Emma is thinking she has feelings for regina but regina thinks she is totally gay for the swan. Then, he and Mary Margaret go off to be alone. She returns to throw fairy dust on the trolls, transforming them into bugs, and they leave with the retrieved ring. Arthur then secretly follows Mary Margaret and Lancelot into the Vault of the Dark One, where he makes them forfeit the dagger to him, however, he soon learns it's fake, just as David ambushes him from behind. She doesn't believe they can be heroic anymore after what they've done, but Prince Charming suggests that if redemption is possible, they should start by being the best people they can be. Joan insists that surviving is not living, and she elaborates by telling him about how her sister tried to solve problems by running away like he is. As David tries to free Hook's frozen feet, the Snow Queen collapses the trap just as Emma magically pushes the two men to safety. At first, they try to find a method for escaping town, and David attempts to scale the ice wall, but the barricade is too powerful. After evading more soldiers, they reach Lancelot's prison cell and unexpectedly find an imprisoned Merida as well. They free the giant, Anton, who reacts in fury when he sees David. Furthermore, they suspect the women might be lying about being good. To later save Charming from death, Snow White bites the poisoned apple and galls into the sleeping curse, which is later broken by David as he kisses her. Walking out of the diner, David and Mary Margaret hear an angered Marian condemn Regina, who she remembers as the Evil Queen, as a "monster". He pitches in with the dwarves to mine for fairy dust when he is approached by Mr. Gold over Belle's disappearance. After Mary Margaret returns to Storybrooke through a portal, she rushes to the pawnshop and gives him true love's kiss. After Hook is released from the hospital, David, Mary Margaret and Leroy question his alliance with Cora. Hook arrives, dressed in normal attire, with his real hand restored due to Mr. Gold's help. Biographical Information Though they corner Arthur in the Round Table room, the group are blindsided by Zelena, who holds Mary Margaret as her hostage to get them to back down. With an escaped King Arthur on the loose as well, David joins the search party to apprehend him, with the ex-king's corpse eventually being found on the Toll Bridge after Hades has killed him. Mary Margaret urges David to go to the pawnshop to consult Mr. Gold about Emma's whereabouts and then wait for her at an abandoned farmhouse while she stalls Regina from finding him. Prince Charming is mentioned in the book blurb for the novel in "Hyperion Heights". Rather than condemn the witch to death, Regina spares her sister's life and imprisons her in a jail cell. Platonic Evil Charming. Eventually, they devise a plan to test Arthur, by giving him a chance to steal a fake dagger. Even Mary Margaret chimes that Emma's inability to harm someone is why they accepted the deal to retain her goodness. He finally comes to when Mary Margaret wakes him up. As they face the Queen in the cemetery, they reassure Emma they are at peace knowing their lives have led them to each other and back to her as well. Immediately afterwards, Mary Margaret is distraught over lying to not only Emma, but now Henry. The two happily reunite with a deep kiss before leaving the room. She's taken by Regina's curse and is Allison Summers in Storybrooke. Once inside, they see a caged Neal on a separate strip of land. Keeping his distance, he watches Mary Margaret as her reputation slowly rebuilds itself. Emma makes the effort to unveil the map by stating facts about herself, with encouragement from her parents, but nothing works. With Henry's help, Emma retrieves the dreamcatchers and returns everyone's lost memories. She drinks it, but it has no effect. Upon finding the note, they prepare to track down Emma, but Nimue takes them to the lake, where Charon is set to appear. They each take a sip of Hook's rum, except Regina, until it passes into Emma's hands. After tricking Medusa into looking into her own reflection, the creature becomes stone while Prince Charming is freed. Trouble brews again, however, when Elsa and Emma notice ribbons on their left wrists, which begin absorbing their magic into Ingrid's ribbon; allowing the Snow Queen to cast the spell of shattered sight. The couple decide they must prevent it by destroying Maleficent's ashes, and before they go, Emma tells them about seeing security footage of Cruella and Ursula steal the box. When she disappears, her parents ask Hook to talk to her. As David examines the chest that had the bean, he questions Arthur's squire, Grif, about any theories about who did it. Snow later reconciles with David and resolves to stay on the island with him. Arthur states it's rumored to be in the Forest of Eternal Night, though he is unsure if the toadstool is real. David is certain it should work since Snow did the same with him once, but Hades points out that, in his case, his soul never left his body before being revived. Regina reveals Mr. Gold is in league with Zelena, who has been pretending to be Marian this whole time. In the apartment, Emma enters to give Pongo over to Henry in an effort to cheer him up. Rumplestiltskin hands him a bottled vial of true love encased in an egg to hide in the body of a beast. At Robin's funeral, David and Snow step forward to lay a rose entwined arrow on the casket. However, he is shocked when Mary Margaret suggests the two of them move out and let Emma and Henry have the apartment. She is more of an action type of girl and sometimes doesn't need a man to help her. Once Hook is gone, David retrieves his father's coin from the ground. Once Upon a Time - Merida's Stunt Sword (0377), Once Upon a Time - Prince Charming's Dagger Prop (Hero) also used by Belle (0163), Once Upon a Time - Prince Charming's (Josh Dallas) Hero Dagger Prop, also Belle and Alice (0041), ONCE UPON A TIME David / Lord McGuffin Shared Stunt Sword Prop S06E17. However, the moment Snow awakens, David falls asleep, making it impossible for them to ever truly be together. Emma hints her desire to leave town, but when challenged by Henry, she bails from the diner. The Blue Fairy stresses in more vague terms that when the time comes, the savior will learn of their story. He agrees to the plan for his mother Ruth's sake. After much thinking, Snow White convinces Prince Charming that they'll use Maleficent's egg since she believes a child of a dragoness will be evil by nature no matter what. From hacking into the phone, he looks to be a normal person. Snow later becomes a bandit and steals from Prince Charming, both of them falling in love with each other during their journey. Emma and her parents place Regina in a jail cell for protection, before confronting Mr. Gold about the purple smoke. 3 pages January 4, 2016 Lanaparrilla38. He then gives her a ride to Granny's so she can meet with Neal, but this is interrupted by the Shadow killing Mother Superior. During the afternoon, David and Leroy head to the diner to order ten bowls of chili for themselves and everyone else working on the bean fields. Snow later sees Regina bury her heart, but she convinces her to keepit for Henry's sake. However, when Regina doesn't contact them within the scheduled time, the couple search for her. As Regina probes for the truth, she only stops when Emma's parents and Hook stumble upon what she is doing, with all of them horrified at her tactics. After taking back the kingdom from George, Snow wears a white tunic with white coat on with silver specks on them. The two make-up with a kiss. These suspicions about Hades are cemented further when Emma returns without Hook or the ambrosia. Because Emma has trouble lighting the ember, Regina tries to force her, with the dagger's will, to admit why she is afraid of letting go of the darkness. When David prompts her for an explanation, she states she wants to be Snow White again, which he takes to with much approval. Snow White is also concerned exactly how the savior will know what to do. They spot the toadstool, but to reach it, David crosses a water logged bridge. Regina stays behind to rest while everyone else goes to Tinker Bell's empty tree house, which strangely has a ladder, even though fairies have wings for flying. David immediately regrets what he did because, despite everything, James was still his brother. Summary: Soon after moving to Boston to live with Emma, Henry begins to have regrets about leaving Regina behind. When she forms a plan to get money for herself by stealing from a corrupt nobleman, David questions if this is something she can do on her own, to which she confirms that since she has his support, she won't be alone. After Jekyll reveals Hyde has escaped his cell, David and Emma return with the doctor to the lab so he can continue working on the serum. Mary Margaret fears the repercussions of killing the Author or wiping out Regina's happy ending, but he insists they must do it to protect Emma. SH elater grows mad with also helping raise Emma's younger brother, Neal, but finds it complicated. He, with Snow White, Hook, and Regina, look through one of Regina's mirrors to see Emma has been cursed to believe the fairytales of Henry's book are nothing but delusions, which causes Snow to realize the final battle is actually a fight for Emma's belief in magic. From the time he leaves the sheriff department, his memory becomes blank and ends up wandering the woods in a foggy haze. 30 (physically)56 (actual age) ("Strange Case"), When Shirin is apprehended as a suspect in the Oracle's death, David enters the interrogation room and watches Emma interrogate the woman. Before the royal pair can persuade the soldiers to relent, Maleficent morphs into a dragon and kills the guards with her fire breath. When her underlings fail to find Regina and Henry, Snow rips out Doc's heart and crushes it, forcing anyone who fails will share his fate. She also has a veil coming down from her long coat. Prince Charming is disappointed that Hook decides not to come with them and instead, the pirate goes off looking for his ship. He tricks her, causing her sword to be embedded in a pillar, and then corners her at sword-point. They do this by removing the darkness from Emma and put it in Lilith, causing her to be put in the real world. As the heroes and Jekyll attempt to get out of the city, they run into Hyde. With one final look around at the nodding heads and smiling faces, Regina finally allowed herself a smile. Emma admits she's been having hand tremors, along with a recurring vision of her own death that will happen because all Saviors are fated to die. She uses magic to disguise her pregnancy from Leopold. The couple are eventually knocked unconscious by Edmond, and Regina duels him to protect them. David, Snow, and Hook arrive to there to join Regina in the hunt, and after looking everywhere, David and Hook both notice at the same time that they haven't checked behind the jukebox yet. The woman escapes, though David angrily shouts that he will find her again. Resuscitated by Mary Margaret, he is brought back to the hospital to recuperate. His real desire is to go back to the Enchanted Forest, even though their home world is not the same as in the past with Cora in power and the ogres taking over, he insists they fight to regain what is theirs. Following his instructions, they meet the Apprentice and ask him for a way to keep their child from becoming evil. Though Emma wants to go after him, David insists they stay on track. David and his wife go off to search for him, while Emma uses Regina's spell to track down Aladdin. Jasmine suggests using another wish to break the sleeping curse, but David forfeits the lamp to her instead, as he is too afraid his second wish will backfire like the first one did. Regrouping in the diner, David and Robin tie Zelena to a chair, as Regina uses Emma's baby blanket to redirect the cyclone into taking them to the Enchanted Forest. Receiving gets news from Red Riding Hood that King George has hired a powerful hit-man, Prince Charming offers to stay behind and hastens Snow White to run away to his mother's cabin. While Prince Charming is adamant that Regina is simply too dangerous and will never change, Snow White believes there is still some good left in her. One day, her underlings, the seven dwarves, capture Isaac, who they suspect is a supporter of Regina as Queen. To David's alarm, his wife wants revenge by murdering Cora. David casually fights off her advances, telling her he has an early patrol tomorrow, but she continues to try and seduce him, even suggesting they spice things up with handcuffs. Edmond pours wine into Charming and Snow's cups, and after a moment of hesitation, does the same for Charlotte's cup. They exchange greetings and nothing more, until one day, Mary Margaret brings an injured dove to the animal shelter. David and Maleficent try to reach her, only for Lily to block them with a stream of fire, before taking off again. Only after she reads the inside, he realizes his mistake and hands her the other card. She later bails Emma out of jail giving her faith when no one else did. With Hook's help, Emma faces her underlying fears and ignites the ember. ("Lady of the Lake"), A few days later, David has assumed the role of temporary sheriff since Emma's absence. Arriving to Neverland's shoreline, Emma motivates the group to cooperate with each other in order to rescue Henry, and they don't have to be friends, but each person's skill is needed for this mission. When Mary Margaret confesses her desire for another child, David tearfully admits she would make a great mother, but she won't have another baby with him due to the price of the Dreamshade cure. ("The Broken Kingdom"), Regina, somewhat still doubtful of Arthur, halfheartedly leads David and Mary Margaret to the dagger's hiding spot in the woods. At the docks, David finds Emma, asking about her reluctance to give Neal a chance, though she is preoccupied about Henry, who is not acting like himself. Missing scenes from 2x08 "Into the Deep". Once Mr. Gold reopens the portal to the Underworld, Charon arrives on a boat, prompting David and the others to head towards the ferryman. She recounts that her red jacket protected her from getting hurt by her loved ones, but now, it means she must protect her loved ones in order to keep from losing them. After calling things off with Kathryn, he informs Mary Margaret of his choice to be with her, and asks that she meet him in the evening at the Toll Bridge. Kathryn allows him to choose with whatever he's comfortable with, but when she kisses him, David pulls away, asserting that the kiss didn't feel "right". Shortly after Regina teleports herself and the Black Fairy outside for a fight, David, Snow, and Hook come out of the diner and witness Zelena knocking the fairy away with her car. Following a very public confrontation at the school between the two women, news of the affair spreads throughout town. Mr. Gold, not interested in being a do-gooder, parts from the team, while David and the others continue with Operation Firebird, Henry's name for their mission. With the lamp, the Queen grants Emma's wish of having never been the Savior, which causes Emma to vanish. At a table booth, David sees Henry drinking coffee and reassures him to be there if something happens in the dreams. ("The Cricket Game"), Sometime after this, Regina employs the Count of Monte Cristo to gain Snow and Charming's trust. Due to her out of control powers, Emma insists they stay back, but David and Hook approach to help her. What if Regina was pregnant before robin died Ps don't hate it my first. Her plans to rescue Robin Hood are halted by Cruella kidnapping Henry, and sending a video pressuring them to kill the Author or she will kill the boy. David lets her go home while he continues searching. Assuming the role of temporary sheriff, he finds himself swarmed in the town square by disheveled residents, in the aftermath of the Wraith attack. She brings Mary Margaret to the hospital, and shows her to John Doe's room. Emma and Mary Margaret offer her safe passage to Storybrooke as a new home, to which Tinker Bell agrees and goes back to camp with them. In the end, her spell fails and Snow is reunited with their healthy baby boy. Hook confirms that hes willing to risk his life for her, and however their relationship evolves is his own choice as well as Emmas, which eases Davids concerns. David and Mary Margaret realize Emma deserves the truth, but upon overhearing her speak to Hook about their good natures, they decide against it. Anton wishes to speak to Emma, but she is not in town, so he continues with the rampage by chasing the three down. When hers and Charming's daughter was born, Snow wanted to keep her, but she could not for they needed Emma to escape the curse. Regina and David have been married for years, but have a *slight* misunderstanding. ~Tragedy strikes outside the magical boundary of Storybrooke. When David reveals Lancelot died, Arthur is saddened by the news, lamenting that Lancelot was a good knight despite his fall into temptation. After catching up with the assailant, he wrestles the bandit to the ground and flips him over; only to find out he is actually a she. The next morning, he and Mary Margaret dine on lasagna when Mr. Gold gives them the Dreamshade wound elixir. Once Regina helps her father move on to a better place, the group discuss possibly helping other souls in the Underworld move on. ("Selfless, Brave and True"), As the bean fields prosper, Mother Superior shields the area from outsiders with a barrier. Later in the night, Maleficent tasks Regina with kidnapping Pinocchio and bringing him to a cabin, where Mr. Gold reverts the boy into August. Prince Charming is ecstatic, as this is the life he wanted for her, but she abruptly remarks that it is a shame it never happened since he failed her as a father. Snow realizes they are hiding out of fear, so she tries to appeals to them by announcing Hyde's capture and that they can get food and shelter at Granny's. Snow was born during one of the harshest winters the Enchanted Forest ever had. David and Snow recall the last memory that the sapling gave them, with both insisting the other was not there, until they realize they were, except they did not see each other's faces then. Regina Mills only signed up to be a contestant in hopes to gain instagram followers and publicize her failing bakery, at least that's what she's telling herself. To learn more about Nimue, who can defeat the Dark One, Mr. Gold advises the group to research The Dark One Chronicles. As they attempt to flee, Prince Charming is turned to stone by Medusa. After getting to the Queen's castle by Hook's ship, Charming and Snow quickly overpower the Queen with the intensity of their song. When Hades admits there might be another way for Kilian to return to Storybrooke, Emma and Hook go underground in search of ambrosia. Charming and Snow then attempt to sing again, though their voices end up coming out in normal speaking tones. TeacherMayor (formerly) Queen (formerly) Bandit (formerly) Princess (formerly) After the dwarves leave in a huff, a frustrated David retreats into the sheriff's office, where he vents to Mary Margaret about his inability to do anything and that he blames himself for what Emma has become. Inside, a princess, Rapunzel, relates how she became trapped after being chased up the tower by a cloaked witch. Suddenly, Greg's phone starts ringing. Awkwardly, Emma excuses herself by saying goodnight, but this doesn't stop Mary Margaret's chatter about how happy their daughter looks. David is forced to help Regina at first and they are mistaken for a married coupleEC endgame. As the curse's mirror shards infiltrate the building, David and his wife hold hands in comfort. When Killian comes back from the underworld Regina gets pushed over the edge. ("Snow Drifts", "There's No Place Like Home"), In the aftermath of Emma and Hook returning to the present, they also rescued a would-have-been-executed woman, Marian, who is actually Robin Hood's deceased wife. Lancelot is able to find a small portion of water and brings it over to Ruth. Emma is skeptical since it's a risky plan, but Archie rallies everyone into the plan. After a search, they do not find him, as Mr. Gold got to him first. ("The Final Battle Part 2"), Sometime after the conclusion of the final battle, David and his wife move with baby Neal into a new home. As he and Mary Margaret discuss their dark secret involving. ("Manhattan"), On Mary Margaret's birthday, David makes breakfast pancakes for her, even though he pretends to be making them out of hunger, she can obviously tell what is going on. Though David actually cannot remember anything, he pretends to recall memories to spare Kathryn's feelings. regina had been with daniel but it all ended because of cora but one day she will find love again in emma and itll be so sweet and fluffy and i love them so much swan queen makes so happy so yes After the death of Daniel and her forced marriage, Regina lost everything except her and Daniel's daughter. ("Breaking Glass"), David gathers with Belle, David, Henry, Hook, Mary Margaret, Mr. Gold and Regina where they watch a camera recording of a young Emma and her prior foster mother, who is none other than the Snow Queen herself. After she leaves, David tells Hook that Emma is never going to like him since he's just a pirate. Rather than this, David tells his wife that he can't go to Boston with her. Upon questioning Regina about where they were sent, Regina feigns ignorance, eventually using magic to strangle David. Zelena then creates a cyclone, but her magic gets severely drained, giving Regina the chance to render her powerless again, while David grabs hold of Zelena. Emma still wants to let Cruella and Ursula in because they helped with the Chernabog, and Regina argues that the villains deserve a second chance just as she herself has. Desperate to save Emma, Hook tries to free Zelena, who double crosses him and later takes Robin as hostage, in order to get Regina to forfeit the wand to her. Emma sends her parents to warn the townspeople about what is going on while she and Elsa learn a counter spell, using Anna's hair, can be made. Black was her color. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. The Evil Queen announces her intent to have revenge on everyone by destroying their happiness. One fateful day, Emma returns, memory restored, to reunite with her parents. However, he agrees to go with him after Hook expresses a willingness to do whatever it takes to get back to Emma. When James gets too close, David moves to defend himself, but his brother tasers him into unconsciousness. They ultimately failed during th e missing six weeks. David insists it was his choice to follow Emma, and he lets it slip that he did it for Hook too, since he's grown fond of him. The Blind Witch has the perfect solution, but before she tells them, she asks for a breath sample from David, which she wants to sell on the black market. Afterwards, David and Mary Margaret receive Regina at the door. As David continues to keep his injury secret, his strength is depleting. His alliance with Cora sent, Regina spares her sister 's life and imprisons her a. Emma 's hands got to him first of Hook 's rum, Regina. To keepit for Henry 's help, Emma faces her underlying fears and ignites the ember, by giving a... 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