D) only I and III IV. B) Passing examination with 75% or higher score. D) only II and III A) having a single species of herbivore feeding on each plant species The answer is Primary consumers and producers. 42) Use the following figure to answer the question. If the genes are present on the same chromosome, they undergo more than one crossing over in every meiosis. E) I, II, III, and IV, Global warming refers to ________. 39) Which statement best describes what ultimately happens to the chemical energy that is consumed but not used to produce new biomass in the process of energy transfer between trophic levels in an ecosystem? The following are primary producers, except: Producers are also called primary producers or autotrophs. with economic value? A) rate of decomposition of detritus Are bacteria heterotrophic or autotrophic? A. First-order heterotrophs B. Third-order heterotrophs C. Producers D. None of the Above, What is another term for autotroph? Consumer. answer choices. After looking at the accompanying figure, what can be said about productivity in this ecosystem? The producers are fed by these substances. Water appears on both sides of the equation because the water molecule is split, and new water molecules are made in the process. Producers ( that synthesize their own food through photosynthesis) occupy the first trophic level in a food chain and the amount of biomass can be depicted through pyramid of biomass, which contains primarily four trophic levels that are - Primary producers, Primary consumers, Secondary consumers, and Tertiary consumers. They convert organic matter to inorganic, which is used by primary producers. In most cases, primary producers use photosynthesis to create food, so sunlight is a necessary factor for their environment. All the organisms above are producers except for fungi. (C) Longer chains are less stable and energy transfer between trophic levels is inefficient. Gross primary production (GPP) is the total rate at which material is . The terrestrial or soil food chain is made up of a large number of diverse organisms, ranging from microscopic single-celled producers to visible worms, insects and plants. D) Predators have short life spans and short reproductive periods. e. They are both hydrophobic. A) 7C D) accidental introduction of a prolific culture of algae Protista 5. D) methanogenic protozoans C) ones that use nitrogen-containing compounds as an electron acceptor. (a) Fungi (b) Eukarya (c) Archaea (d) Protists. Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such as mushrooms a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above, Which of the following groups had the first multicellular members in the history of the Earth? E) acid precipitation in Europe, Which of the following are negative biological consequences of climate change? With the exception of the ________, the following kingdoms are placed within the domain Eukarya. What is a reasonable explanation for this? fossilized plant and animal remains (coal, oil, and natural gas) a. Eukaryote b. Prokaryote c. Fungal d. Plantae, Which of the following is an example of a group of prokaryotic organisms? most of the energy taken in by organisms does not continue to the next level of the food chain. A) tropical wet forest All members of the kingdom ________ are heterotrophic. While you are collecting data, a flock of 100 Canada geese lands and spends the night during a fall migration. Which of the following most correctly explains a difference between these two measures? Which of the following terms apply to plants rather than the Kingdom Fungi? While primary consumers are always herbivores; organisms that only feed on autotrophic plants, secondary consumers can be carnivores or omnivores. E) may be autotrophic or heterotrophic, (C) convert organic materials from all trophic levels to inorganic compounds usable by primary A) biome There is a maximum of three to four trophic levels in a food chain. \\ b. Euglena. B) eukaryotic. plant and animal biomass A) The Euglenozoa are unicellular like protozoans, heterotrophic like animals, and photosynthetic like plants. Choose one or more: A. moss B. viruses C. seaweed D. protists E. lithoautotrophs F. fungi G. cyanobacteria 15 OF 19 QUESTIONS COMPLETED. Certain bacteria and fungi that are important in nutrient recycling because they release nutrients from dead organisms back into the ecosystem are. a. (a) autotrophic (b) eukaryotic (c) heterotrophic (d) symbiosis (e) decomposers. B) nitrite ions in the soil answer choices. What is the main reason for using food webs instead of food chains in analyzing ecosystems? A) It is undigested and winds up in the feces and is not passed on to higher trophic levels. Basically, this is how a Fujian is proceeding. A) Rhizobium bacteria C) only I, II, and IV If the most advanced organisms are multicellular, what would be the adv. Which of the following is a primary producer? The energy for this process can come from solar radiation, chemical reactions or from the heat in deep ocean . 68) If you applied a fungicide to a cornfield, what would you expect to happen to the rate of decomposition and net ecosystem production (NEP)? a. Protista b. Plantae c. Bacteria d. All of the above are correct, Which of the following is a kingdom classification? The Ohio State University: River Primary Producers Fuel Terrestrial Food Webs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Aquatic Food Webs, Teaching Great Lakes Science: Food Chains and Webs, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Ocean Primary Production, Smithsonian: The Microbes That Keep Hydrothermal Vents Pumping, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution: Light Snacks and Food Chemistry: Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis, NOAA Arctic Program: Arctic Ocean Primary Productivity, Journal of Geophysical Research: Large-Scale Modeling of Primary Production and Ice Algal Biomass Within Arctic Sea Ice, NOAA Fisheries Service: Phytoplankton: The Base of the Food Web, CDC: Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB)-Associated Illness. Some of the energy is reflected, and some is absorbed by the Earth's surface. Where the water is too deep for sunlight to reach the bottom, microscopic plant cells known as phytoplankton provide most of the sustenance for aquatic life. A food chain represents the relationship between predator and prey. a) Domain Eukarya b) Domain Bacteria c) Domain Archaea d) Kingdom Fungi e) Kingdom Protista, Determine which of the following groups of organisms is being described by the following statement: Flagellates that can be either photosynthetic or heterotrophic/mixotrophic. D) It is eliminated as feces or is dissipated into space as heat, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. a. Metazoa and Plantae b. All of the organisms living in your aquarium and the abiotic factors with which they interact. 1%. 3. 18) Use the following figure to answer the question. C) 4C E) Energy transfer between trophic levels is usually less than 20 percent efficient. Her work has also appeared on LetsGetOutside.us and Happy Science Mom. 28) How is net ecosystem production (NEP) typically estimated in ecosystems? Why the confusion? Scientists use trophic cycles to study the flow of matter in an ecosystem by observing feeding relationships between organisms. Group of answer choices. E) plants. d. They are both eukaryotic. He currently serves as the managing editor of HousingWire, the leading publication of housing and real estate news in . Which of the following is not a primary producer? E) only I and II, Nitrogen is available to plants mostly in the form of ________. Chapter 53 STUDY PLAY. Plant roots that held soil particles in place are no longer there. Members of which of the following are the major primary producers in the marine ecosystem? C) algal beds and reefs plus the ocean neritic zone B) typically 10 times higher in a clear-cut watershed 56) The first step in ecosystem restoration is to ________. Burning reduces available carbon for primary producers and, therefore, primary consumers. Which of the following are often the first macroscopic organisms to colonize an area during primary or secondary succession? A) recycle chemical elements directly back to primary consumers See Section 2.1 and Figure 3.01. You discover a nucleated, unicellular organism that is photosynthetic but can also eat other organisms. Animalia 2. By using fossil fuels we are destroying a nonrenewable resource. B) conversion of grasslands and forests into agricultural fields a. Photosynthetic producers that make sugar and pump oxygen into the atmosphere. a. Heterotrophs b. atmosphere D) There are only so many organisms that are adapted to feed on other types of organisms. Which of the following is most correct regarding primary producers? The genes shows independent assortment. emissions? D) D Organisms at the top of the chain eventually die and are then consumed by decomposers, which fix the nitrogen levels and provide the organic material necessary for the next generation of primary producers. D) only II, III, and IV C) Heat produced by cellular respiration is used by heterotrophs for thermoregulation. c decomposers. C) uric acid from animal excretions Which of the following is not a domain on Earth? C) C Nitrogen is the limiting nutrient when considering global primary production. . Why is terrestrial productivity higher in equatorial climates? Chemical elements are repeatedly used, but energy passes through and between ecosystems. \\ c. Protista. Unicellular autotrophs may be found in the kingdom _______. 61) Which of the following organisms is incorrectly paired with its trophic level? D) ocean neritic zone. D) glaciers What is the estimated age of this sample? If a field contains approximately 1,000 kilocalories of energy in grass, which is eaten by crickets, which are eaten by birds, then approximately how many kilocalories of energy could be in the birds that live in this field? How are humans altering this cycle? A) industrial nitrogen fixation The amount of energy lost as it passes from one trophic level to another is approximately, The amount of life that an ecosystem can support is determined primarily by the. The total biomass of an ecosystem would be most increased by which of the following? 27) What advantage would there be for an ecosystem ecologist to measure net ecosystem production (NEP) instead of net primary production (NPP)? The former crew members also claim they suffered anxiety and symptoms of post . a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi, Protists include _________. B) rivers and lakes primary productivity, in ecology, the rate at which energy is converted to organic substances by photosynthetic producers (photoautotrophs), which obtain energy and nutrients by harnessing sunlight, and chemosynthetic producers (chemoautotrophs), which obtain chemical energy through oxidation. Measurements of phytoplankton production have been found to be higher near shorelines in areas where nutrients from the land essentially fertilize the ocean with nitrogen and phosphorous. A. multicellular eukaryotes B. protozoans C. eukaryotes that are not plants, fungi, or animals D. single-celled organisms closely related to bacteria E. all of the above, The first terrestrial organisms probably were considered which of the following: A. burrowers B. photosynthetic C. multicellular D. prokaryotes E. eukaryotes F. plants and their associated fungi. C) the sum of the changes in local precipitation and temperature patterns that result from global warming C. Oak tree. Which of the following is most correct regarding primary producers? Alga a. 45) Use the following figure to answer the question. E) Fish can potentially provide more food for humans than seal meat. For each organism, identify its domain (Bacteria or Eukarya) and the appropriate classification group: protozoan, algae, or cyanobacteria. (a) Bacteria (b) Archaea (c) Fungi (d) Helminths (e) Protozoa. D) secrete enzymes that convert the organic molecules of detritus into carbon dioxide and water Which of the following is an example of a primary producer? Algae at the beginning of a food chain would be considered A. heterotrophs. High-energy solar radiation enters the atmosphere. Which one of the following is a defining characteristic of animals but not of plants? D) the increase in the average temperature across the continents a) plants b) animals c) protists d) All of the above, Which of the following is a kingdom classification? *A Private Investor is a recipient of the information who meets all of the conditions set out below, the recipient: Obtains access to the information in a personal capacity; Primary producers are a basic part of an ecosystem. Its estimated between 50-85% of the world's oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. This phytoplankton blooms under the ice, and as the ice level thins and reaches its yearly minimum, the ice algae production slows. What is a producer, a consumer (primary and secondary), and a decomposer? Decomposer. As the primary source of food for zooplankton, these organisms form the base of the food chain for the entire ocean population. A) Polar bears can provide more food for humans than seals can. A) terrestrial ecosystems number of producers and their efficiency. Which statement best describes what ultimately happens to the chemical energy that is NOT converted to new biomass in the process of energy transfer between trophic levels in anecosystem? answer choices. Primary producers support the primary consumers in an ecosystem. Trophic efficiency is ________. Plants are called primary producers because they produce the material and store the energy at the bottom of the food chain. (B) Populations of top-level predators are generally smaller than populations of primary consumers. In my new hybrid role, I am the sole producer of volleyball home events, in addition to co-producing both men's and women's basketball games. They do this through the process of photosynthesis. Plantae A. Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that make their own food. a) multicellular b) photosynthetic c) eukaryotic d) prokaryotic, Which of the following is not a major kingdom of life? e. Predators, How would the following organism be classified? Transcribed image text: 57. ; For example, In terrestrial ecosystems, producers are the green plants, phototrophic bacteria, algae etc. Some examples would be deer, tortoise, and elephants. B) B Which of the following consume other living organisms? Under which grouping should this organism be included? Is a mushroom a decomposer? Therefore, they for the base of any food chain. Animals b. producers and decomposers. This requires both chemical and light energy, the latter which they obtain from the slight radioactive glow emitted by geothermally heated rocks. Three former Rust crew members have filed a new lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and the film's producers, claiming they failed to follow safety rules. This process of producing organic molecules from inorganic carbon sources is called primary production. When the sea ice melts, the ice algae are released into the water and add to the phytoplankton bloom, impacting the polar marine food web. In the nitrogen cycle, the organisms that convert nitrate to atmosphere N2 are. 24) Many of the organisms in the ocean are nutrient-limited. C) Productivity increases with available sunlight. B) nitrogen fixing bacteria Advertisement Advertisement aless82 aless82 A) The energy transfer between the primary producers and the primary consumers is higher in the marine ecosystem than the grassland B) The ecological efficiency between the primary consumers and secondary consumers is higher in the marine ecosystem than the grassland C) Both A & B are true. They are organisms that feed on primary consumers for nutrients and energy. a. unicellular worm b. multicellular algae c. flagellated protist d. multicellular fungus. A longtime student of the life sciences, she served as a leader for Girl Scouts and 4H, sharing her interests by teaching children and teens about natural and environmental science and animal anatomy. Match the following: 1. Fungi (like mushrooms) are decomposers that decompose organic matter and consume that as their source of energy. Complete this table relating the values of $E\degree_{cell}$ and $\Delta G\degree$ to K. The homogeneous thin plate has mass m=12kgm=12kgm=12 kgm=12 \mathrm{~kg}m=12kgm=12kg and dimensions b=2mb=2mb=2 mb=2 \mathrm{~m}b=2mb=2m and h=1mh=1mh=1 mh=1 \mathrm{~m}h=1mh=1m. Use the procedure described in earlier example to determine the moments of inertia of the plate about the xxxxxx and yyyyyy axes. Which of the following is a consequence of biomagnification? Primary producers comprise the bottom trophic level, followed by primary consumers (herbivores), then secondary consumers (carnivores feeding on herbivores), and so on. B. Prokaryotes such as E. coli. Regarding soil and organic matter in humus, which of the following statements is TRUE? C) atmosphere Primary producers and herbivores are the only two types of producers. At these points, the ecosystems are interdependent. potassium. 41) If the flow of energy in an arctic ecosystem goes through a simple food chain, perhaps involving humans, starting from phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish to seals to polar bears, then which of the following could be accurate? Blue Heron b Wild Rice . Bacteria d Pike Fish Plz help answer quick thank you E) It is recycled by decomposers to smaller and smaller forms until it finally breaks down to form soil. 1) If the sun were to suddenly stop providing energy to Earth, most ecosystems would eventually vanish. A) tropical wet forest Which of the following locations is the largest reservoir for carbon in the carbon cycle? A) nitrogen in the atmosphere I also work in a social media capacity, primarily . a) Protists b) Fungi c) Animals d) Bacteria e) Plants, Of the following, which describes protists most inclusively? B) I and II Analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their target price on Associated British Foods from 2,180.0p to 2,300.0p on Tuesday, stating its Primark unit had driven "another upgrade". A) Humus is composed of inorganic nutrients, and organic matter is composed only of organic matter. Because these organisms require sunlight to process nutrients, they live on or near the surface of the soil. B) sedimentary bedrock Fungi 6. They do this through the process of photosynthesis. producers, primary consumers, and decomposers, producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers, top carnivores, and decomposers. There are no secondary producers for top carnivores or G. composers. IV. The net primary productivity per square meter is relatively low in the oceans as they have the greatest total area. Oceans as they have the greatest total area following statements is TRUE Protists include _________ and prey humus, of. Nutrients, and decomposers, producers, except: producers are the major primary producers and their.! 28 ) How is net ecosystem production ( NEP ) typically estimated in ecosystems for primary and... Of a prolific culture of algae Protista 5 own food is absorbed by the Earth 's surface trophic! Necessary factor for their environment on autotrophic plants, secondary consumers, secondary consumers can be said about in! Near the surface of the kingdom ________ are heterotrophic the oceans as they have the greatest total.! Organisms living in your aquarium and the appropriate classification group: protozoan algae... % of the organisms in the soil answer choices and new water molecules are made in soil... They produce the material and store the energy for this process can come from solar,... C. flagellated protist d. multicellular fungus is usually less than 20 percent efficient largest reservoir for carbon the... 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