Libra is an airy sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns could make their earnings in a speedy way. SINCE the 4lh house falls in the star of Moola, ruled by Ketu, the Virgo ascendant borns will illegally hold lands, house, vehicles and properties and forge goods, produce sub-standard goods and drugs. The Kundali of a person's birth chart is . If Venus is aspect or conjunct between malefic planets, it may cause spouse loss. Your luck probably will change for the better after your marriage. .will face allegations in service, become corrupt in high posts and administrative capacity but would not hesitate to commit cheatings and forgery; lose name and fame and will have troubles in getting due promotions. .. will spend on social and voluntary organisations; have secret links with foreign countries or high officials; secretly become polygynists, have difficulties in continuing higher education and involve in research activities. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, harmony and creativity. All Rights Reserved. So the Virgo ascendant borns will study post-graduate courses, hold comfortable and honorary posts, gain success in research attempts with burning desires, make achievements in research fields, will be fond of taking fatty food, gain name and fame, will be active in associations and have fortunate opportunities in life. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have social relationships with lovers, artists, painters, singers, astrologers, religious servants, priests, prostitutes, pimps and hermits. Meaning of the Sun in the 7th House - Astrology Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITERhencethe Virgo ascendant borns will hold responsible and honorary posts in macro-organisations, banks, child welfare organisations, currency notes printing division, ancient memorials or gold mines. Moon Conjunct Venus Synastry - Did You Just Find Your Soulmate? An arranged marriage may also convey happiness, comfort, and satisfaction. In the Kundali of Virgo Ascendant, Venus is the second house, being the ninth lord, and is a factoring house. Virgo Descendant: Your "Ideal" Romantic Partner | The Happy Mystic Mars in 7th House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology 50,000 but which may extend to Rs. This is often channeled into your mannerism, how you present yourself, and your interactions with others. . It reminds us to stop and smell the roses and to enjoy the simple things in life. This can be helpful in deciding whether or not to pursue a certain relationship. Success in politics, banking, diplomacy, and embassy work is assured. Venus is the planet of love and beauty in astrology. Aquarius is a house of Saturn; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have to undertake cheap works as daily labourer, work as office boys in garment shops, law offices, medical shops and hotels, acquire short term loans, suffer due to skin diseases and serve as announcers. They gain ego and confidence by serving the underprivileged and poor people. The native-born in Virgo ascendant is beautiful, beautiful with phlegm and gall nature. If so, you are attracted to relationships that are deep and meaningful. His wife will be beautiful but out of control and of opposite temperament. Gain from ancestral property. Jupiter is also the lord of houses 4th & 7th to Virgo. All material problems are well-solved. There will be a lot of harmony and flow between them, making it easy for them to get along. A typical Venus in 7th house man has a large group of friends who are mostly women. He will probably have traveled a lot or he might even have an exotic job. We can discuss your strengths, challenges, and opportunities for growth, as well as explore any specific questions you may have. Chitra: Owned by Mars :Stout body with muscles. May gain from social relations, business and life partners, banks, government subsidy, government recognition and through tax-evasions. CANCER/Karka the fourth ZODIAC sign is in the eleventh house to VIRGO/KANYA. When Venus is in this position there is harmony between the dreamer and his sweetheart. This house also tells us to work on our commitment issues so they are gone for good by the time we reach our Saturn return. Since Rahu does not own any house, the significations of houses owned by Jupiter could be included as RAHU will act as JUPITERhence the Virgo ascendant borns will gain by speaking truth and by respecting others in conversations, in teaching profession, in the fields of cash transactions, banks and jewellery shops. SINCE the 10th house falls in the star of Arudra, the star of Rahu. ..will enter into contracts on properties, barter exchanges, imports and exports, form endowments, make organs for transplantation, earn foreign subsidy, and maintain relationships with foreigners. Venus in the 7th House of Gemini Ascendant may bring a spouse from a wealthy family. Use and apply Sandalwood paste and powder on your body, Bath In Rose water or with Sandalwood paste powder. He'd get married and the wife would be well behaved and good-looking. Venus in Pisces when the ascendant is Gemini, Virgo or Aquarius will provide excellent results. Exalted Venus is benefic in the seventh house in most cases though it may turn malefic in some cases. This means that things happen with ease and you attract what you want in relationships. Taurus is ruled by VENUShence VENUS will be the lord of this house. Any thoughts about Saturn Return in Pisces 7th House/Virgo Rising? Venus is a feminine planet. The native will himself or herself will start earning from 25 years of age become wealthy from 28 years of age. These people may tend to damage their relationships and hurt their partners ceaselessly. They know that two heads are better than one, and they are always open to hearing other peoples opinions. by Ryan Hart | Updated on September 1, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Some may become successful in sports as well. Debilitated Venus Results in all 12 houses in Vedic Astrology Copyright 2020. VI sign of Kaatchakra: house of Mercury. Aries is a movable sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have long life; their sorrows, pains, stress, problems, disrespect and meeting with accidents would last reasonably for a longer period. SINCEthe 6th house falls in the star of Dhanishta, ruled by Mars, the Virgo ascendant borns will suffer due to muscle pains, work in factories, become medical practitioners or produce medicines, undertake physical labour and may become cooks or tailors. They are curious by nature and their view of the world comes from their own experience and that of others rather than books. Both you & your spouse would have a lot of common hobbies. Jupiter happens to be the lord of houses 4th & 7th to Virgo. The Venus in 7th House man often likes to share his successes with his friends, neighbors, or coworkers. After marriage, you may enjoy affluence, high status, wealth, luxury, and pleasure. Venus in 7th House gives good-looking life partners who are known for their high-end lifestyles. As per your details Virgo ascendant, Sun and Venus are in 7 th house pisces. Since it is a house of Jupiter which is the lord of houses 4th & 7th , they will become successful in their lives through experience; they will own vehicles and machinery. If Venus has situated anywhere in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7, 9th, 10th, or 11th house then the venus gemstone diamond can be worn. Not only that, but you may also have a strong need for approval from others, which can lead to codependency issues. Its ruled by Libra, which is ruled by the planet Venus. Taking an example for male native, suppose benefic exalted Venus is placed in the seventh house of a horoscope in Pisces. Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 3rd house to Virgo. So the Virgo ascendant borns will submit themselves to collective thoughts and listen to others, will be successful in teamwork, become weak due to lack of immunity, face stiffoppositions, dependent on others in actions, suffer due to problems in lower abdomen and uterus and, have frequent social relationships with known persons. It would be difficult and inadvisable to keep this partner under any undue control. 2) Native may be ambitious. GEMINI/Mithuna the third ZODIAC sign is in the tenth house to VIRGO/KANYA. SINCE the Ascendant falls in the star of Uttarapalguni, ruled by Sun, the Virgo ascendant borns will be majestic in appearance, have self-pride and prestige, strong bones in body, generous behaviour, authority, leadership and responsibilities. SINCEthe 6thhouse falls in the star of Shathabisham, ruled by Rahu, the Virgo ascendant borns will suffer due to respiratory disorders, will be gluttons, work in drug centres or as anaesthetists, manufacture respiratory aids, involve in the fields of liquors, narcotics and spices. There is more to this universe than what we can see & touch. This placement of Venus can bestow happy married life filled with affection, charm, and grace for the native. So, it will become much like Jupiter in seventh house as discussed above but Simultaneously, Rahu's fundamental nature of being insatiable will stay there. Capricorn is an earthy sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will show commitment in their love affairs and carry interest in the fields of arts and culture. So the Virgo ascendant borns will excel in their professional life and in the fields of communication, information, advertising, publicity and electrical engineering. It blesses the natives with good-looking and understanding spouses, especially Virgo ascendant men. Such people with Venus in their 7th Bhava experience a blissful married life. She has an enchanting smile and look that can seduce anyone, while her power over men can drive them crazy. These houses deal with love . will select spouse of their choice to marry, have social affinity and frequently meet with people of their choice. They mentor and offer insight into ways you can look at your love life more positively. Scorpio is a house of Mars, the lord of houses 3, Jupiter happens to be the lord of houses 4. Venus, also known as the "Goddess of love" is all about relationship, life companion, physical pleasures, and love.And when placed in the 7th house, it gives an extra privilege to the natives.This placement is a perfect combination to bestow the native with a happy married life filled with affection, charm, and grace. The native may enjoy a good marriage and he may witness good professional results in such foreign country. Leo is a sign of Sun. SINCEthe 3td house falls in the star of Anuradha, ruled by Saturn, the Virgo ascendant borns will be fearful, undertake frequent short journeys, have to walk a lot, will not hesitate to write anonymous letters and to forge documents and make frequent self-changes. Sun And Mars Conjunction In Seventh House - Astro Pankaj Seth You will be a favorite with the opposite sex; They will treat you as unique and special since you will make them go crazy for you. It is the 7th house to Kaalpurusha. Marriage brings about relations with the in-laws and people in general. The family business will see growth. Success in partnership work or business is assured. You will be sensual and romantic and may even live abroad. Venus in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant - Astrojai In the event that Mercury is in Revati Nakshatra, it is unquestionably an . This planet wants beauty, charm and harmony. Venus is also the lord of houses 2nd & 9th to Virgo. It represents one's spouse, relationships, art, beauty, and luxury. If malefic planets grip, conjunct, or aspects Venus, then there are chances that your spouse may die or become unhealthy early. Gemini is a house of Mercury, which is the lord of houses 1st & 10th to Virgo. Although, it owns 8 th house in the birth chart, it is considered to be a beneficial planet . So the Virgo ascendant borns will incur expenditure in secret affairs and new ventures; face financial crisis, spend money on religious endowments, become incapable of liquidatingtheir capital, find hidden things and study research education. The idea of love and romance will excite you, and you will have crushes and be fascinated with many people. The native works hard to manage his business peacefully and gains wealth. .will have social relationships with colleagues, executive officers, bureaucrats, persons with authority and power, trade unionists and dealers. This includes the large intestines and kidneys. Venus in the Seventh House indicates that a man or woman will attract to relationships with others, including business partners. You'll attract a king or queen into your life with this placementjust don't ever stop . The native may get married to a woman who may be a native foreigner. "Taurus. Venus also happens to be the lord of houses 2nd & 9th to Virgo. Leo is a fixed sign; so the secret activities, expenditures, capital, bed comforts and failure of metabolism of the Virgo ascendant borns would remain stable. Jupiter happens to be the lord of houses 4th & 7th to Virgo. They will reach amicable solutions and gain success with happiness. Seventh House Ruler / Lord in First House for Pisces Ascendant. So the Virgo ascendant borns will gain from their wives, business partners, customers and through others assistance. She was also known as the mother of the Trojan War because her son, Aeneas, led the Trojans in their war against the Greeks. She is loyal to her friends. The native is passionate and enjoys sexual pleasures of a high standard. Mars happens to be the lord of houses 3rd & 8th to Virgo. The native may get married to a woman who may be celebrity of big status, working in a creative field like an actor or singer and he may enjoy a very good marriage. This is a fun placement that can result in a long-lasting, happy relationship. The native gets business success peacefully and earns enough wealth. If someone's Venus is in your 12th House, they can see your blind spots, and they love you for them. The sign Virgo lasts for three stars leading to the following body natures. You can even thrive in the field of interior design and jewellery making. Money is another area where Vedic astrology can be helpful. On a spiritual level the 7th house is bringing awareness to the areas of life you find yourself in opposition to. Your March 2023 horoscope urges you to lean into the creative rebirth you are currently undergoing. SINCEthe..4thhouse falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Virgo ascendant borns will reside in government quarters, gain government pattas, will encroach government lands and own ponds or wells. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We all know that the 7th house is the most important house for marriage and relationships. The act of marriage takes us as far away as possible from who we are by ourselves: it is an agreement to live with, to accept, to love, and to support someone who may be totally different than yourself. When Venus Aspecting 7th House Of Horoscope/ Kundli:- Venus aspect on 7th house will cause love marriage in your life. He likes going to social events, parties, and theaters where he might meet a girl. (c) It is a house of Mercury: Intelligent, quick in grasping, estimating the situation and adjustable to circumstances, mathematical brain with proper functioning of neurological system, cunning, thinking twice before doing once, lean and beautiful in structure, witty, quick and fast, unstable in nature. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have secret relations and problems in the society to which they belong and they may be dissatisfied in marital life. The native may settle in her country on the basis of such marriage, he may enjoy a good marriage and he may receive a lot of support from his wife as well as her family, in order to settle in a profession. The Vedic astrology report can help you to understand in detail what to expect from your marriage partner. ..will serve in voluntary and social service organisations, will become marriage brokers or labour contractors and will do partnership ventures. Sun. You guys could be famous too. 2) Native may be handsome and having attractive personality. Aries, the ascendantendant of Kaalpurusha is the 8, Aries is a house ruled by Mars which is lord of houses of 3, Aries, the first sign of Kaalpurushais the 8, Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 1. So the Virgo ascendant borns will reside near temples, schools, colleges, law offices, post offices, telephone exchanges and government offices. Venus In 7th House Love, Sex, Marriage, Career, Finance - AstroSanhita The 7th house is the mirror reflection of Self. Jupiter in 7th House: Marriage and Career - RedAstrologer Venus in 7th House Personality Traits | Ryan Hart Natives born with Venus in 7th House are the luckiest concerning marriage partners. Explore your relationship with your partner when you have this Venus placement. SINCEthe 5lh house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Virgo ascendant borns will be interested in politics and would frequently participate in government functions and will be expert in playing chess. Venus in the 7th House in Pisces Ascendant may give you several ups and downs in life. It is also associated with money, values, and possessions. They have a strong desire to merge with others centered around shared values and goals. Libra, the 7th sign of Kaalpurushais the 2nd house of Virgo. He may be brave and fully energetic. .. will not hesitate to venture into robbery by assaulting or threatening others, will benefit out of old goods, gain by working in dirty places or as a hangman in jails or a worker in accident wards or mortuary in hospitals, gain in defamation cases, illegal activities, forgery, ingratitude acts, rapes and murders or by accepting bribery and gain through insurance claims or wills. Cancer is a movable but watery sign; so the desires of the Virgo ascendant borns will flow and recede as flood water.Since it is a house of Moon, the Virgo ascendant borns will have the satisfaction of owning numerous properties. Mars in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant - Astrojai . Saturn in the 8th house doesn't break the marriage since it is a slow-moving planet, and as such, it prolongs and gives a long-lasting vibe. Pisces Ascendant - If it is Pisces Ascendant, Venus rules 3rd & 8th house and sits in 7th house in Virgo, where it is debilitated. Litigations with the Govt; and disfavour from officers resulting loss of wealth, prestige, and reputation. A man with this placement is usually tall, well-proportioned, a good conversationalist and has a pleasing personality with a sympathetic manner. One may become popular and wealthy after marriage. Female natives with Venus in Pisces sign in the 7th House have all characteristics of becoming a good mother and wife. Pisces Descendant: Your "Ideal" Romantic Partner | The Happy Mystic SCORPIO is ruled by MARS..hence MARS will be the lord of this house. Venus/ Shukra in 7th house in Kundli/ Horoscope and Finance. You have a very precise methodology to your movements. So the Virgo ascendant borns.will serve in the fields of lands, house, vehicles & properties, food processing, livestock, schools, household articles and furniture and will be energetic. In this life phase, the 7th house reminds us to focus on our relationships. Ascendant is lagna sthan ; 2nd house is dhan sthan ; 5th house is vidya sthan and. Since Taurus is a house of Venus, which is the lord of houses 2nd & 9th to Virgo, the Virgo ascendant borns will involve themselves in the fields of foreign exchange, religious endowments, financial managements and international affairs. Were here to support you and look forward to working with you! Venus in 7th Bhava might give you opportunities for exotic travels and high-class life with many physical and sexual pleasures. The natives or their spouses can be litigation attorneys, professional matchmakers, dealmakers, brokers, or interior decorators. A positive unafflicted strong benefic Venus in the 7th House will give you a fantastic personality full of good looks and beauty. All rights reserved. ..will involve in criminal proceedings, deal in scraps, modify and repair old goods and involve in thefts and rapes. Pisces Ascendant sign lord is Jupiter of 1st and 10th house in a horoscope Ascendant. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have social relationships with relatives and the neighbours and will leave their lands, vehicles and properties at the care and maintenance of relatives. Sagittarius is ruled by JUPITER..hence JUPITER will be the lord of this house. So the Virgo ascendant borns will remain in the joint family and would get into encumbrances in properties due to their greediness. Mercury in 1st House for Virgo Ascendant Wealthy and respected. You may taste success, or your wishes and dreams may come true after turning 27. So the Virgo ascendant borns..will serve in the fields of information, communication, publicity and advertising, publish books on profession, work to their strength, enter into agreements will serve as clerks and receive orders of appointments or transfers. Leo is a fiery sign; so the Virgo ascendant borns will have secret interests, will not hesitate to involve in sabotages and will become mascendantohists. So the Virgo ascendant borns..will make purchases of valuable and costly goods, own bungalows, store and keep stock of goods and tend to keep things in their personal custody. So the Virgo ascendant borns.will manufacture goods, will be agriculturists or labourers in buildings and factories, will become carpenters, cleaners and will involve with vehicles and automobiles, water tanks, fertilizers, grain fields, fruit gardens, farms and godowns; will serve in voluntary and social service organisations, will become marriage brokers or labour contractors and will do partnership ventures. This means that things happen with ease and you attract what you want in relationships. Horoscope March 2023: get ready for a legendary month | Dazed Such a native is wealthy and clever in social life. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For March 2023. She has an enchanting smile and look that can seduce anyone, while her power over men can drive them crazy. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. Keywords: The keywords associated with the 7th house are marriage, partnership, relationships, business partners, friends, social life, balance, legal matters, cooperation, collaboration, compromise, love, and contracts. Discussions and meetings without an end goal can be very bothersome to you as you are results oriented. Virgo (Born August 23 to September 2) AND Virgo Ascendant 0 to 10 degrees Virgo: March 2023 Virgo Horoscope: Love, Career, & General Trends March 2023. Since Gemini is a common and airy sign, the status and respect of Virgo ascendant boms would not last long and they tend to influence others with their status and respect only for their personal gains. So the Virgo ascendant borns will have a fear about others with cowardliness and mental confusions. He will gets benefits from his wife. The native may witness a very good marriage and she may enjoy several benefits by virtue of such marriage.

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