The chapter begins with practical strategies flight instructors can use to enhance their instruction, the demonstration-performance training delivery method of flight instruction, integrated flight instruction, positive exchange of flight controls, use of distractions, obstacles to learning encountered during flight training, and how to evaluate A flight instructor who makes a practical test recommendation for an applicant seeking a certificate or rating should require the applicant to demonstrate thoroughly the knowledge and skill level required for that certificate or rating. hotwire flight credit; umc graveside service; how to install undermount soft close drawer slides As experience is gained, a pilot learns to recognize future workload requirements and can prepare for high workload periods during times of low workload. VFR into IMC accidents often lead to fatalities. The regulations are carefully worded to apportion the responsibility of keeping the cockpit "sterile." / FAR 135.100--Flight Crew Member Duties. Fortunately I've received some help this month. This definition also includes the pilots failure to make a decision or take action. Daniels decision to help Mary develop personal weather minimums reflects a key component of the flight instructors job: providing the student with the tools to ensure safety during a flight. During all phases of flight training, CFIs should remember they are role models for the student. shows, the consequences of non-compliance can be very serious. accidents. Most pilots grew up on great movies like "Top Gun" and "Battle of Britain," and along with them, a cornucopia of nonstandard but truly entertaining communications like "tally-ho on that traffic," "climbing to angels 21" and" bandits at 12 o'clock high" began appearing in the vernacular of Cessna 172 and Piper Cherokee . engaging in non-essential conversations within the cockpit and non-essential The instructor should be aware of the students thought processes. With every complex human endeavor, it is necessary to master the basics if the whole task is to be performed competently and safely. Pilots can improve flight safety significantly by reducing distractions during critical phases of flight. Traffic pattern congestion, change in active runway, or unexpected crosswinds are challenges the student masters individually before being able to perform them collectively, SBT lends itself well to visualization techniques. runway! cockpit rule. discovered, his absence from the ATC frequency caused an overload with his First procedures for this, such as a "10,000 foot PA announcement," or a An Instructor is an older troop member proficient in a Scouting skill who must also have the ability to teach that skill to others. Recommendations also provide assurance that the applicant has had a thorough briefing on the PTS and the associated knowledge areas, maneuvers, and procedures. Some operators use surface to 18,000 feet as the "sterile zone", while others apply the sterile cockpit principle from Top of Descent/Pre-Descent checklist, in the descent, and up to Top of Climb/En-Route checklist, on departure. Sterile Cockpit Rule. feet MSL (mean sea level). An implicit prerequisite for the evidence-based transfer of such a concept to the clinical domain, however, is the clear definition of periods of high mental workload. However, a pilot can learn to recognize those factors that can be managed, and learn skills to improve decision-making ability and judgment, While the ADM process does not eliminate errors, it helps the pilot recognize errors, and in turn enables the pilot to manage the error to minimize its effects. was extraneous conversation between cockpit crew members. Sterile cockpit procedures General Aviation News This can be accomplished by frequently reviewing flight information publications, such as 14 CFR and the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), as well as by pursuing additional training, A thorough understanding of all the equipment and systems in the aircraft is necessary to fully utilize all resources. For example, locating an item on a chart or setting a radio frequency may be delegated to another pilot or passenger, an autopilot (if available) may be used, or ATC may be enlisted to provide assistance, This chapter discussed the demonstration-performance and telling-and-doing training delivery methods of flight instruction, SBT techniques, practical strategies flight instructors can use to enhance their instruction, integrated flight instruction, positive exchange of flight controls, use of distractions, obstacles to learning encountered during flight training, and how to evaluate students. After an intensive look at ADM with suggestions for how to interweave ADM, risk management, and SRM into the teaching process, it closes with a discussion of CFI recommendations. Keeping the flight deck well ventilated aids in dissipating excess heat, Students can become apathetic when they recognize that the instructor has made inadequate preparations for the instruction being given, or when the instruction appears to be deficient, contradictory, or insincere. For example, changes to regulatory requirements may affect the wording, or the instructor may customize the endorsement for any special circumstances of the applicant. because our cruise altitude was 8000 feet, and we were accustomed to conversation This sterility of the cockpit environment is designed to enable . by analysts as having some relevance to the sterile cockpit rule. full of sight-seeing crew members is an ASRS report looking for a place to happen Informing the tower of the balked landing should be accomplished only after these tasks are completed. Flight Instructors and the Sterile Cockpit Rule These two reports represent the dilemma all flight instructors face when applying the sterile cockpit rule to actual flight instruction. Background: While some studies have described the importance of reducing interruptions as a tactic to reduce medication errors, work is needed to assess the impact on . A successful CFI points out the potential for the behavior and teaches the student the antidote for that attitude. Many companies have already established instructors can demonstrate the sterile cockpit concept by instructors can demonstrate the sterile cockpit concept by. The instructor must quickly evaluate the students need for help, and not hesitate to take control, if required. DHC Dash 7. From a broader perspective, the phrase "human factors related" more aptly describes these accidents since it is usually not a single decision that leads to an accident, but a chain of events triggered by a number of factors, The poor judgment chain, or the error chain, describes this concept of contributing factors in a human factors related accident. It also provides methods flight instructors can teach students to use practical risk management tools and discusses how to evaluate student decision-making. From Flight The best way to illustrate this concept to students is to discuss specific situations that lead to aircraft accidents or incidents. The importance of teaching students effective ADM skills can not be overemphasized. Instructors can advise students to self-assess to determine their capabilities and limitations and then set realistic goals. The Sterile Cockpit: An Effective Approach to Reducing - ResearchGate After a series In 1981 Traditionally, pilots have been well trained to react to emergencies, but are not as well prepared to make decisions, which require a more reflective response. Certificated flight instructor (CFI) Daniel decides his student, Mary, has gained enough confidence in flying that it is time for her to develop personal weather minimums. Once an emergency is declared, air traffic control (ATC) gives the pilot priority handling. How far the aircraft rolls (steepness of the bank) depends on how long the ailerons are deflected, since the aircraft continues to roll as long as the ailerons are deflected. How can a flight instructor ensure the safety of flight training activities, and also train clients to operate their aircraft safely after they leave the relatively protected flight training environment? Students must understand the purpose of the assessment; otherwise, they will be unlikely to accept the evaluation offered and little improvement will result. to flying the aircraft. Objective: There is general enthusiasm for applying strategies from aviation directly to medical care; the application of the "sterile cockpit" rule to surgery has accordingly been suggested. Regardless of how well a skill is taught, there may still be performance deficiencies. Safety permitting, it is frequently better to let students progress part of the way into the mistake and find a way out. When pointing out areas that need improvement, offer concrete suggestions that help. The Sleeve and Spindle Instructors need to be involved in all aspects of the flight to ensure the student utilizes correct flight procedures. As one reporter resolves: Another reporter offered a good suggestion In this step, the thinking is done verbally. Many of the reports contained acknowledgments like this: Following are the four most common Friends- The weather is warm, the evenings are long, the grandchildren are fun, and I haven't felt like writing. sterile cockpit rule is really important, so we'll adhere to it. potentially dangerous. On the one hand, we're taught a good flight instructor is supposed to be able to fly and talk simultaneously. It states that: "No flight crew member may perform any duties during a critical phase of flight not required for . Seccin instructora. If the airplane has a canopy or roof window, wearing light-colored, porous clothing and a hat helps provide protection from the sun. (b) No flight crewmember may engage in, nor may any pilot in command permit, any activity during a critical phase of flight which could distract any flight crewmember from the performance of his or her duties or which could interfere in any way with the proper conduct of those duties. When the aircraft was fueled the following morning, 60 gallons of fuel were required to fill the 62-gallon capacity tanks. Even an inexperienced student realizes immediately when the instructor has failed to prepare a lesson. After an intensive look at ADM, it closes with a discussion of CFI recommendations and endorsements, A CFI must be thoroughly familiar with the functions, characteristics, and proper use of all flight instruments, avionics, and other aircraft systems being used for training. Effective use of instruments also results in superior cross-country navigation, better coordination, and generally, a better overall pilot competency level, General aviation accident reports provide ample support for the belief that reference to flight instruments is important to safety. The instructor realized too late that the gear was still up. This was our second highest source of deviation dangerous, but it is illegal, as well. If this fluid is not replaced, fatigue progresses to dizziness, weakness, nausea, tingling of hands and feet, abdominal cramps, and extreme thirst, Heatstroke is a condition caused by any inability of the body to control its temperature. Other examples of SBT can have the instructor adding undesired landing sites for balloon student pilots, rope breaks for glider students, and radio outages for instrument airplane students. The examples shown contain the essential elements of each endorsement. This focuses concentration on the task to be accomplished, so that total involvement in the maneuver is fostered. important. After studying the chart, she concludes there is an airport which has fueling services within a reasonable distance along her route. to maintain a sterile cockpit environment is before beginning a trip. For example, when en route, the student can be asked to explain the actions that need to be taken during the approach to the airport. reasons for non-adherence to the sterile cockpit rule: The most habitually cited offense of the reports in our data set. Instructors can teach this skill by prompting their students to prepare for a high workload. Generally speaking, complex operations tend to induce fatigue more rapidly than simpler procedures do, regardless of the physical effort involved. Upon reaching a wings-level attitude, reduce power and trim to remove control pressures, Second, the student tells as the instructor does. the aircraft was slightly off course and flying at an altitude of 560 Full stop landings help the student develop aircraft control and checklist usage. As an example, a level turn might be demonstrated and described by the instructor in the following way: Use outside visual references and monitor the flight instruments, After clearing the airspace around the aircraft, add power slightly, turn the aircraft in the desired direction, and apply a slight amount of back pressure on the yoke to maintain altitude. In spite of the existence of the If, due to some unanticipated circumstances, the demonstration does not closely conform to the explanation, this deviation should be immediately acknowledged and explained, Most physical skills lend themselves to a sequential pattern where the skill is explained in the same step-by-step order normally used to perform it. Ask the student to pick it up, Ask the student to determine a heading to an airport using a chart, Ask the student to get something from the back seat, Ask the student to read the outside air temperature, Ask the student to call the Automated Flight Service Station (AFSS) for weather information, Ask the student to compute true airspeed with a flight computer, Ask the student to identify terrain or objects on the ground, Ask the student to identify a field suitable for a forced landing, Have the student climb 200 feet and maintain altitude, then descend 200 feet and maintain altitude, Have the student reverse course after a series of S-turns, It is a flight instructors responsibility to teach the student how to take charge during a flight. As workload increases, attention cannot be devoted to several tasks at one time, and the pilot may begin to focus on one item. FAR 121.542, often referred to as the "Sterile Cockpit Rule", reads: (a) No certificate holder shall require, nor may any flight crewmember perform, any duties during a critical phase of flight except those duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft. Studies have identified five hazardous attitudes that can affect a pilots ability to make sound decisions and exercise authority properly. Stalls, landings, or an impending solo flight may cause concern. [Figure 8-5], First, the flight instructor gives a carefully planned demonstration of the procedure or maneuver with accompanying verbal explanation. The Sterile Cockpit/Flight Deck concept involves the restriction of flight crew member activity to that which is operationally essential during busy phases of flight - taxi out, take off, initial climb, intermediate and final approach, landing, and taxi in. The second activity is the instructors supervision, Student performance requires students to act and do. It is estimated that approximately 80 percent of all aviation accidents are human factors related, By taking a system approach to aviation safety, flight instructors interweave aeronautical knowledge, aircraft control skills, ADM, risk management, situational awareness, and SRM into the training process, Historically, the term "pilot error" has been used to describe the causes of these accidents. Flight instructors should not exceed their own ability to perceive a problem, decide upon a course of action, and physically react within their ability to fly the aircraft, Commonly known as the "sterile cockpit rule," Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) section 121.542 requires flight crewmembers to refrain from nonessential activities during critical phases of flight. As the student develops immunity, flights can be increased in length until normal flight periods are practicable, Keeping students interested and occupied during flight is a deterrent to airsickness.

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