Remember, a Pisces man is very sensitive, and he is like an antenna to other peoples feelings which can be incredibly overwhelming to him. However, if you do this, remember that there is very little chance he will contact you. It's plain and simple; he has been hurt by you or is angry with you and doesn't know how to process it. They get very involved in whatever they are doing, whether its their music, surfing, sleeping, or creating art. Never contact me and block me from everything, and I am tired of this, its normal to have fightings in relationship but that doesnt mean he will disappear and from no where after 3,4 or 5 month later he came back when he feels that he will but when I begged to him not to break up but he didnt listen to me, now last time when we did patch up after 4 month then and that time he was sure to marry me and I was ready for that forgetting everything behind but again I fought with him and he left me, I texted him called him to pardon me but he is Pisces and he disappeared again. Summary: You need to contact him and ask him what is the matter, and if that doesnt work you can always speak to one of his friends to give you some insight. There are a number of things that may have happened causing him not to reach out. Every time we planned to see each other he always switched off his phone and apologized later and Id start thinking hes avoiding me. I asked him if we can have a call so I can explain my behaviour to him. You can also learn more by checking out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. That he was still moving he attempted to check on me and the family but I was kinda passive aggressive and was upset about him blocking me when weve known each other for a decade now by: Chan droo what about me?? Love the site and would welcome any advice. If you need more useful tips for your guy, check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. Thank you in advance Summary of how to fix things: Be a positive influence on his life. I said OK. but Then I start going cold and distant (thinking I think she is joking but if not gone for good) Anyway, the next morning, she wished me a happy birthday and told me she could not come along with me in the city so I went alone 2 hours later she sent me a message saying I have RE-booked my flight for tonight 18:00 in the same time she told me that my birthday gift was a cabaret starting at 16:00 and it was the best show in town. However, a few weeks later, he has been treating me coldly and the worse was a few days before, I was right in front of him but he treated me as if I was invisible. If he knows you are in pain, he will try to fix the situation, but you may have to wait a while because a Pisces man is known for his disappearing act when confrontation is involved. How can such a sweet and empathetic guy ignore you like he has no feelings? He replied but he wasnt as lively as he did before. on social media I saw he was in my city I would remind him about the date and that you really miss texting with him. Tell him you deeply care for him and you miss the way things were. Pisces men find phone calls and texts easy to dodge. I tried not to respond but its really hard since were in the same class and I dont really want to hurt his ego again, I am just tired of this, especially when he has a girlfriend, its stupid and I dont really know what to do. They think of all the times the person wronged them, how good they were to the person and how much they need to let the person know that this treatment won't run. Your email address will not be published. Each time he would come I would attempt to see him which was every month to every other month, During this time he expressed that he doesnt take their relationship seriously that the girlfriend basically told him to go find someone else That being said it sounds like he needs to work on himself before hell be ready to be with anyone otherwise its all going to go down the drain. Acts talk louder than words. Its time to let go. He's an empath, feeling everyone's emotions even when he doesn't want to. And you know when a Pisces man gets caught up in something, he kind of gets lost in it. It didnt sound sincere at all. Pisces is a sign that needs and appreciates a little bit of compassion, which helps them to open up and tell you what the problem is. Well that was the past, how does he say that and then cut me off. Cancer. He called me daily as normal for the the first few days after, then it got gradually less and less. It could help you re-connect. Is there any way of ending this? Weve known each other since primary school and Ive always had a crush on him. So he will have to figure out what the heck he wants. He is delighted to help you. Hi,I met a Pisces man few weeks ago,we met at a skating rink,we chatted here and there.He left before I did and he said bye,I waved at him.I started getting ready to go as well and walking to my car,he said hey and I gave him my number and we hugged and left.Few days after that he texted me and we talked every night I enjoyed talking to him which was rare.I went to his house during the weekday to help clean his house etc.He just broke up with his baby mama three weeks ago,he even showed me the text saying shes done with him.Now I wasnt looking for a relationship just friendship.the weekend we went to Jacksonville and a island in ga.We had fun it felt like I knew him for so long.we had sex over the weekend well the second night,but he didnt pressure me.Monday I went home he texted me Tuesday and sent the pic I took of him,he ignored me the rest of the week normally he will stay in I did a stupid thing and went to his house on Friday I seen his car was gone ,I asked the neighbor how long he was gone and he said a hour n a half,I said you know where he went .he responded they went to North Carolina to visit his family ,I said who is they,the neighbor said with that girl.I already knew who it was.I was hurt cause every since we met which was 3 weeks,he said that we was going to North was a slap in the face so said some hurtful stuff and I dont know what to do. Im virgo and Ive beem dating this pisces man for 3 months now If you want to learn more, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Need more help? 2. He could be doing it out of fear or he could be doing it because he started talking to someone else who he thinks could be a better fit for him. 11. Are you okay?. Apologize To Him What To Do When A Pisces Man Isn't Responding To Texts The 5 Best Ways To Respond When A Pisces Man Ignores You After An Argument 1. There are many things that could be going on but if hes stopped being close to you and isnt talking then hes telling you in a way that hes done. I want us to be friends but every time I try to act friendly, he ignores me. What a lovely name you have! He was probably pretty upset that you were going out a lot without him and not giving him the attention you were before. I asked him why Im at hes place then, he responded by saying, i should manage to the next day. Surely, he is more emotionally mature than that, or so you hope! Its worthwhile mentioning that within the first week of meeting me his spiritual awakening began, repeating numbers, synchronicities, seemingly random events happening to him, all of which I know were starting to really freak him out. Weve been good and all was going fine, he calls even more than i do, always checks up on me He is avoidant and can be scared to get caught in a lie. Sometimes, a late-night visit (if it feels appropriate in the context of your relationship) can go a long way toward getting him to open up and toward rekindling your flame. When a Pisces man ignores your text, you know there is an issue. Im an Aries and I have rarely a bad mood and so I go aggressive with my words. Sometimes, ghosting you is an easier way (for him) to avoid that unpleasant conversation. If shes not the one, someone else is. If so, to tell me so that I may apologize. And being ignored like this it torture me so much. Dont take offense or assume its you. I have this classmate at university I had an affair with last year and things went wrong and I am pretty sure I hurt his feelings, mostly because he fell in love with this perfect image of me he created in his head and hes been trying to act like a fkboy since then. Lots of men simply do not have the bravery to break it up face-to-face. Try a different tactic with your Pisces. WTF?! While Cancer is the sign most likely to text you back right away, Cancers can leave you waiting at times, too. when a pisces woman ignores you. He knew of it and i was hoping he would at least wish me happy birthday, but he didnt, which left me feeling even more heartbroken. I tried to be positive by asking of his welfare, by giving him encouragement and being concern about him especially during this lockdown. When a Pisces man ignores your text, he doesnt always know the right thing to say when he feels uncomfortable or uncertain. I feel bad and down as I know I made mistake and I know I wont do this again. But immediately i left his place, we didnt talk, i called him he didnt answer When a Pisces man gives a woman his interest or his heart then he pursues it. Just like you, hes asking if its worth it. Ever since then about 12 days ago I havent spoken to him. Sometimes I start panicking that he might be bored of me but then he texts me again saying hes sorry that he was gaming but thats what upsets me a little, wouldnt he be more talkative if he really liked me? I wish you all the best! Be brave and tell him what needs to be said. There is a lot you can still do to fix and rebuild your relationship! Hi Anna If your Virgo man has started to ignore you because you hurt him, you will know exactly what you have done. So, you have to be completely sure and ready for him to continue leaving you alone possibly for good. He was complimenting me that day too, he looked shy and was smiling and laughing, then we drove for a while in his car, he held my hand and squeezed it a couple times. Last time when he broke up with me being instantly blocked me on Facebook and ended it. Perhaps his job is giving him trouble. Because at this time I am in the state of giving him his space. Three weeks later you texted me telling me that he had made a mistake and that he hopes that I will get him a chance. If you want more tips on Capricorn man, check out my books Capricorn Man Secrets. Alright so I think you need to flat out ask him if there was something you said or did when you were together that turned him in a different direction. Well I havent spoken to him in over a week since then and Im starting to feel like maybe he isnt as interested in me as he betrayed to be or maybe hes met someone else while on vacation that hes more interested in. Asking other people only gets you speculation. He stated he needed to be a better man for me and he couldnt be at that point and he thought he was ready for a relationship. Once he said he has enjoyed the peace. Pisces men dont like being put off even though they themselves do it. You could also try going to a sports game or playing mini golf. I have downloaded all the books. He has thoughts that lead him astray and he pulls himself back. And that its making you feel insecure, worried, anxious whatever the feeling is. The chemistry between us was undeniable, the inevitable happened and we slept together. If youd like more information on how the Pisces mans mind works, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. His life has changed and he needs to get adapted to the way his life has become. I wasnt in the mood so I didnt think a lot and I said i will go to sleep cause Im tired. He left a few weeks ago to a new job and it was like a week ago that I texted asking to start over and he seemed fine with it. Our relationship started in a long distance way, we were introduced through Facebook, at the beginning of our conversation we used to chatting and talking over the phone while night and all the time we were in touch and that time we still didnt meet to each other. If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. If he doesnt respond then youre going to have to consider that he may not be into the relationship anymore. but i was still kinda panicking cuz of his constant late replies, thinking what if hes changing his mind after meeting me, so i texted him if he could talk to me for just 10 mins cuz i needed some reassurance, but he just replied with Im just way too busy these days, remember i told you. I think there is still a chance but you need to ask him why hes doing this so that you have a better idea of what hes thinking and feeling. So, when he comes to you, listen to him attentively. I do like him tho, I feel kinda lost now because I dont know if I should just give it up or if I should hold on a little longer because the lockdown is finally coming to an end in less than a month. I never meant to hurt him I love him so much and Im always ready to sacrifice and improve thinks to have a better understanding and amazing relationship. Let go and give him some space then check in with him again. my pisces bf is always focused on his school work, and i always leave him alone when he wants to do work, but he will ghost me in the middle of a convo to do work. Yea right Fv 27, 2023 . Get the clarity you need. That is a long time for you to go with no contact from him. At this point our Facebook status still shows engaged. He lives with his parents who are older so he said we cant see each other til the end of lockdown. Any ideas? And then there is the Pisces man disappearing act that comes into play. If he feels like you are just shutting him out, it may have a significant negative impact on your relationship. Learn more about Pisces by reading my book Pisces Man Secrets. Weve been texting ever since but in September, he started being very distant and ignored my texts for days. So I still dont know what he wants or what he has decided. First things first. And he never replied me back so since 5 days he never answered me and Im so worried as we planned to meet each other and our relationship was amazing and so perfect. In this time he also have some family issues, so I dont know if that is affecting him. Since, he hasnt responded to my text messages nor my call. Be forward with it and see if he answers or if he continues to be quiet. The last one he hasnt replied to. The thing is, you thought he was happy with you as well. Everything went well although we were very nervous. What to do in a nutshell: Ask him for some clarity, and depending on his answer, you might need to accept that the relationship is over. You need to make yourself happy. Some people find they dont have the chemistry they want and some find that they do. A Pisces man needs a partner who will actively listen to him. Having been ghosted I am hugely confused as to his total about turn with his feelings and actions towards me. Did he cut meoff? For his birthday, I asked if I could take him to a fun city over night; he said ok and was super excited about it. I havent heard from you in a while whats up? The intelligent conversation, finishing each others sentences, discussions on all things spiritual, metaphysical and currently relevant. There are a lot of lovely things Pisces men are known for, like their loving and kind nature. It honestly could be anything. We stopped talking alot and talked rarely. He also added a few times that he was scared I may leave him if we dont talk much because of his work, i comforted him saying that i wont be going anywhere and would be totally ok with him focusing on his stuff (I had no idea he would ghost me like this lol). He sounds like hes not matured enough to realize that he needs to communicate better with you. I have known him for about 15 years. Try to relax and not reach out to him until he reaches out to you first. I asked what happened and why he wasnt talking.. it might take a few days or a week or two.dont double text all try calling Reply AbleLack3634 . Im thinking it would be too expensive but I didnt say anything about it. Text him and tell him youre there when hes ready to talk then leave it alone. . If you push for answers while hes like this, hell break it off. Its like hes breadcrumbing, like I get a text asking how am i doing or what am i doing a few times a week but he never waits for the reply, its like hes just asking to not seem like a total ass. If he comes back around again, youre going to have to tell him that if he wants to commit then he has to prove himself but if he ghosts you again, you are done for good. The next year 2019 ! Below are definitive things you can do on your part while you try to figure out what is going on with your Pisces man. Apologize if you have done something wrong and remember to give him his space! This is why it's so frustrating when the guy you're seeing is ignoring your texts when you know he's around. I thought that he misunderstood me or maybe he felt like he was deceived because before that he didnt know I was older than him. Within the past week he has been very distant and hardly responds to texts We are supposed to go to this over night thing this weekend, and I dont know what to do! I wish you all the best but if you need more tips on Pisces then check out my guides on Pisces Man Secrets. I realised I wanted my pisces man back, I was finally back in my happy place and missed him. I think he does care for you but hes not in the position to really give you what you want as of yet. If you would like to know more, please check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. And read them but I dont feel like it will help me very much. Things were going pretty great and then new restrictions came and we stopped seeing each other. Dont give up hope because there is so much love between the two of you and all relationships have their ups and their downs. If he isnt that interested then he wont reach out either and youll know the truth. Now I know that he got super busy with his job and was simultaneously studying for his exam. I think maybe she was terrified about going to be social given the state of things right now. 2nd date was 3 days later, again we were getting on brilliantly. They make threats/plans in their head of what they will do, then pussy out and just cry. He didnt let me know but at the same time I was in a different state And this guilt is a very strong emotion, making the guy continuously think about you. We started to talk everyday since then. I can tell I hurt his feelings or made him mad based on how he excused himself from the phone by saying a friend was meeting with him ha We spent 6 month of our relationship without seeing meeting each other and we used talk on FaceTime video call. And I did. What do I do? Im just kinda waiting and hoping for him to come back In fact, they listen attentively and try to comfort you. The more a Pisces cares about and loves a person, the more they see the person through rose-colored glasses, and the more deeply the person can hurt and disappointed them. So instead of trying to find excuses for his behavior: "oh, he probably didn't see the message" (yeah right), "maybe his goldfish got sick and requires all of his attention" (sure! If he doesnt then you may have to let go. Your Pisces man ghosting you may not be intentional at all. I had my birthday on the 2nd of April. and we spent my last night abroad together and yes we were intimate. I did once try to avoid him because I thought that he would feel uncomfortable that our colleagues were gossiping about us. Complete opposites but a good fit. If a Pisces man doesnt contact you, give him some time and let him know youre there for him when or if he wants to discuss things. I got to hes place on Thursday to leave Monday He said that he was fine. Saturn enters Pisces on March 7 which is going to . I felt a bit down and felt that Im probably not his priority even I know he gave me his time when ever I wanted before. He didnt hug me like the night before nor tried to make plans together for breakfast. he even made a comment about how he would have to start planning for mine (December.) They will shut down by playing video games or doing other things that take them away from reality for a while. I got excited and said that would be awesome. Just because you were super into him doesn't mean he felt the same way about you. Ok the first mistake is chasing after him. Something must have gone wrong to make a Pisces man ignore you, perhaps there is something you have said or done to make him so upset with you, but what could it possibly be? Something in him is holding him back from allowing himself to be closer to you. And I have had so many pisces in my life, I know how fragile they can be if you tell them they did something wrong so I am avoiding the conversation why are you being so distant and can I get a little more attention please because I dont want to push him away. Unfortunately Im a kind of person who need constant attention and last week when I didnt had his attention for 2 days we actually every night have a call before we go to bed and since two last days we didnt had that chance cause he is usually playing games before having a call with me. I so at this point I havent seen him in 14 days. If he tells you no on divorce but its over is because hes trying to get out of paying child support. I dont know if I should text him or if I should just wait for him to reach out to me. There is nothing more painful than being in love with a Pisces guy and then he backs off. Why ignore me . when a pisces woman ignores you. Online is one thing but having been together in person is entirely different. You may be tempted to keep calling or texting if you don't hear anything from him, but this is usually a huge turn-off. Don't date a pisces man PLEASE by: Anonymous Picses men are no good!! He needs to be on his own for a while so that he can disconnect from the world. He Writes The Most Romantic Messages When a Pisces man falls for you, his text messages are ultra-romantic and tender. When he approached me earlier this February, he told me I was his first crush and started (politely) flirting with me. If he checks his messages, he is sure to respond right away when you need him. I do not know what to do. Before we parted, I had asked him what his schedule was for the week and the weather would probably improve. Or I dont know he says he is fine but I dont know. Really this is good for your life anyway and sometimes it takes a sensitive Pisces man to put you on hold to make you think about your own actions that need to be remedied. He just wasn't into you. He says he still wants to keep going but hes giving me absolutely nothing. < Click here to find out more information about how to rebuild your relationship. If it IS outer circumstances, hell thank you and will open up when hes ready. He'd rather see that you're patient or doing something with your life instead of just trying to get ahold of him. If he is still interested in being with you, he should reply to that. Ive been with a pieces man for nearly 4 years now and i must say its been a roller costar ride with me running after him all the time and him finding the lamest excuses to ignore me and leave me. He may be using that as an excuse but unless he says that exactly then thats not the cause. Your email address will not be published. It all depends on how bad it was and how much time he feels he needs. However he used to text me multiple times a day and I used to ignore those texts for weeks and he didnt get bored. He has to put up or shut up but until he does either, just be friendly as you have and see where it goes over the summer and then re-evaluate by asking him if he wants to be together or not. The great thing about this is that there's no wondering about whether or not a Pisces man misses you,. Tell him what youd like to do for your Birthday even if it IS a ways away. So, whatever the reason you think your Pisces man may be ignoring you, just go ahead and contact him. I m a libra, n my bf is Pisces I know he loves me very much but he gets very easily angry with silly things and block me, but then after a few hours he unblocks n texts me again. He needs to prove to you that he wants to be with you. We text almost daily but with since we start texting he at least went radio silence 3 times (he was absent like 5 days and then he text again). This water sign reads far too much into everything, so if their reply lags . My thought is this stop initiating contact for awhile. Find out once and for all honey. He seemed completely into me, to the point of being obsessed (always complimenting me, texting me even when hed be busy, calling me once or twice a day and sleeping while on call with me). 12. I think you should actually ask him why he wants to introduce you to his family if he doesnt want a relationship. You can find someone who will give you a beautiful relationship. He can suddenly start ignoring your phone calls and SMS messages. He felt he was showing you he wants to be with you. If youd like to learn more, please check out my book Pisces Man Secrets. We would write to each other everyday and this is the first time he has done this. There is nothing more wonderful than being with a Pisces man. Go for it! As a pisces woman, i tend to ignore . My goodness. Im happy to hear that youve gotten your man back. Yes, perhaps hes just having some problems hes trying to sort through that have nothing to do with you but then again, if hes not speaking to you at all whatsoever or doing the Pisces man disappearing act then hes finalizing his decision. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 27 and this . Its not anyone elses job to do it. When you will ignore a Pisces man, you are just cutting him quite deep. Im mentioning this because I believe I texted him to ask a question hes into the arts and is an expert on something I really needed to know plus I missed him so why not lol, Anyways he was in my city maybe around July/August and then reached out to me that fall because he had to come back for court for something that honestly made zero sense Cancer is the Pisces mans mind works, check out my book Pisces man needs a who! Away, Cancers can leave you waiting at times, too know he says he still wants to keep but... That youve gotten your man back, I tend to ignore those texts for and! 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