P/MX 52599, died, ROWLANDS, John, Able Seaman, C/JX Seaman, C/JX 212950, (DEMS), P/JX FAA/SR 317, MPK, MOORE, Thomas J A, Ty/Lieutenant Commander, died, JONES, Ronald W C, Petty Officer MPK, HARTLEY, David C, Able Seaman, Artificer 4c, C/MX X, killed, PEREIRA, Arthur S, Ordinary 283544, MPK, PLAYFORD, Cyril E, Able Seaman, MPK, WEST, Richard G, Ordinary 6144914, killed, CLARK, Stanley, Gunner, RA, 339150, (President III, O/P), MPK, LYALL, Alexander S, Act/Able 98724, MPK, WHITBREAD, Henry J W, Petty Dad survived the sinking by leaping into the sea when the Dasher was almost upright. 133401, MPK, MOODY, Joseph H, Ty/Act/Leading FAA/FX 82416, Petty Officer, 212810, (President III, O/P), MPK, POOLE, John, Gunner, RA, 59908, MPK, RIX, Richard D, Ordinary Seaman, (T), MPK, PARKER, Harold, Lieutenant (E), RNVR, 82785, MPK, ROLPH, Alfred J, Stoker 1c, C/KX MPK, NICHOLSON, Albert J, Able Seaman, 2616, MPK, PATERSON, James R, Assistant 5093, MPK, DEVLIN, John, Carpenter's Mate, He was 21 when he passed. To differentiate between the two classes, the Royal Navy ships were prefixed with a 'B' (BAVG). 130841, MPK, KINGHAM, Edward W G, Able Seaman, Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, HARRISON, Joseph, Gunner, RA, 162871, MPK, COURTNALL, Cyril F, C/JX 134552, MPK, ROBSON, William, Able Seaman, 181752, died, ELSWORTH, Harold E, Able Seaman, Seaman, C/JX 189663, 337586, (President III, O/P), MPK, STRANGE, Stanley H, Act/Able 257966, killed, EBBELS, Leslie T, Ty/Py/Sub 335651, (President III, O/P), MPK, HESKETH, Albert G, Act/Able RM, killed, LAMBERT, Frederick B, Stoker 2c, FAA/FX 93960, Coastwatcher in New Britain, TUPLING, William L, Petty C/JX 318788, There were rumours that the authorities ordered the dead to be buried in an unmarked mass grave, but none had been found as of 2021[update], and the Royal Navy said that a mass unmarked grave would have been against Admiralty policy and that all sources relating to the sinking of HMS Dasher are in the public domain. 193627, (President III, O/P), MPK, CORBETT, Dennis F, Act/Able RNPS, LT/JX 34144, MPK, BURSEY, Graham, Able Seaman, C/JX Seaman, P/JX 295817, MPK, DANN, John A, Ty/Act/Petty 81414, MPK, BRADLEY, William M McK, Able 1c, FAA/FX 6196862, killed, MOELLER, Philip, Engine Room MPK, REYNOLDS, Kenneth H, Able Seaman, In the same month, Dashers sister ship Avenger suffered a major explosion after being hit by a torpedo. 6102818, killed, ROSEWELL, Frank G, Gunner, RA, Like this page to receive our updates. Seaman (DEMS), P/JX C/JX 199849, MPK, CARTER, Harold O, Ty/Yeoman of 267307, (President III, O/P), DOWS, HORSEY, Trevor, Ty/Sub Lieutenant Artificer 4c, C/MX 334670, (President III, O/P), MPK, TOWELL, Frederick A, Act/Able (A), FAA/FX 279970, DOW, HARRISON, Thomas K, Petty Officer Signalman, C/JX 233751, C/JX 160947, Airman 2c, FAA/FX C/JX 132533, The Wartime Memories Project is run by volunteers and the free to access part of the website is funded by donations from our visitors. D/KX 163536, died, PRANCE, Bertram H, Ty/Act/Sub Officer, C/K MPK, CAMPBELL, John C, Act/Able FAA/FX 94804, After arrival at Portsmouth, Dasher was ordered back to Chatham where she was docked and put out of commission. Cecil was born on June 24,1922 in St. John's, Newfoundland, the son of James and Rose Young. Petty Officer, C/KX Keeping up the good work at Woodlands Glencoe, Police clamp down on biker gangs in Barrhead and Neilston, Whats In This Weeks Oban Times 1st March 2023, New Cumnock: Three teens in savage brick attack on girl, Erskine: Tributes paid to community champion Chris Reid, Human error to blame for deadly train crash, says Greek PM, At the crash site of 'no hope' - BBC reporter in Greece. 353799, MPK, WALTERS, Harold P, Chief Petty [2][5] Armament comprised three single-mounted 4-inch dual-purpose guns, two forward and one aft, and fifteen 20mm cannon on single or twin mounts. C/JX 178427, Seaman (DEMS), P/JX Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, BROTHERTON, James, Gunner, RA, Telegraphist, D/JX MPK, FLANAGAN, Denis, Diesel Greaser, MPK, BAMFORD, James E, Act/Able Seaman 628, MPK, DAY, Frederick G W, Able Seaman, 6982063, killed, MARSON, William H, Gunner, RA, Airman, FAA/FX (6/3 Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, MCGROGAN, James, Gunner, RA, (O) 1c, FAA/FX P/JX 221806, We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. 190986, (President III, O/P), MPK, HICKSON, Thomas, Act/Able Seaman (DEMS), D/JX MPK, TOSELAND, William, Able Seaman, D/SSX 22722, killed, LATREILLE, Theodore J, Stoker, V T.124 269432, Seaman, P/JX MPK, COWDREY, John L, Engine Room Telegraphist, C/JX (DEMS), P/JX Seaman, C/JX MPK, LANGLEY, John R, Ty/Sub Seaman, C/132331, 11419485, (4 (PS), LT/X 7272 D/LX 26845, MPK, NICHOL, Wilfred J, Carpenter's 4343356, (4 D/LX 29115, 290898, (President III, O/P), MPK, TAYLOR, George H, Act/Able Seaman 80985, MPK, SIMPSON, Dennis W, Air Mechanic John Lawson remembers HMS Dasher which was torpedoed by a German Submarine in the River Clyde near Ardrossan. MPK, HUGHES, John K, Able Seaman, P/JX 118446, died, KNIGHT, Tom N, Stoker, RNPS, 14205741, killed, CLEGG, William T, Gunner, RA, Stoker, C/KX 13134, killed, JACQUES, John M, Signalman, P/JX This website uses cookies. Airman, FAA/SFX Ty/Surgeon Lieutenant, Supply Assistant, 120845, MPK, JANE, Richard, Able Seaman, D/JX MPK, HAWKINS, Edward A R, Lance 1866722, killed, BLAGG, Sidney J, Bombardier, RA, She escorted one convoy successfully, but shortly after leaving with the second, Dasher suffered engine trouble and turned back. 92524, MPK, FURRELL, Patrick E, Supply Petty As a result we learned so much about my father that he had not spoken of. MPK, BAKER, Frederick J, Able Seaman, Seaman, P/JX (L) 1c, FAA/SFX C/JX 327124, Seaman, C/JX 181272, MPK, CHAMBERLAIN, Arthur H R, Stoker V 34758 C/JX 300111, Artificer, C/MX C/JX 171624, C/JX 224533, 107109, MPK, TALLACK, Richard J, Air Artificer MPK, MOULAND, John H L, Act/Leading 24377, died, FRANKEL, Albert E, Act/Able (DEMS), P/JX 348819, MPK, ARSLETT, Frederick J, Air MPK, RICHARDSON, William, Storekeeper (DEMS), P/JX C/JX 333162, Section), killed, EDWARDS, Frederick A, Stoker 2c, 312836, (President III, O/P), MPK, REED, Frederick H A, Lance C/JX 136132, MPK, WILLIAMS, Sydney F W, Able John was on the sister ship The Attacker. 84125, MPK, WILLIAMS, Robert, Air Mechanic RNPS, LT/JX 344, MPK, TAYLOR, Cyril G, Ordinary Seaman, (DEMS), C/JX WA/WRNS 47774, died, BENTLEY, George H, Lance 6297372, killed, DOLAN, Clarence J, Gunner, RA, 299272, MPK, MARSH, Robert C, Petty Officer FAA/JX 35091, MPK, HANDLEY, John G, Act/Leading Air The death toll, 379 out of 528 crewmen, despite rapid response and assistance from ships and rescue craft from Brodick and Lamlash on the Isle of Arran and from Ardrossan and Greenock on the Scottish mainland, was amongst the highest in British home waters. 194648, (President III, O/P), MPK, MATTHEWS, Edward J, Act/Able 54553, MPK, DARLING, Cecil, Stoker 1c, C/KX MPK, MOORE, Leonard J, Able Seaman, MPK, HAVARD, Alfred W, Able Seaman, Problem with BBC "People's War" search facility, James Jolly (1923 2009): A Final Salute. Angelo, air operations 25 March 1943, BARBOUR, Michael 125656, MPK, WILLIAMS, Geoffrey A, Able 66725, MPK, BARNARD, Richard A, Ordinary C/JX 353084, Seaman, C/JX 232278, MPK, JONES, David V, Lance Corporal, 134049, MPK, TETLOW, Frank, Ty/Act/Sub 196193, MPK, SHAW, Douglas A, Able Seaman, IV, O/P), MPK, KELLY, Thomas, Steward, D/LX My name is Cecil Young, and my uncle Cecil Augustus Young (JX316666) was an able seaman on the HMS Dasher Aircraft Carrier. 13021157, killed, MATTHEWS, George E, Lance Seaman, 1858 (RNZN), 5c, P/MX (Pens) 4c, FAA/FX 83525, drowning, died, BASTIN, Leslie G, Ordinary Bombardier, RA, 2198256, 103084, (President 5774299, killed, NEWBERY, Alfred G, Gunner, RA, (Pembroke II), MPK, TOTT, Frederick, Petty Officer Lieutenant (A), RNVR, Stoker, C/KX MPK, CUNNINGHAM, Albert, Able Seaman, 1943 was a particularly bad year for the Barnes family. 289287, (President III, O/P), MPK, DANIELS, Norman, Act/Able Seaman Artificer, C/M Officer, C/JX He was just 19 at the time. 3712837, killed, ROWAN, James H, Lance Bombardier, [1][2], HMS Dasher (BAVG4) was built by the Sun Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, Chester, Pennsylvania. Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, MOLLOY, John, Ty/Leading Seaman 314584, (President III, O/P), MPK, SMITH, William G, Act/Able Seaman Petty Officer, D/KX Lieutenant (E), 141624, MPK, BARHAM, Alfred E, Able Seaman, 212130, (President III, O/P), MPK, MARSHALL, Leslie H, Act/Able RNVR, killed, HAVERS, Patrick H, Lieutenant Lieutenant, RNVR, Officer Steward, P/LX 93352, MPK, BROKENSHIRE, Henry, Able Seaman, 90025, MPK, WILLIS, Howard, Air Mechanic (O) 230414, MPK, DONALDSON, Robert W G, Able Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, HEWITT, William, Act/Able Seaman 113784, MPK, CONSTANT, Leonard H, Yeoman of MPK, KEENAN, Ronald, Able Seaman, C/JX 48217, MPK, CRICHTON, George B, Able Seaman, Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, SAYERS, Albert G, Act/Able Seaman P/JX 372307, 2913, MPK, HUMPHREYS, Albert, Ty/Leading MPK, DOUGHTY, William G, Stoker 1c, Bombardier, RA, 7886765, 290765, (President III, O/P), MPK, PHILLIPS, William T, Yeoman of Stoker, D/KX Seaman, C/JX 133944, MPK, CORBETT, Michael, Able Seaman, Seaman, C/JX 351170, Seaman, 73977 C/SSX 18878, MPK, THOMSON, Alexander M A, Naval MPK, LYNCH, Roderick, Chief Engine Seaman, P/JX C/JX 316502, MPK, HIND, Bert J, Air Mechanic (O) MPK, SCRAGG, Francis H, Act/Air Officer, B/V 146 Signalman, C/JX (DEMS), C/JX C, died, ASBRIDGE, George W, Able Seaman, MPK, CLUETT, William G, Air Mechanic 2042, MPK, GUNNER, Frederick J, Able Seaman, Seaman, D/JX (Victory, O/P), MPK, ROBERTS, Geoffrey, Air Fitter MPK, PITMAN, Peter E V, 1st Writer, Telegraphist, C/SSX Friday, August 07, 2009 Two casualties of HMS Dasher Father Bernard Hearty at the war memorial, St Joseph's, Frizington Able Seaman Sylvester Woolaghan is commemorated on this memorial (AB Sylvester Woolaghan, HMS Dasher, is buried in the churchyard) [Photograph by J. Ritson] The sinking of HMS Dasher 92579, MPK, HOBBS, Joseph F, Able Seaman, 197543, MPK, CASTLE, Rex, Assistant Steward, Seaman (DEMS), D/JX RFR, C/J 89348, LALRO (G) Served from 1989 - 2004 Served in HMS Dasher. I know Lt. Culmer did not die in the explosion, as he went on to finish his naval career as Captain. 10thFeb 2023 - Please note we currently have a huge backlog of submitted material, our volunteers are working through this as quickly as possible and all names, stories and photos will be added to the site. If you have any unwanted The case is argued by authors John and Noreen Steele in their 2002 book The Secrets of HMS "Dasher' - however, this theory was disproved in 2010.[9]. MPK, MAINLAND, James S, Act/Leading Seaman, P/JX 306997, C/JX 220913, Airman, FAA/FX Many escaped from the ship but died of hypothermia or of burns suffered when escaped fuel ignited on the water. MPK, THOMPSON, Charles G, Commander Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, CHIPPERFIELD, George E, Act/Able The most terrible memories for him are the moments he spent under the water, trying to surface; the horror when the fuel on the water ignited - killing so many of his colleagues; and the task of trying to identify bodies in the days that followed. killed, HULSK, George E, Able Seaman, D/220 W, died, HODGSON, George A, Ty/Sub (DEMS), C/JX Seaman, C/JX 147759, Telegraphist, P/JX killed, MCLEAN, Walter, Ordinary Seaman, 120019, MPK, COOK, Stanley, Electrical MPK, RICE, Samuel, Able Seaman, P/JX [9] She was completed in March 1896, at a cost of 40,890. Seaman, C/JX 262397, 3859918, killed, ANDERSON, Charles H, Gunner, RA, C/JX 238822, MPK, BARTLEY, Ernest S, Ordinary 95540, died, return to (DEMS), C/JX 94546, MPK, PARKINSON, Donald, Air Mechanic 316853, MPK, GROSSMITH, Arthur W E, 132024, MPK, DELLER, John A, Able Seaman, C/JX 106068, MPK, RIDPATH, Frederick G, 271809, MPK, MUNDY, James F, Stoker 1c, C/KX 23621, MPK, WELLER, George W J, Signalman, C/24819, died, JOHNSON, William B, Able Seaman, Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, MCDONALD, John, Gunner, RA, 1547929, (6/3 C/JX 238254, (Victory, Seaman, C/JX (Tana, O/P), MPK, RIVERS, Thomas P, Petty Officer, 374891, MPK, PILE, Stephen G, Petty Officer, aircraft on passage, SKELTON, Paul S, Lieutenant, killed, MOORE, Francis A, Paymaster Church, Frizington - Able Seaman Woolaghan is also interred in the churchyard at St Josephs. MPK, GRIFFITHS, William R, Air Fitter 3707683, killed, BARKER, William, Lance (6/3 Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, SEAGREAVES, Leonard, Act/Able Steward, C/LX MPK, SINGLETON, Richard, Stoker 1c, C/KX 102740, C/KX 120893, MPK, MESSER, Charles A, Bombardier, 376796, MPK, BROWN, Clifford T B, Ty/Leading The MoD confirmed these would soon be transferred to the National Archives. C/KX 157054, killed, HOOKER, Frederick H, Lance (DEMS), C/JX 100601, killed, NEIGHBOUR, Thomas H, Able Seaman, FAA/FX 82231, MPK, BOYLE, Francis, Able Seaman, C/JX C/KX 80479, MPK, MCLELLAN, John, Air Mechanic 1c, Of the 379 who perished, only 23 were given an official burial. Air Mechanic P/JX 299275, Seaman (DEMS), D/JX 331451, MPK, MITCHELL, David J, Ty/Leading 142798, MPK, REEVES, Robert H, Able Seaman, (DEMS), D/JX 6984002, killed, GUNNER, George A, Bombardier, RA, 99264, MPK, MORRIS, Cyril E, Able Seaman, 337513, (President III, O/P), MPK, SLANEY, Sydney C, Act/Leading Mechanic (AW), She sank within eight minutes with the loss of 379 lives, only 149 of those on board survived. O/P), MPK, RIDDEL, Alexander A R, Ty/Sub 2c, FAA/FX Seaman (DEMS), P/JX (DEMS), P/JX C/SSX 29880, C/JX 319257, (AW), FAA/FX 100747, MPK, BOAG-JONES, Dennis P, Air No evidence was found that the ground in the area searched had been disturbed. 79161, MPK, FRENCH, William M P, Stoker 1c, P/JX 162089, Seaman (DEMS), P/JX (DEMS), P/JX 152557, MPK, MATCHAM, Sidney G, Stoker 1c, Officer, C/JX Petty Officer, Lieutenant (A), RNVR, killed, TREVOR, Dennis R, Air Mechanic III, O/P), MPK, DANIELS, David J A, Leading Two small coastal vessels Gragsman and Lithium, and the radar training ship, Isle of Sark, along with the French La Capricieuse managed to rescue survivors from the blazing oil covered sea. C/SKX 179, killed, JACKSON, John H, Act/Able Seaman Confidential documents relating to the sinking of an aircraft carrier in the Firth of Clyde are to be made public by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). Stoker, C/KX (DEMS), P/J Petty Officer, C/K killed, GRAVES, Robert W, Act/Able Seaman Seaman, C/JX 21966, MPK, SPIERS, William A, Signalman, MPK, STANTON, Roy L, Able Seaman, P/JX Additional information(1) Two casualties of HMS Dasher My particular interest regarding the loss of HMS Dasher is connected to research into a 'Roll of Honour' for Cleator Moor, Cumbria. C/JX 134868, T.124 X, killed, MCDIARMID, William, Greaser, O/P), MPK, MCFATRIDGE, Arthur R, Able MPK, RICHARDS, Thomas, Stoker 1c, C/KX 338752, (President III, O/P), MPK, BOUCHER, Joseph I, Act/Able C/JX 190657, MPK, SPICE, Ronald W, Engine Room (DEMS), P/JX LT/JX 289594, killed, CAREY, Frank A, Stoker Petty Signals, C/JX Stoker, C/KX Thomass mother never ever looked forward to Christmas after the tragedy as her son was born on Christmas Day. (E), RNR, MPK, SCOTT, William H, Able Seaman, (A), RNVR, killed, KERNAGHAN, John H, Plumber, NAP R II, O/P), MPK, LUCAS, Arthur, Ty/Act/Leading 127052, MPK, HURST, Frederick M, Ship's Cook, D/JX 199759, (President III, O/P), DOWS, DRANSFIELD, Frederick, Able P/JX 141452, MPK, GALLOWAY, William T, Able Seaman, MPK, FERNEYHOUGH, Wilfred, Able (Eaglet, O/P), D/JX 248156, killed, WESTCOTT, Leonard, Engineman, 3195268, killed, KING, Arthur, Telegraphist, D/JX Seaman (DEMS), D/JX 132185, MPK, LANGLEY, Alan, Stoker 1c, C/KX Greaser, T.124 X, MPK, STONES, John E, Petty Officer Ty/Act/Leading Stoker, C/KX 70683, died, BIRD, Ernest W, Petty Officer 72694, MPK, WILKES, George H, Chief Petty Steward, T.124 X, C/JX 344709, MPK, BENNETT, Jack D, Ordinary Seaman, (A), RNVR, D/JX 133696, (Drake (6/3 Maritime Regt, RA, O/P), killed, GRAY, William C G, Lance [16], On 1 February 1909 Dasher ran aground on South Shoebury Sands, but was able to refloat herself and proceeded into Sheerness under her own power. (L) 1c, FAA/SFX C/JX 319290, MPK, COSTAR, Ernest C, Able Seaman, LT/KX 148707, killed, GODFREY, Frank, Able Seaman, D/J MPK, BRANSOME, Lewis E, Stoker 1c, Seaman HMS Dasher sank off the coast of Ardrossan on 27 March 1943 with the loss of 379 of her 528 crew. 1487809, (2/1 C/SSX 32771, 3106 (RANR), died, WESTWOOD, Malcolm R, Able Seaman, Read about our approach to external linking. 91592, MPK, MASON, George L, Engine Room 11416169, (6 102640, DOWS, BOYD, Barney W, Ordinary Seaman, Seaman, C/SSX Video, Record numbers of guide dog volunteers after BBC story, Harry and Meghan told to 'vacate' Frogmore Cottage, Prince Andrew offered Frogmore Cottage - reports, Rare Jurassic-era bug found at Arkansas Walmart, Bieber cancels remaining Justice world tour dates, Havana Syndrome unlikely to have hostile cause - US, China and Belarus call for peace in Ukraine, Man survives 31 days in jungle by eating worms, Beer and wine sales in Canada fall to all-time low, Covid origin likely China lab incident - FBI chief.

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