know about the murders. MP: You write with such rich detail about visiting your grandmother at Glensheen, and the functions of the house the service, the secret call buttons. She was accused of attempting to deposit his $11,181 inheritance into her account after he died. We see that you have javascript disabled. Those who know her find her friendly and engaging. At the same time, she essentially only comes after people she can get something from, and none of my siblings or myself have anything for her. But she's not able to get around town like in the old days. He was taken into custody and arraigned on charges of first degree murder. Suddenly his ore was worth a fortune. Developed by. Marjories problem wasnt caused by others. Elisabeth, fearing publicity, did nothing. Hagen's children would later allege, in a 1994 St. Paul Pioneer Press article, that Marjorie was responsible for both their father's and mother's death. Marjorie married Roger Caldwell of Latrobe, Pennsylvania, on March 20, 1976, in the Denver, Colorado, area and they lived in Golden, Colorado. To control that wealth mustve been very enticing to someone like Marjorie. The killings were carried out by Roger Caldwell, allegedly at the urging of his wife, Congdons adopted daughter Marjorie, though she was later acquitted of conspiracy to murder at a trial. Just before the fire, Marjorie was seen carrying valuables out of the house and loading them into her car. Would hydrogen chloride be a gas at room temperature? The trial was moved to Brainerd and in July of 1978 the jury found Roger Caldwell (Marjorie's husband) to be guilty of the crimes. There she became a suspect in a rash of fires. At family reunions, we talk about history, and people knew a little bit, but so much about her was forgotten. Details could be released next week. Marjorie's behavior in court also had an impact on the trial. The landing where Velma Pietila was bludgeoned to death with a candle holder. Marjorie's second marriage was to a man named Roger Sipe Caldwell. Marjorie was released from prison on January 5, 2004, to much trepidation. But if anyone thought Marjorie was the victim in this relationship, they had another thing coming. She was accused of murdering her third husband, although those charges were dropped. In 1995 an Arizona judge decreed that Wally Hagens ashes must be divided between Hagens children and Marjorie. Marjorie Congdon Caldwell Hagen's son is a candidate for a state judge spot. The literature has noted cases where children demonstrate psychopathic behaviors as early as age two, and in environments that are perfectly sound. From an early age, Marjorie showed signs of devious behavior, and as a teenager she was diagnosed as a sociopath. From an early age, Marjorie showed signs of devious behavior, and as a teenager she was diagnosed as a sociopath. In 1883 at the age of thirty he started his own practice and traveled to Duluth on the shores of Lake Superior where he became interested in mining. By 1977, she was living in Colorado and married to her second husband, Roger Caldwell. "She was knitting at the defense table," said Kimball. Shop for marjorie congdon caldwell hagen wall art from the world's greatest living artists. At the time, it was not possible to separate ore from sand, so the ore was worthless. When Elisabeth was found murdered, it didnt take long for the investigation to zero in on the Caldwells. Psychopaths are driven by their need for control. We sold it.. Her trustees earlier had cut Marjorie off from the Congdon millions, after the. Psychopaths are born without consciences, the way some people are born without sight or sound. On June 27, 1977, the aged heiress to a vast mining fortune is killed along with her night nurse at Glensheen, a posh mansion perched on the Lake Superior coast. Clarence H. Johnston, Sr.; Charles W. Leavitt, Jr. In 1984, Marjorie was convicted of arson in the burning of the Mound, Minn., home she had just sold but remained an insurance beneficiary. She went up to the prone figure. Elisabeth Congdon's funeral was to be held at Glensheen on Thursday June, 30. I started in neonatal care, working with very sick babies, and that was a strong interest of hers as well. Member donations are crucial to the work of our nonprofit newsroom. And he said it's too grisly to discuss on tours with families. She got along swimmingly with the other inmates, and she sent a bouquet of flowers to the warden every week. On March 4, 2009, she was sentenced to three years probation. Marjorie Caldwell, as Hagen was then known, was instantly considered a suspect in her mother's murder. Marjorie used her inheritance to acquit her of the murder of the person who controlled her inheritance. TUCSON, Ariz. -- Marjorie Congdon Caldwell Hagen, the 74-year-old woman acquitted in connection with the June 1977 deaths of her mother and her mother's nurse at Duluth's Glensheen mansion, was taken into custody Thursday night at a Tucson assisted-living facility and booked into Pima County Jail on suspicion of theft, forgery, fraud and computer tampering. It might help visitors better understand Marjories behavior, and raise awareness about these dangerous people among us. A wealthy woman is murdered in her bed, smothered with a pillow in the landmark lakeside mansion built by her parents. She always told stories about her nursing training in World War I, and I was fascinated. But psychopaths are not greedy in the same way sociopaths are. Authorities said she began serving her sentence in 1993. He was treated for a possible heart attack but released after doctors couldnt determine the cause of his illness. Culture Food Home Home Property Gallery Style Travel Current Issue Best Of About About Contact Subscribe Advertise Artful Co. Shop It sounds like fictionlike a murder mystery in a worn paperback novel. Marjorie Congdon Caldwell Hagen arrested in Arizona Review: New Glensheen book a riveting inside story Glensheen defense attorney dies at 85 Author's revisions offer inside stories to Congdon. From 1993 to 2004, Marjorie Caldwell served 11 years of a 15-year prison sentence for arson. Illustration by Allegra Lockstadt; Photography provided by Dana Hall; Glensheen | University of Minnesota-Duluth; St. Paul Pioneer Press | Handwritten will courtesy of Zenith City Press as presented in Will to Murder: The True Story Behind the Crimes & Trials Surrounding The Glensheen Killings, considered the Definitive Book about the murders. Sadly, most people from her generation would not be able to square what they know about Marjorie with the diagnosis of a psychopath. Spirits Close-Up: The Ultimate Hot Toddy Matrix. Hagen was arrested in 1977 in connection with the deaths of her mother, mining heiress Elisabeth Congdon, and her mother's nurse, Velma Pietila. Marjorie was caught red-handed setting fire to her neighbors house. Then at the age of thirteen she did something that wouldve been a warning sign to any criminal psychologist, had there been such a thing in 1945. I had to wonder: Do you fear for your personal safety? Marjorie and Dick LeRoy had seven children: When LeRoy was transferred to Minnesota, they lived in Minneapolis, then moved to St. Louis Park. In 1986, he was elected St. Louis County Sheriff; he retired in 1999. I wanted more people to understand why she was so special. Intelligent and often charming, Marjorie married and had six children before the marriage ended amid stresses exacerbated by . Eastern Promises: Shochu and baijiu are entering the Minnesota marketgetting them right in a cocktail takes a delicate touch. MP: In your memoirs, your grandmother seems to be a much greater influence on you than your own parents were. They were soon up to their ears in debt and desperate for money. But her mother, who was murdered in 1977, was not. Marjorie was a compulsive spender and liar, and eventually Dick LeRoy had enough and divorced her on April 29, 1971. It was an honor and a privilege to find out more about her. Elisabeths face was purple, her mouth hanging open. Accordingly, when Marjorie was thirteen, Elisabeth bought Marjorie a horse she had been demanding. in Minneapolis in 1957, but took good care of the new, pregnant owner of the Huntington house, giving her all of her maternity clothes and sending up strawberries to the hospital. When he drank, he turned violent. In 1984, Marjorie was convicted of arson in the burning of the Mound, Minn., home she had just sold but remained an insurance beneficiary. Suzanne Congdon LeRoy, one of Marjories daughters, recently published a biography of her late grandmother, highlighting Elisabeths philanthropic legacy. Police suspected that Roger Caldwell flew from Colorado to Minneapolis, drove to Duluth, and committed the murders under cover of darkness. Later in the tour, as you pass the landing where Elisabeths nurse Velma Pietila was brutally bludgeoned to death with an iron candlestick holder, where blood had soaked the rug and dripped off the banisters, you want to ask them to stop and acknowledge it. In 1975 Marjorie Congdon met Roger Caldwell at a Parents Without Partners meeting in Colorado. Elisabeth Congdon, heiress to a taconite fortune in Duluth, never married and could not have children so she adopted Jacqueline and changed her name to Marjorie. Marjorie Caldwell Hagen is convicted of arson and insurance fraud in connection with a 1982 fire at a house in Mound, MN. He was found guilty and given two life sentences. The coin had been mailed the day after the murders in an envelope Caldwell had addressed to himself. Chester Adgate Congdon accrued a fortune, How long is the tour? Marjorie Caldwell and her defense attorney Ron Meshbesher walk into the Dakota County Courthouse. MP: In the book, you implicate her in numerous murders across the country, although she never served time for any. If you can make a difference in even one life, its meaningful. Your email address will not be published. Beyond the sensational nature of the crime, a fortune worth millions was at stakeand family members immediately identified a suspect who stood to gain a substantial fraction of that fortune. Roger Caldwell, when he was arrested for the murders of heiress Elisabeth Congdon and her nurse, in St. Louis County, on July 8, 1977. They are friendly and engaging. Most Minnesotans know of Marjorie Congdon as the woman who was tried and acquitted of conspiring with her then husband, Roger Caldwell, to murder Marjories mother, heiress Elizabeth Congdon. SEE ALSO: Trail of clues, legal twists kept Glensheen murder case going for years, SEE ALSO: Glensheen murders still intrigue, Authorities ID man fatally shot by Duluth police, First Witness seeks state, local support for larger child advocacy center in Duluth, Court rejects challenge to Hibbing murder. Suspicions about Marjorie were already heightened by a 1974 incident in which Elisabeth became dangerously ill after eating a sandwich made by her daughter. It is so beautiful and wonderful Im glad that everyone can enjoy it. But when she fully enters their lives, they become entwined in a series of bizarre crimes. She was convicted of attempted arson, and the judge allowed her to go home before reporting to prison to make arrangements for her 84-year-old husband. We don't really hide from it, but it's definitely not our number one marketing message to get out there.". He passed the bar and took a job as a high school principal in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. That's when Kimball decided to write a book about the case, "Secrets of the Congdon Mansion. She remains a free womanthough shes been twice convicted of arson or attempted arson, and served two sentences for those crimes. Her adopted daughter Marjorie LeRoys mother along with her new husband, Roger Caldwell, were accused of murdering Congdon in an attempt to inherit her fortune. Our reporters are only able to do their work thanks to support at all levels. Before she was arrested, Marjorie arranged to have the body of her friend cremated. The next day, DeSanto charged Marjorie with conspiring to kill her mother. She had him cremated before police could determine a cause of death. (function(d, s, id) { "She got no bulk sum after the murders - she basically lost it all . When it opened two years after the murders, tour guides were instructed not to talk about them, because of the sensational nature of the crimes, and because it was still so raw and emotional for the families. The child shed adopted was olive skinned with straight, black hair and was so nearsighted she had to wear thick glasses. How can I tell how big my Cockapoo will be? In 1979, she was acquitted in the smothering of her adoptive mother and the beating death of a night nurse. "People have seen her as recently as the last couple weeks, walking her dog without a walker," Feichtinger said at the time. They are not trying to get money to feed a desire for things. But too many people remember only that she was killed at home at Glensheen mansion, along with her nurse, Velma Pietila, in 1977. "I think also a downside of the murder is that people always viewed it from that lens, even in the history community," he said, "that they kind of forget it's actually this incredibly important historic site for our state. 40 years later, Glensheen murders still grip Duluth, Glensheen, home museums rethink rules to lure visitors. No one is born a sociopath. Editors note:This article was produced as a part of a collaboration between The Growler Magazine and 89.3 The Current, Minnesotas non-commercial, member-supported radio station playing the best authentic, new music alongside the music that inspired it. In 2007, Marjorie was charged with fraud, theft, forgery and computer tampering after befriending a man in his 70s and becoming his power of attorney. But as soon as Marjorie got the horse she lost interest in it and told her mother she didnt want it. When she was alerted to the fire, she was nonchalant. They care nothing about anyone else, although they are often good at making it seem as if they do. At least three books have been written about Hagen, including, "Will to Murder: The True Story Behind the Crimes & Trials Surrounding the Glensheen Killings," by former News Tribune crime reporter Gail Feichtinger, retired Duluth police detective Gary Waller and DeSanto. A stroke had left her mobility and speech seriously impaired, requiring full-time medical supervision. Alarmed, Elisabeth sent her away to a clinic in Topeka, Kansas for a psychological evaluation. She was released on October 19, 1986, and she and Wally moved to Ajo, Arizona. When Marjorie was sixteen, Elisabeth sent her away to a boarding school in New England. I do hope people see the house for its own virtues, instead of focusing on the homicides. He would call it Glensheen after the ancestral home of the Congdon family in Sheen, England. She was released on October 19, 1986, and she and Wally moved to Ajo, Arizona. She served 21 months. Marjorie Hagen, then known as Marjorie Caldwell, was accused of conspiring with her then-husband, Roger Caldwell, to kill Elisabeth Congdon, 83, and hernight nurse in the Congdon mansion in Duluth . A garden hose was found running from the gas stove in the kitchen to their bedroom. She was sentenced to fifteen years in an Arizona prison. Intelligent and often charming, Marjorie married and had six children before the marriage ended amid stresses exacerbated by her exorbitant spending. Suzanne is estranged from her mother, telling MinnPost interviewer Amy Goetzman in 2014 that the last shed heard, her mother was calling herself Marjorie Hagen and living in the Southwest. The mansion itself is located in Duluth Minnesota, 2 1/2 hours from my home in Brainerd Minnesota. Congdon was the only surviving child of mining magnate Chester Congdon, who built the lavish mansion in 1909. Chester Adgate Congdon was a go-getter. But at the Congdon Mansion in Duluth, Minnesota they want to avoid discussing Marjorie. Environments that are perfectly sound everyone can enjoy it, Hartman said, about 70 percent visitors! To discuss on tours with families i wanted more people to understand why she was alerted the. Much trepidation had enough and divorced her on April 29, 1971 from my home in Minnesota! 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