I think it's some of the hardest money that's ever been created in the world, and for that reason, it belongs as a slice of a diversified asset allocation for retirement funds. Speaking of bipartisanship, this kind of bipartisan club that produces unity and consensus, there's no better example, I think, than Victoria Nuland, who amazingly stays in power no matter which party ends up winning. A They did not say they were with the fur industry, that they're paid by the fur industry. 0000089165 00000 n But I think the most important thing to take away from all of this is not the epidemiological or scientific questions. A. 9.A These people have no idea what they're talking about. Well be pulling questions from the comment section of this post and the streams live chat. Which is an example of an algebraic expression? A. Senator Lummis: I think the Labor Department's wrong. 0000266930 00000 n O B. The latest Arizona headlines, breaking news, in-depth investigations, politics, and local community stories that matter to you. It came right from Dr. Fauci. Or the dirty war in Syria that's ongoing? O (4-7)4, Q:Which two expressions beow are equivalent to 4 + 36 2(b 2) a? Obviously, supporting unions has been and unionizing and organizing unions has been a long time cause of the left. It actually adds more detail as well for what prosecutors, again, claim took place. Twice a number increased by 28. The public health clerisy rediscovers a principle of immunology it derided throughout the pandemic. He's saying that if you want to be revered by the press corps and get away with whatever you want to get away with, it's a very simple game to play. -5n 17, Q:Which number is NOT a solution for 14 x 2| < 8? Still correct for connections academy 2020 and #3 is D awesome job on that it helped me check to see if mine were right. 3 more than twice x. Answer (1 of 5): I have a different take on the question than I have seen answered so far. 14.D 2t - 29 = 7: Thirty-two is twice a number increased by eight. 3x . 2. Michael Osterholm: I have had concerns that dates back to April of 2020 about the concept of masking. Seven times the smaller of 2 numbers plus 9 times the larger is 178. Hoose says he believes Colvin understands the pragmatism that pushed Parks to the fore, but "on the other hand, she did it.". They're looking at it as kind of the test case or the model of how the West and Western governments can seize the power to basically criminalize not just fake news itself, but those who spread it deeply disturbing as these policies become even more fanatical. For our interview segment, we have a very special guest with us right here in our studio, not mediated through a screen, but personally, physically in our studio, Lee Fang, who is one of the best hires I ever advocated for at The Intercept. We, therefore, need rules that tell us how things are measured and compared. 1. It was never there, to begin with in the first place. It was Negro history month, and at her segregated school they had been studying black leaders like Harriet Tubman, the runaway slave who led more than 70 slaves to freedom through the network of safe houses known as the Underground Railroad. What is the number? A number is one more than half of another and their product is their sum squared. But around the Western world, when you say those things, you provoke a global laughing fit, and I think that for very good reason. Write the phrase as a variable expression. 15.C Most questions answered within 4 hours. And here's what the government says about all that: Samuel Bankman-Fried, the defendant, perpetuated his campaign finance scheme, at least in part to improve his personal standing in Washington, D.C., increase FTXs profile and curry favor with candidates that could help pass legislation favorable to FTX or Bankman-Frieds personal agenda, including legislation concerning regulatory oversight over FTX and its industry. It just killed me to leave the bus. First, in my Substack space and now here on this show, we have spent the last couple of years warning with increasing fervor of the dangers of this rapidly escalating censorship regime in the West, one that it is quickly migrating from the most despotic regimes of the world where laws have been in place for years that allow the government to decree what is and is not fake news and disinformation and then ban any dissent from it and punish those who do dissent places like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, Singapore and Turkey all have the kinds of anti-fake news and anti-disinformation law that Brazil is poised to implement it's now migrating into the democratic world, including most of the West and now the United States, which is why they are cheering on Brazil's law and studying it and feeding them in the capitals of Europe because they intend to use that model that Brazil is about to implement as a model to impose in the United States and in the rest of Europe. Wetumpka Highway that led out of Montgomery ran right past our house. Re-writing: 2x + 4 < -18. So, you have this progressive hero who branded himself as a hardcore leftist, revolutionizing Washington with his brilliant leftist strategies, in reality, creating the political strategy Sam Bankman-Fried used to buy influence with all of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party but the Republican Party in secret, the Democratic Party publicly to buy favor with the media that Sean McElwee played like a violin, knowing that the way you get ahead in media in Washington is by aligning yourselves with left liberal cultural issues and progressive causes. Find the number of adult leaders. Two police officers handcuffed and arrested her. "Her skin texture was the kind that people associate with the middle class," says Colvin. And Anne Applebaum said, the writer at the Atlantic: Wow. 2n-4 We'll refer to our number as n. The problem says we have twice the number. G. Greenwald: Yes, I heard. If in the Global North, Ukraine is winning the battle for hearts and minds, in the rest of the world the situation is different. D 0000276095 00000 n 13) Seven more than the quotient of a number and 2 is 10. Lee has also focused on that. But cracks have begun to show more prominently in recent months. 0000060914 00000 n Nine months earlier, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin refused to give up her seat on the same bus system. The result is fifty-three. The effort comes as President Trump escalates a campaign to blame China for the pandemic. This is a major, you know, concentration of economic power. The entire thing was just a gigantic debacle from start to finish. Translate into an algebraic expression. Michael, we do need to run. 0000199456 00000 n Step 7. This is Michael Osterholm, who was on with Christiane Amanpour. So here you see the caption of the case. Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. And I think the same question is one that we ought to be asking of our own government. It's not a battle between freedom and dictatorship, as Biden often suggests, said William Gumede, who founded and heads the Johannesburg based Democracy Works Foundation, which promotes democracy in Africa. These people colonized the entire world. When the driver of the segregated bus, like the one shown above, ordered Colvin to get up, she refused, saying she'd paid her fare and it was her constitutional right. 0000191233 00000 n 11.D So I talked to him afterward, not his name. Here is another email from Dr. Jeremy Farr, on February 1. People like you if you win and hate you if you lose. Because this is how you buy influence. Among other new powers, the proposed law would permit "an action by the AGU, a body that legally represents the government, to file legal cases against those it regards as authors of false content. Are you doing well? Our wide customer base also reaches to Corpus Christi, San Antonio, New Braunfels, Killeen, Waco, Dallas, and Houston. "My head was just too full of black history, you know, the oppression that we went through," she says. So, at this Munich Security Conference, they started giving out as one of their most valued awards they have these awards that they give out to accomplish, like aspiring young professionals who want to be national security operatives and write policy papers about which country's government to overthrow next. 3.) Obviously, the comparison of them all being African American candidates but it went beyond that, which was very ideological. View this solution and millions of others when you join today! Quels sont vos projets d'avenir? What are the two numbers? I mean, the idea that Al Sharpton, the Al Sharpton of the eighties, nineties and the early aughts would go to bat for a major corporation like Comcast and lobby the Justice Department against enforcing antitrust laws by, you know wasn't really called woke ideology then but by appealing to those kinds of social justice symbols is amazing in and of itself. And I don't know my belief is that The Intercept FOIAed these documents with the intention of debunking what they were calling right-wing conspiracy theories. It's theater to pretend that there's some sort of grave difference between the establishment wings of both parties but, in reality, Nancy Pelosi, the liberal, reveres George W. Bush the supposed war criminal, because they all support the same policies. 0000241448 00000 n M. Tracey: Well, I mean, just to clarify, it wasn't simply that this Munich Security Conference organization had the son of the Shah there for a panel. I want to go to my next one. So, I'm really thrilled that we were able to bring you here into the studio and spend the time talking to you. That's the only simple-minded cognitive process of which their brains are capable. In an algebraic expression, how would this phrase be translated: " fourteen more than the product of a number and five "? 4(3 +8) B. So here is the superseding indictment. G. Greenwald: I mean, it's so incredibly cynical and yet so remarkably effective because anything that has that kind of branding is assumed at this point to be something appealing and attractive. 4(x \cdot 6) c. 4x + 6 d. x + 4 \cdot 6. I-3, Q:s than twice what his younger sister Maria weighs. And yet, because the government had proclaimed those ideas false and off limits, they were punished because no one wanted those ideas to be heard. And on the right, they said, okay, look, this is an effort to actually censor conservatives and this is a way for Washington liberals to kind of crush you under their thumb like they always do. 2n + 4 I also think that the United States is so culturally dominant that this narrative about Russia ended up infiltrating so many of these normal liberals in Europe that these governments were kind of forced to adopt this mode of aggression. Such a world sounds like paradise: no errors, only truth. Having surveyed this growing judicial censorship regime, they seem to have walked away, not alarmed, but impressed and eager for more, which is what tends to happen when the censorship targets are not those who share your ideology, but those who reject it. number n and four is forty. 5x + 6. You know, I find it ridiculous. For one case, the Labor Department came out and said, This is a terrible idea. Sometimes in math we describe an expression with a phrase. I mean, Julie Brown at The Miami Herald has done great work, but the bulk of it has remained hidden. Think about what this says about the media and about people who exploit this ideology and these causes in order to do what he did. New SBF Indictment Exposes How Washington Really Works. 5.Two ninths of a number is eleven. Latin America, with its longstanding relationship with the United States, voted largely alongside its northern neighbor to contain Russia. $16:(5 Four less than 8 times a number is 16. That's what idiots and propagandists do. So, two more 4 times the number =84+2=34. You may have noticed, simply by virtue of her steadfast support for the war in Ukraine. As just one example, the World Health Organization announced in February and March of 2020 that asymptomatic people should not wear masks and that doing so could make a COVID infection worse by "trapping" the virus. Feb. 23, 2023). 10.A 4 + 64 - 16 0000007520 00000 n The sum of two numbers is thirty-nine. Find the number. 6. A Evaluate the expression and write the answer in scientific notation. Talk about that specific example and what that shows about how this works. The sum . O-7 and 6 I+3 O 2 As it turns out, of the people who donated a lot of money to Ritchie Torres in 2022 was Sam Bankman-Fried and his brother Gabriel Bankman-Fried. 0000035991 00000 n Why would South American leaders or Middle Eastern leaders or African leaders be willing to involve themselves in a war over that? He's not yet been charged with any crimes. c) -: (8 4) A My only point is, as you said, that is the way that you get ejected from the kind of litmus test, the admission ticket to be accepted by the Washington establishment, his support for this war in Ukraine. So that all you had to do is denounce Donald Trump and then immediately prove that you were on the good side of history and all of these people were able to rejuvenate their reputations and hold hands and remain in power and run the country, as they've been doing for the last 20 years, was such immense corruption and such immense failure. What is the algebraic expression for 'five times the sum of seven and a number'? 7. The U.S. agency's revised assessment is based on new intelligence.. Hopefully, at least there will be more and more people angry about these laws, who object to them, who are concerned about them, and who are watching out for the propagandistic purposes that they serve. As you certainly remember, ever since the pandemic began, with remarkable speed but basically at the same time that we heard of what was called a novel coronavirus novel, because it was unlike science, anything scientists had seen, it was of great complexity. Such laws already exist throughout the non-democratic world, adopted years ago by the planet's most tyrannical regimes in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Turkey. So, the very first article that was ever really published that widely influenced this question was this article in Lancet, in early March of 2020, so just at the very start of the pandemic, as the virus was starting to enter the consciousness of the United States. I've never seen that way to me, you can go back and look at articles I was writing and interviews I was giving and even tweets I was posting pointing out that, in fact, as this article is about to point out, many of the most important countries, in fact, many of the largest countries on the planet and the leading democracies were very much opposed to the United States foreign policy in Ukraine and were refusing to join in. n(ANB), Q:What is the value of (n - 2) +n - 1 when n = 4? You get a big favorable media image, and that helps you avoid congressional and regulatory scrutiny. We know that it's been debunked. Nothing fosters support for authoritarianism the way fear does, and much of the Brazilian establishment believes they are fighting a new War on Terror. I would certainly like to know where in the charter authorizes the bureau to have its own autonomous foreign policy, seemingly, where it's pledging to fight Russia as a matter of federal law enforcement. He went to attend some sort of bilateral U.S. Ukraine meeting under the auspices of NATO, if you mind, in the press photo that was taken from that event, who's sitting right by his side? Andy C. Answer: Let variable x be the unknown number. One Year Later, Biden Fails to Unite the World Against Russia. Which expression, A:Given : Our current statement neatly refutes most of them by saying that We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that 2019-nCoV does not have a natural origin. He was arrested because the United States had sought his indictment as the firm essentially collapsed all around him in what became and we should wait for the trial and the evidence presented there, if there is one, if he doesn't plead guilty to be sure that it is all true, he's entitled to due process just like everybody else. C And I want to show you just a couple of examples of how the people who always lead the propaganda, namely the U.S. media, are the ones who did that. You wouldn't believe what good spirits he was in with his fellow Democratic senators who were there. And I think it's important to see how the United States is viewed from outside of the United States. 22) Twice a number increased by 3 is more than 9. 0000008697 00000 n E, Q:Which expression is equivalent to 4x-4x2 +x- 1? They can affect people's lives. While most nations in the Global South supported U.N. resolutions condemning the Russian invasion and the annexation of portions of Ukraine, this movement has stopped there. I think it's a wonderful idea. . You know, there was an effort in the last Congress to crack down on the power of Big Tech. 7.Twice a number less eight is equal to one more than three times the number. Feb. 23, 2023). The last time you were on my show, as I said, you were here because we were talking about the work you did on the Twitter Files and the story you did about the media, the military, rather, deploying fake identities on Twitter, something that we hear only Iran and Russia and China and all the bad countries do. Adding The sum of five times is what it's called. The Soviet Union was opposed and now the black leaders of South Africa remember that and have greater allegiance to Russia than the U.S. Its leaders have seen an opportunity to align more closely with Russia while filling in trade gaps left by Europe and the United States. What you didn't see during this time and what you didn't see until many months later was that many of the scientists, including those who ended up signing these letters behind the scenes, were telling Dr. Fauci and other leading officials in the health field, including those who control, like Dr. Fauci, most of the research budget, that a very, very different view about what they thought the origin of this virus was. Even as a couple accustomed to being the target of such campaigns, the attacks on us from Lula's followers were unlike anything I had seen in terms of vitriol, unrestrained online mob rage, and the kind of bigoted tropes the left pretends it reviles but instantly unleashes against any member (such as David) of the "marginalized groups" the left believes it owns. I had no idea how long I would be there. A Superseding Indictment. G. Greenwald: One of the things that I think angered the political establishment most about Donald Trump's political campaign in 2016 was I don't know if you remember this specific moment but in one of the debates, he basically stood up and said, All Washington is a scam and when I was on the other side of the process as just kind of a billionaire, as somebody who is in the private sector, all I had to do was just write a check to any politician in either party, and with some exceptions, but not many, they would call me up and they would say, What is it that I can do for you? And whatever he needed them to do, they would do it in exchange for that check that he was willing to offer. Now connect to a tutor anywhere from the web, Carolyn works at an accounting firm. 222 Remember that Rand Paul had a hearing on whether cloth masks are actually effective in preventing the transmission and contracting of the coronavirus and he was suspended for a week because, even though he's a senator and a physician, he called into question the effectiveness of cloth mask and for that, he got banned by YouTube. She knows that it's been debunked, that it was not man-made or anything like that. We talk a little bit about the captains of industry, Big Tech and banking, whatnot. And so, you can see why somebody like Nuland wouldn't just be incidentally invested in this Ukraine war because it was just something that happened to pop up on her agenda and she has this real steadfast dedication to upholding the rules based international order. Listen to her and have a great day! Seven times the smaller is equal to 55 more than the larger. That was from The Wall Street editorial page. So again, what is at least emerging from all of these messages to Dr. Fauci from the most respected virologists in the world is that either the evidence is pointing to a lab leak or there's a very interesting, complex and difficult-to-resolve debate about where it came from. 5z B. z + 5 C. 5z + 5 *** D. 5 - z 3. 17-A When the U.S. interferes in the democracy of other countries, it does so through violent coups and destabilization regimes, not through a few Facebook and Twitter posts. 5) A number plus itself, plus twice itself, plus 4 times itself, is equal to 104. 2n -4 c. 4 - n2 (2 is up top like writing exponents) d. n2 - 4 2 See answers Advertisement To say that one believes in science while demanding that "falsity" be banned is like saying that one believes in religion while demanding that prayer be banned. And I think you just brought the revolution to Montgomery.". a. He has very significant aspirations to rise in Democratic Party politics, and even though he has extremely conventional politics,they will depict him as some sort of young challenge to the status quo. Four times the sum of a number and \(- 12\). The sum of two numbers is thirty-nine. 20.D They just exploited it at a much greater rate. the number is greater than -3. Here's the chart that I was just talking about and here you see again some of the rationales for why these countries don't see this war as their war. B For Free. So, another scientist, right at the same time, very emphatically asserting that this was something that seemed very implausible. They all hated it. b. V-12 n= -3. 2 + (10 + 5) 15.C -6 They are now being invited to and feted in "fake news" and "disinformation" conferences in glamorous European capitals sponsored by UN agencies, because the EU is eager to obtain such censorship powers for itself, and sees Brazil as the first test case for whether the public will tolerate such an aggressive acquisition of dissent-suppression authorities by the state. The sum of four times a number plus five times another number. You can see it here. class is to read 75 books by the end of the school, Q:Translate the phrase into an algebraic expression: 5 less than twice a number. With many Brazilians believing they just suffered their own 9/11 or January 6, all power centers know that the perfect time to seize new authoritarian powers and abridge core liberties is when the population is in a state of fear and terror, and thus willing to sacrifice liberties in exchange for illusory promises of security. This propaganda is for domestic consumption. But this document sheds even more considerable light on how Washington really functions, how easily the media is manipulated, and how money converts Washington politicians into mindless puppets willing to defend positions completely at odds with their claimed ideology and lifelong worldview and well look at highly illustrative examples of that. Feb. 23, 2023). The difference between the two numbers is 79. Nobody even thinks twice about the fact that the war in Ukraine is the byproduct of a Democratic senator, Joe Biden, who is the single most important Democratic senator supporting the war in Iraq when he was the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee; Victoria Nuland, who just constantly appears among them all. The sum of seven consecutive integers is 0. 10.A M. Tracey: Yeah. 0000321301 00000 n The equation is _____ B) Solve your equatio. Download Filo and start learning with your favorite tutors right away! But those already-lowly attacks escalated severely when I became much more vocal about my increasing concern over the country's growing reliance on censorship and due-process-free persecution of PT's opponents. He's the perfect guest to talk about all of this even if it weren't for the luck that he happens to be physically present in our city. This is a particular urgency now that Brazil and other countries, as we reported over the weekend, are attempting to implement laws to empower the government to decree truth and falsity much like our own Homeland Security Department tried to do last year with its disinformation czar but also to order that all false ideas be banished from the Internet and have its authors punished either with fines or even imprisonment. 0000198017 00000 n twenty less than a number. It included the name of Christopher Wray, the FBI director, and it's an FBI official whatever, with their logo. If you go to Israel, they'll take you to all the nice gay clubs in Tel Aviv and they'll tell you that Hamas tanks gay men, in order to get you to be more on the side of Israel, you have focus on the use of those kinds of tactics in the domestic context when it comes to economic policy. We covered that last night. 17 Download Translate Phrases into an Algebraic Statement Worksheet Answers \(\color{blue}{x + 42}\) \(\color . The one who's saying we should be open to the lab leak or the one who's saying that it's clearly a lie? Seven divided by the difference of a number and 2, minus 6 divided by a number plus 2, equals 2 times the reciprocal of the difference of the number squared and 4. 1. So, one has to look really closely at all the sequences to see that some of the features (potentially) look engineered. The following list of best-selling music artists includes those music acts from the 20th century to the present with claims of 75 million or more record sales worldwide. 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