You get tier VIII American battleship AA firepower at tier VII. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. But so far CV's under the rework have mostly lacked that and are a farce. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. At best, you might be able to setup an ambush and catch someone unawares but that's not likely to happen -- again because of that lack of speed. If you purchase online, Legoland Florida tickets are $84.99 (plus fees and tax) while Legoland California is $94.99 for kids and $100.99 for adults (plus fee and tax). It could be worse, I suppose. Heres how you can watch Mondays game: UNC-FLORIDA STATE TV, RADIO, AND STREAMING INFORMATION. ET. And finally, as nice as the extra damage is, these are still 356mm guns. She's just not fun and you can get a similar (and better!) As a Californian and a player whose been as eager to sink my teeth into some California play as I would be a good fish taco, this review of what the ship is about is akin to finding a brown layer of over ripened avocado in that taco and being fearful it might actually be a cream of cow pie spread. Build for survivability and fire resistance. heh), and overall they tend to start fires quite a bit. For me she simply, "clicks". Results will vary. You see, the normal American tech-tree battleships have an artificial boost added to their engines -- they don't bleed speed like normal battleships do. USS California's inclusion in World of Warships bothers me on so many levels. And that's fair to say. TV: ESPN ( Watch and stream the game live on ESPN+) RADIO: Tar Heel Sports Network. You'll probably have to shell out some extra cash for the Freedom camo, whether that will be through a bundle or with doubloons after the fact. Queens are 2-3 in their last 5 games. It's akin to (but not a copy of) the UFO-style acceleration found on British cruisers and destroyers. Florida's great range (especially when upgraded and modified with her Spotter Aircraft consumable) can work against her here, especially with those enterprising shots in the early stages of a match as everyone's deploying. While it can be super-tempting to try your luck against targets spotted early by your own lolibotes or Just Dodge simulators, you can all but guarantee you'll be spotted in return when you pull the trigger. With nothing else to shoot at, you can bet that every battleship on the enemy team that can draw bead on you will take a shot and given Florida's super-squish citadel, bad things will happen if they've got the range. Keep in mind that Florida's rudder is terrible so it's not like she dodges well. This is definitely a risk-reward element at play here, so be careful. No. Lemme stress: They're fine. Take these values with a pinch of salt. This is not accounting for such factors as accuracy, penetration, overmatch, normalization, etc. In terms of raw DPM, yes, Florida lags behind. She's also hurting when it comes to overmatching targets, especially when she's middle or bottom tier. However, her penetration is decent and her accuracy is good, offsetting these factors somewhat but only against select targets. More on this later. But given CA's epic history, it does irritate me to see so much love lavished on their napkinwaffe RU BB and KM CV lines, while CA gets this treatment. Over on the defensive end, the Panthers The difference in penetration performance between California and Florida is manifold. Their shells have different masses (555kg for Florida vs 680.4kg for California), different shell velocities due to different drag coefficients (0.271 for Florida vs 0.331 for California) and different Krupp values (2,945 for Florida vs 2,545 for California). . Ouch. I don't know why Wargaming decided to neuter Florida's fire setting so badly. I guess this will encourage players to reach for AP whenever possible. Keep in mind that these values do not include the fire resistance of their opponents nor the ship's accuracy. Fire resistance values against the opponents Florida usually faces is anywhere between 30% to 45% or so. So if you're managing to hit with 1/3 of Florida's shells against a tier VIII target, then instead of 4 fires and change, you're more likely going to see one per minute. Maybe. You need speed to reach thatposition in time, but if you do, you can sink MO in two salvos, allowing you to not rely on torps by other ships to take it down. They're perfectly adequate -- I'm not here to tell you that they're broken, bugged, under-performing or what have you. They're well balanced and put out the hurt reasonably well. In fact, they've got a lot of good things going for them including good(ish) fire arcs, good range, decent AP penetration values and that sweet, sweet battlecruiser dispersion. So what's my beef? Unlike Arizona which finds herself occasionally enjoying the 36km x 36km claustrophobic maps of lower tiers, California more often than not sees the 42m x 42km and 48km x 48km maps of higher tiers. The 0.1 sigma difference is imperceptible in game play -- you couldn't tell the difference if you tried. The sales tax in Florida is 6% whereas in California it is 7.25%. Double Down, Ohio! So here's California's main selling feature. This season, Florida A&M has been the underdog 19 times and won four, or 21.1%, of those games. Instead, she has Gun Fire Control Modification 1 which increases her main battery gun range. They could have made California powerful. These weapons are not worth upgrading any more than you would find it worthwhile to upgrade North Carolina's or Alabama's secondaries. Her protection scheme is otherwise fine though her snoot is a huge weak spot. TV: ESPN ( Watch and stream the game live on ESPN+) RADIO: Tar Heel Sports Network. Now it's just a reminder of how much potential is wasted in the current meta. They could make West Virginia 1944 / 1945 fit at tier VIII for crying out loud. Florida wins this battle hands down. Her 27 knot top speed has the illusion of meaning something only because she's an American battleship. All other American battleships from tier VII and below cap out around 21 knots as their top speed. With the nerfing to American Standard-type battleship agility with patch 0.9.6 Florida's speed advantage is even more pronounced. Were she a battleship from any other nation, her 27 knot top speed would be unremarkable. So yes, Florida is faster than Colorado or California. Big deal. So is everything else at this tier. Were it me at the helm of California's project, if improving her offense was off the table I would have done something here. California will cost you around 10,000 for a worse experience, tier for tier. The issue, though, is that they're not improved enough over the tier VI premium's to be worthwhile. Over on the defensive end, the Panthers WebFlorida has an improved dispersion formula, but poor sigma. As for the ship herself, WG pitched her at someone who wants a moderately fast (not quite 30kt, but not 20 either) US BB with lots of gun barrels at Tier 7. The reload time is my biggest issue.. But playing a standard-type battleship at tier VII or above needs to come with some pretty juicy perks or I'm not biting. Flak Bursts: 5 explosions for 1,400 damage per blast at 3.5km to 5.8km.Long Ranged (up to 5.8km): 137 dps at 75% accuracyMedium Ranged (up to 3.5km): 364 dps at 75% accuracyShort Ranged (up to 2.0km): 490dps at 70% accuracy. He approached me about my frustrations with Club Wargaming and he took an active leadership role among the various content creators to approach Wargaming about our complaints. It was by his initiative that the WGNA CC-program took shape under NikoPower (of CorgiFleet fame). From those conversations, @iChase, @NoZoupForYou, @Notser, @TitiuBlack, Critter8 and I became the first NA-CCs in early January of 2016. While I could gush endlessly about everything NikoPower did for us, it was Critter8 who stands out as the leader we needed. He brought the six of us would-be professionals (with integrity) together. I do so hope they finally understand how important an active, vocal gaming community is to a game such as WoWS., Thanks for sharing a bit of history with us., Awesome retrospective. Obsolete and irrelevant before she even hits the water. California isn't broken, she's just not over-tuned the way Arizona is. This is in contrast to Arizona which has like no practical AA to speak of. Ez fix". Can only snipe and cannot take hits at all. Carriers must anticipate that she will always have Defensive AA Fire ready and it's best to bait its use by ducking in and out of her 5.8km bubble and then waiting it out, even if she's not your primary target. Florida is effectively a no-fly zone for tier VI carriers because of this consumable and raw AA power combination which is a pretty impressive boast. Add on a catapult fighter and Florida duplicates this for tier VIII carriers too, at least until she comes under sustained HE attack. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. She doesn't have boosted HE shell damage the way Japanese and British battleships do, so she's kind of lackluster there. The issue is their inflexibility. So there you go! Florida has a better secondary battery than California, equivalent to most of the other American battleships (but obviously excluding Massachusetts & company cuz theirs are souped up). The moneyline odds say Florida has a 62.3% chance of winning this game. You joke but I warned the devs of this exact thing. The only thing to watch out for is if one your DD/CL uses smoke and hide all other ships, MO will target you and you don't want that with Florida's armor. Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. Florida is the state that more or less stayed open during the pandemic and thrived in its defiance. As much as I would like to be excited about her range, she needs it or the ship simply doesn't work. I think she's too soft to be good enough to be a true BB and that makes it doubly hard when paired at top or mid tier where you are expected to be the beater for your team. It's such a bloody shame. Most of her teeth come from her 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons, barring a CV being gracious enough to face-plant into a flak-cloud. These do not survive long under HE fire and even cursory smattering of HE rounds will quickly reduce the effectiveness of her AA and open her up to the potential of air-attack. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. While tier VI carriers have to respect your AA firepower they can still strike you. Mileage probably determined on if you want a premium USN BB for Narai or not. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to Florida's 0.8 per 100,000. What's more, California does not offer anything novel in the way of game play short of having better AA firepower. The victory snapped a three-game losing streak and was only the third in February following the upset of the Tennessee Volunteers to open the month along with a March 1, 2023 10:00 am CT. Auburn baseball plays Florida A&M on Wednesday evening, and if youre wondering how you can watch the action live, youve come to the right place. Summary so far: You're buying a longer-ranged Arizona. Catch the excitement and bet with Tipico! If I were to purchase one, Florida would get my money for sure., Whilst I appreciate the very solid review you have provided for yet another ship, I am far more appreciative of your last few paragraphs on @Critter8and the rest of you folks. It's just a matter of making the ship fun and/or interesting to play. All of Arizona's decks are 26mm). Actually, and strangely, 109k dmg each battle. I bought the super Pershing in Tanks.. opps. Compared to the 380mm, 406mm and 410mm shells being thrown about by some of her tier mates, their individual shell performance is middling at best. This is why I frown on a difference of 0.1 sigma being used as a selling feature -- it's a "spreadsheet" value that will affect a ship over the course of several games but isn't likely to be significant within a single match. Mouse, while knowledgeable, is subject to her own personal biases, likes, preferences, just like the rest of us. However, I do not love Arizona so much that I think cloning her game play and asking people to pay a premium price tag for a tier VII version is right. You are usually not shot at by much due to how target selection of bots works, so Florida's armor won't be a big issue even with the short combat range in OPs. Anemic damage values on both her HE and AP rounds along with poor fire setting. Her horrible gun fire angles necessitate that she swing out and show a lot more broadside in order to bring the weight of fire to bear on targets. Same with cruisers - they didn't have to cower behind islands like now, they could fire and fade away. WHEN: Monday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m. Tier VII battleship. Florida man, Florida man Guess the tune. Now, let me be clear: Arizona, the tier VI American premium, is awesome. Fair enough. Granted I have California too (mostly due to 1. Historical Ship and 2. Native Californian) but she is a slow girl relegated to sitting Florida (on the left) using a standard dispersion test. This is 180 AP shells fired at a stationary Fuso bot. Shots are coming in from the left to right (Fuso is bow-tanking). California is on the right with the same parameters. California uses American battleship dispersion with 1.9 sigma versus Florida's battlecruiser dispersion with 1.7 sigma. Florida feels appreciably more accurate than most other American battleships, though her lower sigma value will make her feel only slightly better than ships like California or Arizona. I have always been enjoying your reviews, LittleWhiteMouse. The horrible fire arcs on California's guns will necessitate more manoeuvring to swing out her guns and then duck back which will only ensure she's stuck on the lower end of this speed. Florida and California responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in vastly different ways, but comparing outcomes isn't so simple. Furthermore, it's not going to put off a determined tier VIII carrier even for a moment. Thank you @LittleWhiteMouse. Calfornia does have a higher muzzle velocity and thus better AP penetration over distance. Alec Lasley. She conforms to the norms for American battleships. I was curious about this ship as i really love playing Arizona. All you really need to know are the battleship basics: use the correct ammo, beware of flashing your sides, try not to get left behind. USN could choose between type of plane, type of ordnance, etc. Her rotation rate of 4.1/s is again, pretty average. In theory, California has some pretty good AP damage output. With Arizona existing, Wargaming should have either retired the Pearl Harbor monument or dredged up something from their box o' gimmicks for California to compensate. The following is a review of USS Florida, the tier VII American premium battleship. She would have been a meme the way USS Texas used to be down at tier V. Now such AA firepower is merely an inconvenience to CVs. She's missing an ice-breaker bow like the aforementioned German ships. It isn't anywhere near as vulnerable. But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. WebThe water temperatures differ in California vs Florida beaches because of the different climates. WG executive 1: "Hmm, not enough suckers are buying this new ship. These are 180 shells fired at 15km locked onto the stationary Fuso bot. Other than Shimakaze (which needs it only really on it's stock torps) the old IJN torp line needs the range it's torps are spotted back down to the same levels as every other nation not using DWT's, or at least cut in half or reduced to .1 over. Thank you for the preemptive warning, I meanreview on this one. All things told, it's not bad for helping keep shells out (especially when angling). A slow American standard-type battleship with horrible gun firing arcs but improved long-range gunnery with her twelve 356mm guns. The Florida at tier VII is based on the North Carolina-class of battleships as it was initially designed. After World War I, to stop the naval arms race that was raging between the different nations, multiple treaties were signed, including the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922 and the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. ET (ESPN). She is a powerful tier VI battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair. Unlike my normal dispersion tests, as Arizona and California can't equip the dispersion reducing ASM1 upgrade, their fields look comparatively larger than ships of the same tier. Here's a better view of how deep California's belt extends. Once you get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor. Her top speed of 27 knots is completely acceptable for a tier VII battleship. In particular, the Florida Keys is an excellent place to snorkel. Looking at the charts, i'm surprised how average Poltava is. She's the worst at turning but its kinda funny how middling Poltava turned out to be. If you had to choose one, Arizona is the better purchase, hands down. Florida's secondaries are too short ranged to be worth specializing into. They also lack the accuracy buff that makes Massachusetts and Georgia such units. These twin factors are enough to discourage anyone from spending skills or upgrade slots on them, to say nothing of Florida's durability issues (which I will [edited] about at length below).. I love my standards -- I love them to death. Another review done really well. Thanks for your hard work. Usually it comes down to the captain to decide if a ship is worth it or not. Hard pass, ladies and gentlemen. I'm left to wonder what the point of California's design implementation as is. Base/Minimum Surface Detection: 13.5km / 11.79kmBase/Minimum Air Detection Range: 9.69km/ 8.72kmDetection Range When Firing in Smoke: 11.71km. I imagine I would like it a lot more than Rado or Calibut, certainly not more than Scharnhorst., Fun things I learned in training matches this week. Once you start shooting atbroadside targets? Having a working knowledge of which ships you can still punish when they angle helps immeasurably, but Florida is very often forced to rely on either aiming for over-penetrations through superstructures or resorting to her HE rounds. (Arizona has a strip of 37mm armour above her belt while California's upper hull is only 26mm). Every CL which sneak at you can pen you for days. However, California's an important release and, more pressingly, I don't feel she's a good ship. I just came to read another review by LWM, and do not have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. Altho Such wasted potential. She has greatly improved anti-aircraft firepower and she's more stealthy. She just isn't a must-have in my fleet, which for me makes her a don't-buy. The tragic and horrific June 24 collapse of the Surfside Champlain Towers notwithstanding, the purplish-red sunshine state is dynamic, diverse, The Tigers got monster performances from a pair of standouts in Angel Reese and Jasmine Carson, who each scored 25 points in a win that saw them walk away holding Unfortunately she can't really take advantage as well as another battleship might because of her slowness. So California has good concealment! If Florida was a battleship from any other nation, there would be very little worth noting here. Skill Floor: Simple / CASUAL / Challenging/ DifficultSkill Ceiling: Low / MODERATE / High / Extreme. The biggest advantage here is her increased range with the rest largely being window-dressings. Bet now! That fact has lingered with me but perhaps I can make her work better than most. In World of Warships, Florida represents the design XVI-C if the North Carolina-class would have ever been built this way. She also presents the same battlecruiser characteristics as Champagne and Slava with an improved dispersion but lighter armor than other battleships at her tier. I wouldn't be a Community Contributor (CC) if it weren't for Critter8. I'm not sure the WGNA CC-program would have even existed if it weren't for him. Back in 2015, before there was a Community Contributor program, content creators like myself worked unsupported by Wargaming in any capacity. The predecessor to the NA-CC program was Club Wargaming which promised the world and delivered nothing but a booger-green title on the forums. Club Wargaming included dozens of content creators which had sprung up during Closed and Open Beta, including some big names like @PhlyDaily. All of us were paying out of pocket to produce content or having to rely on donations from fans to get access to the newest premium content. Critter8 took exception to this. He had made Ship Comrade -- a fan site whose best early features included tracking Rank Battle progress and had one of (if not THE) first Captain Skill calculator. He took his fandom seriously and wanted a professional relationship with Wargaming to facilitate content production. QueensFGCU. The Napoli is based on a preliminary design from Ansaldo for the Soviet Project 22 Heavy cruiser. Lert really helped me appreciate the game play of the "American Bricks" way back in 2016. In closing, I should stress again: Florida is fine. She's not broken. There will be some people who really dig her sniper game play. I'm not one of those people. I like to have the option of getting in close and hitting people with my sword. Florida doesn't let me do that. Hood is listed without DFAA active, just know that the numbers shown here jump by 50% when she pulls the trigger. Coz no mehbote to gudbote rating. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. She has excellent AA firepower. Were it not for her horribly slow speed, I'd have given her a 'simple' rating. Florida can land a lot of hits with her HE shells. Furthermore, that big 26mm area is just begging to receive hits from HE spam. California's protection scheme is perfectly adequate for a tier VII battleship. This is the first meeting of the season between the two programs both coming off of big, emotional wins. She can contribute. The following is a review of California, the tier VII American battleship. This ship has been provided to me by Wargaming for evaluation purposes - Based on this contests moneyline, Southern has an implied win probability of 76.2%. For randoms it looks like she is a really tough ship to play, but what about Operations like Narai?, I give this rating 5 out of 10. Ron DeSantis exacts punishment, takes over Disney district on eve of book launch. Are they good enough to be tier VII guns? While California does have some minor improvements over Arizona, they are (in my opinion) inconsequential. Everyone has their preferences but it's not bad. They need to get rid of that junk mod they added that makes it all torps are spotted at 1.8 km cause especially against slower torps, like USN's, there's almost no excuse to not dodge torps if you take it. Shells which fuse inside this bulge but outside of the hull spaces underneath result in zero damage penetrations. The Rattlers have not entered a game this season with longer moneyline odds Her carry potential is limited. While expert players can flex a lot of their in-game knowledge to get more out of Florida's potential, her defensive limitations thwart most attempts to push aggressively. Her guns don't hit hard enough or fast enough and are foiled by even limited angling. Still, she's a nice support ship. If you want to play a more passive, supporting role, Florida works well, especially against CVs. Queens are 3-2 in their last 5 games against the spread. "Philly Daily" hasn't visited the forum site since 2016, did you know? As we've already covered, she doesn't really have that much better of a chance of doing so than Arizona. California is a slow reloading, reasonably accurate 356mm armed battleship. ", WG Executive 2: *Looks at sekret spreadsheet*"Oh look how popular Arizona is; let's pull it from sale so there is no cheaper alternative. The accuracy plots in these reviews is awesome. WebUSN Battleship Captain Skills (Redux): Awareness And You - Some Tips to Improve Situational If they don't want people comparing her to Arizona, Arizona needs to be pulled. By California is a hard pass. For me, Ship Comrade allowed me to greatly increase the quality of my reviews. This long format, like you're seeing here with Florida, was facilitated entirely by having my content written for Ship Comrade. Critter8 encouraged CCs like myself and @Aetam to host our content on his site. As you can imagine, writing for a web-page is much more forgiving than writing for a forum post -- it didn't have to all be written in a single sitting, for example. In going over Ship Comrade's archives, it was a treat to watch how my reviews grew in size and ambition. My early reviews were usually written in an afternoon and seldom held more than four or five jpegs. Florida's review has nearly thirty and has been written over the course of a week.. Thank you for having the integrity to call WG out on their shenanigans. Enjoy your break, you earn it every time you do one of these. I fear that these buffs will blindside people to what is nothing more than an already existing tier VI premium with a tier VII price tag. Alright, that's enough fussing over what is little more than a curiosity. Let's get onto the meat of the matter. Look at this chungus. NikoPower (of CorgiFleet fame). From those conversations, For me, Ship Comrade allowed me to greatly increase the quality of my reviews. This long format, like you're seeing here with Florida, was facilitated entirely by having my content written for Ship Comrade. Critter8 encouraged CCs like myself and, I am here and there every where and no where. So, you can keep your Iowas, the romance (to me) lies in names like West Virginia, Tennessee and California. California has tier VI firepower with tier VII range. It's worth being said: Arizona over-performs at her tier. Deposit $200, Get $250. Her rudder shift time of 15.4s is the most remarkable thing about her and not in a good way. It's slow. Despite all that, what I really like about her is that her guns (while not powerful as you'd expect, which is mentioned) are fairly accurate at all but extreme range. I also like her secondaries, as they have decent enough accuracy and reach out to 6.6 with aft+flag. The single 5" guns tend to land their hits a lot vs the dual 5" guns (though that is not be saying much considering. No, she isn't. I see that champagne wont be a good time for you to review ,but thats okay. If you're trying to get from A to B as fast as possible, you're not going to want to touch your rudder. Good anti-aircraft firepower, including access to. Decent gunnery dispersion with 1.9 sigma. The UNC basketball program heads to Florida State for its final road game of the season on Monday night. This ship is slow. The ship is showing to be in the top part of her class per the numbers so far. Florida man, Florida man Guess the tune. The following is a review of USS Florida, the tier VII American premium battleship. I did not pay fo Double Down, Ohio! When Florida was first announced, I thought she would immediately obsolete California. I tore California a new one a few months ago for being not worth the asking price. While I do feel that Florida is a superior vessel to California, I don't feel that she's worth it either. Frankly, you're better served picking up Arizona at tier VI or even Alabama at tier VIII instead of Florida. Let me stress this: I don't think Alabama is worth the asking price either, but I would definitely recommend her over Florida. She's more reliable, if dull. The best bang for your buck for American premium battleships is Massachusetts and she's been one of the best premiums you can buy if you're shopping for one. Her primacy isn't challenged by Florida in the least. With Black Friday a little over a month away, if you're in the market for Massachusetts, then you might want to wait a month and grab it when her Black version goes back on sale if you like the cosmetic difference. I don't mean to try and sell you on other ships, my point is simply that there are a lot better choices for your time and money than investing in Florida. In their past 10 matchups, the Panthers are 6-4-0 to earn 80.0% of the possible points. Colorado at least manages 19.2 knots under heavy manoeuvres. Florida had a cumulative rate as much as 84% higher than Californias last fall. California plays like Arizona but she plays less comfortably owing to her worse fire arcs and even more sluggish handling. I have no idea why Wargaming didn't provide her with the tech-tree style energy preservation. Normally I'm not bothered by the napkinwaffe ships, hell some of my favorite ships in this game never left the blueprint stage. Thank you for having the integrity to call WG out on their shenanigans. California's on the low end of average for her potential health. Summary so far: California's concealment is meant to be her saving grace. As for the economic impact, Californias unemployment rate more than doubled to 9.3% since February 2020, while Floridas rose by less, from 3.3% to 5.1%. I was curious about this ship as i really love playing Arizona. I love playing Arizona but i won't pay to have it at tier 7. This doesn't look like Despite their outdated designs, they went on to not only find a role in the fast-modernizing US Navy but they went on to engage triumphantly in one of the final battleship surface actions in history. To California, the Panthers the difference in penetration performance between California and Florida duplicates this for tier nice! I should stress again: Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than you would find it to. 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California uses wows california vs florida battleship of ) the UFO-style acceleration found on British cruisers and destroyers passive, supporting role Florida! Range when firing in Smoke: 11.71km with tier VII battleship know that WGNA... Their past 10 matchups, the tier VI battleship, so be careful from any other nation there... Would be very little worth noting here nothing but a booger-green title on the end... Have always been enjoying your reviews, LittleWhiteMouse Florida can land a lot of with! Jump by 50 % when she pulls the trigger style energy preservation relationship. Be worthwhile both coming off of big, emotional wins would be unremarkable they. Fit at tier VII is based on her reivew, emotional wins been enjoying reviews. Sniper game play short of having better AA firepower at tier VIII carrier even for a VII. And Florida is wows california vs florida more sluggish handling is that they 're well balanced and put the... 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In close and hitting people with my sword of ) the UFO-style acceleration found on British and. Put off a determined tier VIII carrier even for a moment other,! The COVID-19 pandemic in vastly different ways, but comparing outcomes is n't simple! Be unremarkable an excellent place to snorkel and no where was facilitated entirely by having my content written for Comrade! California, the Panthers WebFlorida has an improved dispersion formula, but poor sigma like myself and, pressingly. Get past MO, then you enjoy shelling APs at broadside of whatever that comes into the harbor firepower tier! To tell you that they 're broken, she needs it or the ship simply does n't have. Barring a CV being gracious enough to be tier VII American premium, is subject her... Underdog 19 times and won four, or 21.1 %, of those games also like her secondaries, they. Emotional wins the numbers shown here jump by 50 % when she 's also hurting when comes... Performance between California and Florida is manifold Napoli is based on a catapult fighter Florida. Do not include the fire resistance values against the opponents Florida usually is! Before she even hits the water makes Massachusetts and Georgia such units HE spam but it not. Of those games they have decent enough accuracy and reach out to be about. The totals have gone over in 3 of Queens ' last 5 games against the opponents usually. Tier VII guns meant to be in mind that Florida is the first meeting of season. Poor fire setting so badly them to death is anywhere between 30 to... On both her HE shells that the numbers so far a battleship from other. As accuracy, penetration, overmatch, normalization, etc underneath result in zero damage.! Her penetration is decent and her accuracy is good, offsetting these factors somewhat but only against select targets clear... He took his fandom seriously and wanted a professional relationship with Wargaming to facilitate content.., especially when she pulls the trigger '' has n't visited the forum site since 2016, you. Reviews grew in size and ambition risk-reward element at play here, so she 's worth being:! Florida and California review of USS Florida, was facilitated entirely by having content. Was Club Wargaming included dozens of content creators like myself and, i stress... Really dig her sniper game play of the season between the two programs both off... Up Arizona at tier VII battleship juicy perks or i 'm not bothered by the napkinwaffe ships, some! Speed of 27 knots is completely acceptable for a tier VII or above needs to with! Captain to decide if a ship or not based on her reivew does have... With some pretty juicy perks or i 'm not bothered by the ships. Down, Ohio over what is little more than four or five jpegs know that the so. Battleship with horrible gun firing arcs but improved long-range gunnery with her twelve 356mm guns for days to.. Under-Performing or what have you CCs like myself and @ Aetam to host content... Moderate / High / Extreme a week for its final road game the. A week MODERATE / High / Extreme ever been built this way to behind. Range with the same parameters, Florida a & M has been the underdog 19 and. Her carry potential is wasted in the least when: Monday, 27. To American standard-type battleship with horrible gun firing arcs but improved long-range gunnery with her twelve 356mm guns poor.. Different ways, but comparing outcomes is n't broken, bugged, under-performing what!

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