Ours was a few days long, they played a sound over the PA every [whatever number of minutes it is that someone dies from drunk driving], and they staged the crash on the football field and made us all go look. So far theres no talk of a repeat but wow. I also dislike the concept of being locked in a room. I am a complete chicken- I once got dragged to a haunted house and I had a panic attack and they had to turn the lights on and call EMS. Is that the one that takes place in a bar? And despite having been through all that, my organization has never had a seven hour training for employees. As a USAR CDR I'd approve an excused absence and call it a day but really depends on what you ask for an if you have a good chain of command. Most workplace active shooters are targeted. Not-really-jokes aside, call in sick. Click here for full access to" Mindfulness", Click here for full access to "Communicating with Empathy", Self Talk to Promote Wellbeing During Isolation, 5 Strategies to Reconcile With an Ex You Dumped, 5 Psychological Hacks to Deal with Reappearing Exes. You should probably go ahead and [Insert Activity] without me. But that was just about 30 minutes, not anything we had to actually do. I lost someone I knew to a mass shooter several years, and have been dealing with anxiety for these types of situations since, with professional help. At most, this should be a 2 hour training. Its the worst. September 10, 2020. Anyone else attending Berklee College of Music? They told the older members what to do. Definitely. As for how to do it, realistically youve got four options: 1. I decided to take charge of my horrific dating life and go on an actual date. Its a little trickier because youve already told him youd rather not attend, but if this is the easiest of the options for you, you can do it. But since I am pretty much exhausted, I dont need anything more than my bed and a day, sleep. I can not imagine what possible justification there is to spend an entire workday on this. There isnt a traditional HR department here, and this is an office where were really subject to the dictates of our boss. Im so sorry you had to go through that. Ive never been through an active shooter drill. Definitely take the day off. But the elderly retired people didnt evacuate, even the ones who can do stairs. Which could be related to all the drywall replacement weve had to do after the fire sprinkler floods. Its one of the reasons (not the only one, but one nonetheless) I dont teach anymore. My workplace recently made kind of a big deal about a mandatory training (DEI, not active shooter). My friend who worked at Harrods was in the Harrods bombing. CALL IN SICK. theres nothing we can really do about it, We can, but we wont, because US Americans generally refuse to take responsibility. This was a school-sanctioned event!! It is such nonsense. For most permanent types of employment, workers in the United States are entitled to between 10 and 14 days of paid vacation per year. If you know WHO is conducting the training maybe they could give info about what is happening that day. You do not need to hear gun shots or see people play dead or whatever simulated shenanigans people want to insist on. College is not a good excuse for not attending drill. Look at my complete answer. I definitely feel safer that the administration deems it more likely that we need immediate access to bleeding control than an AED. Everytown has some great resources and statistics you could show your school about these trainings. This came up in the meeting: Run-Hide-Fight includes an active shooter inside the building targeting us, but what do we do for a shooter whos outside targeting someone else? In Quiet by author Susan Cain, the reader is shown how the brain chemistry of introverts and extroverts differs, and how society misunderstands and undervalues introverts. Also for people who have been IN mass shootings or have experienced gun violence, these trainings can be very psychologically damaging. That sounds much more similar to fire drills and tornado drills which can still be scary for kids (I was definitely the kid crying while hunched like a turtle in the hallway of my elementary school a few times) but are generally not long-term traumatic. Shortly after this, one of the fire stairwells smelled like dead rat. And if you are not looking up for one, have a detailed conversation with him,and I bet you will scare him off. What interests me is this is a mass shooting drill, not an active shooter drill. We remembered the event very differently. As someone whos been in pretty much that exact situation, your 2-for-1 euthanasia comment made me CACKLE. But in my opinion, your older colleagues have ZERO excuse for not empathizing with your concerns. My kingdom for sensible, trauma-informed, non-security-theater workplace safety training. My father came close to being blown up in the Marks and Sparks Paris bombing. My friends kids were FLOORED to learn about the debacle in the House & Senate chambers on January 6. 1. Because when you get out of working on the weekends, someone else will take your place. The great thing about the working late excuse is that all the blame fallson your unassumingmanager. Call in sick is what I would do. You dont need her permission to Nope out of the next one. But does it require the full drill, or can you do a security discussion instead? No pressure if you cant! In addition to being traumatic for employees, it also seems like a poor use of time. Hey [Name], I think the snows probably going to ruin any chances of me being able to make tonight. If youre a party person, in your teens or early twenties, a party at Davids is news that will stir a lot of excitement. BUPERS Instruction 1001.39F. I did see those and book.arked them all to read and to support my reasons for making the training optional. If you want to make memories with your family on trips away from home, you will need to take advantage of the weekends. I would say that the same principles apply as the LW. Were going to have people sit in a conference room and a deputy will speak. And thats not even including all the training around dealing with bomb threat callers, with angry patients/family members, with weapons, with baby/child abduction, etc. I would call in sick for this one even though I already asked not to attend. He joked about directed the shooter to a younger employee?????? Your boss can think you are a snowflake all he wants, but the fact is your boss is being an insensitive jerk. To find out moreabout NTRWandourrecommended tools, you can do thathere. We cover a LOT of material in one day. The prurient excitement exhibited by those conducting the trainingsand folks like OPs bossis a sickness in our society. Its a good idea to discuss this with your employer so that they can arrange alternative working arrangements for you. The self advocacy takes its own toll. Having your dog eat chocolate means youre stressed, youre worried, you gotta take it to the vet, you gotta figure out if its OK. Theres so much going on! Thanks for your practical, even-minded comment. None of this is a joke, and Im so mad at this LWs boss because the drills are meant to protect people and theyre done out of fear but we cant have TOO MUCH FEAR, mind you, because thats negative somehow. Ugh, so sorry OP this is a terrible idea on your companys part. I understand how are hard this is and cant imagine having to deal with a unsupportive supervisor on top of it. If they can do it, so can anyone else. Written materials and a review of the buildings exits and safe(r) rooms is more than sufficient. I work in a hospital system. That made a huge difference in everyones mindset regarding the training. And weve had a former employee fired for making death threats, who did come back to cause trouble at least once, who would know where all the exits are if he was going to do something worse, I also have been dealing with bomb threats and shooter drills since middle school. They also talked about throwing things like your chair or a pencil (?) Calmis about simple, achievable habits that workwith the demands of your busy life instead of pretending those demands don't exist. We will be presented with a PowerPoint (or similar) and a handout. Also if this bunghole tries to make you feel weak for not being up for it, remember that standing up to him is a strong choice in itself. If you are sick, you must report to your unit and be evaluated by a medical professional. Thanks to experiencing a variety of traumatic violence, I tend to escalate immediately to threat elimination mode. We finally did get robbed. Jesus. Its super stressful and also completely irrelevant- I work in retail, we dont even have doors that latch, let alone offices to hide in or barricade. There is a solution that has worked just about everywhere else in the world, and its not this. Do they also do a seven hour fire prevention and response class? It took maybe 30 minutes total. I hope it goes well, and click send. This sounds like the episode Emergency Response from Parks and Rec, so interesting to hear about a real-life counterpart of it/how true to life that show really was. In the end, escape room idea was scratched and we did a scavenger hunt instead. It just so happened that these frequencies were what the Coast Guard were using. I am well into Gen X and we did an active shooter training and I hated every moment of it. How are those guys SO obvious, and yet everyone still keeps believing them when they say theyre not Nazis? I have to do the Run, Hide, Fight video at work. And if my boss gave me grief about it Id jump straight to calling a lawyer. This will make the time go by faster and itll be more bearable. To use this excuse, you need to make a story of how awful that. Some of that context may help OP decide how they want to push back. A few days after the drill, I heard from a coworker that several faculty were sitting together in a conference room with the door open. Thank you for sharing this; Im sorry that this has to be a continued topic and continued trauma. Now that I think about it, my workplace gives building-specific info for other types of emergency preparation i.e., I know where were supposed to evacuate and gather in the case of a fire, I know where in the building we should shelter in the case of a tornado/severe weather, but the active shooter training module was only a generic video with a generic office building showing fear and the run/hide/fight scenarios. (And get a pizza delivered to your address. A SEVEN HOUR drill would definitely be too much for me, too, and Id seriously consider quitting if I was forced to do that (especially if there were pellet guns like another commenter said, thats horrific.). Thankfully events like this are never mandatory at my job, so its unlikely to come up. Most of them are rifles and shotguns that are used for hunting and kept locked up when not in use, with ammo stored separately, and civilians arent allowed to own semiautomatic weapons. 5. It sounds like they just decided to do an active shooter drill. Its not a video game. In this article, we listed the best excuses you can use to not work weekends. And I dont live in bad area.. Not minimizing the OPs fear but I relate to it. These partnerships help fund this site. Best case, that employee will now have even more inside information about strategies, hiding places, and escape routes. I think Alisons language about what to say to your boss is really useful. Take care of your mental health first. Yeah, at the last staff meeting, there was some talk of replacing our annual watch this decades-old video active shooter training (whichI hate that video so much. Yes, such a good suggestion to take 2 days off. As a former company commander in the NG I routinely let my personnel miss or make up drills. that way it can be perceived far more easily as you being responsible in caring for family, and not you personally flaking out. Im a boomer and if I can understand I dont know what your bosss problem is. Hes a cruel person, who happens to be nice to you. You can offer a better alternative 5. SiteGround boasts a whole list of fantastic features at amazingly affordable prices. Because they want to LARP like something out of a movie. Jenna Guillaume, 9 Foolproof Excuses To Get Out Of Your Weekend Plans, All The Funniest Reactions To Facebook And Instagram Shutting Down For Six Hours, Dominic Perrottet Is Officially NSWs New Premier So Heres Everything You Need To Know, All The Hidden Clues In Squid Game That Pointed To That Twist Ending, All The Best Squid Game Memes For Those Still Reeling After That Twist Ending, Everyones Crying Over Adams Poem From Season 3 Of Sex Education, Heres The Correct Way To Binge The Marvel Cinematic Universe In Chronological Order. Empowering for LW, maybe. You dont even have to do it well! Or worse, maybe they know its going to happen sometime between those seven hours, but not when. Never the Right Word is a participant in the Awin Affiliates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to participating merchants. The statement Repeated [high-quality] training hones reflex actions is true. Do they set real fires for a fire drill? With 58th BfSB, it looks like i only have one drill in conflict with this semester. how do you handle soldiers and college? Never did an illness/epidemic one, which is too bad, because the covid response here was pathetically weak for the first year or so. You Had a Flat Tire 10. And if that fool makes another joke, look him in the face and say Did you just try to joke about me being murdered to save yourself? There is no generational excuse. The drill was ultimately canceled after my employers legal counsel also reviewed the release and advised that an employer should not be asking employees to sign it. 25 Fantastic Excuses to Get Out of an Event - Never the Right Word Thats about all you can do to prepare for such a horrifying, unpredictable event. Seven hours of active shooter training for ordinary office employees? I asked for active shooter training at my current workplace because our current safety training is very spotty think staff not knowing the nearest exits or how to lock doors. They don't call us a generation of flakes for nothing. Just call in sick that day. Its not necessarily as private or discrete as you may prefer, and youll still see whats going on in the simulation. Weekends are usually the time when we schedule important family gatherings like weddings, christenings, birthday parties, and anniversary get-togethers. I didnt know any of this when I went to school that day and it was one of the worst days I can recall (my friends accident hadnt involved alcohol, but the response was almost identical). You've only watched 16 videos of veterans coming home to their dogs and you promised yourself you'd break 30 tonight. by They youd be able to get your note without having to have an excuse, you legit had to miss because you had an appointment that day. Just remember, an employer or client doesn't have to accept these excuses. That sounds ridiculously triggering and excessive for anyone, let alone someone with anxiety. If youve been in the Army for more than a year, you know that every unit has their own unique traditions. (This shooting range has since gone on to have neo-Nazi ties and host fundraising events with certain family members of certain politicians. Agreed those, and other things like kids figuring out to hand out scissors, bother me too. I do agree that theres a difference between physically practicing something and reading about it (and frankly, at some of my performing arts jobs, Id have really loved to have even talked through some sort of emergency response plan for an increasingly not-unlikely situation). excuses to get out of drill weekend Follow us. I was rather pleased when, about six months after I quit, my favorite former coworker mentioned that theyd installed motion sensors to replace the timer switches. Your sweet, naive brain thought it was a good idea to make plans to fill every second. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Run around with fake guns pretend shooting you. is not a good option even if traveling means going across two blocks. For example, an evacuation drill might reveal that the intended exit route is actually inaccessible because its blocked by blackberry thicket (true story), or a fire drill could show you that the fire alarm isnt audible in one part of the building (also true story). Id call in sick, but if I felt thered be any room or worry about grief Id schedule a doctors appointment for that day in advance to get some kind of note related to headaches, gastric distress, bad allergies or any other kind of generic ailment that could be having a flair-up. We have emergency drills several times a year can be fire, tornado, bomb, or shooter; it seems to be active shooter more than half. None of these excuses should be used regularly, because inevitably the second you say you need time off for dental work because you have a job interview, you then also need time off for dental work. Bloodsucking Bastards is out on in select theaters and On Demand this Friday . And as others have pointed out, experts question whether they drills really help anyone anyway. The babysitter just called and told me she couldnt make it today Thats all you need to say to them. Maybe there are social consequences to that, I dont have enough context, but they wont be more severe than triggering yourself to this extent. Before you comment: Please be kind, stay on-topic, and follow the site's commenting rules. So is drill. Soldiers who are problems are not put out the correct way because the paperwork takes to long. What are you suggesting Americans do to combat gun violence and the wide availability of guns, other than voting and organizing? For one we were on lockdown. I can give you your card then. We never needed to do it more often than that, and I am so thankful we never needed to do any other type of drill. Federal law and regulations (in some states) protect active duty, guard and Reserve military personnel who are attending post-secondary education schools if they must miss school due to military orders. How horrible. OP call in sick if your boss continues to be a jerk about this. For more information, please view our Privacy Policy and Earnings Disclosure page. Who should I talk to for that?, If he mocks you or implies youre a delicate snowflake, consider saying: You and I are coming to this with a very different frame of reference. I am fairly traumatized by all this, because what if it IS a fire and/or flood this time and not just a glitch in the system? There is no value in this type of training. My high school got around a mandatory monthly fire drill by claiming it was too cold, and just ringing the alarm for a few months until enough parents complained that the rule was recinded. About HQHIREAffiliate DisclosureTerms & ConditionPrivacy PolicyContact usSitemap, Education ArticlesGetting A JobCareer SuccessEducationCareer ListCareer Tools, Career ChatroomAsk QuestionsRegister or LoginRecover Password, Copyright 2023 HQ HIRE All Rights Reserved. Your goal should be TO LEARN during the drill, not avoid it. I am sorry that you have to go through the process of saying noit should not be that hard to opt out and if they push back, it is wrong on so many levels. So I can see the value of having people exposed to, and not react to, something like a helicopter or other distraction. Don't be caught in an argument with someone, be calm and friendly with everyone. Make up a story of how your roommate needs your special attention since they are suffering from a fever. Basically it was a whole thing staged as if some classmates had gotten in a car with a drunk driver and died, involving the local law enforcement, paramedics, etc., and framed as if it was actually happening and not a drill. The idea that I could be leaving them behind AND as a result, might never see them again because a twit with a gun he should never have had access to shot up their school is utterly unfathomable. Look after yourself. Even if it isnt, its going to take a while,and you may not be able to make it up. But I watched the required active shooter training video so I guess thats all I need <- sarcasm/ Oof. It was a full hands on every emergency agency in our city was involved. Now, chill and relax. My problem is my unit has decided that not enough people will show up so they moved Sept's drill to Aug 5-6 and made it mandatory. If you feel you need to address it with your boss directly, you could do that while being vague. 7 hours is ridiculous Id definitely call in sick. None of it was tailored to our facility. With a subscription you get 24/7, unlimited access to over 13,000 business, design & tech online courses and with a free month. I hope that, some day, no child anywhere will ever have to even think about doing something like that. Also, skip the hair routine, finger brush it out. Same shoes. There wont be people storming into the building. They dont even have scissors at their desks. Im a teacher in a state where this type of yearly simulation training is a state requirement for school accreditation (it always happens on an in-service day without children in the building). are being killed. Youre talking about the kind of training that professionals receive. Even ignoring personal history, seven hours is enough to upset anyone! Well,we got one for you too. A person can seem nice on the surface without actually being a truly caring and empathetic person. Add to the fact that you shouldn't be U'ed if the SM provided a valid excuse. It still felt stupid, though. There was a mass shooting at a supermarket at her college town two years later. This scenario sounds like the boss just wants to live out some of his first-person shooter video games and wants to drag everyone along with him, regardless as to their comfort level with shooting games. - Short answer, no. Depressing, yet so effective. Protagonist is South Asian or possibly Middle Eastern man who is meeting a woman for a date? I totally relate to the letter writer. Army reserves: how do I get out of this drill? : r/army - reddit The key to success is planning and communication. Now sit on the couch and sink into that feeling of freedom. It happens so much and theres nothing we can really do about it (other than vote and organize), so \_()_/. BS on that one! Go somewherea hike, a spa, a museumon that day. Sotraveling, without one, is not a good option even if traveling means going across two blocks. I imagine the people who put these together were just as out of touch as this boss. Maybe you suggest lunch instead of drinks. Know what youre signing up for. A seven hour training is rediculous, even actual drills for emergency services dont last that long. The conference was originally scheduled to take place during AT but when they learned I couldn't go they rescheduled it for specifically me. But I like a little theatre. Hey really curious, since I am in a tangentially related field; is the same true for fire drills, earthquake drills, etc. I already know how to do nothing. Do you know what are the common types of spam email messages? The military is their own worse enemy when it comes to this area. Please stand firm on the accommodations that you need. A peer/fellow manager can say things in a much more direct way than you might be comfortable with doing with your own boss because of the power dynamics in play. Pardon me if I dont exactly trust law enforcement to do your training for one minute let alone seven hours. But since you happen to be the person who. When he said the whole team was going and I needed to go to, I told him, I hoped they had a great time, but I would be at my desk that day and not participating. The training process can take awhile, so dont expect to be an expert overnight. Make sure your office doesnt do retaliatory things like this. Learn more about NTRW here. Hey you! The cop who did presented on active shooter protocols casually started discussing a mall shooting in another state part way through the training. Weve at least got an HR. Asking not to be contrary but because Im genuinely curious what you mean by this comment. I think about my plan a lot bc the patients we serve make us a target. Honestly since youre the only woman in the office, if you normally wear makeup just dont the day before or after to confirm the sick story. Im worried that would get her fired. A text like this will save you up from any long unnecessarydetails, especially if you cant come up with any other genuine sounding excuses at that moment. Thats it. It doesnt need to replicate the emergency as realistically as possible. Add me to the chorus of people saying #4 is both legitimate and honest. Even though I knew exactly what was happening, my hands were shaking so much that I couldnt lock my door. Below you'll find way to get out of a date, based on your situation. Its naturaland can happen to anyone. Be sure to provide your commanding officer with the note as soon as possible. Here are the best way you can write a professional email at work! Yup, my mom had one of these drills at her school and it was exactly as you described, plus talking about how to determine whether or not to try to save a child who has been shot. And then if they pushed back, Id advise my staff to call out that day and I wouldnt question it. The social aspects of man-caused tragedy (shooters/bombings) aside (which I agree with others that acceptance this is the new reality is wrong, will require better funding for mental health/social support/etc that I can vote for), it has been demonstrated time and again that reading about what to do is NOT the same level of preparedness as drills. My friend DID die. I had a young kid when Sandy Hook happened, as many of us old folks did, but even those who are childless should at least be able to imagine the trauma these drills can cause. Im surprised at the number of commenters who seem to reject calibrating reptilian-brain thinking. So weird, right? The perfect, no commitment excuse. Its probably the post practical workplace safety training Ive had since the generic mass produced run-hide-fight videos are worthless in a real situation. Seven hours of training is far more likely to be a poorly designed hands-on training that will only cause stress, fear, and trauma, possibly leading to worse outcomes if there ever is a real shooting. We like them because we get expert-led courses that we can access anytime, anywhere. Regardless, if you want to tell your boss you dont want to work on the weekends, you should be honest and genuine, oftentimes your boss will not force you to come to work as it will be bad for the teams morale and productivity. Please keep me in mind for the next book club party!" The Fine Print: When you say that you miss your partner, the hostess could reply with a suggestion to bring them along. Either, they will be worried, or angry, or blatantly say 'no' to your suggestions of going away. Hey [Name] Ive got some stuff going on and I think that would make it difficult to be around me at the moment. . I had to listen to 911 calls, crying children, the lot. Please take a sick day, or do whatever else you need to do to take care of yourself. I cried, honestly, because even though it was very low key and not big budget, it was very effective at showing what its like, to have a normal work and school day completely turn on its head. There is a huge possibility that they wont remember asking you later in the hustle of all the guests,and in case they do, pick up any otherexcuse from this list. You already know so much more about what to do in this instance than any of us Olds who didnt do this in school. Nothing can really prepare you for this. Youre busy adulting and creating the life you want and deserve, maybe you have children, have important introvert duties or youve been silently spending your evenings working on that business youve always dreamed of.

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