By June 1 I was using e cigarettes just to help. LEAD? I just have to cut back my vaping and eventually, all nicotine. I have checked for fleas, but they are all what looks like just a single bite although they dont actually itch very much. Sometimes it lasts a few days and disappears. Your comment sounds about as prepackaged as they come. I smoked jc classics Canadian made product. I stopped smoking for 13 years (and started again 15 years ago) and remember the symptoms well. On one hand, its helping us not to smoke cigarettes. ultimately leads to clogging of the pores.bacteria doing their thing..and boom, breakout, im no expert but experiencing this for 6 months trying this and that and the other, changing my diet, my exercise, the liquidseverything in my life..all along i have had this strange feeling that the acne is being caused by my body trying to protect my skin from the damage e-cigs are causing, google sebum guys see what you think, According to studies conducted by the NIH, it cites the ingredients used in vape liquid cartridges reduce inner ear cell viability. Stopped smoking Blu ecig for two months. Exposure to nickel is responsible for two different types of adverse reactions: Allergic Contact Dermatitis (DAC) and Systemic Nickel Allergy Syndrome (SNAS). Yesterday, I wound up in the ER cuz they say Allergic Conjunctivitis, and Im probly going back tonight because I now have really painful hives all over my arms and legs! I started with one of those small Ego starter kits, vaping typical PG/VG mixes from a local commercial supplier. Just using 12mg nicotine. Endocrine, Metabolic and Immune Disorders Drug Targets. Many disscussion abouth Using Deffrent PG/VG or Attomizer but i think result can be the same . Is it allergy? Worked well for me maybe it can help. Im waiting for my order to come in and hope it works also. Quit for real or smoke the real cigs. Im still staying with Nature Finest Organic, just got my order will have to wait on my face and mouth to heal. Nichrome is a popular alternative to kanthal for heating wires and was, in fact, invented before kanthal. Hi!! I have just started to get this dry itchy sensation around my lip upper as well as lower. PG can mess you up. Its still too early to tell if its helping my other symptoms. I started vaping around 4yrs ago, gradually going from 2.4 to 0.6 nicotine. How many continued with problem after? But nickel can be found in many everyday items, such as coins, zippers, eyeglass frames, cosmetics, detergents, and . the day after I started I woke up with red splotches and canker sores on the sides of my tongue. In the morning when i woke up my breath seems so short and Heart rate goes up and i felt the gastric pressed down the chest. Thats the best comment Ive seen so far. And they appeared alone in places that bed bugs typically cant get to (at my butt when wearing think underwear and pants), very confusing! Ive tried all that. Tramontana M, et al. I am convinced now after reading this thread that the vape is to blame. It first appeared when I tried a strawberry-kiwi flavour, then it stopped when I was vaping other not so fruity flavours and then I got pomegranate-papaya with actually tastes quite similar to the strawberry one and it started all over again! Its serious and needs to be discussed. Since it was on my left side doctor did EKG and found nothing. Hard to believe thats the soonest they could see me, considering I have hives all over my chest, stomach, sides, under my armpits and on my under my upper portion of my arms. In fact, its used in lots of everyday products much like VG. About four months ago, I started getting tonsillitis so bad that the drs tested me for strep and it was negative. I wanted to ask you if your health has gotten better? My lungs were always congested. It was mainly on my face at 1st, but spread to my ears, neck and chest. let me know if this help!! Ive never had so many health problems until i quit. Hi Colin, which department at Marlboro do you work for? then my inner ear, face and head would heat up when I vaped. Had to quit the e-sigaret. Rash has spread all over my body, my appetite is non existent, and my sleep sucks. Other related issues perhaps, I have seem lots of single spots appear in random places. Most of these metal hypersensitivity (MHS) reactions are type IV/delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. Same time frame. For those that its mostly an external skin issue and/or throat issue, try washing and rinsing as often as possible and see if that helps. Because its unregulated, these bargain basement mixologists can put whatever they want in our liquids, including liquid heroin, for all we know. I believe that you should stop 3 or four days to see how you feel if the symptoms are going probably u have got allergic to the liquid. produce more sebum to protect it right? Todays news accelerated ones beliefs thay there hasnt been sufficient testing. The one certainty with giving up ecigs and going back to ciggies is you will end up very ill, not today, not tomorrow but one day. I probably cant go cold turkey, but I am going to cut back, smoke less inside, and wash my hands, face, and hairline as frequently as possible after every smoke. Just wanted to give readers going through the same or similar thing a time frame for symptoms to dissipate. I am quitting and going back to cigarettes and try to find another way to stop smoking. Dont deny your symptoms and please tell others. Vaping 'could cause deadly reactions and chemical asthma' VAPING e-cigarettes could trigger deadly allergic reactions and "chemical" asthma . You should get the chewable type because it cant be metabolized in the digestive tract unless u take a combo of L-cysteine, L-glutamine and glycine. Its way easier to quit vaping than I must admit. Most of those Ive met who get the worst symptoms were never heavy smokers in the first place. Ive had the exact same thing. Many of the metals used in orthopaedic surgical implants are immunologically active and can cause hypersensitivity reactions. I am going to have the san but I already know the answer to What was making me so sick. And white lumpy burning spots all over face and chest which no doctor seems to no whats going on untill today I spoke to my friend who started vaping two days ago has chronic ear pain pain and lumps all over her face the same as mine these need investigating further some days I thought I was going to die with the pain in my head I couldnt get off the pillow my advise is bin them fast !! So he knows his stuff, Im on steroids, antibiotics because I have a illness that lowers my immune system. p.s. How exactly are you getting exposed to the nickel in the batteries? Just thought Id add my own experience. Hi, wondering if anyone has had my experience? IF YOU REALLY WANTED TO KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON, AND YOU WERE THOROUGH, YOU WOULD NOT BE SCREAMING ABOUT ITCHING. Ingredients used to flavour e-liquids could aggravate the body's immune sys Wish you all luck in your search for relief. It started about 2 days after I started vaping. Youre lying. My advice change your ejuice and/or seek medical attention smoking cigs may have tore your lungs up so bad you cant put anything in them. It doesnt get rid of it, but it helps. So have just decided an hour ago I am quitting the ecig !! ITS NOT THE LIQUID( I tried all vegie) ITS THE NICKEL IN THE BATTERIES!!. Ive been vaping for 2 years now and felt like **** ever since tired, VERY FOGGY and 0 motivation to do anything. This started 1 month ago,but has gotten worse over time. I was doing light therapy and on all kinds of topical steroids. If you quit two months ago and stil are going through health issues, the vaping is NOT the problem. Nickel is a chemical that is widely used in utensils, jewelry . Also quit weed at the same time. Ive started sleeping with a vaporizer, that has helped some. Soak a clean cloth in tap water or Burow's solution . Where do people think they come from in bulk? I also developed rosacea on my face. I bought a Blu pod system recently and have been using that to curb my nic cravings by taking a few puffs when i feel the urge. MAYBE BY PEOPLE DOING THIS, WE CAN GET WHATEVER IT IS *OFF THE MARKET*. Have you ever heard of someones lips feeling sunburned and dry and swollen and painfull I cant take it but it seems to bee since I quit smoking cigarettes and started using magic puff menthol.I think its the pg. My immune system went completely out of whack and man where i was headed if I kept this up was not pretty. Thinking I was doing my body good. Although nichrome should be avoided if you have a nickel allergy and to an extent stainless steel vape wires, for flavour alone lots of vapers believe these two types offer the best flavour for vaping. My chest is completely clear and I had no withdrawal symptoms. This is very frustrating the doctors dont want to believe its the vapo however I was feeling just fine before i started. The lower photo shows nickel allergy from metal in clothing . I only smoked a few ecigs then developed the steady ringing in my ears. Here are my symptoms. Been washing sheets and covers on the weekly. Sucks that we suffer from hoping to make a change for the better. Lisa I had that same thing with bumps on my tongue. Isuspect Im having a bad reaction to the flavoring used or theres other cheap Chinese crap contaminating this stuff. In our survey of over 1,000 vapers, the results roughly agreed with these researchers' findings. Its our ecig vapourizing the eliquid that is changing the chemical components. I would try not to scratch. Inadvertent standard pen, mini pro tank 3, normal 650 battery. Had no problems then but due to limited retails of e cigs and associated materials here in Africa (Nigeria in my case) i have to use different atomizers and e liquids. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. I feel better today. Artificial colorings, artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners and other additivesare approved for human consumption, but they have not yet been tested for safety when inhaled, so they couldcause irritation or allergic symptoms when vaped. Signs and symptoms include an itchy rash with redness, swelling, scaling and possibly a crusty appearance. I started having a really weird symptom just a day after using a vapor device. Then I started making the connection with e-cigs I stopped smoking them, went back to ordinary cigs, and the improvement was gradual but dramatic over a few weeks. We dont even know whats in the O-rings. Have tried switching to 100% VG? I am still on e-cig and on and off on smoking because both of my general doctor and ENT doctor feel e-cig is safer than cigarettes. These things are no good. No problems until 2 years ago. My gums are getting real sore.I read that after you quit smoking your gums could bleed but is anyone experiencing real sore gum? The dry lung feeling finally subsided after 6 weeks, but the feeling like I have a pill stuck in my throat still has not subsided. Interesting comments.. Have you done the maths to correlate amount of e liquid vaping per day compared to the nicotine intake from tobacco cigarettes? However, I have an itchy red rash all over my body, mainly on legs and arms. Some do not do anything others I guess with certain ingredients caused a fulll blown anaphylactic shock. Very itchy. Now a white patch on roof of mouth spongy to the touch. My diet smoothie and chloraseptic. A few months ago I started getting this dry flaky rash on my forehead with blotchy red patches on my face. 20/06/2015 at 4:54 am. I have it all also hives nothing test right no drink food nothing People are sick, their pet foods have killed animals, kids are sick, chickens are disgusting, and I for one want to know if these USA companies who claim everything is american made, have gotten a single ingredient from China. The nickel contained in the device's heating element also can cause a rash, the researchers said. One consideration that no one mentions that beside the concern with PG, what about all the loads of companies that make juices, of varying quality? Has anyone else has this issue or have any way to fix it besides just quit? I would love to hear from anyone having similar problems. New laws are aimed at curbing vaping among teens. So needless to say, all that fear from my childhood came back and hit me! Now I stopped using and will never use this toxic shit again, its still taking a minute for my body to break this allergy down and rid itself. What I can smoke isnt legal yet. If it stops these God damn ulcers tho its my only option. Check to see if you may have an allergy to one of the components of the e-cigarette or vaping liquids. After the surgery I felt much better and can sleep better. Could it be that in justsimply allergic to all nicotine now even if I used to be a smoker without problems? I went to the doctor 2x first for blood tests to see what was causing the difficulty breathing (like severe dry lungs), to this feeling like I cant swallow. So Im dosing all day everywhere. And the rash on my lower leg remains constantly. Omg! 2022 Jun 17;S2213-2198(22)00584-. doi: 10.1016/j.jaip.2022.06.005. I tired an ecig (one drag back in 09 and got strep like symptoms. I dont think it could ve cape related, because Id quit calling for well over a couple of weeks to test itButJust in case, Im wondering if anyone experiences this.. Dont chain vape, put it down like you would a normal cigarette. Nickel allergy is often associated with earrings and other jewelry. in response to Alison on September 19TH: I came here to see if anyone else was experiencing skin problems due to vaping. Well, instead of feeling better, Ive been getting worse! The itchy rash was happening maybe two or three times a week to varying degrees and the swelling has only happened three times, the first was quite mild and it went away fairly quickly and did not disfigure me much. 9th ed. I knew it was a sign but ignored it. I used to smoke more than a pack a day and since day one i had my itaste e-cig i haven`t touched a real cig !! Been vaping over 4 years now have always loved it as believed it was not affecting my health in any way. However, I recommend you see an allergist and test for propylene glycerol, because that is always a possibility. non of my friends have any problems. I feel like I have been wasting my life away over the past months.. I realized that I was overdosing on the e-cig, and have tried cutting back, which made my headache finally go away. Started out with small hives and then developed angiooedema on every single part of my body. I have been vamping for about 9 months and have enjoyed not smoking cigarettes. So its day 6 and rashes / tingling / itching have gone. From extended exposure last night, I have not been able to eat today. Hyper-sensitive people react to lower amounts of nickel released than is typical for the nickel-allergic population as a whole. Well symptoms that allegedly arise from nickel allergies when vaping are coughing up blood due to sores in the lungs. Its in a lot of stuff! Junk juice is cheap and tasty but can make you sick. I smoked Blu brand cigarettes for over 1 year and this past summer started waking up with what looked like mosquito bites all over my legs. If you think the area may have become infected, see your doctor right away. Dont get me wrong Capella never said they were organic, I never even thought about how the flavors came out. In fact, it's been found that some people with . Soo know I Quit vapping the Symtom slowly gone and i feeling better. I agree I gave up smoking three months ago and have been vaping trying different mixes but now have blocked sinuses dry throat, at night have to put lip balm on to stop drying lips while sleeping due to not being able to breath through nose, I have to wake up three times a night to have a drink due to parched feeling have small mouth ulcers behind cheeks heavy lung feeling etc etc also vaping more than smoking and never really satisfied, it seems more trouble than its worth cleaning pieces gurgling at times battery going flat etc etc I might as well give up. When vaping are coughing up blood due to vaping its the nickel in the lungs vaping among teens my,... 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