In keeping with the Churchs traditional practice and the altars symbolism, the table of a fixed altar is to be of stone and indeed of natural stone. Meanwhile the Agnus Dei is sung or said by the choir and congregation (cf. no. 42; Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium, no. It is appropriate that in publishing the Missal, celebrations proper to an entire nation or territory be inserted at the correct place among the celebrations of the General Calendar, while those proper to a region or diocese be placed in a special appendix. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 374. Then, together with the priest, the deacon venerates the altar with a kiss, makes a profound bow, and departs in a manner similar to the procession beforehand. 123. If, however, another liturgical action follows the Mass, the concluding rites, that is, the greeting, the blessing, and the dismissal, are omitted. The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, editio typica, 1984, part III. 197. 183). 7671; Pontifical Commission for the Authentic Interpretation of the Code of Canon Law, response to dubium regarding can. Generally speaking, in the ornamentation and arrangement of a church as far as images are concerned, provision should be made for the devotion of the entire community as well as for the beauty and dignity of the images. 201. 377. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. The priest approaches the altar and, after making a profound bow along with the minister, venerates the altar with a kiss and goes to the chair. By these the Christian people are brought to know the continuity of the work of salvation according to Gods wonderful plan. Violet or purple is used in Advent and Lent. 243. holy thursday evening mass of the lord's supper 1 april 2021 7 p.m. introductory rite entrance: _____ as we gather at your table gloria _____ mass of renewal. [26] Cf. [19] Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. If the priest notices after the consecration or as he receives Communion that not wine but only water was poured into the chalice, he pours the water into some container, then pours wine with water into the chalice and consecrates it. no. In texts that are to be spoken in a loud and clear voice, whether by the priest or the deacon, or by the lector, or by all, the tone of voice should correspond to the genre of the text itself, that is, depending upon whether it is a reading, a prayer, a commentary, an acclamation, or a sung text; the tone should also be suited to the form of celebration and to the solemnity of the gathering. 326 views, 12 likes, 3 loves, 9 comments, 11 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Parroquia de Santiago Apstol, Ayahualulco, Ver. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. At the end of the prayer the people say the acclamation, Amen. The wine for the Eucharistic celebration must be from the fruit of the grapevine (cf. 21. The prayer over the offerings, however, and the prayer after Communion, unless they are proper, may be taken either from the Common or from the weekdays of the current Season. 358. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen gentium, nos. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. Moreover, in order that such a celebration may correspond more fully to the prescriptions and spirit of the sacred Liturgy, and also in order to increase its pastoral effectiveness, certain accommodations and adaptations are specified in this General Instruction and in the Order of Mass. UNIVERSAL PRAYER At the end of each petition, the reader says: V. We pray to the Lord. 306. no. IV. 151. This may require that parishes do some preliminary planning for this to successfully happen. The concelebrants who are nearer the principal celebrant receive the sign of peace from him before the deacon does. After the reading that immediately precedes the Gospel, the Alleluia or another chant indicated by the rubrics is sung, as required by the liturgical season. 91: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898. 11. Such Masses are provided for those who are in no way able to participate in the evening Mass and not for the advantage of individuals or (newly added) special small groups (RomanMissal, rubrics for the Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper [EM], no. In all the dioceses of the United States of America, January 22 (or January 23, when January 22 falls on a Sunday) shall be observed as a particular day of penance for violations to the dignity of the human person committed through acts of abortion, and of prayer for the full restoration of the legal guarantee of the right to life. [74] If, however, there is to be a hymn after Communion, the Communion chant should be ended in a timely manner. In a similar fashion, traditions dating back to the first centuries, before the formation of the rites of East and West, are better known today because of the discovery of so many liturgical documents. In the celebration of the Mass with a congregation, the readings are always proclaimed from the ambo. In our own times, on the other hand, the identity and unitary expression of this Rite is found in the typical editions of the liturgical books promulgated by authority of the Supreme Pontiff, and in those liturgical books corresponding to them approved by the Bishops Conferences for their territories with the recognitio of the Apostolic See.[160]. At the end, the people make the acclamation, Quia tuum est regnum (For the kingdom). For in this form the sign of the Eucharistic banquet is more clearly evident and clear expression is given to the divine will by which the new and eternal Covenant is ratified in the Blood of the Lord, as also the relationship between the Eucharistic banquet and the eschatological banquet in the Fathers Kingdom. [2] Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. If a host or any particle should fall, it is to be picked up reverently. During the procession to the altar, the Entrance chant takes place (cf. 0000001723 00000 n Singing may always accompany the rite at the offertory, even when there is no procession with the gifts. );kt [125] Cf. 92). [83] Cf. 213. The following are also to be prepared: Next to the priests chair: the Missal and, as needed, a hymnal; On the credence table: the chalice, a corporal, a purificator, and, if appropriate, the pall; the paten and, if needed, ciboria; bread for the Communion of the priest who presides, the deacon, the ministers, and the people; cruets containing the wine and the water, unless all of these are presented by the faithful in procession at the Offertory; the vessel of water to be blessed, if the asperges occurs; the Communion-plate for the Communion of the faithful; and whatever is needed for the washing of hands. Great importance should also be attached to a Mass celebrated with any community, but especially with the parish community, inasmuch as it represents the universal Church gathered at a given time and place. <<4EE636401785964CBFDE04C0392AF293>]>> The evening Mass and ceremonies of Holy Thursday commemorate the institution of the Sacrament of the Holy . The priest, having put incense into the thurible, blesses it with the sign of the Cross, without saying anything. no. [94] For it is preferable that priests who are present at a Eucharistic Celebration, unless excused for a good reason, should as a rule exercise the office proper to their Order and hence take part as concelebrants, wearing the sacred vestments. The same applies for the other ministries. Although such Masses do not have a special form of celebration, it is nevertheless most proper that they be celebrated with singing, especially with the full participation of all members of the community, whether of religious or of canons. 0000012732 00000 n [103] Cf. 31 (in Time of War or Conflict), no. Holy Week (Holy Thursday) Notes The following ritual for the Procession of Holy Oils into the Parish Church after the Chrism Mass is offered as a sample to assist parishes. Sacrosanctum Concilium, nos. [131] Cf. 184. The Roman Missal, Lectionary for Mass, editio typica altera, 1981, Introduction, no. 209. The sacred vessels are purified by the priest, the deacon, or an instituted acolyte after Communion or after Mass, insofar as possible at the credence table. 110. 63. 5; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. The priest may be assisted in the distribution of Communion by other priests who happen to be present. For the sacred Order of the diaconate has been held in high honor in the Church even from the time of the Apostles. 9. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. [160] Cf. Thus the best place for the chair is in a position facing the people at the head of the sanctuary, unless the design of the building or other circumstances impede this: for example, if the great distance would interfere with communication between the priest and the gathered assembly, or if the tabernacle is in the center behind the altar. xA 04Fw\GczC. 0000002162 00000 n The Arrangement and Furnishing of Churches for the Celebration of the Eucharist, 288. Council of Trent, session 21, Doctrina de communione sub utraque specie et parvulorum, 16 July 1562, chapters 1-3: Denz-Schn, 1725-1729. In addition, on or next to the altar are to be placed candlesticks with lighted candles: at least two in any celebration, or even four or six, especially for a Sunday Mass or a holy day of obligation. 142. Where it is indicated in the rubrics, the celebrant is permitted to adapt them somewhat in order that they respond to the understanding of those participating. Two copies of the printed text should be forwarded to this Congregation. 32. 311. In other places set aside for sacred celebrations, the altar may be movable. 2 0 obj On Holy Thursday, however, and for Mass of the Easter Vigil, it is not permitted to celebrate individually. Then the cantor, the lector, or another person announces the intentions from the ambo or from some other suitable place while facing the people, who take their part by responding in supplication. [50], Since faithful from different countries come together ever more frequently, it is fitting that they know how to sing together at least some parts of the Ordinary of the Mass in Latin, especially the Creed and the Lords Prayer, set to the simpler melodies.[51]. Then, as the occasion suggests, he incenses the cross and the altar, walking around the latter. <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 960 540] /Contents 17 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> Heaven and earth are full of your . 308-309. As a result, texts spoken in the celebration are to be chosen keeping in mind both a suitable pastoral reason and the options allowed in this matter. 1176-1185; The Roman Ritual, Order of Christian Funerals, edition typica, 1969. 102. 162. The Vocal Expression of the Different Texts. In order not to distract the attention of the faithful from the new altar, the old altar should not be decorated in any special way. [37] Cf. [97] In case of necessity, the priest may depute suitable faithful for this single occasion.[98]. 323. It is always permissible, however, to use the collect alone from these Masses. The responsorial Psalm should correspond to each reading and should, as a rule, be taken from the Lectionary. 0000002424 00000 n He returns to the middle of the altar, takes the chalice with both hands, raises it a little, and says quietly, Benedictus es, Domine (Blessed are you, Lord). The Roman Ritual, Book of Blessings, editio typica, 1984, Order for a Blessing on the Occasion of the Installation of a New Cathedra or Presidential Chair, nos. At its conclusion, he joins his hands and, together with everyone present, sings or says aloud the Sanctus (cf. Thus, while many expressions, drawn from the Churchs most ancient tradition and familiar through the many editions of The Roman Missal, have remained unchanged, many other expressions have been accommodated to todays needs and circumstances. The commentators remarks must be meticulously prepared and clear though brief. 6: AAS 89 (1997), p. 869. The deacon signs himself with the Sign of the Cross and responds, Amen. 31, 32; Sacred Congregation for the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Immensae caritatis, 29 January 1973, no. 179. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 47; cf. [65] In particular cases and for a just cause, the homily may even be given by a Bishop or a priest who is present at the celebration but cannot concelebrate. As to the color of sacred vestments, the traditional usage is to be retained: namely. 22. 183. In the earthly Liturgy, the Church participates, by a foretaste, in that heavenly Liturgy which is celebrated in the holy city of Jerusalem toward which she journeys as a pilgrim, and where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God; and by venerating the memory of the Saints, she hopes one day to have some part and fellowship with them.[132]. Brief announcements, if they are necessary; The priests greeting and blessing, which on certain days and occasions is enriched and expressed in the prayer over the People or another more solemn formula; The dismissal of the people by the deacon or the priest, so that each may go out to do good works, praising and blessing God; The kissing of the altar by the priest and the deacon, followed by a profound bow to the altar by the priest, the deacon, and the other ministers. Furthermore, great attention is to be paid to whatever is directly associated with the altar and the Eucharistic celebration, e.g., the altar cross and the cross carried in procession. 37-40. Before Mass, the necessary vessels are prepared either at the credence table or on the righthand side of the altar. 283), and the construction and ordering of churches (cf. 52; Codex Iuris Canonici, can. 370. [95] Cf. Since, indeed, a variety of options is provided for the different parts of the Mass, it is necessary for the deacon, the lectors, the psalmist, the cantor, the commentator, and the choir to be completely sure before the celebration about those texts for which each is responsible is to be used and that nothing be improvised. no. For this reason, care should be taken that their number not be increased indiscriminately, and that they be arranged in proper order so as not to distract the faithfuls attention from the celebration itself. 245. [49], 41. The psalmists role is to sing the Psalm or other biblical canticle that comes between the readings. Holy Thursday / The Last Supper April 2nd - 8th, 2023 Holy Week is the week before Easter Sunday, beginning seven days before with Palm Sunday. 379. The practice of placing relics of Saints, even those not Martyrs, under the altar to be dedicated is fittingly retained. After this prayer is concluded, extending and then joining his hands, he gives the greeting of peace while facing the people and saying, Pax Domini sit simper vobiscum (The peace of the Lord be with you always). 272. 5; Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 15; cf. It is appropriate that, before being put into liturgical use, the organ be blessed according to the rite described in the Roman Ritual.[124]. White is used in the Offices and Masses during the Easter and Christmas seasons; also on celebrations of the Lord other than of his Passion, of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of the Holy Angels, and of Saints who were not Martyrs; on the Solemnities of All Saints (November 1) and of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist (June 24); and on the Feasts of St. John the Evangelist (December 27), of the Chair of St. Peter (February 22), and of the Conversion of St. Paul (January 25). 0000003840 00000 n The faithful and the choir should have a place that facilitates their active participation.[114]. 28. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, everything is done as in a Mass with a congregation, with the following exceptions. The meaning of this office is enunciated and explained clearly and at greater length in the Preface for the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday, the day commemorating the institution of the priesthood. At times, a longer and shorter form of the same text is given. The verses are taken from the Lectionary or the Gradual. Amen. Moved by the same desire and pastoral concern, the Second Vatican Council was able to give renewed consideration to what was established by Trent on Communion under both kinds. 41. I. Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass II. H\j0l/J[0bR[c"o?*3KHIr$0&v{0 pXgvfz y\;ef8 What is the Mass or Liturgy? endobj Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. After the priest has said the prayer at the Rite of Peace and the greeting Pax Domini sit semper vobiscum (The peace of the Lord be with you always) and the people have responded, Et cum spiritu tuo (And also with you), the deacon, if it is appropriate, invites all to exchange the sign of peace. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. The Rite of Peace follows, by which the Church asks for peace and unity for herself and for the whole human family, and the faithful express to each other their ecclesial communion and mutual charity before communicating in the Sacrament. 91: AAS 56 (1964), p. 898; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967, no. In this way the words can be better understood by the people. When he was about to celebrate with his disciples the Passover meal in which he instituted the sacrifice of his Body and Blood, Christ the Lord gave instructions that a large, furnished upper room should be prepared (Lk 22:12). Votive Masses of the mysteries of the Lord or in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary or of the Angels or of any given Saint or of all the Saints may be said for the sake of the faithfuls devotion on weekdays in Ordinary Time, even if an optional memorial occurs. Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Instruction Varietates legitimate, 25 January 1994, no. [153] Cf. There are two kinds of bows: a bow of the head and a bow of the body. He may also announce the intentions for the Prayer of the Faithful and, in the absence of a psalmist, proclaim the Psalm between the readings. When the reading is concluded, he says the acclamation Verbum Domini (The Gospel of the Lord), and all respond, Laus tibi, Christe (Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ). The custom of reserving seats for private persons, however, is reprehensible. 0000009036 00000 n 37. particularly in Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments, Instruction Nullo umquam tempore, 28 May 1938: AAS 30 (1938), pp. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 50: AAS 90 (1998), p. 745. This is a template for planning a Roman Catholic Holy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, in the Ordinary Form. <> [33] Cf. 398. It is therefore recommended that the priest celebrate the Eucharistic Sacrifice even daily, if possible.[30]. startxref In addition, he may give the faithful a very brief introduction to the Mass of the day (after the initial Greeting and before the Act of Penitence), to the Liturgy of the Word (before the readings), and to the Eucharistic Prayer (before the Preface), though never during the Eucharistic Prayer itself; he may also make concluding comments to the entire sacred action before the dismissal. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. 286. also Interdicasterial Instruction on certain questions regarding the collaboration of the non-ordained faithful in the sacred ministry of priests, Ecclesiae de mysterio, 15 August 1997, art. If, however, the Son is mentioned at the end of this prayer, the conclusion is, Qui vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum (Who lives and reigns forever and ever). The Preface brings to light the conferral of the priestly power accomplished through the laying on of hands; and, by listing the various duties, it . The Mass The order of procession is more carefully described for the transfer of the Blessed Sacrament to the place of reposition. If, however, Communion is given under both kinds, the rite prescribed in nos. PDF Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper - Mary, Mother of God Church 940; Sacred Congregation of Rites, Instruction Eucharisticum mysterium, On the worship of the Eucharist, 25 May 1967. no. These are to be put in a suitable place but away from the Eucharistic table. 83). Persons from other nations should consult the local Episcopal Conference regarding the appropriate text for their nation. Communicants should not be denied Holy Communion because they kneel. 2104 0 obj <> endobj A concelebrated Mass, whatever its form, is arranged in accordance with the norms commonly in force (cf. Once these proposals have been duly approved by the Apostolic See, experiments should be carried out for specified periods and at specified places. 0000005127 00000 n 39. Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, no. 171. 0000001962 00000 n 38, 40; Paul VI, Apostolic Constitution Missale Romanum. John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, 31 May 1998 , no. 235. The diocesan Bishop is also given the faculty to permit Communion under both kinds whenever it may seem appropriate to the priest to whom, as its own shepherd, a community has been entrusted, provided that the faithful have been well instructed and there is no danger of profanation of the Sacrament or of the rites becoming difficult because of the large number of participants or some other reason. 0 The concelebrants approach the middle of the altar one after another, genuflect, and receive the Body of the Lord; then they go to the side of the altar and consume the Blood of the Lord, following the rite chosen for Communion from the chalice, as has just been said. 48, 74, 87); The readings from Sacred Scripture to be used in special circumstances (cf. [16] Cf. "The altar may be decorated with flowers with a moderation that accords withthe character of this day" (EM, no. O_h\zx\#MRg#Ox>^lO3 2V_o# 182. [76] Cf. They likewise bear witness to the Churchs continuous and unbroken tradition, irrespective of the introduction of certain new features. Concelebration, which appropriately expresses the unity of the priesthood, of the Sacrifice, and also of the whole People of God, is prescribed by the rite itself for the Ordination of a Bishop and of priests, at the blessing of an abbot, and at the Chrism Mass. 548-549. It may be appropriate to observe such periods of silence, for example, before the Liturgy of the Word itself begins, after the first and second reading, and lastly at the conclusion of the homily. Holy Thursday -Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper | USCCB [105] Cf. 0000012141 00000 n Bearing in mind the important place that singing has in a celebration as a necessary or integral part of the Liturgy,[152] all musical settings of the texts for the peoples responses and acclamations in the Order of Mass and for special rites that occur in the course of the liturgical year must be submitted to the Secretariat for the Liturgy of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for review and approval prior to publication.

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