Scientifically speaking Adam had only the male chromosome because he had no mother, Jesus has only the female chromosome because he has no father and that can be proven when he returns to earth in the end of time. The body of Christ was created on day 6. By this action, Jesus Christ was telling His disciple that It was I who blew onto the clay figure to make it a living person: Adam! (Remember John 1:1-3, 14 and that He is Alpha and Omega?) To produce a male, ONE Y chromosome must come from the father. Or if you know nothing, wish you dont contribute on such discussions. If not why not? It will confirm the birth of Jesus had no male intervention. Jesus said he had life in himself. This certainly applies to this totally bogus claim about finding actual blood of Jesus! I stick with my way of living that has always been love your neighbour like yourself and I do not expect any reward for being human. Do you, and you, and you ALL, ever think??? The quran is a hebrew bible and in my opion the Jews did not exsept Jesus as the Son of God. After the agony of his passion and death, in his risen state, all his wounds were healed but those on his hands, feet, and heart, so that his disciples would recognize him and believe ( John 20:20 ). As far as any of us is concerned you can believe or you can rot in hell. The book of God never needs to be ammended or corrected. To Saint John." When Kasimir later opened the reliquary, he found five bone fragments. Remember!!!!! In my opinion, this is how you provide the best possible environment for your epigenetics. A simple minded person like yourself thinks that life appeared where there was no life and evolved into humans. We can all read this through the WHOLE Bible and is confirmed in the gospel. in the name of religion which, in all reality, is simply another power-game of the superpowerful (and sometimes, supersmart) who control the masses who are unwilling to chose to think. Faith is precious and can only be used when we dont see. Now is the time to use our faith and build treasures in heaven, treasures we can all share and enjoy. Mary lent her womb and not her DNA. Although most of what you mentioned in the article was spot on the what I was thinking, I believe you made one mistake. (3) How does a drop of water get to the top of a Sequoia? Just count the number of people executed by Jehovah and chronicled in the bible. I am eager to read everyones replies, my original thought was a Scriptures say the holy spirit hovered over Mary I to split a cell in her woumb .. And how can spirit have DNA ? Our DNA is in Him and cannot die; that is why it is important that we are in Christ just like the Bible says. Thank you very much, Otto. So the term 'Jew . God is the creator of every singular atom of matter or above matter. Man created God in order to easly explain that wich people didnt understand centuries ago, earth quakes, fire, lightning, thunder etc, we know today what these are, and now its 2014 so when exactly is God or Jesus going to return and who is going to really believe them, many times people have said Jesus is comming or they are the new Jesus, and we all laugh at them, today we watch sci-fi movies based in the future 2025 2525 and so on.. star date 246758.3 etc, no mention of god or Jesus, how long before religion is totally forgotton and wars stop????? there are no clone yet that timemary cant do that He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. in the Beginning , G-D Create HEAVEN, EARTH ..create means He speaks things exist..let there be light and there was lighttherefore he speaks to Mary and when she accepted the message she pregnant.her acceptance pregnant her for bearing the SON of G-D. if you more I can tell you more..I Know this G-D well , this G-D is mine he informed me many things if some one question to much thats ok cos they do not know this G-D of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.God Bless AMEN, Would like for you to simplify. And therefore, if Jesus were to be called son of David, Joseph must be his biological father. How do we measure darkness: by the absence of light. Can a Christian be a blood donor(give own blood to others)? just a bit of wiscont All are created in the image of Adonai. In fact, if he found 46 chromosomes I would have my doubts because the argument would be that it was simply the blood of a human being (except of course that the white blood cells . Please respond to an article I read which claims that Luke uses Greek idioms and puts them in the mouth of Paul, showing he is making things up. Work back and see where David linage was from, consider how many people orginated from Adam(1)and Eve They had more than Cain and Abel. In case the video did not work, the blood was not only still alive, but it contained 24 chromosomes! Of course both fullblooded bloodline decendents yet far enough apart to have normal children with each other. Well, you have to have it to get it. THANK U . why some peoples are rich some are beggar? If, like the Bible says, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and Mary, He would have 46 chromosomes. For Jesus to be called son of David, either Mary or Joseph has to be in the lineage of David. Aameen. Interesting the way you try to explain about Jesus and God, the same we can do with your believe. Animals have 48 chromosomes. yes there will be and there is find him. 1. We are part of the Word of God, part of the Body of Christ. Romans 6:8 Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. 1/2 of people are from the line of David. No, Jesus was the son of God. The 14-foot-long relic has gone through several tests to determine its authenticity, including radiocarbon measurements in 1988, which led to conclusions that it was likely manufactured somewhere between 1260-1390 A.D. if we study about DNA we can find that ,there are about 3 billion bases of human DNA .and 99% of thous bases are the same in every human being, Adam was created by God without male female interaction and Jesus was also created by God without male.niether Adam is a god nor Jesus.They both are like other humans but differ as they are chosen by God as prophits.If we suppose Jesus is a god then Adam is more suitable to be called god, If Jesus was just a profit then I wonder if with all our sins if we would have been alive today was it not for Jesus the Son of God to died for us on the cross then we would have never got frogiveness for our sins. if you believe the power of God, its not impossible to him to have Sonsdirect or indirect. . Cold world where everyone needs a hug.. God The Same Yesterday, Today and Forever.. He has been known to fake data, the use pictures from out of contextto flat out lie. This is why Jesus had to be born of a virgin. There were a profecy made in the past of the word of God and also that the profecy in the past are comeing true. It is a mystery that we may never understand in this world. All the animals looked like their kind, but man looked like God (Jesus). He says he found Jesus' blood and it had only 24 chromosomes, though of course he never shared it with anyone else, nor explained how he reached his conclus Continue Reading 2.7K More answers below Angela Birch BA from Pepperdine University (Graduated 1974) Author has 21.3K answers and 40.9M answer views Jan 13 came up to heaven? There are measurable chemical differences in snow formed at different temperatures, so ice cores provide a record of polar temperature going back around 250,000 years for Greenland and 800,000 years for Antarctica.( ) ,maybe this work for you; meaning this can be an available eye witness, one of the many that can tell the pass dont stick to the translation palyes your right there are some translation that is not right but dont close your mind with that belief, look for another options..a right translationill ask you what translation that you read already that is wrong? HE ALLOWS EVENTS TO HAPPEN OR NOT HAPPEN. Very real power and love is streaming to our hart ! As a person of faith (Muslim) to you people of faith, my only advice is to open ur eyes and do ur research regarding ur faith. Anything else wouldn't make sense when one considers that he was . We, being part of the Body of Christ, died with Him. The same apply to the world as we know it, a being GOD (or beings) is DELIBERATELY BEHIND THE ORDERLINESS and AWE INSPIRING SITUATIONS of the WORLD (SPACE AND EARTH) as we know and see it, and not by mere chance as some scientists may want us to believe. Among primates, only humans contain 23 pairs of chromosomes (22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes and 1 pair (XX or XY) of sex chromosomes), for a total of 46. . from the point of adam and jesus DNA everybody hav gone too far of known things to faith books or religions, yet sometimes the word TRUTH comes along. the best thing in me of all your comments n knowledge are your express want n search for TRUTH at this point in time of our lives. Something not perfect? He concluded they found Jesus' blood .when they tested this blood the results were that Jesus' blood is still alive today, and it has 24 chromosomes: 23 from his mother and 1 from the Holy Spirit which proves the virgin birth. Read the Psalms 82: below and instead of the word gods, use the word Elohim. Also, He clarifies it by saying right out that we become sons of God. Are there for Im assuming Jesus being in Marys woumb The only DNA should be that of Mary? I believe your words And Have Strong Faith in You God. The 23rd pair, the sex chromosomes, differ between males and females. How would you respond to someone who used Isaiah 66:17 or 65:3-4 to prove that Christians ought not to eat pork? I think if Jesus had 50% of Marys dna He would have been born in sin.i dont think we carry the dma from Adam before fall but after. Normal human blood has a total of 46 chromosomes. It is for us to open our eyes, ears and hearts and conscientiously avoid bias and prejudice so that we elevate our consciousness and rightly cognize the truth within and without. 14 I will be his father, and he will be my son. You want all you genes wound properly with the right chemicals bound to them. Ar-Rahman ar-Raheem Maaliki yaumid Deen If think it is important to remember that Jesus is the Word of God, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. Our DNA and epigenetics is in the form of word, so the Holy Spirit spoke into Mary the proper words to make Jesus all the entities He claimed to be. Thats not our problem anymore. (Words of Jesus KJV), Romans 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another. Watch on. after noah, why men became evil that caused destruction of sodom? Yes he lives in us and we in him. It is obvious that the writer of the Bible (God) understood this process very well; this is because He created it. Do you know that your greatest sins wasting up your brain??? In fact he doesnt need the belief of any of us. Thankyou. John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Bless you. The church is not a building, nor is it a stated religion per se It is comprised of the true followers of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Well stated Chaplain Jerome Newland God bless you! John Doe, like everyone else, has several cancer suppression genes. Is this even possible? It was interesting until they said Satan must have been just misunderstood for giving us all the gifts of things like fire, and planting, and building, etc etc. Therefore it may just be wise on ones part to humbly look at these in relation to what religion or JESUS may be trying to communicate. All humans have two copies of human genes and two copies of DNA. What lie are you talking about: Jesus being the second Adam, or Jesus being the Son of God, or the Bible? She offered sin offering after childbirth and proclaimed she too needed a Saviour in the Magnificat and was present at Pentecost like all other saints to receive the Holy Spirit this time in her spirit and not in her womb. The Body of Christ which is The Church are still I have mine and I stick to it since it is in tune with the Bible. SO WHATEVER HAPPENED LATER WAS DIRECTED BY GOD ALMIGHTY. The Image of God is first seen in Genesis, it is God that said let us make man after our own image after our own likeness so he is not alone when he say that, there is somebody that he is talking with, the person that also have the same image with himand for sure you addmin know that aleady, yes your correct that is Jesus Christ (Col.1:15) and that Image is pass on to Adam..and to Evethe Day when they Createdbut the question is where is that Image now? Jesus was not clone or Mary; He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit contributed everything needed for Jesus to fulfill the scriptures. The Bible stands, pure. I have not be able to solve this riddle yet. His Haplogroup is J1c3d. And all this DNA stories is true because the DNA of Christ is in us when we repent and believe in Jesus then we do have the DNA of the Lord in us and the children of satan has his DNA in them. I am amazed at your sense of grandeur people? How does that fit in to Adam & Jesus? All those who received revelations from Allah, the most beneficent the most merciful, The Lord of the universes. The gospels confirm each other, especially Matthew who could take shorthand; so, we know Jesus words were accurate. God bless you!Love,Melanie. All the holy prophets are that booster who received date information, instruction and implementation power from centre of divine power and distribute it as per acceptability level. What a pity! Yes, I suspect it was the egg cell of Mary which brings up a question concerning the epigenetics of Jesus. But Ron Wyatt reported that every single scientist involved in the blood testing converted to Christianity afterwards! Buy yourself a Bible and sit down and start at Genesis and over the next 6 months or so read the entire Bible and ask Jesus to come into your heart and then reply again on this site and see if you still believe Jesus and the Bible are fairytales . How do we measure evil: by the absence of God. stop all these nonsense plz. Because of the snake or satan or lucifer within you! So, we have much confidence in the Bible. Genesis 1 and 2 Agreement or Contradiction? additional blood components found on red blood cells, specifically the M,N, and S antigens. (KJV). The Whole Process. Also, we have been give the ability to take the scriptures and look at physical evidence and apply our human ability to reason. Only in this world spiritual power centre is Christ. if he created every one for a purpose then what is the purpose of creating rich and poor, intelligent and foolish? A team of research scientists in Tel Aviv did a genetic analysis from a blood sample widely believed to have belonged to Jesus, concluding that Jesus' biological father was 'non-human'. However in: still accepting Member to form and complete the Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Adams DNA, please, published more the likes of dna and we as person now. Humans have 46 chromosomes. fore not all humanity is the Member of the Body. When we connect with God, then parts of that love He has, channeled through Jesus sacrifice, combines with that element in us, and we grow more and more in love with Him, and others who also hold the same element that binds us like a three strand cord, hard to break. God gave Jesus Christ exactly what He needed and only what He needed to become a man. Every rabbi throughout history has repeatedly told you that Jesus is NOT the Son of Man, indeed Jesus himself said the same: many shall come in my name saying I am the Christ, see that you believe them not. You know the Son of Man not from Adam. what race we belong? There are three main portions of computer. God is one and is in everything. They keep three months in their calendar to keep the there iterations of it holy: Adar, Kedar, Peleg. The Bible is true because whatever it said will happen is happening. Well who created the aliens ? but with an strong assurance from the GREAT IAM that IAM.she felt a greatest environment of such peace that she never experiences in heras a result.she accept the prophecy by G-D through his servant ISAIAH. So sad. Let me just remind you that God gave all power and glorie to His Son and may I also say that the quran sori to say also leave God the Son out of it. Everything Jesus does is ethical. !, i have never seen any thing proving the bible right only itself!!!! jesus' blood found and tested. And he will be called But the bible has name of author and Quran doesnt .So how is bible book of God. And who was Jesus father? Her husband, Joseph, was also from the tribe of Judah. We all are a product of his DNA. But that doesn't mean He was born of a virgin or that He had no biological father. Just in the same way the God created 46XY in each grain of mud when he created Adam. I regret to inform everyone that Ron Wyatt is a fraud and has done much to distort the truth. as I bleive the god has create the dna so it can be same the adams and the juses, because both of him Allah creat them in same way. Nice try, though, but yeah, you just lied. Adam lose that Image, hed been corrupted, he disobey God by his own will..instead of following Gods Word he choose to listen to his wifes voice, then he sin, and i guess that is unpardonablethen he the Image had Gone!God Curse himeventhough he sin, that image pass on to Cain and to Abel and to all of Usbut some had not kept that Image but lose it (Mt. Jeannine Mjoseth, B.A. remember that the Apostles were not well read. However, our mental and physical health is not fully determined by our DNA, our epigenetics take control. Did he talk about the trinity? the meaning of this is not literal because firstly God is a Spirit(luke 24:39), he doesnt have DNA, he dont have a hand like us..a feet like us..etc.if we take this literally then we will misled..the reason why, is that there are humans that have crippled hands after birth..blind after birthso the Image of God is not Blind Eyes,(1Cor.15:4)so the image of God is heavenly not earthly ..then let the bible explain itself, all we have to do is just SEARCH the answer available from within (Isa.34:16) None moved by his own will but by the Will of The Merciful Lord, just as He desired to instruct mankind at their stage of development. This is why in a few hundred years, they will be considered as tales, may be useful for establishing commonly acceptable moral values, but not real stories. Like atoms that are similar, and can bond together to form an element large enough to see, or sized of one atom, it is the same element. When you look at the verse in the Greek, which God had me do. Let Jesus answer your questions, dont put your salvation in stake, or you will be eternally sorry for avoiding this advice of me, that already in close relationship with Jesus in my daily life. Also, because the idea that the blood of Jesus could be found, or that it could have been preserved for nearly two thousand years is absolutely absurd. i am very impressed, but i also think that theres an element of truth in this DNA article.. We dont know yet. By bodily we all are same DNA of Adam. The earliest historical records of the Shroud of Turin place it in Lirey, France during the 1350s. And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up serpents with their hands; and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover. As Dr. Eugene Dunkley states in his article on the genetics of the blood of Christ, 24 chromosomes is exactly what would be expected if a man was born of a virgin. What did Eve have? Glory to King Jesus. This is an epigenetics battle, and the environment determines the outcome. This is a smart article, analyzing the relationship of the first Adam and the Last, while quoting Bible verses to support the teaching. I like the idea and explanation of Jesus having the same DNA as Adam. And for just another information. To have followers? Bio-engineered our DNA and made us (at least mental) in somewhat their own image. This way the genetics of David would remain as well as the orally and written history accounts of the Jews. This breaks down as follows: Twenty-three from His holy, immaculate mother, and one from His Father, the Y chromosome, which determines sex. Mat 22:38 This is the great and first commandment. Our flesh and blood will not enter the kingdom of God because it is not perfect, it is polluted with mutations due to sin. Please let me know what you think. So the conception of Christ is a perfect situation before and perfect situation after as your DNA Gospel would suggest. Extending noninvasive prenatal screening to all 24 human chromosomes can detect genetic disorders that may explain miscarriage and abnormalities during pregnancy, according to a study by researchers at the National Institutes of Health and other institutions. happenby. Who is the Mechelsadeck? We are all unique and individuals, but from the same body. 133. ?, God is in places where people are at peace, where wars, genocides, natural disasters have never or where people have never tasted any of the above!! Jesus actually shared his DNA with Adam. Do not ask meaningless questions.God doesnt want dat. YESHUAs work can now take the place and ransom Adams sin. There are Sons in the Bible that is not directly born of HIM, even us..the Human to be cont. Nothing but the blood The nature of Jesus' crucifixion as declared in the Bible is one filled immense with torture, humiliation, and pain. JEW..addedI..geneto..Brahma>IBrahim>ARAB..edited..more..genes>Rahim,Rahman!! It is a rare AB blood type, the same blood type found on the Shroud and the headcloth, with only 24 chromosomes, 23 from the mother and one Y from God the Father. AND TO UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH ABOUT IT IS SPIRIT LED. SPIRIT + SOUL + BODY = HUMAN All creation is a tangible indication that the Bible is very true true and not just self-proved. What an honor it is to be able to reason. This one had a full set from mom, and then a single Y chromosome, definitively proving its authenticity as the blood of Jesus. If Marys earthly corrupted (by the fall) DNA was used, It would never make up the genetic makeup of the first Adam (whose gene pool was the richest). The real mission of Jesus is the same as Solomon mission which failed. Bible may be Gods Book written by many a humans, according to their personal notions and/or belief-system. every man pray for god,bible reading is very important in my life. I have a personal friend who confronted Wyatt face-to-face. for His Church.Be ready. You bring up a very good scripture and point, and I accept the scripture as I do all scripture. Let It Be. This may all sound like a riddle, but this is the Gospel and worth the effort seeking. IN SHORT HE IS GOD INCARNATE!!! I am not sure to which blog you are referring, but epigenetics is a mystery. The letters are left for the individual reader to get confirmation from the Holy Spirit. Logically, Jesus had to have the same DNA as Adam before Adam sinned. JESUS HAD PRE-EXISTENCE, THAT WAS WHY HE SAID EVEN BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS I AM. the word you got confused with is will be called that is to be happen yet at that time..because if he is really the Son of God why he will be called, since he is already the Son? Father ,Mother ,Son =GOD, This is wrong. ISAIAH 9:6 I would like to know if we have cross in our bodies some were. to Gods word in 2 Samuel 7:12-14 (NIV) To begin with, we know that Mary was Jesus mother. It will blow you away! Im just wondering. You will see one day. I suspect we will all be very pleased with our bodies and wouldnt want to change anything. Image of God. It really had to be; just as Adam embodied all the genetic variations of humanity, Jesus had to do the same. 1. So why this insistence on DNA perfection? I have researched this and concluded it it is not true. All of this information has been suppressed by governments and even religious leaders around the world. Thats why God say seek my face and do my will so that you may have life abundanly sori to say but not everyone saying Lord Lord will enter into the Kingdom of God. Since Matthew and Luke clearly record much common material, it is certain that neither one could unknowingly incorporate such a flagrant apparent mistake as the wrong genealogy in his record. He was not conceived without sperm. READY? the Only ONE GOD. And we are also connected to Adam and are therefore carrying Christ in us. To combine perfection with imperfection equals what? Bible is very important in my name confidence in the lineage of David found and tested concerning epigenetics.: Adar, Kedar, Peleg Christ was created on day 6 is true because WHATEVER it said happen! Fraud and has done much to distort the truth in Marys woumb the only DNA be. And Omega? that He had no male intervention is Bible book God! Ibrahim > ARAB.. edited.. more.. genes > Rahim, Rahman!!!!... 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