Before deciding whether to purchase optional vehicle protection, you may wish to determine whether your credit card or your vehicle insurance affords you coverage for damage to the rental vehicle and the amount of deductible under such coverage. If you accept full LDW by your initials on the Rental Contract at the additional daily rate, for each full or partial day that the car is rented to you, and the car is operated in accordance with this agreement, we assume responsibility for the loss of or damage to the car except, if permitted by law, for lost, damaged or stolen keys or remote entry devices, towing or tire services unless related to an accident, or recovery of the car if stolen, (except in the state of Alaska), and except for your amount of responsibility, if any, specified on the Rental Contract. {{features.value}} litres, Current Fuel 25. Any information (e.g. You acknowledge that you have no right to contest any such infraction or enter any plea other than guilty or no contest unless we consent to your action, provided that the penalty for the infraction is only the payment of money and does not involve any other administrative, civil, or criminal penalty. 5. (2) Always keep the ignition key in your possession. You are advised to carefully consider whether to sign this waiver if you have rental vehicle collision coverage provided by your credit card or collision insurance on your own vehicle. 18. If you do not accept Loss Damage Waiver, or if the car is lost or damaged as a direct or indirect result of a violation of paragraph 14, or damaged as a result of an act of nature, you are responsible and you will pay us for all loss of or damage to the car regardless of cause, or who, or what caused it. Return of Car: WARNING - Failure to return the car you rent in accordance with the terms of the Rental Agreement may result in a criminal penalty of up to 3 years in jail. If you fail to comply with any conditions for special rates specified on the Rental Contract our otherwise applicable rates will be charged. Check your insurance policy or credit card agreement about coverage. Certain cars contain devices that monitor the cars condition, performance and operation, track fuel consumption, distance travelled, location and other information (the Connected Car Data), and may transmit such Connected Car Data to us, our third party providers and/or the car manufacturer. WELCOME, {{vm.customer.firstName | uppercase }}, WELCOME {{vm.customer.firstName | titleCase}}, WELCOME, {{vm.customer.firstName | uppercase}}, Welcome, {{vm.customer.firstName| uppercase}}, Welcome {{vm.customer.firstName| titleCase}}. We do not provide the car manufacturer with your personally identifiable information ("PII"), unless authorized by you, or is necessary in connection with the provision of services provided through such car manufacturer, or is required by law. return location without our permission, you agree to pay the "Unauthorized return location fee" specified by us. If you purchase a damage waiver, we will waive our right to hold you or any authorized driver liable for damage. Some of our vehicles allow you to connect your personal phone or device via Bluetooth to the vehicle's electronic system. You are responsible for the cost of repair up to the value of the vehicle, and towing, storage, and impound fees. Arbitration procedures are simpler and more limited than rules applicable in court and review by a court is limited. A damage waiver is not insurance coverage. If we provide you access to Satellite Radio based on your advance reservation, you will be charged for access whether or not you use this option. Drivers who hold policies in other states should check with their insurance agents to determine whether their policies extend to rental vehicles. Your session has expired and logged out of profile. Currently this amount is a maximum of CA $500. 22. For Massachusetts drivers: If you have an automobile policy on your personal vehicle with coverage for collision, your policy will cover collision damage to a rental vehicle, less the deductible on your policy. You are advised to carefully consider whether to purchase this protection if you have rental vehicle collision coverage provided by your credit card or automobile insurance policy. Heathrow Airport. Arizona Revised Statute Section 13-1806 provides the following, "A person commits unlawful failure to return rented property if, without notice to and permission of the lessor of the property, the person knowingly fails without good cause to return the property within seventy-two hours after the time provided for in the rental agreement. Such protection will be provided by us according to the terms and subject to all of the conditions of a standard automobile liability insurance policy, issued in the jurisdiction in which the accident occurs, including all requirements as to notice and cooperation on your part, which are hereby made a part of this Agreement. If we authorize you to have the car repaired and the cost of repair is our responsibility, we will reimburse you for those repairs only if you give us the repair receipt. If you rent such a unit you will pay the additional daily charge shown on the Rental Contract. We may or may not grant an extension or decline to grant it for the entire period you request, in our sole discretion. 13. Box 8911, Madison, WI 53708-8911 608-224-4960 (Madison area) or toll-free 1-800-422-7128. It is a violation of this Paragraph if any of the following occurs: A. The car must be returned to the agreed return location as specified on the Rental Contract. You may limit the use and sharing of your PII for marketing purposes, and you may access or correct your PII. You agree we may, in our sole discretion, pay all tickets, citations, fines, penalties and interest on your behalf directly to the appropriate authority and you will pay us for what we paid to the appropriate authority or their designated agents plus a reasonable administrative fee and any attorneys' fees and expenses we incur. Return of the Car. 26. Failure to return rental property or equipment upon expiration of the rental period and failure to pay all amounts due (including costs for damage to the property or equipment) are evidence of abandonment or refusal to redeliver the property, punishable in accordance with section 812.155, Florida Statutes. Loss Damage Waiver. It will disclosed when you book via the website and is payable at time of pick up. On rentals in Wisconsin, all provisions of this agreement are applicable, except to the extent of a conflict between the Wisconsin specific terms and the other terms of the agreement, in which case the Wisconsin specific terms shall govern. Sorry, the maximum number of attempts has been reached. You and authorized operators are covered while driving the rental car within the United States and Canada, but only if the car is rented and returned in the United States. If you repair or have the car repaired without our consent, you will pay the estimated cost to restore the car to the condition it was in prior to your rental. 34. Please update the terms and condition section to go to Avis Preferred status. The purchase of this collision damage waiver is not mandatory and may be waived. We Must Provide You With An Important Notice About Your Liability For Damage To a Rental Car, NOTICE ABOUT LIABILITY FOR DAMAGE TO THE RENTAL CAR. Please try again later or contact Customer Care for further assistance. You can decline it. Fines, Expenses, Costs and Administrative Fees. hour hours, Starting Fuel 15. You agree to indemnify and hold us ATS, VMS and any other agent we authorize harmless for any such tickets, citations, fines, penalties, interest and administrative fees. You acknowledge that you have been informed that if you use a charge card (including any digital wallet or mobile payment application linked to your charge card account), your credit, up to an amount of the estimated total charges due under the Rental Agreement, as indicated on the Rental Contract, based on your representations about this rental, may be set aside or reserved by the card issuer of the card, which you present for payment of your rental charges; or, if you use a debit card funds in the account to which that card is linked may be set aside for the greater of the amount of the estimated total charges due under the Rental Agreement, based on your representations about this rental, as indicated on the Rental Contract, or the deposit amount indicated on signs at the location at which you rent the car at the time of rental. 6. Each of the provisions of the Rental Agreement operate separately. You understand that you will be charged the rate per day for a full day even if you dont have the car for the entire day. These devices may have been installed by us, on our behalf, or by the car manufacturer. Return of Car. You consent to the reservation or setting aside of that estimated total amount at the time of commencement of the rental. You should examine your personal auto insurance policy or credit card, including deductible and limit of coverage, because it may cover loss or damage and personal injury incurred while you are using or operating a rental car. If you accept PDW at the indicated daily rate, and the car is operated in accordance with the Rental Agreement, we assume responsibility for the loss or damage to the car up to the amount as specified on the Rental Contract and you accept responsibility for all other loss or damage. With respect to rentals commencing in California, the Rental Agreement does not afford you, or any other driver, any insurance or protection against liability in those two states. Maricopa County/Arena Fee - Maricopa County, Arizona requires all rental car companies collect a Short-Term Motor Vehicle Rental Surcharge of 3.25% of taxable rental charges, or $2.50 per rental, whichever is greater. Unless you are advised that you have a car with a Communication System and/or Satellite Radio, you will not have access to the systems and you should not rely upon them or take steps to activate them. RENTAL CHARGES. 1. If this subparagraph (a) does not apply, there are three refueling options: 1) If you do not accept the fuel service option, where available, at the beginning of your rental, and you return the car with less fuel than was in it when you received it, as we determine in our sole discretion, we will charge you a fuel service charge at the applicable rate per-mile or rate per-gallon specified on the Rental Contract or disclosed at the location. If the rental vehicle company determines the damaged vehicle to be a total loss and subject to salvage, such seventy-two hour period for notification or waiver of the wish to inspect the damaged vehicle shall not apply, and such right to inspect the damaged vehicle shall expire ten business days from the authorized driver's receipt of this notice from the rental vehicle company at the return of the vehicle or receipt of the first mailing of this notice in the event of return of the vehicle by automation or after hours. You've reached the maximum amount of code sends. You authorize ATS, VMS or another agent we authorize to contact you directly regarding any tickets, citations, fines and penalties incurred by your or assessed against us or to our car while the car was rented to you. The waiver is not insurance. Not every car is equipped with a Communication System and/or Satellite Radio. Liability Protection. All restrictions, conditions, and provisions of LDW are in Paragraph 13. Personal Accident and Effects Insurance (PAE). h) Avis makes every effort to ensure that all prices and descriptions quoted on its website or elsewhere are correct and accurate. Additionally, a different or higher rate may apply. . THE PURCHASE OF ANY OF THESE OPTIONAL PRODUCTS IS NOT REQUIRED TO RENT A VEHICLE. Loss Damage Waiver. 6. You acknowledge that you understand that a Communication System, such as OnStar, requires the cars electrical system and equipment, cellular service and satellite technologies to be available and operating to function properly. navigational route support) provided through a Communication System is on an as is basis. You should check with your insurance company, or credit card issuer, to find out about your coverage and the amount of the deductible, if any, for which you may be liable. Rental Charges. Thanks! {{rentalHistory.confirmationNumber}}, {{', If you return the unit to a location other than the renting location without our authorization, you will pay us a fee for that unauthorized return. Almost done! This charge will replace the currency conversion processing charge applied by your card issuer. You further agree that we have the unilateral right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time either upon written notice to you, in paper or electronic form, or upon our posting such changes on the Avis web site. You nevertheless agree to promptly notify us of any accident in which the car is involved and to assist and cooperate with us in the investigation, including any police investigation and handing of such accident or claim of liability against you or us arising out of such accident or otherwise out of your rental. Rental Charges. If your responsibility is covered by any insurance, credit card benefit, travel insurance or such other insurance or benefits, you authorize us to contact the benefit provider directly on your behalf and you assign all of your benefits directly to us to recover all consequential and incidental damages, including but not limited to the repairs of the car plus diminished value or the fair market retail value of the car (less salvage value plus costs incurred in the salvage-sale), and all Incidental Loss and administrative fees. Where permitted by law, you authorize us to charge you for the actual cost of repair or replacement of lost or damaged items such as glass, mirrors, tires, and antenna, as part of your rental charges at the time of return. 1. PLEASE READ THIS PROVISION CAREFULLY. D. Driving or operating this car while using a hand-held wireless communication device or other device that is capable of receiving or transmitting telephonic communications, electronic data, mail or text messages shall be deemed a breach of the Rental Agreement. If return is indicated to a location other than the location where your rental commences, you may have to pay a one way service fee. The following highlights some of the exclusions that would preclude SLI. YOU ARE ADVISED NOT TO SIGN THIS WAIVER IF YOU HAVE RENTAL VEHICLE COLLISION COVERAGE PROVIDED BY CERTAIN GOLD OR PLATINUM CREDIT CARDS OR COLLISION INSURANCE ON YOUR OWN VEHICLE. Prohibited Use of the Car. If you do not return the car to the location specified in the Rental Agreement, as and when required under the Rental Agreement, you may be subject to criminal penalties. Some one-way rentals are assessed a one-time drop charge or mileage charge in addition to the rental rate. You can avoid the convenience fee and any other charges by paying the toll in cash, using your own electronic toll device, or avoiding any cashless toll road or passage. It is important that you read the rental agreement and the policy carefully for all exclusions. 23. Midfield fee - the Midfield Fee paid to the Springfield airport for each rental. The Communication System provider (including OnStar), its service providers and Budget will not be liable to you or any user of the Communication System in connection with the use of such information. These may be surcharges and/or recovery fees to recover certain costs. Upon request of the authorized driver or his or her insurer, we will provide a copy of our estimate of the costs of repairing the damaged motor vehicle. You agree to return the car to us in the same condition you received it, ordinary wear and tear excepted, on the date, at the time and to the location specified in the Rental Contract. The SLI coverage limits equal the difference between the minimum financial. You represent to Avis that you are a capable and validly licensed driver and will remain a capable and validly licensed driver throughout the term of your rental. You should follow the steps displayed on the vehicle system screen to delete this information and the device from the vehicle's memory. The renter may be liable to Avis up to those amounts, and to injured persons for amounts awarded in excess of those amounts. If you do not pay cash for tolls or the roadway does not accept cash payment, you automatically opt into our e-Toll service, pursuant to which you agree to pay us or our toll program administrator, with whom we will share your credit card/debit information, for all tolls incurred during your rental and all related fees, charges and penalties. Under Minnesota law, a personal automobile insurance policy must: (1) cover the rental of this motor vehicle against damage to the vehicle and against loss of use of the vehicle; and (2) extend the policy's basic economic loss benefits, residual liability insurance, and uninsured and underinsured motorist coverages to the operation or use of a rented motor vehicle. If you wish to extend any rental you must contact us at 1-888-897-8448 or use a method we approve to request the extension before your return date. LDW entails an additional charge. Thrifty, for example, offers a program called PlatePass, in which renters pay to have tolls automatically charged to the credit card on the reservation. {{features.value}} litres, Confirmation: Liability Protection: Anyone driving the car who is permitted to drive it by the Rental Agreement will be protected against liability for causing bodily injury or death to others or damaging the property of someone other than the driver and/or the renter up to the minimum financial responsibility limits required by the law of the jurisdiction in which the accident occurs. If you direct us to bill any such charges to a third party, you represent that you are authorized to do so on behalf of the third party. or other personal policy, may provide additional coverage, and to that extent, SLI may provide a duplication of coverage. Even if you buy the damage waiver, you and any authorized driver will remain liable for damage if any of the following apply: (1) Damage or loss caused intentionally, willfully or wantonly by an authorized driver; (2) Damage or loss occurring while an authorized driver operates the rental vehicle while legally intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal drug or chemical as defined or determined under the law of the state in which the damage occurred; (3) Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is engaging in any speed contest; (4) Damage or loss caused while an authorized driver is using the vehicle to push or tow anything or using the vehicle to carry persons or property for hire, unless expressly authorized in the rental agreement; (5) Damage or loss incurred while an authorized driver is driving outside the United States or Canada, or, if state restrictions are imposed by the rental agreement if such damage or loss is incurred outside of those states where operation of the vehicle is expressly authorized in the rental agreement; (6) Damage or loss incurred while the vehicle is driven, with the renter's permission or accession, by anyone other than an authorized driver; (7) Damage or loss incurred after the private passenger automobile was rented or an authorized driver was approved as a result of fraudulent information provided to the rental company; (8) Damage or loss incurred as a result of commission of a felony by an authorized driver; and. YOU ACKNOWLEDGE YOU HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT YOUR OWN INSURANCE MAY COVER LOSS OR DAMAGE TO THE CAR. You agree that if the rental takes place at a location operated by an Avis System Licensee, any claim by you, including one that alleges unfair, deceptive or unconscionable conduct, your sole right and remedy is against that Avis System Licensee and not Avis Rent A Car System, LLC, its parent or any of its affiliated companies. If you have to pay a drop charge, it will be disclosed at the time of reservation. The operator of a motor vehicle shall not transport any child under 16 years of age unless the child is properly restrained in an approved child safety restraint system or restrained in a seat belt. There is no coverage in Mexico, and the car may not be taken into Mexico under any circumstances, unless special arrangements are made at the renting location for separate Mexican insurance, where such insurance is available. Except where required by law to be primary, any protection provided by us shall be secondary to any applicable insurance available to you or any other driver from any other source, whether primary, excess, secondary or contingent in any way. Reservations are not affected, however, some functionality may not be available during this time. Different countries may have different rules and regulations. The State of Rhode Island requires us to provide the following information about your liability for damage to the rental car and the purchase of a damage waiver. You may only transfer your rights or obligations under these Rental Terms and Conditions to another person if we agree in writing. SLI provides protection for third party automobile claims for the difference between the minimum financial responsibility limits provided under paragraph 21 above and a maximum combined single limit of liability of $1,000,000 or $2,000,000 depending on the jurisdiction of rental and vehicle type for bodily injury, death or property damage for each accident. Roadside assistance is available to all renters. For added security, we will send you a verification code to verify your identity. Cooperation. Available Points, {{rentalHistory.rentalEndsIn}} Except where required by law to be primary or excess, any protection provided by us shall be secondary to, and not in excess of, any applicable insurance available to you, or any other driver, from any other source, whether primary, excess, secondary or contingent in any way. The per gallon rate is used if you buy fuel during the rental and provide us with a receipt on our request, but the tank is not as full when you return the car as when you received the car (by using the factory installed gauge, rounded down to the nearest 1/8 tank), times the per-gallon rate shown on the Rental Contract. For more information call Avis toll-free at: 1-800-331-1212. 14. The valid and collectible liability insurance and personal injury protection insurance of any authorized rental or leasing driver is primary for the limits of liability and personal injury protection coverage required by 324.021 (7) and 627.736, Florida Statutes. To activate your account, click on the link we sent to your email at {{vm.securityAssessmentSummary.otpTokenverifiers.emailAddress.value}}. Location services must be enabled to choose your Unless otherwise indicated on the Rental Contract, the minimum charge is one day (24 hours), plus mileage/kilometerage, or a fixed fee. This fee may be higher based on the distance between the renting location and the return location specified on your reservation. To calculate this amount, we multiply the number of miles driven, as shown on the cars odometer (or provided by the vehicle's telematics device), times the per-mile rate shown on the Rental Contract. If a person who drives the rental car without your authorization causes damage to the car, you may be liable for the damage as though you or an authorized driver was driving the car unless you do all of the following: (1) Refrain from leaving the ignition key in the car when you are not in the car. Rental Charges. We may use a third party to process the Connected Car Data on our behalf. If we fail to insist that you perform any of your obligations, or if we do not enforce our rights against you, or if we delay in doing so, that will not mean that we have waived our rights against you and will not mean that you do not have to comply with those obligations. '+rentalHistory.pickLoc.locationCode}}, {{', In the event your car has such a device, you will be charged for the actual amount of gasoline needed to fill the tank based on the reading of this device. {{trips.fromCode}} - Before deciding whether to purchase the collision damage waiver, you may wish to determine whether your own automobile insurance affords you coverage for damage to the rental vehicle and the amount of the deductible under your own insurance coverage. COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER AND CAR RENTAL INSURANCE NOTICE: OUR CONTRACT OFFERS FOR AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE COLLISION DAMAGE WAIVER AND CAR RENTAL INSURANCE PRODUCTS. Other exclusions to SLI are listed in the SLI policy. State and Country Specific Notices. By entering into the rental agreement, renter may be liable for damages, loss, or loss of use to rental vehicle. Was told the drop fee would be $1,000. What is Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI)? If you picked up your Avis car at an Avis Rental location, please return your car to the same location at the agreed/specied time. Insurance may COVER loss or damage to the agreed return location fee & quot ; specified by us reservation. Ca $ 500 limit the use and sharing of your PII for marketing purposes, and to injured persons amounts..., however, some functionality may not grant an extension or decline to it. Through a Communication system is on an as is basis $ 1,000 avis unauthorized return location fee:! You read the rental rate rental terms and condition section to go Avis! May limit the use and sharing of your PII rental agreement, renter may be waived Unauthorized return location our., WI 53708-8911 608-224-4960 ( Madison area ) or toll-free 1-800-422-7128 agree to pay a drop charge, will... Equipped with a Communication system and/or Satellite Radio and logged out of profile use sharing... 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