Luckily, this is a plant that propagates easily in water. Instead, you have to have at least one node. You can reuse any cuttings to create a new plant. This is a good time to prune your plant as well to keep the growth under control. Some warmth is great, but too much can turn your cuttings to mush. The only reason I tried it was that I had a bag of moss in the shed that I didnt want to waste. If the plant and the new pot are in scale, then going from a 6 grow pot to a 10 would be fine. Perhaps a larger terra cotta pot would have been fine, but small terra cotta pots dry out much too quickly. Thank you for the monsters propagation tips, will the original plant grow again? As the plant grows, simply continue to secure the plant with plastic clips, garden twine, or whatever you have handy. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, also known as Mini Monstera or Philodendron Ginny, is a tropical plant that grows in the form of a vine and has aerial roots. These plants do NOT like to go completely dry so try not to let this happen. To solve the problem, increase the humidity. I often manage to ruin my soil propagations, while others have much better success rates with it than in water. I would recommend using either a heavier plastic pot, or a nice glazed ceramic pot. Did you know? As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Heres a photo of my plant with dotted lines to indicate where Id take a cutting: I like to cut an inch or so below the node so that if rot occurs I can snip it away without damaging the node. How to Grow a Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Water Required Keep the potting soil moist for active growth. The growth pattern of the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and Monstera Deliciosa differs significantly. None of the ingredients in this fertilizer contain Urea, which can harm plants over time. I've supported it on a bamboo cane but as its only a single stem it doesn't look very nice I'd like it to bush out a bit or have more stems, is that possible? Whats a node? It is an epiphyte, which means it grows up tree trunks rather than in the soil: An important fact to keep in mind when considering your soil selection and environments humidity level! Sometimes I find that the transition from water to soil can shock a plant. This is likely caused by a soil moisture issue. Its a Rhaphidophora (pronounced rah-feed-uh-four-ah). Subscribe to the. The potting mix should be kept constantly damp. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is incredibly easy to propagate, much like its cousin the monstera deliciosa. It will grow at least one for sure. That way, youre filling out the bottom by adding more plants BUT youll also encourage the plant to pick a new growth point (you know, since you decapitated the last one). Rhaphidophora tetrasperma mature leaves are smaller but broader than korthalsii. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation in water The most hands-off way to successful Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation is to just stick the cuttings in a glass of water. How? I have a really big syngonium cutting propping at the moment and its taking its sweet time I think I may cut it into small pieces. It doesnt have to be wet. Many cheaper fertilizers use Urea, and some of them in large quantities. Youll usually see or feel a bump around this location, which is an aerial root. Choose cuttings that are healthy and have at least a few leaf nodes. However, even the fenestrations have differences. Avoid letting this plant go completely dry at all cost because it will protest. It didnt have pests. You can attempt to root a dying branch, but it usually just rots in the water. To propagate by stem cuttings, prune a stem right below a node and aerial root. 2022 All rights reserved, Monstera 'Peru' care & info | Monstera karstenianum, Why is my string of pearls dying? But it sounds like you want a bushy plant, so I'd probably a few cuttings and plant them together. Take a stem cutting along with the node and a single leaf. It has three plants in the pot, and I havent trimmed the main stem. Propagation of Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophorid Tetrasperma) The propagation of Mini Monstera (Rhaphidophorid Tetrasperma) is shockingly simple. Among them, sowing propagation is to take out the seeds of rhaphidophora tetrasperma after they are mature, soak them in warm water for 10 hours to promote germination, sow them into the soil by on-demand method, and then cover a layer of film. Yay! Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation works in soil or in water, but also in LECA, perlite or sphagnum moss. You can also see from the picture that the leaves are looking pretty sad. There are 2 main benefits to propagating a plant. Hi I got a root stump of a TR in a package with other plants. I now root most things in what I call my hillbilly terrariums. Here are two easy options to support your plant. r. Give your Rhaphidophora bright indirect light. I grew my initial plant from a cutting that friend sent me. Its not unusual for the leaf to die, but it happens much quicker if you root in water. If your Mini Monstera features curling leaves, this could be due to too low humidity. Aesthetic - Tollan Kim. These roots grow out of the stem and collect moisture and other nutrients from the soil, host plant, or even the air. Or the leaf will die. Let's get into details! Allow the cuttings to root in a small nursery container, and transplant them into your main plant when theyve become more mature. Step One: Get your supplies! Ive never used copy and paste so much in a single article. Instead, choose a healthy branch, preferably one with new growth. Sometimes I just use what I have on hand, out of laziness, but I would not recommend using terra cotta pots for this plant. Select the vine youd like to sacrifice (for the greater good!). potential Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma problems Yellowing Leaves This probably means it's getting too much sun. Water Propagation. iii. The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma plant has a few other common names, including: Place the glass in a spot in your home that receives bright light, but no direct sun, as the water can easily overheat. Additionally, the Monstera Deliciosa's leaves will grow much larger than the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, growing up to two feet long. Those are the aerial roots used for anchoring their stems to other plants when growing in nature. Remove the leaves at the node so that you have three or four inches (7 - 10 cm) of the stem before the first leaves. Place in water, being sure at least 1 node is submerged. This is how Im making my extremely leggy mini monstera less leggy. Like any member of the Araceae (aroid) plant family, Rhaphidophora contains insoluble calcium oxalate which is toxic to pets and humans if ingested. A small Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma may only have vines that are 6inches long, but they can grow to 12ft or more. Easy to grow, attractive as a houseplant, can grow 16 feet tall using minimal floor space, easy to propagate, yet can be pricey to buy - that's the Rhaphidophora tetrasperma. If you would like to see my recommendations, check out my top 3 humidifier post to help you make your decision. Scissors, gloves, a small container with pre-moistened soil, and paperclips (optional). Also, check out my shop on Amazon for all your houseplant care needs:OHIO TROPICS PLANT CARE STOREFRONT, Posted on Last updated: December 28, 2022, Categories Foliage Plants, Beginner Friendly Plants. The first step to propagation via stem cuttings is to look for a healthy stem. The process of propagating the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma involves snipping the stem. After you have roots that are a few inches long, you can plant it in well-draining houseplant soil. And if you follow all the recommendations Ive made in this post and use an amazing fertilizer like Dyna-Gro Grow and the potting mixture I described, you will be shocked at quickly these plants grow! That's the nature of how these plants grow. A bright and indirect position is best for Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, though you can give the plant some morning sunshine without risk of sun scorch. To root rhaphidophora tetrasperma in moss, grab some sphagnum moss, saturate it with water, and then squeeze all of the excess out. Rhaphidophora korthalsii propagation is by stem cutting in soil or water. Step Two: Weigh the options. Im going to take another cutting at some point that Im going to start in moss and see if its quicker. But in the case of rhaphidophora tetrasperma (and probably a lot of other plants) the aerial roots can start to produce roots, so dont cut the aerial root off the cutting. See if you can find something you can use as a cloche to increase the humidity, and stick it on a bright windowsill. Cut your plant with clean, sharp scissors. The reason is that the mini Monstera and Monstera deliciosa's leaves look similar. THe one last year just rotted, but I sucessfully rooted three cuttings this years. What's a node? Take a clear storage bag (such as a Ziplock) and use it to create a humidity tent over the plant. That node is going in the water: you dont want any rotting, mushy leaves floating around. For another rhaphidophora plant, check out my rhaphidophora hayi care guide, aka the shingling plant!. Place the stem cutting inside water for a couple of weeks. Keep reading for everything you need to know about Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation and how to care for your brand new plant(s). Simply cut out some healthy leaf nodes and set them into a glass of water. Bright, indirect light is ideal, but medium light is also tolerated. If you have any more questions about propagating Rhaphidophora tetrasperma or if you want to share your own experiences with this delightful aroid, dont hesitate to leave a comment below! And it worked. This plant enjoys bright indirect light, well-draining soil, and not a lot of water. If your soil has gone completely dry, your plant will develop yellow leaves on the lower part of the plant. . The vines, though, can grow super long. Stick the cuttings into the soil so that at least one node is touching the mixture. Send us pics of your plants on social media! Try and keep this plant fairly moist, but not waterlogged. If anyone knows of a way to make professional grow lights look more aesthetically pleasing, PLEASE let me know. We also have what looks to be new growth, which is extremely exciting. However, if your mature speciment has thick stems, theres nothing stopping you! It will help you avoid problems such as root rot and moist sphagnum moss and promote new growth in the mother plant. Ill insert a terrible photo in the article because I cant seem to add one in the comments on mobile! You will also see brown spots on the leaves. But it's possible to use seeds (rare) and air layering. You can replant into the same pot if you'd like, or just start a new pot and add a few cuttings in it. Also, their pinnae don't have holes (perforation) near the midrib to make them appear stilted as it is with korthalsii. I toyed with the idea of picking all the moss off, but you know what a root looks like. So although Dyna-Gro Grow may cost a bit more than many of the more commonly available fertilizers, my plants and your plants deserve it! Back off watering and begin treating the plant as normal. Yes, your plant will grow back after you take a cutting :-). The cuttings themselves were starting to grow in the water, as you can see from the buds forming in the photo below. Remove any leaves that will fall under the water line. They work amazing for propping begonias too. Here's how easy it is to propagate your mini monstera plant from a cutting! Yes, you can. The process involves cutting the vine of the plant close to the bottom of its node. For extra security, bend your paper clips into a U shape, using them to anchor each node to the soil. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma likes moderate to warm temperatures. It was also one long vine, and I wanted a bushier plant, so I took cuttings. Next question: How exactly do you propagate a Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello, my plant is now easily over 6 tall and I am wanting to propagate to make it more full with multiple stems (it currently is one tall stem). (3) Plop your cuttings in the hole, covering them over with soil. Our Mailing Address: 5028 Cayenne Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33418, One of every houseplant parents favorite is the Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, aka the Mini Monstera, Monstera Ginny, Philodendron Ginny, or Monstera Minima. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is also known as: Read my complete guide on why is my Rhaphidophora tetrasperma turning yellow! Propagation. To which Ive added some orchid potting mix. Fertilizer. You should end up with 4-5 plantable snippets. Its a rapid grower, propagates easily, and is easy to care for with no special requirements. Cut off a section with at least one node - the bump that leaves grow from. If you do water, you should refresh it every week or so. Take a cutting from the parent plant using sterilized scissors or pruning shears. Potting mix that has gone too dry (or even too wet to the point of root rot) will both cause droopy leaves. Not ready for potting? Step Six: Place your cutting in the water! Its not impossible to root your cuttings in water, its just more difficult. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Problem #2: Curling Leaves. If you do this, add rooting hormone and cover the pot with a plastic bag (loosely) to create a greenhouse effect. Cut the plant into sections that contain 1 or 2 nodes. This plant can easily get several feet tall even indoors. Fill a small nursery pot with well-draining soil and water it thoroughly. You could buy several and put them all in the same pot, but I find that you can get more bank for your buck if you trim your existing plant and propagate the cuttings. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, like many climbing vines, produce something called aerial roots. Thank you. Extra humidity helps, tooyou can try something like a greenhouse cabinet (see my Ikea greenhouse cabinet for inspiration) or a plastic bag. Some plant parents also choose to prune this species to encourage full, healthy growth, and these trimmed sections can be used to grow new plants. In a nutshell, without support: The Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma grows down, and the Monstera Deliciosa grows up (at least for a couple of years). I dont even vent until I get new growth. Wait until the roots are 2 inches long or have secondary roots mini roots growing off the roots to plant in soil. After taking your rhaphidophora tetrasperma cutting, you can pop it in water to grow roots. Rhaphidophora is one of the largest aroid genera in tropical Asia. If youd like to skip the water rooting step and plant your cutting directly in soil, you follow all of the same steps. It must be a pot with good drainage or you risk root rot. Super easy way to keep humidity sky high for cuttings. So why do people call it a mini monstera? The cutting should be at least 2 inches long, and have a node (growth point) and a leaf or two for proper photosynthesis. After that, transfer the stem cutting into the jar and cover it with damp moss. If youre looking to multiply your mini Monstera, youre in luck. Notice that I said damp and not wet! I have no excuse Im just impatient. They require higher levels of moisture than the parent plant. It takes 3-4 weeks for your propagations roots to establishwater when the topsoil is damp but crumbly. How to propagate Rhapidophora tetrasperma: If youd prefer to watch a video, rather than read this long-ass post, then theres one here: The plant itself is not delicate or particularly hard to care for. Thats where it will stay for 2-4 weeks. Putting your water-propagated cutting in dry dirt will cause stress. As a tropical plant, your Rhaphidophora tetrasperma naturally enjoys a good deal of humidity. Here, you are looking for a stem with at least one node and 2-3 leaves. Join our mailing list for exclusive benefits - No Spam, just garden goodness! They require higher levels of moisture than the parent plant. 2, you can tame an unruly plant. Hi Heidi, you're very welcome! I use the plastic containers my family buys Costco rotisserie chicken in. By applying these tips, youll eventually have these fast growers in every corner of your house (and your friends houses). How to propagate the mini monstera? Some direct sunlight is beneficial, supporting the plant's rapid growth rate, but you may not want that as the plant grows so quickly! If you move your plants outdoors during warmer weather, wait until night time temperatures are consistently 55F (13C) or higher. (3) Plop your cuttings in the hole, covering them over with soil. Why? They come in a pack of ten, they have drainage holes, they come with a saucer, theyre pretty, and theyre cheap. Now, transfer your cuttings into a pot with soil in it. Look at the transformation after just 1 year! To propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, choose a vessel that has a wide opening. You will notice that the lower leaves will turn yellow if you let this happen. Im pretty sure itll work in damp perlite too, but I havent tried it (yet Ill update when I do). Propagation is half of the fun of having houseplants, isn't it? Before I used moss my cuttings just rotted. Dont follow a once a week watering schedule blindly! obviously not an ideal wait time, but apparently leaves can propagate. How To Propagate Rhapidophora Tetrasperma? Youll usually see or feel a bump around this location, which is an aerial root. Keep your newly potted Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma near a humidifier and diligently watch the soils moisture levels. Again, as long as there is a node or two and some leaves present, any cutting is absolutely viable. Its recommended that you keep the soil moist, but mines accidentally dried out a few times and its fine. How do you do it? Find a spot for the cuttings that gets bright but indirect light. @Raffaele, Thank you for your reply, do you have any tips for successful propagating? Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation is surprisingly easy. No spam;unsubscribe anytime. So, youll end up endangering the health of your main Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, or your cuttings will fail to root. How to Grow Rhaphidophora tetrasperma (Mini Monstera) When you start to notice the leaf nodes on the rhaphidophora Tetraspermas plant, this is the perfect opportunity to turn it into a new little plant. Taking The Cuttings Water propagation is the easiest and cheapest way to propagate rhaphidophora tetrasperma. RT are pretty common nowadays, so you shouldnt have to fork out a fortune for a small one. So I tried moss. I used these ones from Amazon because theyre my fave. They gradually develop, starting as holes and eventually becoming long, slender slits. Hi Charlotte! I cut mine and I regret it so much Cuttings died and now the top of the main stem is just dried out. However, you can also grow it outside! Your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a native of tropical Thailand and Malaysia. If you would like to make your own (and I promise you it will be much better and cheaper than anything you can purchase), check out my blog post with step-by-step photos and instructions on making your own moss post. Wait Pot up when the roots reach an inch or two Dont take the cutting until after the node has rooted. Temperature The best Rhaphidophora tetrasperma temperature ranges between 55F to 85F (12 to 29C). You need a cutting with 3-4 leaves on it, so pick some of your plants longest vines. Place the glass in a spot in your home that receives bright light, but no direct sun, as the water can easily overheat. Looking to purchase a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma? Variegated Rhaphidophora tetrasperma prefers bright indirect light, weekly watering, humidity above 50%, and warm temperature ranging from 55 to . (They used to be scarce and expensive, and now they are much more common and very inexpensive.) Its where the leafs stem connects to the main vine. I always say that if you can keep your potting mix at a good moisture level for your plant, it is much more important than trying to increase humidity. Dont give up they may still root, and the aerial root dropping off isnt a massive deal. Increase light, humidity, and temperature (so a sunny windowsill and maybe pop it in a clear plastic bag) if theyre not optimal already and hope! Rhaphidophora Tetraspermas also make lovely candidates for soil propagation. If you feel any resistance, that means youre probably in the clear! Fill it up with a fresh batch of soil to replenish the nutrients. Whats a node? Ohio Tropics . Be patient, change the water, and you can still get roots! The solution? You cant root this plant without a node. adventures! Plastic nursery pots are a great option for starting plants, but anything with a drainage hole will work. Identify a healthy branch of your plant with new growth. Its a Rhaphidophora (pronounced rah-feed-uh-four-ah). Their stems tend to be too thin for it to work well. Be patient. Great tip! Use a pair of clean, sharp scissors and cut off a piece that includes at least one node and a leaf, cutting a 1/4 inch below a node (meaning, the node will be included on the cutting). Rhaphidophora tetrasperma roots grow quickly and tend to be a bit stiff. The idea is that the plant isnt in water, but its directly above it. 506K subscribers It's Propagation Week here on 'Plant One On Me', so Sandy from Terrascapes and I will be demonstrating how to propagate a Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, which has become a. If youre looking for other Rhaphidophora tetrasperma propagation methods, you can also try: With all of these methods, you can move your new plants to your favorite aroid soil mixture once theyve rooted. Select your growth medium . Step 2: You can then put each cutting in water to root. Your roots should be. I just need to wait until I get a bit more growth on the mother plant. There must have been a few node cells at the base! Yes, this plant is quite the mouthful to say, so youll often hear is called mini monstera., But its not actually a monstera plant! Dont want to bother rooting your cuttings in water and then having to transfer them to soil? Anyone know? Ok, you probably can. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is native to lush and humid regions of Thailand and Malaysia.The plant was first formally documented in 1893 by British botanist Joseph Dalton Hooker.As a Rhaphidophora, it falls into the same family as the Monstera Deliciosa but is its own unique genus. I have mine growing in my sunroom and it front of a northern exposure window, but it is also close to an Eastern exposure window and will get a little morning sun. ii. Next question: How exactly do you. If anyone has plants that theyd like me to try to propagate, let me know. You could have a bacterial or fungal infection. We can propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma in water and though Rhaphidophora tetrasperm seeds. The humidity needs to be constant. with regular watering they continued to live, and after about 2 years a couple new stems popped out of the ground! It takes 3-4 weeks for your propagations roots to establishwater when the topsoil is damp but crumbly. iv. Mine continues to grow as normal from the node nearest where I took the cutting. After a feel weeks, you can gently tug the stem of the cutting. This plant, also called the mini monstera, is a fast grower and is super easy to propagate. It helps grow strong roots that experience less shock after transplanting them. The easiest way to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma is by propagating cuttings in water. Ok, so ordinarily I would say no. Lightly moisten the soil: spraying it works well. : Gather supplies! But anyway, potting it in a damp medium that allowed a lot of airflow and light caused my rhapidophora to root pretty quickly. Ive had one sitting in water for month and no roots at all. This is highly dependent on the age of your plant and the quality of your growing conditions. The leaves were damaged and it looked a bit like pest damage, probably the reason it was such a bargain. And a bit of activated charcoal was added. Replace the water when it looks milky. How to propagate Rhaphidophora tetrasperma Tools needed: Clean scissors Jar of water (I like test tubes) Parent plant Steps to propagate a mini monstera STEP 1 - identify a healthy branch with a node You can attempt to root a dying branch, but it usually just rots in the water. Its all floppy and out of my three cuttings only one is somewhat left. What are those? The stem thats lying horizontally has actually rooted theres a second growth point now (as well as the one with the new leaf unfurling at the top of the picture. Rhapidophora tetrasperma nodes are easy to see they usually grow one leaf and an aerial root per node. A heavier plastic pot, and stick it on a bright windowsill vessel that has a opening... Few times and its fine houses ) ive had one sitting in water, but small terra cotta dry... Sitting in water, as you can use as a cloche to increase humidity! Be new growth the quality of your plant will grow back after take! But they can grow to 12ft or more is shockingly simple 29C ) sucessfully... From qualifying purchases expensive, and after about 2 years a couple of weeks medium light also. Ruin my soil propagations, while others have much better success rates with it than in water how to propagate rhaphidophora tetrasperma but light. 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